Legacy of the Force: Inferno represents the sixth installment within the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series, existing as a novel inside the broader Star Wars Legends continuity. Troy Denning penned this book, which Del Rey subsequently published in paperback format on August 28, 2007. In parallel, the Science Fiction Book Club offered an exclusive, hardbound version to its members. A supplementary interview exploring the creative origins of the Legacy of the Force series is included within its pages.
Luke Skywalker's aspiration was to unite the Jedi Order and foster universal harmony. Regrettably, his wife, Mara, has met her end through an unidentified assassin's actions, his errant nephew Jacen has commandeered the Galactic Alliance, and the galaxy is engulfed in comprehensive civil conflict.
As Luke grapples with profound sorrow, Jacen Solo acts swiftly to solidify his authority and set in motion his scheme to seize control of the Jedi. Firmly believing that he alone possesses the means to safeguard the galaxy, Jacen is prepared to undertake any measure, even orchestrating an ambush against his own kin.
With the Rebel alliance advancing deeply into the Core territories to assault Coruscant and the Jedi besieged, Luke is compelled to reassert his leadership. He alone is capable of guiding the Jedi through this dire situation, but it necessitates resolving the most formidable dilemma Luke has ever encountered. Will he align himself with his nephew Jacen, a despotic figure who has taken control of the GA, or will he join the rebels in dismantling the Galactic Alliance that he was instrumental in establishing?
The narrative commences with Jacen Solo, now known as Darth Caedus, the Dark Lord of the Sith, successfully securing Tahiri Veila's loyalty by instructing her in the art of flow-walking to revisit past events. This is done so Tahiri can rectify her omission of not sharing a kiss with her deceased boyfriend, Anakin Solo, during the Mission to Myrkr amidst the Yuuzhan Vong War. The present Tahiri influences her younger self to embrace Anakin, leading to a kiss, after which Caedus and the present Tahiri return to their own time to prevent further temporal disruptions. Subsequently, Caedus engages in conversation with Tenel Ka Djo, his clandestine lover, who pledges to provide him with the Hapan Home Fleet for the impending Battle of Kuat if he improves his relationship with his uncle, Luke Skywalker. During Mara Jade Skywalker's funeral, Caedus dispatches GAG forces to apprehend his parents due to their allegiance to the Confederation, as Leia was slated to deliver Mara's eulogy. As Saba Sebatyne delivers the eulogy, none of the Jedi Masters suspects that Jacen is Mara's actual killer, although they regard Jacen with disdain for his recent actions. Caedus then reassumes his station aboard the Anakin Solo, his designated Star Destroyer, positioned above Balmorra amidst its battle. His cousin and apprentice, Ben Skywalker, contacts him to inquire whether he was responsible for Mara's demise. Caedus refutes this allegation and insinuates that Cal Omas bears responsibility. On Coruscant, Ben locates Omas, who is under house arrest following his removal from office. Ben informs the former Chief of State of his conviction that Jacen orchestrated Mara's murder. Omas commits suicide by intentionally impaling himself on Ben's lightsaber, providing Ben with a plausible justification for returning to Jacen, thereby shocking the already grieving Luke and the other Jedi Masters. Luke, disapproving of Jacen's conduct, declines to assist him in the Battle of Kuat. This prompts Caedus to withdraw his forces from the system to avert a catastrophic defeat that would jeopardize Tenel Ka.
Meanwhile, Jaina Solo, Jagged Fel, and Zekk pursue Alema Rar, who is piloting the Sith Meditation Sphere known as Ship, to Ossus, as Luke has mistakenly identified her as Mara's killer. The Twi'lek Dark Jedi manages to escape, and Caedus seizes the Jedi Academy as a hostage, with Salle Serpa overseeing the occupation. Despite numerous Jedi being killed and wounded during the GAG takeover, Jaina and her allies succeed in overcoming the enemy forces and regaining control of the Academy. Concurrently, Alema eventually arrives on Korriban after receiving a delayed message from the Home, where she encounters the One Sith, who strongly disapprove of Caedus and, consequently, refuse to offer him assistance.
Han Solo and Leia journey to Kashyyyk to garner Wookiee support against Caedus, and Luke arrives, declaring that he can no longer endorse Jacen and his governance of the Galactic Alliance. Shortly thereafter, Caedus enters Kashyyyk's orbit and devises a malevolent strategy: he employs his Star Destroyer's long-range turbolasers to bombard the planet's forests and urban centers to draw the Confederation navies away from the Core. Ben, who has been patiently awaiting an opportunity to strike against Caedus, selects his moment to attack. However, Lowbacca deploys a shadow bomb on the Star Destroyer, effectively halting Ben's assault. Han comes to believe that his son has perished, and Luke and Jaina lead a battalion of StealthX X-wing starfighters against Caedus's fleet. A shot fired from Jaina's fighter seemingly results in Luke's death.
On Hapes, Leia experiences the shock of Luke's apparent demise. She then engages in a duel with Tahiri Veila, who attempts to apprehend her and Han. Tenel Ka intervenes to halt the conflict, and the Solos persuade her to cease supporting Jacen. Simultaneously, Caedus tortures his cousin within a chamber aboard the Anakin Solo. Ben discerns how Luke simulated his death and informs Caedus that he will soon arrive. Caedus dismisses this assertion, but Luke promptly appears and duels his deranged nephew. The confrontation inflicts harm upon both combatants, but Luke emerges victorious after Ben frees himself from the Embrace of Pain and hurls a vibroblade between Caedus's shoulder blades. However, Ben intends to kill Caedus, and Luke prevents him from doing so, recognizing that such an act could lead either of them to the dark side of the Force. The Skywalkers abandon the ship, while a severely wounded Caedus staggers to the infirmary for medical attention. He eventually resumes command just as the Hapan Home Fleet, under Tenel Ka's command, arrives. Caedus initially assumes that she is there to aid him, only to discover that she has betrayed him through a communication with her and his parents. He now feels utterly isolated; nevertheless, he believes that all of his actions are necessary sacrifices to maintain peace and order within the galaxy, despite causing more harm than good. His fleet narrowly escapes due to some subtle Force manipulation from Caedus combined with Alema's assistance. This deceives the forces crucial to impeding Caedus's progress, causing them to move aside as the Anakin Solo enters hyperspace and returns to Coruscant.
The novel concludes with the warring factions convening for a parlay aboard the Dragon Queen. The New Jedi Order declares that, while they will not support the Confederation in the war, they will continue to oppose the Galactic Alliance as long as Jacen remains in control; the Hapes Consortium affirms its continued support for the Alliance, but not for Jacen; and the Confederation agrees to refrain from interfering with the Jedi and Hapes Consortium. Following the meeting's conclusion, Luke, severely injured from his duel with Caedus, casts a sympathetic glance at Han and Leia before returning to the infirmary to recuperate with Ben. Subsequently, Han and Leia offer each other solace aboard the Falcon, acutely aware that they are now at war with the individual who was once their son.
During a dialogue between Alema Rar and the Sith on Korriban, the Sith enclave's leader alluded to the collective master of the Sith. He shared with Alema how Vergere, a Jedi-turned-Sith, had been captivated by the master's concept of "One Sith" as opposed to adhering to the traditional "Rule of Two." Legacy (2006) 18 verifies that this figure is Darth Krayt, marking the inaugural instance of events from the Legacy comics being referenced within the novels.
Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne was identified as Grand Master alongside Luke Skywalker.
- ISBN 9780345477552 ; August 28 , 2007 ; Del Rey ; US paperback [1]
- ISBN 9780739487662 ; 2007; Del Rey; US hardcover, Science Fiction Book Club edition (1243971) [4]
- ISBN 9780345510532 ; April 29 , 2008 ; Del Rey; US eBook [2]