Cybot Galactica

Cybot Galactica was a droid manufacturing company that most notably produced the 3PO protocol droids on the factory world of Affa. The famous protocol unit C-3PO was built by Anakin Skywalker out of scrap parts from Cybot Galactica droids collected in a junk pile on Tatooine. Cybot Galactica also manufactured several medical droids such as the 2R-series and the AZ-series as well as analysis droids such as the JN-66 and the SP-4.


Cybot Galactica's greatest invention, the TranLang III communications module included in their 3PO-series droids

Cybot Galactica's greatest invention, the TranLang III communications module included in their 3PO-series droids

Cybot Galactica was one of the biggest droid manufacturers in the entire galaxy along with Industrial Automaton. It became extremely successful after its introduction of the 3PO series of protocol droid which revolutionized galactic affairs with their TranLang III communication module which made them fluent in over 6 million forms of communication -including speech and vocalizations. Operating from the factory planet of Affa, where 3PO units were constructed, Cybot Galactica went on to design a variety of droids to aid the Galactic Republic in the war effort, including the IM-6 Battlefield Medical Droid and the IW-37 pincer loader droid used by the Jedi Order's Eta-2 Actis-class interceptors. After the formation of the Galactic Empire, CG continued designing a variety of droids for them including the AC1-series surveillance droid and the WSW Mk III "Harrier" Combat Remote.

Protocol droids

A 3PO-series protocol droid

A 3PO-series protocol droid

Cybot Galactica's oldest -and most famous- product was protocol droids which they pioneered with their TC-series, introduced to the galactic market before 32 BBY. These functioned as assistants and butlers to high-ranking officials, including Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, whose personal assistant TC-14 was one such model. CG perfected the design with the 3PO-series, which had the same overall appearance but featured one of the most capable communications modules ever constructed, the TranLang III. 3PO droids also had more personality than their TC counterparts, being pleasant -if occasionally tiresome- companions to their masters. Ultimately and despite Industrial Automaton and Arakyd Industries's attempts to corner them by introducing specialized models such as the BD10-series assay support droid and the RA-7 protocol droid, Cybot Galactica dominated the protocol droid market in the galaxy.

Medical droids

An AZ-series surgical assistant droid, one of Cybot Galactica's medical droids used by the GAR

An AZ-series surgical assistant droid, one of Cybot Galactica's medical droids used by the GAR

Despite being primarily known as a protocol droid manufacturer, Cybot Galactica also pioneered the field of medical droids. Their products included the AZ-series surgical assistant droid, which was used as an emergency response medtech in the Galactic Republic's Kaminoan military facilities. These droids boasted the pleasant if curious attitude of most CG products and had a variety of useful tools such as fusioncutters and anesthesia inducers for operations, scomp links for computer navigation and the option to transform into a repulsorcraft for quick transportation. Another medical droid model manufactured by CG and used by the Grand Army of the Republic was the IM-6 battlefield medical droid, which was among the standard emergency equipment carried by Low Altitude Assault Transports and All Terrain Tactical Enforcers to attend to combat-caused injuries. Finally, CG manufactured the 2R-series medical droid; this particular unit proved to be a failure leading CG to re-use most perts for its significantly more successful RH-series research droid used in bulk by the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Labor and worker droids

The PK-series worker droid, a typical example of Cybot Galactica's labor units

The PK-series worker droid, a typical example of Cybot Galactica's labor units

Apart from their more intelligent droid models, Cybot Galactica also specialized in the manufacture of labor droids, autonomous drones which worked in jobs requiring manual labor on military and civilian industries. In particular the CLL-series saw great use by the GAR during the Clone Wars, with the CLL-M2 binary loadlifter model being used in military and naval facilities to load cargo on vehicles and transport starships, while the IW-37 pincer loader was used to load more sensitive cargo in tight spaces, including Jedi officers' Eta-class starfighters. Doctor Sionver Boll also modified some CLL units to study the Zillo Beast in its containment in Coruscant. Later, CG began manufacturing WED Treadwell repair droids, a more specialized maintenance droid to repair the turrets and combat units of the Galactic Empire.

For the private sector, CG manufactured PK- and SE-2 worker droids, with the former seeing use in the Trade Federation's Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighters and later having most support and repair tasks in the Confederacy of Independent Systems' Droid Army relegated to them. The SE-2 on the other hand saw more use in remote settlements were it was used as more or less a general service droid, earning the nickname "farm droid".

Analysis droids

An SP-4 analysis droid used in the Jedi Temple Analysis Rooms

An SP-4 analysis droid used in the Jedi Temple Analysis Rooms

One of Cybot Galactica's more clandestine sectors of operation was the production of analysis droids, exotic units specialized in analyzing objects and artifacts and tracing them back to an owner or manufacturer. These droids proved to be very popular with law enforcement and organizations such as the Coruscant Security Force and even the Jedi Order, the latter of which used both SP-4 and JN-66 analysis droids in its Analysis Rooms. The Order even modified several of their SP-4 units to SP-4 ISCs to assist Jedi investigators on their cases due to the Dark side of the Force clouding their prescient senses. One of these modified droids, Russo-ISC, helped Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano with finding the perpetrator of the Bombing of the Jedi Temple hangar in 19 BBY.

Combat droids

Following the formation of the Galactic Empire, Cybot Galactica continued manufacturing military droids for the new government, including the AC1-series surveillance droid, an intelligent spy droid programed to report directly to Imperial officers and the WSW Mk III "Harrier" Combat Remote which was equipped with twin repeating blasters and could be extremely deadly when deployed in large numbers.

Unofficial variants

Due to Cybot Galactica's prominence in the galactic droid market, a number of custom units were built based on their designs. Most notable of these was 0-0-0, result of the combination of the Triple-Zero protocol personality matrix and a 3PO-series model's chassis. When the combination was correctly executed and the matrix was bonded with the host body, it modified the droid's hardware to include deadly weapons -including subdermal electric pulsers in the palms and a proton charge in the chest-, turning it into a sadistic assassin droid. 0-0-0 had multiple incarnations throughout the years, taking control of various droids' bodies and wreaking havoc from the Old Republic to the Imperial era.

Business model

Cybot Galactica acted both as a manufacturer and a distributor of its droid models. For example, the 3PO-series was available for purchase directly from the firm, but CG also distributed ready-for-assembly kits for hobbyists who wanted to build their own droid at home or further customize it, leading to many parts being re-usable. This particular trait of Cybot Galactica's products allowed young Anakin Skywalker to assemble a complete and fully functional 3PO, C-3PO from spare parts of several CG droids lying in a junk pile in Tatooine.
















