Tan Tengo, a Sullustan female, existed during the era of the Republic Dark Age. Her birthplace was Darkknell, a planet that, by 1032 BBY, had become the central hub of the Daimanate, a principality ruled by the Sith Lord Daiman. Orphaned early in life, she was raised by her grandfather, Gub Tengo. Tan's formative years were largely spent under the dominion of the Sith. The year 1032 BBY marked a turning point in her life when she encountered Kerra Holt, a Jedi Knight operating undercover as a traveling worker and tutor. While ostensibly educating Tan, Kerra was actually gathering intelligence on the Black Fang research installation, where Daiman was developing a prototype warship referred to as a Convergence Tactical Assault Vehicle. Ultimately, Kerra destroyed this facility.
Following the apprehension of Narsk Ka'hane, an undercover Odionate agent, Daiman began to suspect that Odion, his estranged older brother and a Sith Lord, was responsible for the bombing. Seeking revenge, he devised an intricate plan to lure Odion into a trap set on Gazzari. Daiman procured an arxeum—a university specializing in military sciences—from the Bactranate, a neighboring Sith territory. He then recruited a thousand students from across the Daimanate to attend this university. Tan, chosen for her mechanical aptitude, was among those awarded a scholarship. However, Daiman's true intention was to use these students as bait for Odion, while his forces launched an attack on Odion's invading army on Gazzari.
During the Battle of Gazzari, Tan and her fellow students were rescued by the reappearance of Kerra. Revealing her identity as a Jedi Knight, she assisted Tan and the others in escaping the battlefield. After considerable debate, Kerra convinced Jarrow Rusher, a mercenary, to evacuate the students on his modified troopship, the Diligence. After a long and difficult journey, the Diligence arrived on Byllura, a Sith world under the control of the Dyarchy, a minor Sith principality. While exploring Byllura, Tan and Beadle Lubboon, a Duros mercenary, were captured by the Unifiers, Sith adepts clad in red. Kerra pursued their captors, ultimately causing the collapse of the Dyarchy through her actions.
Shortly thereafter, Byllura was annexed by the Arkadianate, another Sith state governed by Arkadia Calimondra, the elder sister of the Dyarchy's former twin rulers, Dromika and Quillan. Arkadia publicly offered friendship to the struggling crew and passengers of the Diligence. She also proposed providing shelter to Tan and the refugees within the Arkadianate, where they would be integrated as subjects. Tan Tengo was initially captivated by Arkadia's charisma and her "enlightened" Sith regime. She almost began to consider Calimondretta, the Arkadianate capital city located on the icy planet Syned, as her new home.
However, Arkadia proved to be treacherous when she attempted to force Kerra to assassinate Vilia Calimondra, her grandmother, who was the matriarch of the Calimondra family and the instigator of the Second Charge Matrica, which had devastated the Grumani sector. With the assistance of Narsk Ka'hane, a Bothan Sith spy, Kerra, Rusher, and the passengers aboard the Diligence managed to escape the Arkadianate. Tan and the other students eventually reached the Galactic Republic, where they found protection from the conflict and devastation caused by the New Sith Wars.

Born in 1044 BBY, Tan Tengo resided with her grandfather, Gub Tengo, on the planet of Darkknell, which served as the capital of the Daimanate. Like all citizens of the Daimanate, she was obligated to contribute to the war efforts of Daiman, the Sith Lord, working in a war munitions factory. Being a dependent, Tan was restricted to a single eight-hour shift. In 1032 BBY, Gub employed Kerra Holt, a Human woman, to assist in Tan's care, unaware that Holt was secretly a Jedi Knight who had infiltrated the Daimanate capital. Preoccupied with his state job of falsifying documents to display the Daimanite alphabet, Gub delegated the task of tutoring his granddaughter to the Human woman. His legs had also been crippled by a vat collapse during an industrial accident during the Chagras Hegemony era. During Kerra's time on Darkknell, the two girls shared a room and developed a close bond. Due to her undercover work as a Jedi infiltrator, Kerra was frequently absent for extended periods, explaining her disappearances by claiming romantic dates with an unnamed male friend.
Unbeknownst to Tan and her grandfather, Kerra was actually spying on the Black Fang testing facility, the Daimanate's leading military research institution. Her objective was to sabotage Daiman's war efforts by destroying the facility. During her missions, Tan learned of another spy conducting surveillance at the Black Fang facility: Narsk Ka'hane, a Bothan independent intelligence operative who worked for several Sith Lords, including Odion. However, his true allegiance lay with Vilia Calimondra, the matriarch of the Calimondra family. Narsk's mission was to gather information on a military research project known as the Convergence Tactical Assault Vehicle for Odion and then destroy the research facility. However, Kerra captured him and destroyed the datapad containing the data on the vehicle. She then destroyed the facility with a baradium thermal detonator. Following this, she stole the Bothan's Cyricept Mark IV stealth suit and left Narsk to be apprehended by Daiman's Correctors.
Kerra managed to return to the Tan household, where Gub reprimanded her for her lateness. After apologizing, Gub assigned her with tutoring his granddaughter in the afternoon after they had both return from their work shifts in the munitions factory. However, that afternoon, Tan was assessed by the Industrial Heuristics talent scouts Ler-Laar Joom and Eraffa, and the pair persuaded Gub to send Tan to work for the company studying war sciences. Her supervisor at the factor had observed that Tan was skilled with electronics and mathematics. The scouts offered her an internship specializing in the design and manufacturing of optical bombsights. Tan and her grandfather Gub accepted the offer since the company purported to offer better opportunities and job prospects that were not available on her poverty-stricken homeworld. Since Tan would have turned thirteen years old the following year, she would have been obligated to work three eight-hour shifts daily to qualify for a basic ration. Gub had also been concerned that his granddaughter would be eligible for conscription into the Daimanate military.

Tan Tengo became part of a group of approximately one thousand younglings chosen as students for Industrial Heuristics' arxeum project within the Daimanate. Unbeknownst to the Sullustan girl and the other students, they were merely expendable decoys intended for sacrifice as part of Daiman's latest scheme to ensnare Odion in retaliation for the destruction of the Black Fang research installation. Despite Narsk's denials, Daiman rightly suspected that his older brother Odion had a role in the bombing and concocted a scheme to lure Odion into another trap on Gazzari. Daiman approached Ayanos Bactra, the Quermian Sith Lord of the Bactranate, with an offer to purchase an arxeum—a mobile university dedicated to war research—from Industrial Heuristics. In exchange, Daiman offered to provide the students for the university who would be transported to the planet on four transports provided by the company.
The transaction would occur on Gazzari and he promised Bactra's forces safe passage to the Gazzari system. Daiman later contracted the services of several mercenaries including the Brigadier Jarrow Rusher and convinced them to set up a trap on Gazzari. As part of the battle plan, the mercenaries would assemble their forces including several large artillery cannons around a massive caldera. Prior to the battle, Bactra's arxeum and the student transports would land within the caldera. Odion's forces would then invade Gazzari and the mercenaries would hold them at bay until Daiman's regular forces and attack fleet emerged from hyperspace. Daiman then planned to trap Odion's forces on Gazzari and kill his estranged older brother once and for all. While Rusher was initially concerned about using the children as decoy targets, he reluctantly cooperated after Daiman choked him with the Force. At the same time, Kerra infiltrated Daiman's palace the Sanctum Celestial where she attempted to assassinate him. However, she changed her mind when she learnt about Daiman's plot.
As part of his trap, he arranged for Narsk to listen to the proceedings and then to escape back to the Odionate with the assistance of Kerra. Unknown to all the participants, Daiman had intentionally allowed Narsk to escape in order to lure Lord Odion into his trap on Gazzari. Meanwhile, Kerra stowed aboard Daiman's flagship the Era Daimanos and hitched a ride to Gazzari. As planned, the nihilistic Lord Odion saw the Gazzari deal as an opportunity to wreck further bloodshed and destruction. Despite Narsk's suspicions that this was a trap, the Sith Lord was undaunted by Daiman's plot and instead dispatched a sizable fleet to invade the planet.

Tan and the students were transported to Gazzari in a fleet of four Industrial Heuristics transports. During the journey, Tan was excited about embarking on her first visit to another planet and was completely oblivious to Daiman's plot. The arxeum was the first to land in the Gazzari caldera and was shortly followed by the four transports. Tan along with the other arxeum students then disembarked from their transports. They were then escorted by droid minders towards the arxeum which was situated approximately one kilometer away from the ships. However, before Tan and the arxeum's other prospective students could enter the facility, Odion's forces landed on Gazzari and destroyed the university.
Odion also deployed the Death Spiral, a massive siege platform, which proceeded to attack Daiman's mercenary forces encamped around the valley. These forces included Brigadier Jarrow Rusher's Rusher's Brigade which experienced heavy casualties. During the fighting, her Human friend Kerra emerged out of hiding and rescued Tan and the other students before they could be killed during the fighting. Kerra also stole a speeder bike from a fallen Odionate soldier and used it along with her green lightsaber to shepherd the arxeum students forward to safety. Fortunately, much of Odion's firepower had been concentrated on the arxeum which enabled Kerra and the arxeum students to flee to higher ground.
Shortly afterwards, Odion himself arrived on the battlefield and his presence triggered subconscious suicidal feelings among many of the participants including Kerra and the students. During the journey, Kerra also noticed that Daiman's command dome was nearby, untouched beneath its raised energy shield. Believing she had left the baradium nitrate just outside the dome, Kerra prepared to detonate it while unaware that the explosives were still in a bandolier slung over her shoulder. Before Kerra could carry out her plans, Tan found Kerra and called out to her, asking what the Human Jedi was doing. Due to Tan's actions, Kerra quickly realized that the bandolier was still on her shoulder.
Tan also retrieved Kerra's lightsaber and asked whether she was a Jedi. Kerra confirmed that she was indeed a Jedi and hugged Tan in order to comfort the frightened young Sullustan girl. During a brief conversation, Tan expressed her bewilderment at the destruction of the arxeum, which she had regarded as her future school. She also asked Kerra why the various Sith forces were trying to kill her and her fellow students. Tan and her fellow arxeum students' plight only hardened Kerra's resentment towards the Sith and reinforced the Jedi Knight's desire to defeat them. She assured Tan that the arxeum students had done nothing wrong to end up as targets of the Sith and promised to make the Odionites worried about what she was going to do next.
After releasing Tan, Kerra saw a speeder bike flying towards them. This speeder bike was piloted by the Givin Jelcho, a fanatical Odionite adherent and a navigator aboard Odion's flagship Sword of Ieldis whom she had earlier encountered during the Chelloan affair. In a split-second reaction, Kerra used the Force to telekinetically push the bike to the ground and then knocked the Givin unconscious, kicking him in the jaw. Kerra then used the bandolier containing the baradium nitrate to secure the unconscious Givin to the bike. She then jammed its accelerator and sent it flying into the speeder bays of the Death Spiral. Once the explosives were inside the speeder bays, Holt set off the explosives using the detonator she had stolen from Ka'hane, destroying the siege tower.
This massive explosion weakened the Odionite forces on Gazzari while allowing Rusher's mercenaries to retreat. Kerra then led the students to the east, where the laser fire from the Death Spiral had created a path to the top of the ridge. Climbing to the top, Holt encountered Jarrow Rusher and the remnants of his brigade, whose members were now loading their weaponry aboard the mercenary transport Diligence. After a lengthy argument, Holt convinced Rusher—who had already lost five-sixths of his forces;to allow her student refugees aboard his ship.

Tan Tengo survived the Battle of Gazzari and managed to escape Gazzari aboard the Diligence. Their escape coincided with a new startling development in the Second Charge Matrica, the contest between the local Sith Lords of the Grumani sector that had ravaged the region for the past eight years since the death of Chagras had caused the collapse of the Chagras Hegemony. The Calimondra family matriarch Vilia Calimondra, the grandmother of these Grumani Sith Lords, had decided that the Bactranate ruler Lord Bactra had outlived his usefulness. She ordered her grandchildren to invade the Bactranate and promised to divide the spoils among her family during the next bequest session. She ordered the Bothan spy Narsk Ka'hane to deliver her message to Odion and Daiman.
After the destruction of the Death Spiral, Narsk was able to carry out his orders. The two warring Sith factions quickly abandoned their fighting and turned on Bactra's ships, destroying half of the Quermian's flotilla in under a minute. Amidst the fighting, the Diligence, carrying Rusher, Holt, and the arxeum students, made for space. Nevertheless, the Diligence survived the onslaught as Bactra's forces fled to hyperspace, and Daiman and Odion ordered their fleets to invade the planet Jutrand, Bactra's capital. As the forces of all three Sith Lords made for Jutrand, the Diligence, too damaged to continue fighting and carrying over a thousand students seeking refuge from the battle, fled into hyperspace, making six jumps to evade any pursuers.
The voyage to Byllura would last several days and would be remembered by both Tan and Kerra as an unpleasant and hectic experience. Brigadier Rusher resented Kerra and her refugees as an unnecessary burden that hampered his mercenary operations. Rusher wanted to fly to another location where he could drop off the refugees as quickly as possible. The large number of student refugees aboard the Diligence created a serious overcrowding problem since there were insufficient facilities and beds to accommodate all the refugees. Rusher delegated the problems of managing the students to Kerra and his new Duros recruit Beadle Lubboon, who was the only crew member willing to help the refugees.
By contrast, most of the other crew were hostile and indifferent towards the newcomers for sleeping in the bunks that had been previously occupied by their fallen comrades during the Gazzari disaster. Thus, Kerra was forced to recruit some of the older students including Tan to help attend to the younger refugees' needs. Kerra's problems were compounded by the lack of adequate numbers of refreshers since the former liner had been designed for male Devaronians. The diverse interspecies mix of the student body also proved volatile due to the vast physiological and cultural differences between individuals from different species. Interspecies tensions erupted in the form of squabbles over privacy and space throughout the journey.
During the voyage, Tan's friendship with Kerra strengthened as the Sullustan girl came to regard the older Human woman as her big sister. To mark their friendship, Kerra gave her the Mark IV stealth suit that she had stolen from Narsk on Darkknell as a surprise gift. Tan also came to idolize Kerra as her hero. Throughout the journey, Kerra would shared bedtime stories of the historic exploits of the Jedi Knights. Kerra and Tan would also befriend some of the other refugees aboard the Diligence including the Ortolan girl Eejor, the Snivvian teenager Yuru, and the prepubescent Human girl Lureia. All had lived under the Sith and came from impoverished backgrounds. Due to the time zone differences between Darkknell and the Diligence, Tan was unable to sleep and donned the Mark IV stealth suit with the intention of playing games with Kerra.
Donning her stealth suit, Tengo attempted to surprise Kerra while the latter was resting in her bunk. However, Kerra noticed her presence since the Sullustan girl had forgotten to activate the suit's sound baffles. She also reminded Tengo that she still had some "growing up to do" if she wanted to hunt Sith. Kerra noticed that Tan Tengo was awake and active and asked whether she was sleepy. Tengo replied that she had not adjusted to time aboard the starship. Kerra responded that this excuse would not last forever. Kerra then asked Tan whether she knew about the whereabouts of the Diligence's captain Jarrow Rusher. Tan revealed that she had tailed the Duros mercenary Beadle Lubboon and found that Rusher was two decks upstairs in the solarium. After thanking the Sullustan girl, Kerra departed to confront Rusher about the abysmal living conditions aboard the Diligence.
Unknown to everyone aboard the Diligence, the Sith matriarch Vilia Calimondra had been monitoring the whereabouts of Kerra and the ship her stolen Mark IV stealth suit since it was connected to an embedded information system. Knowing this, she reassigned the Bothan spy Narsk to work for her granddaughter Arkadia Calimondra, who was planning an invasion of Byllura, the planet nearest to the Diligence's jump route.

In the era known as the Republic Dark Age, there existed a female Sullustan named Tan Tengo. She was born on the world of Darkknell, which, by the year 1032 BBY, had risen to prominence as the capital of the Daimanate, the princedom of the Sith Lord Daiman. Having lost her parents at a tender age, she was brought up by her grandfather, Gub Tengo. For the majority of her early life, Tan existed under the oppressive rule of the Sith. The year 1032 BBY brought about a significant change in Tan's circumstances when she crossed paths with Kerra Holt, a Jedi Knight who was working in secret as a wandering laborer and private instructor. Under the guise of tutoring Tan, Kerra was actually gathering information on the Black Fang research installation, the location where Daiman was in the process of creating a prototype war vessel known as a Convergence Tactical Assault Vehicle. Ultimately, Kerra brought about the destruction of the facility.
After the capture of Narsk Ka'hane, an undercover operative from the Odionate, Daiman began to suspect that his estranged older sibling, the Sith Lord Odion, was the mastermind behind the bombing. Seeking retribution, he hatched an elaborate plan designed to lure Odion into a trap that was set on Gazzari. Daiman made the acquisition of an arxeum—a university that specialized in the sciences of war—from the Bactranate, a neighboring Sith state. He also enlisted a thousand students from across the Daimanate to attend this university. Due to her natural aptitude for mechanics, Tan was chosen to receive this scholarship. The reality, however, was that Daiman intended to use these students as live bait for Odion, while his own military forces launched an assault on Odion's invasion force on Gazzari.
Tan and the other students found salvation when Kerra made a reappearance during the Battle of Gazzari. She revealed that she was, in fact, a Jedi Knight and aided Tan and the other students in making their escape from the battlefield. Following a prolonged argument, Kerra succeeded in persuading the mercenary Jarrow Rusher to evacuate her students on his troopship, which had been modified and was known as the Diligence. After a voyage that was both long and arduous, the Diligence eventually arrived on Byllura, a Sith world that was under the control of the Dyarchy, a relatively insignificant Sith princedom. While they were exploring Byllura, Tan and the Duros mercenary Beadle Lubboon were taken captive by the Unifiers, who were Sith adepts that were clad in red. Kerra gave chase to their captors, and her actions ultimately brought about the collapse of the Dyarchy.
Not long after this, Byllura was annexed by the Arkadianate, another Sith state that was ruled by Arkadia Calimondra, who was the older sister of the Dyarchy's former twin rulers, Dromika and Quillan. Arkadia made a public display of extending her hand in friendship to the beleaguered crew and passengers of the Dyarchy. She also extended an offer to provide shelter to Tan and the refugees in the Arkadianate, where they would be incorporated as subjects of the Arkadianate. Tan Tengo was initially won over by Arkadia's charismatic personality, as well as her "enlightened" Sith regime. She almost began to think of Calimondretta, the Arkadianate capital city that was located on the icy planet of Syned, as her new home.
However, Arkadia's trustworthiness was called into question when she made an attempt to coerce Kerra into assassinating her grandmother, Vilia Calimondra, who was the matriarch of the Calimondra family and the instigator of the Second Charge Matrica, an event that had brought about the devastation of the Grumani sector. With the assistance of the Bothan Sith spy Narsk Ka'hane, Kerra, Rusher, and the passengers who were aboard the Diligence were able to escape from the Arkadianate. Tan and the other students eventually made their way to the Galactic Republic, where they were given protection from the fighting and destruction that had been brought about by the New Sith Wars.

Tan Tengo's birth took place in 1044 BBY, and she made her home with her grandfather, Gub Tengo, on the planet of Darkknell, which served as the capital of the Daimanate. In accordance with the obligations placed on all citizens of the Daimanate, she was required to contribute to the war efforts of the Sith Lord Daiman, and she did so by working at a factory that produced war munitions. Given that she was still a dependent, Tan was only permitted to work a single shift that lasted for eight hours. In the year 1032 BBY, Gub made the decision to hire a Human woman by the name of Kerra Holt to assist in the care of Tan, and neither of the Sullustans had any idea that Holt was secretly a Jedi Knight who had infiltrated the Daimanate capital. Because he was too preoccupied with his state job of doctoring documents to show the Daimanite alphabet, Gub had delegated the tasks of tutoring his granddaughter to the Human woman. His legs had also been crippled by a vat collapse during an industrial accident during the Chagras Hegemony era. During Kerra's time on Darkknell, the two girls shared a room and developed a close friendship. Due to her undercover work as a Jedi infiltrator, Kerra was often missing for many hours. Kerra was able to explain her disappearance by claiming that she had been going out on romantic dates with an unknown male friend.
Without the knowledge of Tan or her grandfather, Kerra had been conducting espionage on the Black Fang testing facility, which was the most important military research think tank within the Daimanate. Her intention was to disrupt Daiman's war efforts by destroying the facility. During her missions, Tan learnt that there was another spy doing surveillance work at the Black Fang facility: the Bothan Narsk Ka'hane, an independent intelligence operative who worked for several Sith Lords including Odion. However, his true master was Vilia Calimondra, the matriarch of the Calimondra family. Narsk had been tasked with collecting secrets on a military research project known as the Convergence Tactical Assault Vehicle for Odion and then destroying the research facility. However, Kerra captured him and destroyed the datapad containing the data on the vehicle. She then destroyed the facility with a baradium thermal detonator. After that, she stole the Bothan's Cyricept Mark IV stealth suit and then left Narsk to be captured by Daiman's Correctors.
Kerra managed to escape back to the Tan household where she was reprimanded by Gub for being late home. After apologizing, Gub assigned her with tutoring his granddaughter in the afternoon after they had both return from their work shifts in the munitions factory. However, that afternoon, Tan was assessed by the Industrial Heuristics talent scouts Ler-Laar Joom and Eraffa, and the pair persuaded Gub to send Tan to work for the company studying war sciences. Her supervisor at the factor had observed that Tan was skilled with electronics and mathematics. The scouts offered her an internship specializing in the design and manufacturing of optical bombsights. Tan and her grandfather Gub accepted the offer since the company purported to offer
Tan's escape aboard the Diligence would ultimately lead her to Byllura, a minor Sith domain under the control of the Dyarchy. After a series of six hyperspace jumps, the Diligence finally made its way to the Bylluran system. The crew of the Diligence was unable to locate a hyperspace route leading to the Republic due to the unreliability of available navigational data. Consequently, Rusher made the decision to land on Byllura. Despite the limited information available regarding Byllura's political landscape, rumors circulated that it was a Sith principality governed by children, with a regent managing the realm on their behalf. Rusher's acquaintance, who had previously visited the planet, claimed that these children had been in power for a minimum of five years. As events unfolded, these rumors proved to be accurate.
Indeed, the Dyarchy controlled Byllura; this Sith realm was the residence of Quillan and Dromika, the youthful offspring of the deceased Chagras, the former leader of the Chagras Hegemony. These Sith twins possessed a formidable connection to the Force. Quillan had a potent farsight ability, while Dromika could project powerful hypnotic commands, compelling other beings to obey her will. Under the supervision of their Regent, Saaj Calician, the twins employed their Force abilities and a network of enslaved Celegians to exert their influence directly over the inhabitants of the Dyarchy, transforming their subjects into subservient thralls.
As the Diligence descended into the atmosphere above Byllura's capital, Hestobyll, Kerra and Rusher were relieved to encounter no opposition. Brigadier Rusher secured landing permission via commset from an unidentified individual known as "Deep Voice," who was, in reality, the Celegian "One." Upon reaching their designated hangar platform, they were surprised by the absence of a welcoming committee. Rusher, believing Byllura to be a safe haven devoid of any Sith presence, instructed the refugees to disembark. However, Kerra opposed this decision, insisting on conducting a thorough reconnaissance of Hestobyll before allowing the passengers to leave the ship. This disagreement sparked another argument between the young Jedi Knight and the mercenary leader, culminating in a compromise where Kerra secured one hour from Jarrow to conduct a proper recon probe of Hestobyll in exchange for keeping the refugees aboard the Diligence.
The enslaved Celegian "One" was monitoring the Diligence's landing and relayed the information to Calician. Although Calician was aware of the ship captain's intention to disembark passengers on Byllura, he grew suspicious of a potential threat to the Dyarchy when an unidentified individual (later revealed to be Kerra) instructed the student refugees to re-board the ship. Suspecting a Daimanate ploy, Calician swiftly dispatched a contingent of Unifiers to investigate the Diligence under direct orders from Dromika, who was telepathically controlled by her twin brother Quillan. Nevertheless, Calician viewed the arrival of the Diligence as an opportunity to expedite his plans for galactic domination, starting with several of Daiman's unprotected systems.
Tan Tengo would unknowingly initiate a chain of events that would ultimately lead to the complete downfall of the Dyarchy. While Kerra conducted her reconnaissance of Hestobyll, Tan and the other students remained on the ship. She, along with many other students, felt disappointed and impatient at being confined to the Diligence. Meanwhile, Brigadier Rusher assigned thirty-two crew members, including shipmaster Dackett and Prenda Novallo, to perform repairs on the Diligence outside on the landing platform.
Despite Rusher's orders for the passengers to remain on board, Tan, the Sullustan girl, disobeyed and sneaked off the ship, determined to follow Kerra, whom she admired. In response, Rusher dispatched the Duros trooper Lubboon to retrieve her. An hour later, the Diligence received another transmission from "Deep Voice" on the commset, informing them that the Byllurans had noticed the refugees on the platform and were sending assistance. According to "Deep Voice," the refugees would be "directed to a center for assigning quarters." Seeing this as an opportunity to be rid of the refugees, Rusher contacted Kerra, but the Jedi remained wary.
After an hour, Kerra encountered Tan, who was being followed by an exhausted Lubboon. The Duros soldier was out of shape and struggled to keep up with the young Sullustan girl. Kerra initially scolded the Sullustan girl for disobeying orders. Both also tended to the exhausted Lubboon, with Tan inquiring if Kerra possessed Jedi healing abilities. Kerra responded that her solution would be to have the Duros run laps every day. Tan also remarked to Kerra that the buildings in Hestobyll appeared drab and unremarkable. The three travelers then found themselves swept into a large crowd moving towards one of the hexagonal silos.
Seeking information about the situation on Byllura, Kerra pulled aside an elderly Duros, but he did not understand Galactic Basic Standard. Despite his Duros heritage, Lubboon was unable to assist because he did not speak Durese. However, Kerra quickly realized that language was not the issue; rather, he could not respond because he was being controlled by external forces. Observing the silent and uniform movement of the crowd heading towards the silo, Kerra concluded that the people of Hestobyll had been reduced to thralls by mental suggestions from unidentified Force users. Kerra thus determined that the Sith rulers on Byllura were directly imposing their will on the masses. As they approached the silo, they discovered that a network of Celegians was being used to transmit these Force-induced mental commands.
As they navigated the streets, Kerra attempted to warn Tan and Beadle to stay together. However, the travelers were separated by the crowd. Tan and Beadle also succumbed to the effects of the Force-induced mental manipulations and were drawn into following the crowd's flow. At that moment, a group of "Scarlet Riders" arrived in airspeeders. They employed Force persuasion to coerce the individuals within the crowd into complying with the Dyarchy's orders. Two Scarlet Riders apprehended Lubboon, while a third captured Tan. The Sullustan girl and the Duros youth were then taken into an airspeeder, which quickly departed for the Loft, the Dyarchy's headquarters. In an attempt to rescue her two charges, Kerra attacked the Scarlet Riders and embarked on a pursuit through the streets and skies above Hestobyll. This pursuit would culminate at the Loft, a palace erected on a rock opposite the harbor. The Loft served as the home to the Dyarchy's twin rulers, Quillan and Dromika, and their Regent, Calician.
Kerra also managed to warn Rusher in time to bring most of his crew back aboard the Diligence, just minutes before the arrival of another party of Unifiers dispatched to the spaceport. The Unifiers captured several members of Rusher's crew, including shipmaster Dackett and Novallo, who had been performing external repairs on the ship on the landing platform. However, Rusher and the crew managed to fend off the attackers. After eliminating the Scarlet Riders and destroying their airspeeders, he rescued his captured crew. With the Dyarchy's fleet ascending into space from their underwater hangar bays beneath Hestobyll's reflection pools, Rusher ordered the Diligence out to sea and away from the chaos.
Following their capture, Tan and Beadle were transported to the Loft, where they were detained by the Unifiers. By this time, Regent Calician and the Sith twins had learned of Kerra's presence through their telepathic network. The twins perceived Holt as a threat and ordered the Krevaaki to protect them, directly controlling his mind through the Force. Meanwhile, Kerra managed to infiltrate the Loft's airspeeder hangar bay. After eliminating several Scarlet Riders in the hangar bay, she made her way to the chamber in which the aged Celegian known as One was held. There, she persuaded him to cease sending messages on behalf of the Dyarchy, disrupting the communications network.
Ultimately, she instructed One to send Tan and Beadle to the airspeeder hangar bay for later pickup. The Celegian complied with Kerra's instructions and dispatched a sentry to escort Tan and Beadle to the airspeeder hangar bay. There, Beadle discovered a functional airspeeder and attempted to use it to escape the Loft. However, the inexperienced Duros lacked the skills to pilot the speeder and could only keep it afloat by flying in circles outside the hangar. Following their escape, Tan, the Sullustan girl, sat on the ledge of the hangar's landing port, awaiting the arrival of the Diligence. Meanwhile, Kerra encountered Calician and the Sith twins. After a struggle, Kerra was disarmed, and Quillan ordered his sister Dromika to command Calician to kill her after she refused to submit to them.
Meanwhile, Brigadier Rusher piloted the Diligence over the harbor and ocean towards the mesa that housed the Loft. At that moment, Rusher was in the ship's cargo deck when he observed Tan and Lubboon outside the hangar bay through the monitor. Rusher flipped the switch to lower the cargo deck's hangar bay and contacted Lubboon. When Rusher inquired why Lubboon had picked up Tan but left Kerra behind, the Duros replied that he had found the speeder before she could escape the palace and added that he did not know how to pilot the vehicle. Rusher was about to reprimand the Duros trooper for losing his headset when Lubboon revealed that the Brigadier had already lent it to Kerra for her recon probe. When Rusher asked if Lubboon and Tan had killed those Scarlet Riders lying on the floor of the hangar bay, Tan replied that Kerra had attacked the Loft after their arrival.
Shortly thereafter, two of Rusher's soldiers leapt from the cargo deck into Lubboon's airspeeder and managed to gain control of the vehicle. Since Rusher was unable to land the massive Diligence on the Loft's hangar bay without its stowed cannon barrels hitting the cliff wall, he instructed Tan to wait while his men backed the airspeeder up so that she could get on. Rusher then told Tan to hop into the airspeeder when they reached her. However, Tan refused to go unless Rusher rescued Kerra as well. Tan explained that Kerra was still inside the Loft and tried to convince him to follow her. Rusher was initially reluctant to storm the Loft and rescue Kerra. However, he changed his mind after witnessing several droids being thrown out the window from the Loft's penthouse. Tan and Rusher then realized that Kerra was at the penthouse above the Loft.
After rescuing both Lubboon and Tan, the Diligence flew to the Loft's penthouse. By then, Kerra had broken away from Calician and the twins and was fighting for her life. The Diligence then used its heavy frontal gun emplacement to breach the penthouse's windows. In the ensuing chaos, Kerra sensed that Quillan was the dominant twin who was merely using his sister Dromika as his puppet. Realizing this, she kidnapped Quillan and brought him on board the Diligence. Once aboard the Diligence, Quillan descended into an infantile tantrum since he was unable to sense his sister through the Force.
Meanwhile, a distraught Dromika fell into a comatose state since she could not discern between a physical presence and a Force emanation. Brigadier Rusher was initially angry with Kerra for bringing a Sith aboard, albeit an adolescent, since it violated his strict maxim of not taking any Sith Lords as passengers. Following their escape, Tan befriended Quillan and initially mistook him for a fellow refugee from Gazzari. Due to their similar ages, Tan was able to keep the captive Quillan calm by acting as his playmate. Fortunately for Tan and Kerra, the adolescent Sith Lord chose not to use the Sullustan girl as a new puppet.
The incapacitation of Quillan and Dromika would have enormous repercussions for the Dyarchy on Byllura. Bereft of its twin rulers, the highly-centralized fiefdom rapidly disintegrated into anarchy. Meanwhile, One successfully convinced his Celegian compatriots to rebel. They refused to send anymore telepathic messages and this led to the collapse of the entire telepathic network. The Celegian uprising made it impossible for Calician to co-ordinate the Dyarchy's manufacturing efforts. This created pandemonium among the enslave workers and a series of explosions caused by malfunctioning equipment destroyed several shipyards and munitions factories. With the end of the Dyarchy's telepathic network, the population emerged from their mentally-induced thralldom and quickly reclaimed their former cognizance and autonomy. Riots quickly broke out across Byllura's major centers including Hestobyll as the inhabitants vented out their fury on the old order.
As the Diligence exited Byllura's upper atmosphere, the Dyarchy was invaded by a fleet of Arkadianate warships led by their older sibling and Sith Lord Arkadia Calimondra. Arkadia's warfleet quickly disabled the Dyarchy's battleships and also captured the Diligence in their tractor beam projector. Arkadianate forces rapidly occupied Byllura and annexed the former Dyarchy. Arkadia took her younger brother and sister into custody though they were kept separate from each other. Finally, Calician himself was executed by Arkadia's troops with the Bothan spy Narsk witnessing the execution.

While Tan Tengo would play a less significant role in the events that transpired in the Arkadianate, she still had the opportunity to visit an Arkadianate world and initially perceived it as a "utopian paradise." Arkadia Calimondra extended a surprising welcome to Kerra and Rusher, offering them shelter for the passengers aboard the Diligence. She also provided them with coordinates to her capital, Syned, a remote icy planet located on the fringes of the Grumani Sector. Although Kerra was initially hesitant, Rusher accepted the offer due to the overcrowding and dwindling supplies on the Diligence. There, Arkadia persuaded Kerra and Rusher to relinquish custody of her brother Quillan.
After some deliberation, Kerra and Rusher complied and returned aboard the Diligence to retrieve Quillan. They were greeted by a trundle car provided by Arkadia to transport them to Patriot Hall, the main public atrium in her capital city of Calimondretta. Tan Tengo and Beadle Lubboon also accompanied Quillan, who remained seated in a brown hoverchair. Upon first encountering the young Sullustan girl, Arkadia was initially suspicious until Kerra explained that she had brought Tan along to calm the adolescent Sith Lord. After offering Tan a friendly nod, Arkadia's aides took Quillan into custody. Rusher brought the clumsy Duros trooper Beadle along for this meeting since he wanted to give the impression that they were not a threat to Arkadia.
Satisfied with her guests, Arkadia then led them on two separate tours of her capital city, Calimondretta. Syned had been recently colonized, and Arkadia's city had been constructed within a series of interconnected ice calderas. Arkadia also sought to project a positive image of herself and her regime to her visitors. She commended them for assisting in the defeat of the former Dyarchy while denouncing the late Regent Calician as the "evil" mastermind who had manipulated her two younger siblings.
Shortly thereafter, they were joined by Narsk Ka'hane, the Bothan spy whom Kerra had encountered earlier on Darkknell. During this meeting, Kerra and Rusher learned that the Bothan was an independent operator who worked for various Sith Lords. Narsk demanded the return of his stealth suit, but Kerra explained that she had already given it to Tan. Kerra attempted to ask Tan to return the suit but the Sullustan girl had already gone on an official tour of Calimondretta with Trooper Lubboon. Thus, Narsk would have to wait until Rusher sent somebody else back to the Diligence.
From the outset, Tan developed a personal fondness for Arkadia. Arkadia was pleased by the Sullustan girl's optimism and asserted that Calimondretta had much to offer her and her fellow refugees. Tan remained unaware of Arkadia's secret conspiracy to use Kerra to assassinate her grandmother, Vilia Calimondra, the family matriarch. Arkadia also planned to deploy the biological agent Chagras's Blood, a nerve toxin extracted from Synedian algae, during a planned expansionist campaign. Arkadia also instructed her Twi'lek aide Warmalo to provide Rusher with food supplies for the Diligence. This ploy also succeeded in winning Rusher over. Finally, Arkadia arranged for the friendly Herglic mother Seese to take Kerra on a tour of her capital. Meanwhile, Arkadia herself would take Tan and Beadle on a tour of her capital, intending to win her guests over so that they would be willing to join her Sith regime as new subjects.
Arkadia succeeded in winning Tan, Lubboon and Rusher due to her charismatic personality and her successful propaganda display. However, the Jedi Knight Kerra still distrusted the Sith Lord due to the historic animosity between the two Force Orders. Kerra also rightfully suspected that Arkadia wanted to exploit them for her own cause. During Tan's tour of the Arkadianate capital, the Sullustan girl came to admire her host's personality and her supposedly well-run and "enlightened" society particularly its well-run Promisoriums.
In these state-run schools, children throughout the Arkadianate were indoctrinated into becoming "productive" and loyal subjects of Arkadia. Tan was amazed by the wide range of subjects taught at these schools including calculus, genetics, and stellar cartography. By contrast, many children back in the Daimanate were denied access to education and were forced to work as cheap labor. The Promisoriums were a cornerstone of Arkadia's policy of continually rotating her subjects through different jobs throughout their lives. Officially, this was done to encourage flexibility and versatility among her subjects. In reality, this policy served as an insurance policy for Arkadia's rule by preventing anyone from gaining enough influence to challenge her rule.
During the tour, Tan shared with Arkadia about her childhood growing up in the Daimanate. She explained that she had also been selected for a munitions training course by Industrial Heuristics and that the students would be limited to one subject for the rest of their lives. Even Arkadia was shocked by the constricted nature of Daiman's education system. At some point, the clumsy Duros Trooper Lubboon accidentally fell down an escalator that was designed for Herglics, a large cetacean species. Each of the escalator's steps were two meters-long. While Lubboon survived the fall, his forehead was grazed.
Following the tour, Tan encountered Kerra who had also finished her tour of Calimondretta. The young Sullustan girl was excited about life in the Arkadianate and extolled the virtues of Calimondretta's education system. Due to her impoverished background growing up in the totalitarian Daimanate, Tan had little exposure to other parts of the galaxy and thus initially believed that the Arkadianate was a utopian paradise in lawless Sith Space. Kerra and Tan were both pleased by the well-run state of the Promisoriums. After returning to Patriot Hall, the teenaged Sullustan gave Arkadia a hug, which pleased the Sith Lord but caused Kerra to wince. Arkadia saw this as an opportunity to promote a favorable image of her realm by inviting Tan to tell her friends aboard the Diligence about the supposedly "good life" waiting for them in the Arkadianate.
Later, Tan and Kerra encountered Rusher who had finished acquiring supplies for the Diligence and had been won over by Arkadia's propaganda. In return for his services, Arkadia promoted Warmalo from being the storehouse manager to the director of metallurgical operations on Syned. Tan and Lubboon were allowed to leave on a transport heading to the Diligence which carried all the food supplies. This influx of food was a relief to the crew and passengers aboard the Diligence which had begun to run low on supplies. Meanwhile, Kerra and Rusher remained behind for a meeting with Arkadia.
Tan Tengo remained aboard the Diligence during the Siege of Calimondretta which saw Kerra and Rusher along with the ship's passengers, many Arkadianate defectors, and the Bothan spy Narsk and Quillan escape the Arkadianate. After allowing Kerra to attend a session of the Bequest where the Jedi Knight learned about the intricate political dynamics of the Grumani Sector, the Sith Lord Arkadia tried to recruit Kerra as assassin. She intended to assassinate her grandmother and family matriarch Vilia Calimondra in order to seize power in the sector. The plot involved Kerra couriering Quillan to Vilia's secret location and then killing the matriarch. However, Kerra refused to work for the Sith Lord and Arkadia had her imprisoned, intending to execute her. She then ordered Rusher to deliver the passengers aboard the Diligence to Patriot Hall where they would be integrated as Arkadianate subjects.
The Bothan spy Narsk took up the offer to courier Quillan to Vilia and then assassinate the matriarch. However, he was actually a double agent working for Vilia and received orders from the matriarch that ordered him to work against Arkadia's plot. Vilia had somehow learnt about her granddaughter's plot and sought to countermand it. Narsk managed to convince Rusher to work against Arkadia's plans by promising to give him half of the hyperspace coordinates that would lead into a jump point in neutral space. Narsk also managed to free Kerra from her prison before she could be exposed to the nerve toxin Chagras's Blood. In return for helping to create a diversion, Narsk gave Kerra the second half of the coordinates. Rusher kept to his side of the bargain by hijacking an icecrawler that had been dispatched to transport the refugees to Calimondretta. Rusher then used the vehicle to infiltrate Arkadia's capital and assault it. This created a diversion that allowed Narsk to escape with Quillan on a shuttle to Vilia's secret location.
Kerra also fought with Arkadia and managed to escape, stealing the Sith Lord's prized twin-bladed lightsaber. She was rescued by Rusher who brought her back aboard the Diligence. The ship's 1,717 student passengers were also joined by about 500 Arkadianate refugees who had grown weary of Arkadia's dictatorial rule. These included the Twi'lek Warmalo, the supply clerk who had been promoted to the position of metallurgist. These defections dealt a blow to Arkadia's rhetoric that the Arkadianate was an "enlightened Sith regime." Tan and many of the other students were excited by the news that the Diligence was finally heading to the Galactic Republic itself after several weeks of rough living. Kerra recalled that the Sullustan girl was so excited that she had barely slept. Several of Tan's fellow refugees would also join Rusher's Brigade as independent military operatives.
Tan Tengo, a Sullustan nearing adolescence, possessed a playful, adventurous, and optimistic nature, complemented by a good sense of humor. She looked up to Jedi Knight Kerra Holt, whom she viewed as a big sister. Driven by their close friendship, Tengo eagerly sought to follow and assist Holt. However, her youth also made her naive. During her time in the Arkadianate, she was deceived by the Sith Lord Arkadia Calimondra into believing that the Arkadianate was a utopian society.
While not Force-sensitive, Tan Tengo possessed a natural aptitude for working with electronics and machinery. Her supervisor in Xakrea commended her skills in disassembling electronic components. In 1032 BBY, her talents led to her recruitment by Industrial Heuristics as a student in a military industrial program focused on building bomb-sights. She also demonstrated the ability to follow someone discreetly.
Tan Tengo made her debut as a minor supporting character in John Jackson Miller's standalone novel, Knight Errant, released on January 22, 2012. As of now, she has not appeared in any other Expanded Universe works.