
Baheeoo, a Gigoran Nihil marauder, served among the crew of the Gaze Electric, the flagship belonging to Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro. In the year 232 BBY, Baheeoo, alongside fellow Nihil members Garank and Ordo, engaged in a race across the Gaze Electric to deliver Ro's crucial order to alter their trajectory towards the planet Trymant IV. In their haste to be the first to reach the bridge, Garank resorted to throwing Ordo onto Baheeoo, taking advantage of the distraction to flee as the two tumbled to the deck. Determined to recover lost time, Baheeoo and Ordo opted to ride a Bogaranth beast to their intended location. Upon their arrival at the bridge, Garank met his death when the Bogaranth devoured him, prompting expressions of sorrow from the remaining Nihil pair.

Subsequently, Baheeoo accompanied other Nihil aboard the Spider Cruiser Squall Spider on a mission to Trymant IV, with the objective of rescuing Elder Tromak. While present on the planet, the Gigoran adhered to Ro's instructions and participated in the attack against the Jedi who were attempting to safeguard the planet's populace.


Race to the bridge

Baheeoo and Ordo rode a Bogaranth to reach the Gaze Electric's bridge faster.

Baheeoo, a Gigoran Nihil marauder, was a member of the Gaze Electric's crew—Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro's flagship—during the High Republic Era, as one of the select few Nihil permitted to be on board. In the year 232 BBY, Ro masterminded a catastrophic incident where the Byne Guild freighter Legacy Run collided with a stormship, triggering the Great Hyperspace Disaster, which resulted in Emergences—fragments of hyperspace debris—materializing from space and impacting various celestial objects across the galaxy. Upon learning that a particular Emergence posed a threat to several locations within the Trymant system, Ro made the decision to journey to the planet Trymant IV. Zagyar, a Storm, initially attempted to convey the command to the bridge, but after discovering the comms on the Gaze Electric were not working, he instead dispatched Baheeoo, Garank, and Ordo to promptly inform the ship's captain of the revised plans.

Driven by Zaygar's threat to eject the last Nihil to arrive out of an airlock, the trio of Nihil sprinted from the rear of the Gaze Electric towards the bridge, uncertain if they could reach it within the limited timeframe Ro had allotted. Garank gestured towards the side and spoke in Gamorrean, which confused Baheeoo, as the Gigoran lacked proficiency in the language. When Baheeoo glanced to see what Garank was indicating, the Gamorrean seized Ordo and hurled the Talpini's body against the Gigoran, causing both to fall. Garank then abandoned them, determined to be the first to reach the Gaze Electric's bridge. Baheeoo and Ordo resolved to take a perilous shortcut through the pen housing the ship's Bogaranthsbloodthirsty creatures known for consuming anything in their path. While Garank continued his sprint towards the bridge, the other Nihil pair mounted a Bogaranth and rode it to the same destination, causing a wave of fear among the Nihil who scrambled to avoid their path.

Bridge and firefights

Upon reaching their destination, Baheeoo called out after spotting Garank, only for their Bogaranth to then devour the Gamorrean. The Talpini echoed Baheeoo's remark, referring to the now-deceased Garank in the past tense, while Baheeoo expressed sorrow, remarking that being eaten must have been painful. The pair hurried to inform the captain to set a new course. The Pantoran expressed surprise at their arrival and instructed the crew to input Trymant IV's coordinates. Shortly thereafter, Baheeoo and Ordo were informed by another Nihil that the Nihil Grik had successfully repaired the comms. As the Gaze Electric transitioned to hyperspace, the Nihil present on the bridge listened to an incoming holographic message from Ro, who assured them that the Nihil would gain extraordinary influence over the Galactic Republic, and that their destiny awaited them at their next destination.

Under Ro's orders, Baheeoo attacked several Jedi on Trymant IV.

Later on, Baheeoo became part of the Nihil contingent that traveled to Trymant IV aboard the Spider Cruiser Squall Spider for the purpose of extracting Elder Tromak, due to his knowledge concerning the location of a relic sought by Ro. In accordance with Ro's directives, the Nihil launched an attack against Jedi Masters Torban Buck and Yoda, as well as their accompanying Padawans, who were present on the planet to evacuate civilians and shield them from the impending catastrophe. During one particular moment, Baheeoo propelled themselves over a ledge and employed their weapon to discharge an explosive, heated projectile. However, before it could reach its target, Yoda leaped in front of his companions, bisecting the projectile. Eventually, Ro and the surviving members of his Nihil departed Trymant IV aboard the Squall Spider, successfully evading the Jedi Vector blockade in the planet's skies.

Personality and traits

Garank threw Ordo into Baheeoo, knocking both over.

Upon being informed that only the first Nihil to arrive at the Gaze Electric's bridge would be spared from being ejected into space, Baheeoo demonstrated a strong determination to reach the destination in time. Despite Garank abandoning the Gigoran and Ordo after knocking them down, the latter two remained together as they continued their efforts to reach their goal. Although Baheeoo expressed apprehension about riding a Bogaranth due to their inherent danger, they nonetheless mounted one alongside Ordo. After witnessing Garank being consumed by the Bogaranth they were riding, Baheeoo conveyed their condolences, even though the Gamorrean had been willing to abandon them in order to reach the bridge first.

When Ro issued the order for his Nihil to eliminate all Jedi present on Trymant IV, Baheeoo dutifully followed his instructions. The Gigoran possessed white skin and blue eyes.

Skills and abilities

Baheeoo possessed a high level of physical fitness, enabling them to run for extended durations. Furthermore, the Gigoran demonstrated the ability to ride a Bogaranth, despite the creatures' dangerous and unpredictable nature. Baheeoo was proficient in the use of projectile weaponry and employed it in attacks against the Jedi on Trymant IV. While they were able to speak and comprehend Galactic Basic, they lacked understanding of the Gamorrean language.


While serving aboard the Gaze Electric, Baheeoo wore a light blue breathing mask connected to a grey backpack by way of tubes. Later, on Trymant IV, the Gigoran donned a brown harness and wielded a long, staff-like weapon with an orange projectile affixed to its end.

Behind the scenes

Baheeoo debuted in the second issue of the 2021 Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures comic series.

Baheeoo made their first appearance, though they were unidentified at the time, in the second issue of the 2021 comic series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, which was released as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. The issue's script was penned by Daniel José Older, with illustrations provided by Harvey Tolibao and Pow Rodrix, and it was published by IDW Publishing on March 3, 2021. The Gigoran was subsequently identified by name in "Tales of Villainy: The Gaze Electric," a supplementary comic story featured in the sixth issue of the 2020 Star Wars Adventures anthology comic-book series. Older also wrote the story, while Nick Brokenshire provided the illustrations, and IDW Publishing released it on July 7 of the same year.

When devising the color palette for the comic story, Brokenshire sought to emulate the aesthetic of Star Wars comics from the 1970s and 1980s, a period characterized by limited color technology and a need for panels to maintain visual impact. Consequently, the Gaze Electric and its crew—including Baheeoo—were rendered in this style, although the artist acknowledged that the colors might not necessarily be intended to reflect reality.

