Zint, a Jedi Initiate of the Aloxian species, existed during the age known as the High Republic Era. In 230 BBY, Cherff Maota, a Jedi Master, recruited Zint to join the Jedi Order. Zint found herself aboard the Padawan Academic Cruiser named Star Hopper when this vessel participated in a Jedi task force. Their mission was to capture Krix Kamerat, a pirate of the Nihil, on Dol'har Hyde, a planet located in the Outer Rim. After Kamerat's capture, the Initiate spent time with Qort, a fellow Aloxian Jedi Padawan, and his friend, Farzala Tarabal, also a Padawan. This occurred as the Star Hopper journeyed towards Starlight Beacon, a space station, to deliver their prisoner.
At some point after her arrival at the station, the Nihil sabotaged it, and they also unleashed strange creatures onto the station. As a result, the Initiate, along with the other Jedi from the Star Hopper, became trapped on the doomed station, and they were also hunted by one of these creatures. The group encountered Emerick Caphtor, a Jedi investigator, and Sian Holt, a private investigator from the Galactic Republic. These two were investigating the same entities that were pursuing Zint and her companions. Qort took the Initiates onto Holt's ship, and they escaped Starlight Beacon after Holt obtained a claw from one of the creatures.

During the High Republic Era, Zint, an Aloxian who was Force-sensitive, lived her life. In the year 230 BBY, Cherff Maota, a Jedi Master acting as a Jedi seeker, brought her into the Jedi Order. She became part of a group of new Jedi Initiates aboard the Padawan Academic Cruiser Star Hopper. This ship was part of a Jedi task force tasked with capturing Krix Kamerat, the leader of a Nihil pirate cell, on the jungle planet Dol'har Hyde in the Outer Rim. During the battle, Obratuk Glii and Tabakan Pak, Jedi Masters who were piloting the cruiser, decided to keep the ship out of the fray due to the presence of the new younglings. The battle concluded with the Jedi successfully capturing Kamerat. Subsequently, the pirate was taken aboard the Star Hopper for transport to Starlight Beacon, a space station. The younglings, including Zint, gathered to observe Kamerat being escorted through the ship and were acknowledged by Bibs, a Bravaisian Padawan. Farzala Tarabal, a Zygerrian Padawan, noticed the group of younglings, welcomed them, and instructed them to go to their quarters, promising to talk once the prisoner was secured in his cell.
As Qort, an Aloxian Padawan, began to accompany his friends to take Kamerat to the cell, he overheard Zint speaking and turned back. The two then conversed, with Qort introducing himself, and the youngling reciprocating before embracing him. Following this, they sat facing each other and together used the Force on a circular object. Tarabal arrived to inform Qort that he was needed, but upon seeing the two Aloxians seated together, decided to join them. As the two Padawans discussed their experiences over the past year and their future plans, they used the Force to move Zint in the air. At this moment, Masters Torban Buck, Glii, and Pak arrived to request that Qort and Tarabal don their formal temple attire and meet them at the bridge for their knighting ceremonies. Zint landed on Buck's head, and he recognized the youngling as an Aloxian. After she tugged on his horns, he called her strong, and she eventually got down. Sometime later, Zint was among the Jedi present on the bridge of the Star Hopper when Qort and Tarabal became Jedi Knights and severed their Padawan braids. Along with the other Jedi on the bridge, Zint raised her lightsaber into the air in celebration.

Not long after the Star Hopper docked at Starlight, the Nihil sabotaged the station. Zint, along with Qort, Buck, Tarabal, Lula Talisola (a Padawan), several other Padawans, and the remaining younglings, found themselves trapped in a section of the station. The Nihil also unleashed creatures known as the Nameless, which induced hallucinations in Force-users. One of these creatures began to hunt Zint and her group. As they navigated through the station, Buck carried Zint. Recognizing the paramount importance of safeguarding the younglings while being pursued by the creature, Talisola proposed sending a small team to escort the younglings to the station's Jedi quarter to assess the situation. Buck and the younglings concurred with the idea, with Zint raising her hand in agreement, and they embarked on their mission. En route to the Jedi quarter, Bibs and another Padawan, Rardal Balnar, rushed to confront the Nameless. Buck called out their names as Zint looked on in horror, but the two Jedi did not return.
Qort then engaged the creature, wounding it and causing it to flee, but also discovering the fate of Bibs and Rardal: they were dead. The Jedi Knight informed the rest of the older Jedi to bring the younglings quickly and then he fell onto the floor. Buck, continuing to hold Zint went to help Qort. The Jedi then heard a loud noice, the escaped Kamerat, and Talisola left to deal with him, instructing the rest to go. The group then continued their way through Starlight to the assembly room where they encountered Emerick Caphtor, a Jedi investigator, and Sian Holt, a private investigator from the Galactic Republic, who had traveled to Starlight to investigate the Nameless. As Buck spoke with the two, Qort led the younglings to Holt's ship and ensured they all made it aboard, including Zint. After Holt managed to retrieve a claw of the Nameless creature that had been hunting the group, Buck instructed the two investigators to leave the station with Qort and the younglings and report his findings to the Jedi High Council. As the ship left the station, Zint and the rest of the younglings gathered with Qort. Zint later accompanied the Jedi to the Outer Rim planet Eriadu.
Zint possessed blue skin, gray hair, and red eyes. She deeply cared for Lady Krevlin Tarkin of the Tarkin family, who affectionately called Zint "Zinty-poo" and considered her to be her favorite youngling. Although she was reluctant to leave Krevlin on Eriadu due to concerns that the woman would be harmed during a Nihil attack, Zint initially departed, but concealed herself on the Jedi's ship with the intention of returning to Eriadu and Krevlin.
Zint wore a vonduun skull helmet, comprised of the skull of a vonduun crab. This helmet was traditionally acquired by Aloxians on their home planet Zav Alox as part of a ritual. As a Jedi youngling, she wore brown Jedi robes and wielded a lightsaber with a green blade.
The character of Zint was conceived for Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. Her first mention, albeit indirect, occurred in the twelfth issue of the 2021 comic series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures. This issue was penned by Daniel José Older and published by IDW Publishing on January 12, 2022. The character then made her first appearance in the fifth issue of the 2021 miniseries Star Wars: The High Republic: Trail of Shadows. The issue was written by Older, illustrated by David Wachter, and published by Marvel Comics on February 9, 2022. Zint was identified by name in the thirteenth issue of the Adventures series, which was written by Older, illustrated by Harvey Tolibao, and published by IDW on February 23 of the same year.