The Jungle Felucians, often shortened to Felucians, were a sentient species of amphibians who originated on the planet of Felucia. Other species often found them to be strange and unique. Felucians had two pairs of arms: one pair ended in four webbed digits, and the other in three skilled fingers. Their heads were comprised of a dense collection of tendrils. Typically, they stood at a height of 1.9 meters and had a weight of ninety kilograms. They possessed a natural sensitivity to the Force, allowing them to be deeply connected to the ever-shifting equilibrium of that energy field on their homeworld. Felucians did not have sophisticated technology and maintained a relatively basic way of life. Unlike many other primitive species, they were not divided into separate tribes; instead, they were all part of a single tribe that encompassed the entirety of Felucia, but the species did have strict class stratification. Among their most notable classes were the warriors, the shamans, and the chieftains.
The Felucian warriors had the duty of hunting and safeguarding their people, utilizing their developing Force powers alongside their traditional weapon, the Felucian Skullblade. The Felucian shamans stood out as the most skilled Force-users within the species. They served as mentors, spiritual guides, and guardians for their people, ensuring that any Felucian who succumbed to the dark side of the Force was sacrificed to the massive sarlacc creature dwelling in the Ancient Abyss, a revered sacrificial site for the Felucians. The Felucian chieftains, who were tall and commanding, led their people while wielding ceremonial staffs and shields reinforced through the Force. Their Force-sensitivity also enabled them to tame the fierce rancor predators of their homeworld, decorating them with phosphorescent dyes and employing them as war beasts. The Jungle Felucians remained isolated from the rest of the galaxy until 27,000 BBY, when Gossam colonists established settlements on Felucia. Over countless years, the Gossam gradually gained control of much of the planet, pushing the Felucians further into the dangerous jungles. During the Clone Wars, Felucia became a battleground between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Following the war, the Felucians began the process of restoring the planet's damaged ecosystem.
During the Great Jedi Purge, the Felucians gave refuge to Shaak Ti, a fugitive Togruta Jedi Master, and her Zabrak Padawan, Maris Brood. Ti instructed the Felucians in the ways of the Force, helping them to resist the allure of the dark side. However, in 3 BBY, Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, sent his apprentice Starkiller to kill Ti. The Felucians fought against the apprentice, but he eventually reached the Ancient Abyss, where he confronted and killed the Jedi Master. Brood survived the slaughter because Ti had instructed her to hide. Stranded on Felucia without her Master to guide her, Brood fell to the dark side, which corrupted both the planet and the Felucian species, transforming them into deformed, bloodthirsty monsters. At the same time, the Galactic Empire launched a large-scale campaign to completely eliminate the Force-sensitive species. In 2 BBY, Senator Bail Organa, a strong opponent of the Empire, arrived on the planet in search of Shaak Ti, only to be captured by Brood, who intended to use him as leverage against the Empire. However, Starkiller, who was on a mission to unite the Empire's enemies, returned to the planet, rescued Organa, and defeated Brood, ultimately sparing her life after she vowed to abandon the dark side and leave Felucia.

The Jungle Felucians, also known simply as Felucians, were a sentient species of tall, two-legged beings, generally perceived by outsiders as peculiar, enigmatic, and unusual. Being an amphibious species, Felucians were well-suited for life both on land and in water. They could breathe in both environments and easily navigate the fungi and swamps of their homeworld, Felucia. Horizontal marks were apparent on their torsos. The arms and legs of Felucians ended in four large, webbed digits equipped with suction-cup fingertips. A smaller arm, terminating in three large, nimble fingers, grew from the underside of each arm. The head of a Felucian consisted of a dense mass of long, flexible tendrils with illuminated tips. The mouth and eyes, which glowed bright red in some individuals, appeared as dark voids within this mass.
Felucians were adapted for survival in Felucia's challenging environment. Their gray skin, adorned with blue, red, or yellow markings, allowed them to seamlessly blend into their surroundings, quickly disappearing into the jungle to evade attacks or ambush prey. The species displayed remarkable resilience and agility, though variations existed among different Felucian castes. For example, Felucian chieftains possessed denser flesh compared to other members of their species. Felucians moved with great speed and had the ability to see in low light. The average lifespan of the species was eighty-five years. Felucians reached adolescence at nine years old, adulthood at twenty, middle age at fifty, and old age at seventy-one. On average, members of the species stood at a height of 1.9 meters and weighed ninety kilograms. The entire Felucian species was Force-sensitive and connected to the Living Force of their homeworld. This connection was so profound that when a Felucian fell to the dark side of the Force, their entire appearance changed. Their facial features became elongated and stretched, and their head tendrils dried out and hung limply from their skull.

The Felucians communicated through a guttural, barking language known as Felucianese or Felucian. Common Felucian names included Gokkuul, Kargrek, and Hagark. They were prone to unpredictable mood swings, reacting erratically to various situations. Other species often viewed them as primitive or even barbaric. Indeed, Felucians lacked advanced technology, wearing simple garments such as loincloths made from vegetable matter and bone, adorned with beads and tassels. Some Felucians wore large ceremonial headdresses that concealed their faces from the neck up. They lived in small, bulbous huts carved from the trunks of giant fungi, featuring circular doors and windows, and were skilled in the use of various primitive weapons. Felucians also learned to extract venoms from Felucia's plant life, using them to create both poisons and medicines. The species formed a symbiotic relationship with the Yerdua Poison-Spitter, a semi-sentient plant capable of emitting thick venom. Felucians trained Yerdua to guard their villages and sacred sites from wild animals, providing them with meat and removing parasites from their stalks in return.
One of the most notable characteristics of the species was their innate Force-sensitivity and deep connection to the Living Force. Though not as powerful as trained Jedi, Felucians could use the Force to influence their environment, and their connection to the Force gave them a somewhat primal attitude. Faced with the ever-shifting balance of the Force on their homeworld, the Felucians struggled to resist the dark side throughout their history. Many individuals, and even entire tribal pockets descended into violence and madness. The influence of the dark side also affected them physically, causing their bodies to mutate to reflect their tortured psyches. Outsiders viewed the Felucians as strange and alien beings because they operated on a different social level, much like the Tusken Raiders on the planet Tatooine. Unlike some other primitive species, the Felucians did not split into separate tribes, but were instead all members of a single tribe, which spanned the entire planet and spread across their various villages. The social arrangement helped the species to maintain the same social hierarchy in every village. The Felucians were divided into a caste-based society, with each member fulfilling various roles. However, in the years leading up to the Clone Wars, there were records of multiple Felucian tribes, who were in conflict with each other.
The Felucian warriors and the Felucian scouts formed the core of Felucian society. They were trained to hunt and protect their kin against intruders, using their natural abilities to blend into nearly every environment and crawl nearly every surface to ambush prey. The Felucian warriors had blue markings on their skin and used their Force powers to imbue their crude jawbone weapons, called Felucian Skullblades, making them both more damaging and resistant to other weapons, including lightsabers. Such strength was possible due to the fact that the crude weapons were made from the bones of native Felucian creatures that contained trace amounts of Force-reactive crystals. The warriors wielded the skullblades with great proficiency and showed no mercy to their enemies. The Felucian skullblades were considered weapons of great honor and importance to the Felucians, and were normally available only on the species' homeworld, but a few made their way to the black market at a cost of 1,500 credits. Warriors were able to project a small shield of Force energy that protected them against enemy attacks. They also used the Force to generate spheres of compressed air called Force blasts, which they hurled at enemies. The power was second nature to all Felucians.

Felucians who displayed exceptional skill and interest in the Force were trained in the ways of the Felucian shamans—whether they actually wanted it or not—because the Felucians could not allow an exceptional Force-user among them to roam the planet without obtaining the skills necessary to resist the dark side. The Felucian shamans were distinguished by their red markings and acted as spiritual leaders and mentors in the ways of the Force for their brethren, performing ceremonial rituals with the skullblades. Considered some of the most powerful natural Force-users in the galaxy, the shamans focused on manipulating their natural Force abilities, and, as such, were able to wield Force powers with greater skill than the other castes and to telepathically link with other individuals. They were capable of defending themselves in battle; using shields that they wore on their hands; drawing upon the power of Felucia for strength; and using a much more powerful incarnation of the Force blast called the sickening blast, which could worsen the physical condition of an opponent. However, the shamans preferred to keep themselves out of harm's way, instead focusing on healing injured warriors, rallying them into battle by blowing a special horn, and projecting a Force aura that harmed an enemy that approached them. As such, the death of a shaman during a battle could have a negative impact on the performance of the rest of the warriors. Therefore, when pressed into combat, the shamans usually attempted to flee by using a combination of the Force and their natural blending abilities.
Most Felucian shamans studied healing arts to treat various infections and maladies common on their homeworld, and they used the Force to protect other Felucians from dangers native to the planet. The Felucian shamans were in tune with the flow of the Force on Felucia—which could be easily influenced by a presence of a powerful Force-user, light or dark—and served as watchmen for the entire species, constantly keeping an eye out for the Felucians who approached the dark side and training other shamans to stay away from it. Fearful that the presence of a strong dark side user would corrupt the entire planet and the Felucians themselves, the shamans ensured that any darksiders were executed by being fed to a giant sarlacc creature that lived in the Ancient Abyss, an ancient sacrificial ground for the Felucians. However, even the shamans themselves were not safe from the grasp of the dark side, and certain individuals succumbed to it, also becoming victims of the sarlacc. The Felucians worshiped the sarlacc and even built a village in the Ancient Abyss, erecting their homes to accommodate the creature's giant teeth that protruded from the ground and covered hundreds of kilometers of the planet's landscape. The teeth acted as fences defining gardens or lanes. The Felucian shamans were careful about who they shared their secrets with, and only a handful of non-Felucian Force-users were ever trained by the shamans.

The highest-ranking members of the species were the Felucian chieftains. Taller and more massive and commanding than the other Felucians, the chieftains displayed yellow markings on their skin. They were much hardier than the warriors and had a denser flesh that protected them from attacks but were slower than the Felucian warriors. The chieftains were the leaders of the Felucian species and inspired awe and fear in their followers. Trained from an early age to wield a ceremonial staff in battle, they were able to channel the Force through it and launch a powerful blast of energy. In addition to the ceremonial staff, the chieftains also made use of sturdy shields that had been fashioned with the help of the Force to increase their effectiveness. The title of the Felucian chieftain was not restricted only to members of the species. On some occasions, a non-Felucian could become a chieftain, as was the case with the Togruta Jedi Master Shaak Ti. Additionally, the Felucian society had a class of mushroom farmers.
The species' Force-sensitivity allowed them to have some success in domesticating the vicious rancors, carnivorous creatures that inhabited the planet's jungles. The Felucians used the rancors as mounts and war beasts, painting them with phosphorescent dyes in order to confuse and frighten prey. The rancor riders were predominantly of the chieftain caste. However, they were wary of the much larger bull rancor subspecies that acted as guardians of the legendary rancor graveyard and emerged from the deepest jungles only once every few years. The Felucians believed that the much more aggressive bull rancor could not be tamed or captured, although at least one chieftain rode one of the creatures. The species also domesticated a number of other beasts, including a flat-backed species, which they used to travel on water surfaces. Despite the species' social achievements, the Galactic Empire considered the Felucians disorganized and weak. That perception changed when Shaak Ti arrived on the planet in the midst of the Great Jedi Purge and began training the Felucians in the ways of the Force, helping them to stay clear of the dark side. After Ti's death, the dark side influence of her fallen Padawan, Maris Brood, affected the Felucian species and their culture. Their features twisted, the Felucians became aggressive barbarians who yearned for killing and attacked anything in sight.

The Jungle Felucians were the original inhabitants of Felucia, a planet characterized by its unique fungal ecosystem. They shared this world with another sentient species, the smaller Felucians. These Jungle Felucians chose a life of isolation on their planet until the year 27,000 BBY. It was then that explorers from the Gossam species, known as Gossam Courivers, arrived on Felucia. They utilized an experimental tumble hyperdrive for their journey. This initial contact led to widespread colonization, which the Felucians attempted to resist by laying siege to the Gossam settlements. However, the increasing number of colonists forced the Felucians to withdraw into the depths of the jungle. They were able to maintain their secluded existence there, as the colonists were hesitant to venture into the dangerous wilderness. Throughout history, the Felucians were generally viewed as primitive and savage by other sentient species. They thrived in the wild jungles of their planet without developing advanced technology, partially due to their natural connection to the Force. Conflicts only arose when colonists attempted to isolate Felucian settlements from each other, disregarding their interconnected nature.
Around 32 BBY, disputes among the Felucian tribes prompted the Jedi High Council to send Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas to mediate. The Felucians later claimed that two Jedi, not one, had arrived, and that Sifo-Dyas died in a shuttle crash after the peace talks failed. They recovered his body and cremated it according to Jedi traditions. However, Sifo-Dyas never actually reached Felucia. He had been secretly dispatched by Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum to negotiate with the Pyke Syndicate on Oba Diah. When the Council recalled Sifo-Dyas to Felucia, the Pykes shot down his shuttle over the desert moon of Oba Diah, resulting in his death. Due to the sensitive nature of the Oba-Diah mission, Valorum classified all related files, including most of Sifo-Dyas's personal dossier. This led to the official records stating that Sifo-Dyas had died on Felucia, aligning with the Felucians' account.
During the Clone Wars, which spanned from 22 BBY to 19 BBY, Felucia became a significant stronghold for the Commerce Guild. This Gossam-led organization was allied with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, enemies of the Galactic Republic. Consequently, Felucia became a key target for the Republic, forming part of what Supreme Chancellor Palpatine termed the Triad of Evil, alongside Mygeeto and Saleucami. During the war, Sifo-Dyas's shuttle was discovered on Oba Diah's moon, contradicting the official record of his death on Felucia. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker were sent to Felucia to investigate the circumstances surrounding Sifo-Dyas's death, but the Felucians only reiterated the information in the official records.
The Felucian population faced endangerment during the Clone Wars as large-scale battles rendered vast areas barren and uninhabitable. Felucians formed resistance cells across the planet, assisted by individuals from other species, such as the Human Mak Pra, who sought refuge in a Felucian village and learned their language. Early in the war, the Commerce Guild devised a bold plan to attack Coruscant, the capital of the Republic, intending to use the deadly chemical trihexalon in the operation. To prepare, the Commerce Guild allied with Trandoshan slavers, who spent six months experimenting with trihexalon, or "dragon's breath," on Felucian farmers and resistance members. An informant within the Commerce Guild discovered the attack plan, although not the specific target. Mak Pra then contacted other resistance cells, planning an attack on Presidente Shu Mai's headquarters on Felucia to gather more information. However, days before the attack, Jedi Master Mavra Zane and her two Padawans, along with the Wookiee Chewbacca, arrived on Felucia after escaping from the Trandoshan Providence-class carrier/destroyer Nihilist, which they destroyed in orbit. Pra and a group of Felucians met Zane's ship, the Star Runner, at its landing site, helping her and the Padawans repel a Trandoshan attack. They escorted the Jedi to their camp, where Pra briefed Zane on the situation. Realizing the urgency, Pra and Zane agreed to accelerate their attack plan.
The following morning, Pra, the Jedi, and the Felucians launched an assault on the Commerce Guild headquarters using speeder bikes. While Pra and the Jungle Felucians engaged the enemy forces, the Jedi infiltrated the facility and discovered that Shu Mai's target was Coruscant. However, the Jedi were captured and taken to a sarlacc pit for execution. At that moment, Republic reinforcements, led by Jedi Master Yoda, arrived on Felucia. Yoda landed, met with Pra and Chewbacca, and used the Star Runner to reach the sarlacc pit and rescue Zane and the Padawans. After a brief battle, Shu Mai escaped to the orbiting Commerce Guild fleet, pursued by Zane. A battle ensued between the Republic and Commerce Guild fleets, but the Commerce Guild fleet proceeded to Coruscant to carry out Mai's plan. Zane thwarted the plan, but Shu Mai escaped capture and eventually returned to Felucia. When Republic forces chased Shu Mai from Felucia during the final stages of the war, she activated a fail-safe that poisoned the planet's water supply.
As the Clone Wars ended, the Felucians began the process of rebuilding their ecosystem and regenerating Felucia's forests. With the Confederacy defeated, some surviving Separatist soldiers, including the former Human Confederate commander Vazus Mandrake, joined the Felucians. An elderly shaman, the leader of a Felucian village of over a dozen families, provided shelter for Mandrake, who had become fluent in the Felucian language. Mandrake also brought kybuck mounts that he had imported while stationed on the planet.
Following the Confederacy's defeat, the newly formed Galactic Empire largely withdrew from Felucia. A small Imperial presence remained to guard a secret prison facility known as the Vanishing Place, hidden deep within the jungles. However, several months after the Clone Wars ended, Felucian scouts began to disappear from their villages. These Felucians were being captured by Imperial agents and subjected to experiments by Captain Vischera, an Imperial scientist who aimed to create a new breed of mutant Felucians, similar to the Techno Union's actions with the Nelvaanian species on Nelvaan during the war. His unsuccessful experiments resulted in mutated Felucians with weapons implanted in their arms and chitinous scales from rancors grafted onto their skin. These experiments enhanced the Felucians' strength and aggression, making them completely loyal to the Empire. These mutated Felucians were confined to the medical research bay of the Vanishing Place. Two of Vischera's most successful experiments were Hagark and Kargrek, who were mutated even further than the others. They were significantly larger and stronger and received combat training from Vischera, to whom they were devoted.
Additionally, several Felucian children in Mandrake's village became ill, their skin turning gray and their muscles weakening. The children had contracted a deadly virus developed by Vischera within the prison facility. Around this time, a Felucian scouting party from the secret village encountered a group of individuals in the jungle. Wary of outsiders due to the recent kidnappings, the young and impulsive scouts believed the newcomers were Imperials intending to abduct more of their people and attacked them. However, Mandrake intervened, assuring everyone that it was a misunderstanding. The outsiders were escorted to the village and introduced to its chief, with Mandrake acting as translator. The group revealed that they were agents sent by Senator Bail Organa, a prominent opponent of the Empire and leader of the Alderaanian Resistance. They had arrived on Felucia aboard the starship Banshee, commanded by Captain Sirona Okeefe. Organa had sent the agents to infiltrate the prison and free Imperial Admiral Gilder Varth, who was supposedly planning to defect from the Empire. After a rough landing that disabled the Banshee, Okeefe stayed behind to repair the ship, while Organa's men searched the Felucian jungles for the prison until they encountered the Felucian scouts.

The agents convinced the Felucians that they were not Imperials, gaining the chief's trust by sharing their supplies, weapons, and medicine. Medics in the group treated the sick children. The chief agreed to provide the outsiders with a Felucian guide to lead them to the Vanishing Place. When they mentioned their plan to raid the prison, Mandrake revealed that he had been planning to destroy it and asked them to carry out his plan. He gave them an explosive device that, when detonated in the prison's communications center, would destroy the entire facility and overload Imperial communications on the planet. At that moment, Organa's men spotted an Imperial scout trooper on a speeder bike who had seen the village. The scout trooper could not report the location via comlink because the mushrooms in the area contained chemicals that blocked long-range communications. The scout trooper sped toward the Vanishing Place. Realizing that the Imperials would invade the village if alerted, Mandrake urged the newcomers to chase the scout on kybucks. The agents pursued the Imperial to a secret outpost, eliminated everyone there to prevent the Imperials at the prison from learning the Felucians' location, and returned to the village.
Once preparations were complete, the Felucian guide led the outsiders to the prison, showing them a secret, unguarded entrance. However, Imperial forces killed the guide and secured the entrance. Inside the Vanishing Place's medical research bay, the infiltrators fought through several mutant Felucians. After defeating them and planting Mandrake's explosives in the communications center, the adventurers freed Varth. In the communications center, they learned that Imperial Inquisitor Valin Draco was arriving soon to retrieve Varth for processing. Unable to escape the way they came, the operatives decided to head to the prison roof, where Okeefe, who had repaired the Banshee, could pick them up. Before reaching the roof, they arrived at the building's command center, where they encountered Vischera, supported by Kargrek and Hagark. After defeating the mutants and Vischera, the agents and Varth reached the roof and escaped on the Banshee, taking advantage of the explosions in the communications center. Unbeknownst to Organa's men, Admiral Varth was not a defector but was working with Draco to infiltrate the Alderaanian Resistance.
Shortly after these events, the Felucians, now comprising seventy-five percent of Felucia's total population, were contacted by Jedi Master Shaak Ti. She was one of the last surviving members of the Jedi High Council, and had fled the Great Jedi Purge to seek refuge on Felucia, accompanied by a young Zabrak Padawan named Maris Brood. Brood's Master had disappeared while investigating the fate of the Jedi, his final message to Brood revealing that the Jedi Order had been nearly exterminated by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader. Ti and Brood struggled to survive in the Felucian wilderness before connecting with the Felucians and establishing a rapport. Ti eventually became a respected Felucian Chieftain, learning to control rancors and understand the Felucian language. She secured the Felucians' loyalty to the point that their warriors appeared at her first summons. In return, Ti helped the species avoid the dark side and guided them in controlling their innate abilities. She hoped the Felucians would protect Brood from Darth Vader and one day assist a reborn Jedi Order.

Ti focused on teaching the Felucian shamans specific powers to fight Imperial troops and agents sent by Vader. Meanwhile, Brood, harboring deep hatred for Vader, began exploring the Force independently, gradually succumbing to the dark side. The Felucian shamans trained Brood in non-Jedi Force techniques, teaching her to control various creatures, including rancors. In 3 BBY, Vader discovered Ti's location and sent his secret apprentice, Starkiller, to assassinate her. Ti, noticing Starkiller's ship, the Rogue Shadow, approaching Felucia, told Brood to hide in the rancor graveyard, as they had practiced. Brood wanted to fight but reluctantly obeyed her Master. Ti ordered the Felucians to attack the assassin, while she waited at the Ancient Abyss. The Felucians followed her commands, fighting bravely and fiercely, but they could not stop the Jedi hunter. Starkiller advanced through the Felucian village inside the sarlacc's lair and confronted the Jedi Master. After a lightsaber duel, Ti, mortally wounded, threw herself into the sarlacc's maw, ending her life. A group of about fifty Felucians surrounded Starkiller, but deeply affected by Shaak Ti's death, they did not attack, and Starkiller departed.
With Shaak Ti's death, Brood assumed control of the native Felucians. Enraged and grieving over her Master's death, and facing loneliness on the dangerous planet, she fell to the dark side. She continued to train the Felucian shamans in the Jedi ways, but her rage corrupted them, leading them to embrace the dark side as well. Brood also trained many rancors to obey her, including a bull rancor. Soon, the entire Felucian species embraced the dark side, transforming into hideous monsters with twisted features. Felucian culture degenerated into a barbaric society driven to madness by Brood's uncontrolled powers. The entire planet became a humid landscape, reflecting Brood's corruption. The Felucian warriors became more vicious, aggressive, strong, and resilient, attacking anything they perceived as a threat. The Felucian shamans retained much of their intelligence due to their strong connection to the Force, but they lost all goodness and compassion, driven only by intense bloodlust, sending more warriors into battle to certain deaths. The chieftains devolved most dramatically. Instead of leading and protecting their people, they only cared about killing and roamed the planet unchecked, attacking anything in sight.

Furthermore, the Empire arrived on Felucia in full force, intending to purge the world of Force-sensitive beings. Imperial stormtroopers scoured the planet, driving the corrupted Felucians into hiding. The Felucians tried to take refuge inside the sarlacc's maw in the Ancient Abyss, but Imperial engineers built a giant device called the sarlacc stabilizer to restrain the sarlacc's tentacles and allow passage into the monster's maw via a turbolift. As the stormtroopers began their war with the Felucians, Brood, fearing exposure, remained hidden, spying on the Imperials from afar, watching for any sign of Vader or his assassins. In 2 BBY, her Felucian scouts spotted an Imperial transport landing on the planet. Senator Organa was aboard, seeking Shaak Ti, unaware of her death, to recruit her for a rescue mission on Kashyyyk, where his daughter, Princess Leia Organa, was held prisoner by Imperial Captain Ozzik Sturn. Brood captured the Senator and held him in the rancor graveyard under the guard of her bull rancor, hoping to use him as leverage should Darth Vader find her.
Soon after, Starkiller, on a mission to recruit those who opposed the Empire, arrived on Felucia to rescue Organa. Starkiller was working with Jedi Master Rahm Kota and had recently rescued the Princess on Kashyyyk. The maddened Felucians attacked him, but he fought through them and the stormtroopers. Reaching the Ancient Abyss, he sensed the sarlacc's suffering and released the chains holding its tentacles before descending into its maw. Emerging from the belly of the beast, Starkiller found the rancor graveyard, where he defeated Brood in a lightsaber duel. As Starkiller prepared to deliver the final blow, Brood begged him to spare her, promising to leave Felucia and abandon the dark side. Starkiller spared her and left Felucia with Senator Organa.
After the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY and the subsequent fragmentation of its territories, Felucia fell within the boundaries of Warlord Zsinj's pocket empire. It remained under Zsinj's control until his death in 8 ABY. Following the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn, Felucia became part of the Borderland Territories contested between him and the nascent New Republic. However, in 9 ABY, Thrawn met his end as well. When the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, Felucia fell under their control by 27 ABY. After the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong, Felucia became a refuge for some members of the Ithorian species, whose homeworld of Ithor had been devastated during the war. Decades later, in 137 ABY, Felucia was under the control of Darth Krayt's Sith Empire.
Very few Jungle Felucians ventured away from their home planet. Those who did often found themselves in professions where they could utilize their Force-sensitivity, though no Felucian is known to have joined the Jedi Order. Other Felucians became soldiers or scouts.

The Felucians of the Jungle, initially referred to as simply Felucians, were conceived for the 2008 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed project, a multimedia endeavor primarily focused on the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game. When the planet Felucia was selected as the setting for The Force Unleashed game, the developers opted to invent a completely new alien race to inhabit the planet and act as adversaries to the protagonist, Starkiller. Starting as Force-sensitive warriors under a Jedi, the creation of the Felucians proved to be a particularly difficult task for the design team. Drawing inspiration from the Witches of Dathomir, early Felucian concepts depicted an all-female Amazon-esque army wielding lightsaber-like weapons and riding enormous beasts. Matt Omernick, the art director for the game, instead proposed a less conventional concept for a Tusken Raider-like society: formidable warriors adapted to survival in their natural environment.
Following experimentation with different appearances for the species, the developers finalized the amphibious design. Omernick aimed for a frightening and ominous look, and some designs incorporated strange masks to enhance their unsettling nature. Numerous Felucian classes were designed, including Felucian assassins, brutes, hunters, spies, and more. However, only three made it into the final game: the warriors, the shamans, and the chieftains. Considerable effort was invested in ensuring the Felucians' appearance varied significantly between light and shadow. The sounds produced by the Felucians in the game became the favorite of David W. Collins, the game's sound designer, who described them as "creepy."
Prior to their appearance in the video game, the species received their initial mention in October of 2007 within an article featured in a series called The Force Unleashed Preview, published by Wizards of the Coast on their website as promotion for the then-upcoming The Force Unleashed-themed Star Wars Miniatures line. In the same month, the Felucians made their debut within the Star Wars universe in The Traitor's Gambit, the inaugural adventure in the Dawn of Defiance campaign for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.

The primary launch of The Force Unleashed merchandise occurred in August and September of 2008, encompassing a novel penned by Sean Williams, a graphic novel by W. Haden Blackman, and the central installment of the entire multimedia project, The Force Unleashed video game released by LucasArts. The Felucians were featured in all three adaptations and were referenced in other supporting materials, like The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Prima Official Game Guide. The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, a supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, launched concurrently and authored by Sterling Hershey, Peter M. Schweighofer, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Rodney Thompson, expanded upon the Felucian species' culture and history.
In 2010's April, the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series episode "Bounty Hunters" brought forth a diminutive farming species also called the Felucians, resulting in two distinct species sharing the same designation. This issue was resolved with the release of Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 67, which identified the Force-sensitive Felucians as "Jungle Felucians" and clarified the farming species' name as simply "Felucian." In April of 2012, the Jungle Felucians made a subsequent appearance in a video game, specifically the Xbox 360-exclusive title Kinect Star Wars.
In 2014, the Felucians were mentioned in another The Clone Wars episode entitled "The Lost One," as a part of the storyline detailing Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi's investigation into the mysterious passing of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Originally, the episode was intended to visually feature the species, depicting their brutal tribal conflicts, but the Felucia-based scenes were removed during the rewriting process. The episode also presented a contradiction to the earlier depiction of Felucian society in The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide. The reference book described the Felucians as members of a unified tribe spanning the entire planet. However, the episode alluded to the existence of multiple Felucian tribes among the species.
Several optional gameplay elements are present in The Traitor's Gambit adventure, such as providing the Felucians with supplies and aiding sick children. However, undertaking these actions enhances the agents' standing with the Felucian chief, who only provides them with a guide if he trusts them. Planting Mandrake's explosives inside the communications center is not essential for completing the adventure, but the resulting distraction aids the adventurers in their escape. In The Force Unleashed video game, releasing the sarlacc from its chains is an optional side objective and is not required for game completion. In the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Wii, and Nintendo DS versions of The Force Unleashed, the chieftain class is absent. Instead, the Felucian shamans display the yellow skin markings that distinguish the chieftains in the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC versions. In the iPhone/iPod Touch/N-Gage and mobile phone versions of the game, the Jungle Felucian species are completely absent. In these versions, Starkiller only battles Imperial stormtroopers and Felucia's plant life during both of his visits to the planet.