Aree's vessel, a starship, served as the mode of transportation for the Safari droid SF-R3, known as "Aree," and the cam droid [CAM]. Together, they journeyed across the galaxy, meticulously studying and documenting the diverse species of wildlife on behalf of the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts. Emblazoned upon the ship was the Society's distinctive emblem. To facilitate their travels, the ship came equipped with a hyperdrive, as well as missile launchers for defense.
The Aree's ship was of considerable proportions, prominently displaying the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts's insignia. Its exterior was predominantly painted in shades of white and orange. Functionally, the ship boasted a pair of engines, a hyperdrive, missile launchers, a landing platform for easy access, and a spotlight to illuminate its surroundings. The Missiles fired from the ship possessed the capability to generate substantial explosions. For ground support, the ship was fitted with two landing gear legs, ensuring stable landings on even surfaces. A reinforced rod, a condenser coil, and other cylindrical equipment were essential components for the vessel's operation. The ship could rapidly change direction by pivoting its engines. It was engineered to perform under both extremely cold and hot temperatures.
From a chair within the cockpit situated atop the ship, Aree piloted his vessel. The cockpit was filled with an array of buttons and a holoprojector capable of projecting holograms. A screen in the cockpit displayed a holographic representation of the ship, aiding in landings and highlighting areas that had sustained damage. A purple button activated the cockpit's wipers, clearing away any creatures that collided with the ship.
The interior of Aree's ship was primarily gray and characterized by its spaciousness. A dedicated room was allocated for storing a variety of foodstuff. Furthermore, Aree's quarters included a bed and an assortment of plants. A room containing a substantial power converter was also present. A lever controlled the opening and closing of the ship's airlock. Aree maintained a battery to replenish his energy reserves.
During the High Republic era, a collective of scientists and adventurers, united by their passion for studying and cataloging the newly discovered species of the Galactic Republic's frontier worlds, established the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts. To tackle the Society's perilous assignments, Serv-O-Droid, Inc. was commissioned to construct Safari droids capable of autonomously documenting and interacting with creatures in their natural habitats, subsequently relaying their findings to the Society. Aree was one such Safari droid, embarking on galactic voyages aboard his ship to expand his knowledge of various creatures.
Around or after 34 ABY, the Society dispatched Aree and the cam droid CAM to the planet Hoth situated in the Outer Rim Territories, tasking them with learning the art of taming a tauntaun. Aree journeyed to Hoth aboard his ship, parking it near a cave inhabited by tauntauns. After two unsuccessful attempts at riding a tauntaun, Aree succeeded in befriending one by offering it jogan fruit pie. The creature then permitted Aree to ride it, and it proceeded to gallop in circles around Aree's ship. Subsequently, Aree and the tauntaun rested close to the ship, with the tauntaun continuing to consume the pie.
Following their visit to Hoth, the Society directed Aree and CAM to the planet Dathomir in the Outer Rim, instructing them to discover how to assist a rancor in improving its hygiene. After numerous failed attempts at cleaning a rancor's teeth, Aree made the discovery that rancors permit blue birds to clean their teeth.
Subsequently, Aree and CAM piloted their ship to the desert planet of Tatooine in the Outer Rim to investigate how Tusken Raiders maintained the cleanliness of their bantha mounts. He landed his ship in proximity to moisture vaporators and two baths. After meticulously cleaning and grooming a bantha using his various tools, Aree departed Tatooine aboard his ship.
Aree and CAM then journeyed to the Forest Moon of Endor in the Outer Rim. Aree herded a group of blurrgs into a pen by enticing them with music.
Aree and CAM then traveled to the planet Cholganna in the Outer Rim to observe a nexu in its natural environment. Upon landing his ship in the jungle, Aree witnessed a nexu ensnared in an electric net by two poachers. The poachers placed the feline in a repulsorcraft attached to their speeder bikes and then sped away. Aree resolved that the nexu required his and CAM's assistance, so he instructed CAM to fly the ship closely behind the speeder bikes. Aree positioned himself on the ship's landing platform at the rear of the ship, and CAM rotated the ship and flew it closer to the nexu. Aree was unsuccessful in grabbing the nexu, so he jumped on the creature. He was electrocuted by the net, causing him and the nexu to fall off. The nexu then scared the two poachers away. While back on the ship, Aree told CAM, who was recording for the Holonet, that befriending a nexu can keep an individual safe. Aree and CAM then departed Cholganna in their ship.
The Society dispatched Aree and CAM to the planet Naboo in the Mid Rim Territories with the mission of determining whether voorpaks could be trained as guards. Aree's initial attempts at training a voorpak proved unsuccessful, but he ultimately discovered that voorpaks excelled at guarding and goofing off.
Aree and CAM then traveled to the planet Lothal in the Outer Rim Territories, where Aree endeavored to foster an orphaned loth-cat in hopes of finding it a permanent home, though Aree fist needed to catch the feline. He brought the loth-cat into his ship and he poured foodstuff in a bowl, though the lothcat was revolted by the smell. Believing that the presentation was the problem, Aree poured food in a bowl, topped it with a piece of a plant, and placed the bowl on a platter. He presented the food to the lothcat who then smacked the bowl at CAM. Aree then prepared the bowl again and a very large meal for the loth-cat who responded by throwing up. Aree smacked the bowl onto the ground in frustration, causing many rats to start eating the food, and then the loth-cat ate the creatures. The loth-cat proceeded to run and jump around in the cockpit. After the loth-cat was tired out, Aree gave it a pillow to sleep on. It instead tried to sleep on the ship's control panel, which activated the warning alarm, caused compartments to open, turned on the cockpit wipers and the spotlights, and launched two missiles that resulted in a large explosion far from the ship. Aree allowed the loth-cat to sleep in a bed, though it decided to rest on his shoulder.
The Society then sent Aree and CAM to the planet Elphrona in the Outer Rim Territories to ascertain whether wild charhounds engaged in the game of fetch. Aree employed a cylindrical rod to play fetch with the charhound, but the creature's mouth burned the rod. CAM provided Aree with a reinforced rod, a condenser coil, and other cylindrical equipment from the ship, though the charhound burned all of them. Aree asked CAM where it got the rods from, and CAM pointed to the ship collapsing from its weight after the rods were removed. Later, there was smoke coming out of the ship.
Aree and CAM touched down their ship on an asteroid field in pursuit of mynocks. Aree deployed a battery to lure a mynock from a crevice in the asteroid, prompting numerous additional mynocks to emerge. Aree recognized that he and CAM were powered by energy, and the mynocks subsequently pursued them back to their ship. They then flew away from the asteroid field. The lights then turned off, and Aree discovered that several mynocks managed to sneak on their ship. He then noticed that the mynocks were draining energy from the ship's power converter. The mynocks then drained a lot of Aree's energy, putting him in low power mode. Aree struggled to pull down the lever the release the airlock, and Aree, CAM, the mynocks, and everything else in the ship was blown into space. CAM pulled Aree back into the ship and closed the airlock. CAM managed to get the ship's power back up and plugged Aree into a large battery. While CAM was recording, Aree said that pilots should avoid mynocks, and he turned on the wipers after a mynock flew into his ship. The ship then launched into hyperspace.
Aree and CAM flew their ship to the planet Kowak in the Outer Rim to learn how to become friends with Kowakian monkey-lizards. While he was telling this to CAM, the ship's alarm went off due to the monkey-lizards stealing equipment from the ship. Aree exited his ship and saw one of the engines fall off. Aree offered the monkey-lizards fruit in exchange for the ship's parts. Instead, the monkey-lizards threw fruit at Aree until he was hit, causing him to enter defensive mode. He threw a fruit at a monkey-lizard, so all of them laughed. This convinced the monkey-lizards to repair Aree's ship, though one of them kept a piece of equipment. Aree and CAM then departed Kowak in their ship.
Aree and CAM traveled to the Batuu Wilds on the planet Batuu in the Outer Rim to learn if was possible to teach porgs a few tricks. Aree wasn't able to teach porgs any tricks, and he was chased by a Batuuan braga bear.
SF-R3's starship made its debut in the Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures episodes "Porgs" and "Bantha", both of which premiered on on October 14, 2021.