Timeline of galactic history

This is a timeline of galactic history—a chronological record of events relevant to the galaxy. This timeline uses dates in terms of years before the Battle of Yavin (BBY) and after the Battle of Yavin (ABY).

Before the Republic (eons–25,025 BBY)

Dawn of the Jedi (c. 25,025 BBY)

Expansionist Period (25,000 BBY)

Millennia before the Imperial Era

  • Eons before the Imperial Era
  • Thousands of years before the Clone Wars or the Imperial Era

22,000–5000 BBY

Battles with the Jedi (c. 5000 BBY)

c. 5000 – c. 1000 BBY

Defeat of the Sith (1032 BBY)

  • 1032 BBY
  • c. 1022 BBY
  • c. 1000 BBY

Reformation of the Republic (c. 1000 BBY)

c. 1000 – c. 500 BBY

High Republic Era (c. 500 – 100 BBY)

c. 100 – 32 BBY

Palpatine presided over the opening of the Theed power generator.

Palpatine presided over the opening of the Theed power generator.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Prelude to galactic war (32–22 BBY)

Zillo Beasts were hunted to near-extinction by the Dugs of Malastare.

Zillo Beasts were hunted to near-extinction by the Dugs of Malastare.

Clone Wars (22–19 BBY)

Clone Wars (continued; 19 BBY)

"The Dark Times" (19–0 BBY)

Ezra Bridger accepts the passing of his parents and mentor, who sacrificed themselves to save the ones they loved. Thus resisting darkness and foiling the plans of the Sith, Bridger later does likewise for his new-found family.

Ezra Bridger accepts the passing of his parents and mentor, who sacrificed themselves to save the ones they loved. Thus resisting darkness and foiling the plans of the Sith, Bridger later does likewise for his new-found family.

Battle of Yavin

Renewed hope (0–2 ABY)

Empire ascendant (3 ABY)

Crimson chaos (3–4 ABY)

  • 3–4 ABY
  • 3–4 ABY (continued)

Return of the Jedi (4 ABY)

  • 4 ABY

Fall of the Empire (4 ABY–5 ABY)

  • 4 ABY
  • Weeks following the Battle of Endor
  • Sometime after the Battle of Endor

Galactic Civil War (continued; 5 ABY)

Peace (5–28 ABY)

Cold War (29–34 ABY)

First Order-Resistance War (34 – 35 ABY)

New Jedi Order (35 ABY–)

  • 35 ABY (continued)
  • Rey Skywalker's new blade would go on to honor the Skywalker legacy, and she works to restore peace in the galaxy as a Jedi Master.
  • 50 ABY
