Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is a first person and third person Star Wars interactive entertainment title. It is a part of the Jedi Knight series, but stands out as the initial installment where Kyle Katarn is not a playable character. It launched on September 16, 2003 for PC and subsequently on November 18, 2003 for Xbox. Raven Software took on the development duties, while LucasArts handled the publishing, distribution, and marketing in North America. Activision was responsible for these tasks in the rest of the world. A remastered version of Jedi Academy was revealed on September 4, 2019 and later made available for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 on March 26, 2020.

It took the place of Star Wars: Jedi Knight III: Brink of Darkness, a sequel that was previously canceled.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

Jaden Korr, alongside other aspiring Jedi, journeyed to Yavin 4 to commence their training at the Jedi Praxeum. En route, their shuttle sustained damage, leading to an emergency crash landing. Korr and Rosh Penin became separated from the group, necessitating a trek through the jungle. During their journey, they battled howlers and encountered the Disciples of Ragnos, identified as a Sith cult. Korr also witnessed the cultists utilizing a scepter to extract Force energy from the Massassi temple. As the Jedi searched for the missing students, the Dark Jedi named Alora infiltrated the private quarters of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and pilfered a record detailing locations where Skywalker perceived a potent connection to the Force. This information was then passed on to her master, later revealed as Tavion.

At the Jedi Academy, Skywalker designated Jedi Master Kyle Katarn as the instructor for both Korr and Penin. Following the completion of basic training, Korr, now a Jedi Initiate, embarked on missions to Mos Eisley, Tatooine, Bakura, Blenjeel, and Corellia to probe into the cult's activities. During this period, Korr discovered the cult's close collaboration with the Imperial Remnant. After these initial assignments, Skywalker dispatched Korr to Hoth to investigate the site where he experienced a vision of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Despite not detecting any Force energy, Korr uncovered the presence of the Imperial Remnant on Hoth. While exploring the remnants of Echo Base, Korr confronted Alora in a duel before she managed to escape. Simultaneously, Penin disappeared during his mission to Byss.

Korr's accomplishments on Hoth led to a promotion to Apprentice, enabling progression to the next phase of training. This involved completing another set of five missions to Nar Kreeta, Zonju V, Kril'Dor, Coruscant, and Dosuun. Meanwhile, Skywalker learned that the cultists had been draining Force energy from locations detailed in his record. As a precaution following Penin's disappearance, he deployed all available Jedi in pairs to investigate these sites. Korr and Katarn were assigned to inspect Darth Vader's castle on Vjun. During their exploration, they destroyed a power generator to gain access to the upper levels. However, the subsequent explosion separated Korr from Katarn. Korr continued alone into the meditation chamber, where he encountered the Kothos twins and Penin, who had succumbed to the dark side. Korr defeated the Kothos twins and engaged Penin in a duel until Katarn intervened. At that moment, Tavion revealed herself as Penin's new master and the leader of the cult, using Force lightning to restrain Katarn and Korr. She then seized Jaden Korr's first lightsaber at the ceiling to cause it to collapse, breaking the stalemate. Tavion destroyed Jaden's lightsaber with the scepter and fled with Rosh. Kyle employed the Force to temporarily support the ceiling while Korr used Katarn's lightsaber to create an escape route, allowing them to descend to the level below safely.

Upon returning to the Jedi Academy, Katarn and Korr shared their findings with Skywalker. Korr's bravery and skill in defeating the Dark Jedi earned a promotion to Jedi Knight, leading to the construction of a new lightsaber. Katarn, sensing Korr's anger towards Penin's betrayal, cautioned against the dangers of succumbing to the dark side. While Skywalker and Katarn investigated Tavion's intentions with the scepter, Korr undertook another series of five missions to Chandrila, Tanaab, Yalara, Byss, and Ord Mantell. Following the completion of these missions, Skywalker convened all the Jedi to reveal his suspicion that the cultists intended to use the Force energy stored in the scepter to resurrect Marka Ragnos, an ancient Sith Lord.

As the Jedi prepared to confront the cult on Korriban, Katarn informed Korr of a distress call from Penin, claiming to be held captive in an Imperial facility on Taspir III. Despite Korr's concerns about Penin's potential allegiance to the dark side and the possibility of a trap, Katarn insisted on rescuing Penin. Reluctantly, Korr accompanied Katarn to Taspir III, where they separated to locate Penin. Korr found Penin first, who apologized and pleaded for a return to the Jedi Academy. However, Korr, enraged by the perceived betrayal, ignited his lightsaber and threatened Penin. While Alora attempted to sway Korr to the dark side by urging him to kill Penin, Katarn used the Force to communicate telepathically and dissuade Korr. Realizing his error, Korr sheathed his lightsaber and attempted to leave with Penin. Alora attacked, severing Penin's arm. Korr then engaged Alora in a duel, ultimately defeating her. Katarn arrived and instructed Korr to proceed to Korriban while he attended to Penin's medical needs.

Upon landing on Korriban, Korr joined the other Jedi in combating the cultists while navigating the Sith catacombs. Entering the Tomb of Marka Ragnos, Korr witnessed Tavion using the scepter to transfer Force energy into the tomb. After defeating Tavion in a lightsaber duel, Ragnos' spirit emerged from the tomb and possessed Tavion. The possessed Tavion wielded a Sith sword concealed within the scepter and battled Korr. Korr ultimately defeated the possessed Tavion and shattered the scepter with his lightsaber. Ragnos' spirit departed Tavion's body, vowing revenge before returning to his tomb, leaving Tavion dead. After sealing the tomb's entrance, Jaden encountered Skywalker and Katarn, and they returned to the Jedi Academy together. Meanwhile, New Republic Star Cruisers destroyed the Imperial Star Destroyer supporting the cultists, concluding the Battle of Korriban. Korr was celebrated as a valuable member of the Jedi Order and continued to maintain peace throughout the galaxy. Penin, having been redeemed, was welcomed back into the Jedi Academy and received a prosthetic arm.

Non-canon dark-side ending

Korr's descent to the dark side can occur by ending Penin's life in the Imperial facility located on Taspir III. After impaling Penin with his lightsaber, Korr abandoned him, declaring a desire for the scepter and its power. He then dueled Alora and killed her before departing for Korriban. Katarn's arrival was too late, and he reassured the dying Penin that he was a Jedi, allowing Penin to die peacefully. Katarn then hurried to Korriban to confront Korr and prevent further darkness.

On Korriban, Korr mercilessly attacked and eliminated anyone obstructing his path. He entered Ragnos' tomb and defeated Tavion in a lightsaber duel. As he reached for the scepter, Katarn appeared, imploring him to resist the dark side's allure and end the conflict. Korr refused and engaged his former master in a lightsaber battle. Near the duel's conclusion, Korr used the Force to seize the scepter and unleash Force energy upon Katarn, incapacitating him. He then used the scepter to cause a rockslide upon Katarn and blasted an exit from the tomb. Later, Skywalker rescued Katarn, who revealed Korr's murder of Penin and his fall to the dark side. Skywalker expressed a lingering sense of good within Korr, and Katarn departed to find Korr in an attempt to redeem him. Meanwhile, Korr boarded the Imperial Star Destroyer, killed the commanding officer, and assumed control of the vessel.


The game utilizes the Quake III Arena graphics engine, enhanced with modifications for a third-person perspective and updated lightsaber effects. Players can now customize their lightsaber by selecting the hilt style and color. Completing specific objectives unlocks new saber styles, including the option to wield dual lightsabers like Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones (but first seen in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II by the Dark Jedi Boc Aseca), or the double-bladed lightsaber popularized by Darth Maul in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace and initially used by Exar Kun in Tales of the Jedi.


The game's protagonist, Jaden Korr, was originally named Atton Rand in early drafts. This name was later reused in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. One of Atton's in-game Easter egg lines references his last-minute addition to the game and his intended role in "a spin-off to Jedi Knight."

Using a cheat code, players can achieve level 4 Mind trick (the normal maximum is 3). This allows direct control of an NPC. Other NPCs ignore the controlled NPC; however, Jaden is vulnerable to attack and cannot retaliate until control is regained by waiting for the Mind trick timer, killing the NPC (by throwing them off a cliff or shooting at Jaden with saber defend on 3), or by reactivating the Mind trick command to immediately cancel it. The Mind trick view resembles droid control in Jedi Outcast. Droid and NPC control is also possible via cheat codes. After enabling cheats (typing 'helpusobi 1' in the console), spawn an NPC with a name (e.g., "npc spawn stormtrooper bob" creates a stormtrooper named bob). The Control cheat code then allows control of any named NPC (e.g., "control bob").

Aurebesh transliteration

Many ways exist to lose your money here...many...
  • The title screen of Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy displays Aurebesh characters that translate to:

  • During the mission on Tatooine, when the Raven's Claw and the Millennium Falcon are freed, Chewbacca appears to guide the player. The exit door reads SALIDA (Spanish for "exit") in reversed Aurebesh.

  • Outside Lannik Racto's office, the gate inscription reads OFFICE. The small yellow-brown pillar is labeled Pillar.

  • Many objects have labels that literally describe them. On Hoth, crates are labeled HOTH CRATE, and chairs in the Echo Base command center are labeled REBEL CHAIR.

  • During the Second Mission to Coruscant, billboards along Jaden Korr's path include one that reads, "Many ways exist to lose your money here...many..."

  • The prisoners' clothing is marked with "CREW."

  • In the main menu, options like Load or Options are also written in Aurebesh when highlighted.

Other changes from Jedi Outcast to Jedi Academy

  • Jaden, the player character, is customizable with options for gender, species (Twi'lek female, Kel Dor male, Zabrak female, Rodian male, or Human), lightsaber hilts, blade colors, and clothing colors (skin color for Twi'leks).
  • Mid-game, players can choose to wield a single lightsaber, dual lightsabers, or a double-bladed lightsaber. The latter two can be used as single blades, with the option to toggle between one and two blades.
  • A mission selection screen presents five missions, allowing players to choose their order. After completing four, the game prompts whether to complete the fifth or skip it, followed by another story mission and five more missions.
  • New moves like katas, wall gripping, and acrobatics enhance combat beyond basic slashing. Lightsaber type influences defensive and offensive moves.
  • Two new weapons are introduced: the DL-44 heavy blaster pistol and the Stouker concussion rifle.
  • A new gametype, Powerduel, pits individuals or teams of two against each other, with individuals having increased health and Force power to compensate for numerical disadvantage.
  • Siege Mode involves teams completing objectives and preventing the opposing team from doing the same.
  • The Quake 3 Engine's rendering is enhanced.
  • Force powers are now selectable, limiting the number that can be learned. Universal powers are gained automatically, while each mission allows adding a point to either light- or dark-side-themed Force Powers. New powers include Force absorb and Force protection, Drain Life, Force rage, and Force sense. Classic powers (Force Push, Force Pull, Force Jump, Force speed, Mind trick, Force Choke, Force lightning) remain selectable.
  • Force Sense is available in story mode, not just multiplayer, and is required for puzzle-solving.


Following The Walt Disney Company's decision to shut down LucasArts on April 3, 2013, Raven Software released the game's source code on SourceForge under GNU GPLv2 licensing. However, the code was later removed from SourceForge at Raven's request, possibly due to proprietary code. Subsequently, a group called JACoders used the released source code to create OpenJK, an effort to improve the game engine without altering gameplay, for both Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (single player) and Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (single and multiplayer), maintaining compatibility with existing games.


