Rardal Balnar was a human Jedi Padawan who belonged to the Jedi Order during the era known as the High Republic Era. Back in 232 BBY, Balnar went with some other Jedi aboard the Padawan Academic Cruiser called the Star Hopper to the Trymant system, where they were dealing with an emergence. Later, in 231 BBY, Balnar and other Jedi were summoned to a briefing by Jedi Masters Kantam Sy and Torban Buck concerning an attack that was happening on the planet Takodana. In 230 BBY, Balnar took part in the Great Jedi Rumble Race at the Starlight Beacon space station, and was also there for the Knighting Ceremony of the Jedi Padawans Farzala Tarabal and Qort. Later, Balnar was on Starlight Beacon when Nihil marauders sabotaged the station, causing it to fall towards the planet Eiram. While trying to get away, Balnar, along with Bibs, a Bravaisian Padawan, tried to defeat a Nameless creature, but both were calcified in the process. Afterward, the Republic created a file for Balnar, marking the human as deceased.
Rardal Balnar was a human who was a Jedi Padawan within the ranks of the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. Back in 232 BBY, Marchion Ro, the leader of the Nihil marauder group, gave the order for the Byne Guild freighter called Legacy Run to collide with another object while the ship was traveling through hyperspace. This resulted in the Great Hyperspace Disaster, which in turn led to Emergences across the galaxy, sending pieces of wreckage hurtling into several star systems. The Trymant system was one of the systems that suffered from these Emergences when one was reported to the Jedi space station Starlight Beacon. This information was then sent to the Padawan Academic Cruiser Star Hopper, which was the only Jedi and Galactic Republic cruiser close enough to the system. As Jedi Master Yoda asked the Padawans on the Star Hopper to give him details about the situation, Balnar remained quiet in the cockpit, watching as the Jedi shared the information with the older Jedi. Ultimately, the crew of the Star Hopper succeeded in stopping multiple pieces of debris from crashing into the planet Trymant IV, saving many lives in the process.
One of those saved was Zeen Mrala, a Mirialan child, who helped the Jedi on Trymant IV and revealed her Force-sensitivity to them. This prompted Yoda to ask Mrala to join them on their return to Starlight. Once the Star Hopper crew arrived at the station, five Jedi Masters discussed what to do with Mrala. While they were talking, Lula Talisola, a Jedi Padawan who had overheard the master's conversation, interrupted to suggest they consider Mrala's opinion and ask what she wanted. Then, Farzala Tarabal, a Zygerrian Padawan, also chimed in, pointing out that they should also consider what Mrala's new friends on Starlight, whom she had made over the past week, wanted. He gestured to a group of Jedi, with Balnar smiling among them while carrying an alien Jedi on their back. The Padawans then shared stories of the Trymant IV disaster with the masters, with Balnar present to hear them. They concluded that Mrala should be allowed to stay while Trymant IV recovered from the events it had endured.
Not long after, Master Yoda disappeared while trying to retrieve an ancient relic on the planet Vrant Tarnum. In 231 BBY, the Nihil made their presence known by attacking the planet Valo during the Republic's fair. This led to an escalation in the conflict against the pirates. After the attack, the Jedi managed to track the Nihil to the planet Grizal, which resulted in a battle where they found the missing Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm, who appeared to be covered in dust. Shortly after these events, Jedi Masters Kantam Sy and Torban Buck summoned Padawans, including Balnar, on Starlight to brief them on a mission to the planet Takodana. The mission was to assist Jedi Master Sav Malagán in preventing the Nihil from attacking the small Jedi Temple located there. Buck greeted the younglings and explained the meditation he and Sy had been doing, with Sy commenting on how much had been happening in the galaxy.
Buck then asked if any of the Padawans had questions, which led Balnar and several others to ask about Yoda's disappearance and the death of Greatstorm, among other things. Overwhelmed, Buck admitted that the answers to their questions were currently unknown, with Sy confirming that Yoda was still missing. Buck then explained that Greatstorm had been killed and calcified in an unknown way, with a Jedi investigating the cause of death, which made Balnar look sad. Sy changed the subject to the Takodana issue, explaining that Krix Kamerat, a former friend of Mrala, was working with his cell in the Nihil to cause chaos at the Jedi outpost on Takodana. Balnar looked angry upon hearing this, and Sy suggested that Mrala, who was in the room, should stay behind. As Balnar and others looked at Mrala, she refused to stay on Starlight and declared that she would go to the planet with the rest of the group. Sy accepted her decision, and the Jedi left immediately to help Malagán. In the end, the Jedi prevented the Nihil from ransacking Takodana, although they couldn't prevent the destruction of the Jedi Temple there.
In 230 BBY, Buck invited dozens of Jedi to participate in the Great Jedi Rumble Race, which he planned to host on Starlight to lift everyone's spirits after bringing the event back from its previous location on the planet Endovar. Balnar, who was among those present, listened as Buck explained that there were no rules to the race. While they waited for the event to begin, Balnar played with a head-tailed alien. Eventually, Buck started the race, and Balnar was lifted into the air as everyone rushed through the halls of Starlight. The race ended with Buck winning first place, and Balnar helped lift the head-tailed alien to give a medal to the delighted Chagrian. Later, Balnar attended the Knighting Ceremony of Tarabal and Qort, the Aloxian Jedi. Balnar ignited their green lightsaber after the two were officially knighted.
Balnar was present on Starlight Beacon when the space station was sabotaged by three Nihil on Marchion Ro's orders. In addition, several [Nameless](/article/nameless] creatures, which had caused Greatstorm's death, were released onto the station to create chaos and keep the Jedi busy while the space station plummeted into the atmosphere of the planet Eiram. Balnar and several other Jedi, along with Ishnar Ti-Kharatal, a Kajain'sa'Nikto, tried to escape the ruined space station. As they fled through the corridors, Ti-Kharatal fired her blaster at a Nameless to drive it away. Talisola, who was with the group, suggested splitting up in the hope of finding someone who could get the younglings to safety. The Jedi all agreed with Talisola's plan, and they began to implement it.
However, before Talisola could leave, the Jedi sensed a Nameless creature approaching through one of the corridors. Balnar, Qort, and Bibs, the Bravaisian Jedi, who were leading the way, ignited their lightsabers. Balnar exclaimed that the noise they heard and sensed was a Nameless. Eager to fight, Balnar and Bibs advanced down the dark hallway to eliminate the threat, only to be calcified in the process. Buck, who was with the group, called out to the Padawans, hoping for a response, while a devastated and distraught Talisola grieved their deaths. Qort, not deterred, attempted the same action that had killed Balnar and Bibs and rushed down the corridor, with Talisola shouting at him not to go. Qort continued anyway and was struck by the effects of the Nameless after managing to ward it off with his lightsaber. As Talisola called out to Qort, the Aloxian mentioned how the Nameless had taken Balnar and Bibs' lives before losing consciousness from his wounds. Qort was eventually treated and managed to escape the station alive before it crashed into Eiram's oceans.
Rardal Balnar often appeared to be happy, such as when Farzala Tarabal mentioned them as a friend of Zeen Mrala or when participating in the Great Jedi Rumble Race. Balnar also spent time with a head-tailed alien. Balnar was saddened by the news of Loden Greatstorm's passing but angered when briefed on the Nihil's attack on Takodana. Balnar was attentive when Jedi Masters, like Master Yoda or Master Sy and Buck, were speaking. During the fall of Starlight Beacon, Balnar was confident in their ability to eliminate the creature and eager to finish it off, even when others warned them not to engage. They had dark skin, brown eyes, and brown hair, which later became black.
As a Padawan in the Jedi Order, Rardal Balnar was Force-sensitive and trained in using the Force.
Back in 232 BBY, Rardal Balnar was seen wearing Jedi apparel, including a tan tabard and a brown robe. They also had a blue belt around their waist, shorter hair, and a Padawan braid. In 231 BBY, they still wore a tan tabard, but their robes were now bright brown, and their belt was green. They also wore brown boots, had more hair, and sported a dreadlock. By 230 BBY, Balnar had added more robes to their attire, along with a pocket on their belt. They also had several dreadlocks extending from their hair at the back of their head. During the fall of Starlight Beacon, Balnar wore the same clothes, with sand-colored robes, a brown belt, and gray pants. They carried a green lightsaber.
Rardal Balnar made an appearance, though unidentified, in the first issue of the 2021 comic series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, which was released as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. The issue was written by Daniel José Older, illustrated by Harvey Tolibao, and published by IDW Publishing on February 3, 2021. The first name, Rardal, was given to the character in "Starlight Coda," a comic story in Free Comic Book Day 2023: All Ages, part of the same comic series run that tied into the next series, the 2023 Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures. Older wrote the issue, Tolibao illustrated it, and Dark Horse Comics published it on May 6, 2023. The last name, Balnar, was given to the character in the second issue of the 2023 comic series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures. Older wrote the issue, Tolibao and Nick Brokenshire illustrated it, and Dark Horse Comics published it as part of Phase III of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project on January 24, 2024.