Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Issue #6 represents the sixth installment in the canon comic book series titled Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures. Daniel José Older penned the story, Harvey Tolibao provided the illustrations, and IDW Publishing released it to the public on July 21st, 2021.
A brand-new story arc begins!
As the galaxy gears up for the Republic Fair, Qort and Farzala depart from their Padawan friends to accompany Leox Gyasi and the rest of the Vessel's crew on a confidential Jedi assignment. What could possibly go wrong in this scenario? The answer: virtually everything imaginable.
Farzala Tarabal recalls that during their time as younglings, he, Qort, and Lula Talisola would regularly view a holo featuring the legendary Jedi icon, Master Tal Bota. Bota was a celebrated figure known for undertaking solo missions against numerous Sith adversaries. He even possessed the ability to single-handedly bring down Star Cruisers, leading them to believe he was the most exceptional Jedi of all time. Lula and Farzala would often debate which of them would succeed Master Bota, despite knowing that Lula was the more likely candidate. However, as children, it was all just a game. Farzala reflects that they never truly anticipated having to engage in real combat.
Aboard the Vessel, Farzala, Qort, and Master Obratuk are en route to Nal Hutta for a secret mission. The past several months have been marked by constant skirmishes with the Nihil, followed by Qort and Farzala's involvement in the conflict against the Drengir, a race of aggressive plant beings, alongside their fellow Jedi and the Hutts. The Hutts have requested that a diplomatic envoy be dispatched to their capital city, one of the few locations in Hutt Space where they successfully repelled the Drengir. Farzala points out that the Hutts kept the reason for their request vague, but given Obratuk's expertise in peace negotiations, the Galactic Republic likely anticipates this to be the purpose of the visit.
As pilot Leox Gyasi announces their exit from [hyperspace](/article/hyperspace], Farzala questions the whereabouts of their Republic escort. Leox adds that they were instructed not to land, so he, Affie Hollow, and Geode will maintain the starship's position in a hover. Affie clarifies that Master Avar Kriss ordered the escort to remain on standby due to the mission's confidential nature. Leox infers that their ability to operate discreetly is the reason they were hired. Farzala accepts this explanation but wonders why Obratuk neglected to inform him and Qort. Affie jokes that the reason is obviously because he is soundly sleeping. Farzala and Qort's attempts to rouse Obratuk are unsuccessful, and Leox urges them to hurry as they have arrived at Bilbousa, where an armed group awaits their arrival.
However, Obratuk remains unresponsive to Farzala's efforts, and Leox speculates that the Parwan Master has entered a seasonal hibernation, a phenomenon that affects some members of the species even when they are not on Parwa, a planet characterized by centuries-long seasons. A voice from outside demands that the "Jedi scum" emerge for negotiations. Farzala leans out of the ship and assures them that they will be out shortly. Acknowledging their lack of options, Farzala decides that Qort must remain with Obratuk while he handles the negotiations, citing his adequate Huttese skills. Leox decides to accompany him, instructing Affie and Geode to stay with the ship.
As they board a skiff, Farzala is told that he appears too young to be a chief negotiator, a sentiment he returns to the Nikto. The speaker, Ishnar, identifies herself as the chief muscle and demands that Farzala and Leox surrender their weapons. Farzala worries that the situation is already deteriorating, but Leox assures him that he is handling it well. As Ishnar directs Grok Grok to take them down, Affie, Geode, and Qort watch them depart, with Affie misquoting "May the Force be with you".
Aboard the Vessel, Affie questions Qort about their constant wearing of a skull, but leaves for the cockpit after receiving no response. Qort and Geode are left alone, and the Padawan speaks to the Vintian in their native language before embracing them. A sudden thunk sound startles Qort.
Farzala and Leox are escorted to the palace of the Hutt Skarabda, the Hutt Clan's chief diplomatic envoy. Leox remarks to herself about the unusually sparse crowd. Skarabda, an old acquaintance of Leox, welcomes her guests before mentioning that Republic forces have been collaborating with her sister Myarga Anjiliac Atirue and the Jedi to combat the Drengir, and that they have come to negotiate a lasting peace between the Republic and the Hutts. Farzala concurs, but Skarabda interrupts, demanding to know why their ship has activated all of its weapon systems and aimed them at the Hutts and their forces. As Ishnar orders the Hutts' fighters to scramble, Farzala and Leox are shocked, dodging as the ship opens fire. Leox says they have to escape, and when Farzala asks about the negotiations, as they flee, Leox is in the middle of explaining why they cannot negotiate right now when they encounter a rancor. As Farzala wonders if Leox was going to end on death, Leox yells for him to run.
Aboard the Vessel, Affie and Qort are held captive by three thugs, with the leader urging them to remain calm to avoid harm. Another thug wonders about the whereabouts of the "rock," while the droid Y-99 appears to be malfunctioning. The leader asks if anyone will fix the droid, while the other thug remains puzzled by Geode's disappearance. Gargo, piloting the Vessel, interrupts to report the rapid approach of several Hutt starfighters, only to panic at the sudden reappearance of Geode in the cockpit, causing him to flee. As Affie and Qort make their escape, the thug leader yells for Gargo to return to the cockpit, but the thug refuses due to the presence of the "evil stone thing." The transport sustains damage from a barrage of laser fire.
Inside the stronghold, Leox guides Farzala towards a remembered exit, but they encounter a wall of guards. Farzala notices a window, but it is a tight fit and there are Drengir outside, which explains why they were instructed not to land. As the carnivorous plant breaches the palace, Ishnar demands that the "saboteurs" stop, but is then seized by a vine. Farzala uses telekinesis to retrieve his lightsaber from a guard before attacking the Drengir vines, freeing Ishnar, and then closing the window. She is surprised to be saved despite having attempted to capture Farzala, but he says it is the Jedi way. As he and Leox are surrounded by guards, Farzala says he does not know why the Vessel fired on the Hutts, but that it was not their intention to do so. He promises to find out what is actually going on if he is allowed. Ishnar is grateful, but insists on the duty of investigating the attack, and says that Farzala and Leox will not be fed to the rancors, for now. Taking back Farzala's lightsaber, she orders them taken away.
Geode pilots the Vessel away from Nal Hutta, evading the Hutt Clan starfighters. The thugs are confused, Gargo stating that the elite attack squad appears to have been outflown by a "creepy rock" while gasping for breath. The green thug wonders where Affie and Qort have disappeared off to. Farzala reminisces that he knows the holostories about Tal Bota were mostly made up, but they always seemed so exciting, fighting evil enemies and bringing justice to the galaxy. The thug leader agrees that the other goon is now making sense, and since the prisoners' location is unknown, they will tear apart the ship to find them as Jabba said no one gets out of this alive. In hiding, Affie and Qort eavesdrop on the thugs. Farzala reflects that the stories don't tell you that all being out there on your own really means is that you are alone, as he is heavily restrained in a Hutt detention cell.
The "Galactic Data File" page presents the binding statues with a different appearance compared to the chained positions described in The High Republic: Into the Dark.