The weapon known as Jaden Korr's lightsaber was skillfully crafted by the Jedi Knight Jaden Korr, an event that occurred around 14 ABY.
After the unfortunate loss of his initial lightsaber during his assignment on Vjun, Jaden forged a new lightsaber, its blade glowing green, and experienced a substantial increase in his connection to The Force. He persisted in his efforts, disrupting the cult's activities on planets such as Chandrila and Taanab, along with several others. Upon Luke Skywalker's discovery of the cult's scheme, Korr was summoned back to the Academy to participate in a Jedi strike force assembled to prevent the Cult of Ragnos from their attempt to resurrect Marka Ragnos. However, Kyle Katarn took Korr aside, relaying a message he'd received from Penin, who, regretting his past actions, desired to rejoin the Jedi Order. Katarn and Korr then diverted their course to Taspir III with the intention to save Rosh from the clutches of the cult.
Upon finally reaching Penin, Korr was overcome with anger at the sight of him seemingly unharmed, suspecting that his former friend - who was always trying to outdo Jaden - had lured him into a trap. Alora, observing from a balcony above, recognized Jaden's emotions as a potential path to the dark side and attempted to amplify his rage, hoping to gain a new ally, which would have resulted in Rosh's death. Rosh, sensing Jaden's growing anger, confessed that his own fall was rooted in fear and reminded Jaden that anger could also lead to the dark side. This, coupled with mental warnings from Katarn, enabled Korr to release his anger, realizing he had allowed it to control him, and he refrained from attacking Rosh. At that moment, Alora launched an attack, severing Penin's left arm, but Korr managed to defeat her after a difficult fight. Kyle arrived shortly after his students, praising Jaden for resisting the dark side, but Jaden attributed his success to Rosh's reminder.

Leaving Rosh in Kyle's care, Jaden journeyed to the Sith world of Korriban, where he joined forces with the Jedi strike team to permanently stop the cult. He arrived at Ragnos's Tomb and challenged Tavion before she could complete the resurrection of Marka Ragnos. Tavion fought fiercely, fueled by hatred, and used the Scepter of Ragnos to enhance her power. However, Jaden's superior skill led to her defeat, but Tavion refused to yield. She succeeded in partially resurrecting the Dark Lord of the Sith, but he manifested only as a spirit and possessed her. After a duel with the possessed Tavion, Jaden destroyed the scepter, causing Ragnos to depart from Tavion's body. Her body, unable to withstand the corruption, soon perished. Jaden then exited and sealed the tomb, joining Luke and Kyle on the mausoleum steps, where they declared him a true Jedi Knight.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Korr was engaged in a mission when his home planet of Coruscant fell to the extragalctic invaders in 27 ABY. Later, he learned that his uncle Orn had died in the battle.
Following the Yuuzhan Vong War, Korr aided Jan Ors in her search for his former mentor, Kyle Katarn, who had disappeared while looking for the missing Jedi Daye Azur-Jamin. They dedicated every available moment to finding any trace of Kyle's whereabouts. Eventually, he located and rescued him from Daye Azur-Jamin, who had become a Dark Jedi.
By 40 ABY, Korr was stationed at the New Jedi Temple. He assisted Jedi Master Kyp Durron, Valin Horn, Doctor Toval Seyah, and several other Jedi on a mission to destroy Centerpoint Station during the Second Galactic Civil War. During this mission, Korr and his team met fierce opposition from the Confederation and Corellian supporters. After a brief conflict, the soldiers and some of the station's crew retreated into a cargo hold, blocking the Jedi's path. With no time to force them out or negotiate their surrender, Jaden opened the hold to space, resulting in the deaths of the soldiers and engineers. He would later reflect on this decision with doubt and regret, despite having followed the orders of a fellow Jedi.
Six months later, Jaden had isolated himself from his friends and fellow Jedi, residing in a Coruscant apartment outside the Jedi Temple, when he experienced a vision through the Force. In this vision, Jaden found himself on the surface of a frozen moon in the Unknown Regions, surrounded by the voices of deceased Jedi and Sith calling his name. One of the voices, belonging to Mara Jade Skywalker, instructed him to go to the Black Hole on Fhost. The vision concluded with an explosion in the sky that released dark side energy, leaving Jaden weakened and hearing someone calling for help. Hoping to find answers that would bring him peace, Jaden departed for Fhost without informing the Jedi Order. Upon arriving, Jaden discovered that the crew of the salvage vessel Junker had located an automated distress beacon in the Unknown Regions; believing it would lead him to his answers, Jaden approached the Junker's captain, Khedryn Faal, in the Black Hole cantina on Fhost.
Driven by his need to resolve his moral confusion, he even attempted a Jedi mind trick on Faal, but was interrupted by Farr's first mate, Marr Idi-Shael, who persuaded Faal to engage in a sabacc game, during which they lost the moon's coordinates to a local criminal named Earsh. Sensing foul play, Jaden used the Force to help Faal win back the coordinates during a double-or-nothing round and then assisted the Junker's crew in escaping the ensuing firefight. The spacers then agreed to take him to the frozen moon from his vision, but shortly after arriving in the system, they witnessed the arrival of the Sith starship Harbinger that had misjumped five thousand years through time. Rescuing Jedi Master Relin Druur, who had caused the misjump five thousand years ago, Jaden learned that the dark side energy he had sensed in his vision and from the Harbinger originated from the cargo of Lignan crystals. Despite Jaden sensing Relin succumbing to anger over the death of his Padawan, Saes Rrogon, who had become a Sith, and Relin in turn sensing Jaden's inner turmoil, they agreed to part ways.
After persuading the crew of the Junker that the Force had brought them to the moon, they decided that Marr would fly Relin in Harbinger's landing bay to destroy the ship, while Faal would land Jaden on the moon. There, they discovered a secret Imperial research station where a group of scientists had combined Jedi and Sith DNA to create clones. The clones had subsequently killed all the scientists and stormtroopers. Faal advocated for an immediate departure, but Jaden, consumed by his quest, pressed on alone to the lower levels. Hoping that clones who could wield both the dark and light sides like himself would provide answers to his questions, Jaden proceeded through the carnage until he reached the Spaarti cloning cylinder "Mother," which the clones had filled with the remains of the scientists and stormtroopers. There, he encountered Alpha, a clone of Kam Solusar, who informed him that he and his fellow clones would use Jaden's ship to escape the moon. They fought until Alpha severed three fingers from Jaden's right hand with his lightsaber and attempted to drown him in the cloning cylinder. Confronted with his fear of death, Jaden briefly unleashed Force lightning, but realized just in time that he was giving in to the dark side. Just as Alpha was about to deliver the final blow, Jaden drew his purple-bladed lightsaber and killed the clone by stabbing him in the chest.