Azzameen Station

Azzameen Station, also known as Azzameen Home Base, served as the space station dwelling of the Azzameen family. Furthermore, it functioned as the central hub for their trading enterprise, Twin Suns Transport Services, throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War. This station was positioned in orbit around a volcanic planet situated within the Outer Rim Territories. Azzameen Station provided numerous conveniences for the Azzameens and their company's personnel, notably a holosimulator and a hangar sufficiently large to accommodate and maintain multiple YT-series light freighters, which encompassed the family's pair of YT-1300s, named Sabra and Selu, in addition to their YT-2000 called Otana. The architectural design of Azzameen Station stood out within the galaxy, characterized by its distinct semi-circular extensions that bordered a prominent central tower.

Not long after the crucial Battle of Hoth during the war in 3 ABY, Tomaas Azzameen, the family's patriarch, considered it an opportune time to introduce his youngest offspring, Ace, to the family's line of work. Ace, with the support of his siblings throughout his piloting instruction, undertook various assignments originating from Azzameen Station. During Ace's training period, Tomaas, displaying empathy for the Rebel Alliance's objectives, formulated a clandestine strategy to supply the Alliance XQ2 Platform Hospital with a black-market quantity of the restorative substance known as bacta, seeking his family's assistance. However, this endeavor culminated in a calamitous outcome for the Azzameens, who lost Tomaas and his eldest son, Galin, amidst the subsequent battle. As a result, the Azzameen family was labeled as traitors against the Galactic Empire due to their involvement, compelling them to abandon their family's properties, which included Azzameen Home Base. These assets were subsequently captured and transferred to Viraxo Industries, a rival trading firm that was affiliated with the Empire.

Subsequently, a group of mercenaries occupied the station, renaming it Falcon's Nest and installing several static defenses to safeguard the defenseless structure. After these mercenaries disrupted a meeting between the Alliance and the Bothan Spynet, the Rebels requested that members of the Azzameen family locate the mercenary base. Ace, who had become a renowned starfighter pilot within the Alliance Fleet, and his sister, Aeron, successfully tracked the mercenary bulk cruiser Redhawk to Falcon's Nest. Upon their arrival, the Azzameens were taken aback to discover that it was their former residence. Leveraging this knowledge, the Alliance initiated a mission to liberate the station from the mercenary faction, with Ace participating alongside his civilian siblings, Aeron and Emon. Following the destruction of the external defenses, an Alliance strike team took control of Falcon's Nest, and Aeron successfully prevented the mercenaries' attempt to destroy the station. With the mercenaries defeated, the Alliance assumed command of the station. In recognition of the Azzameens' continued support, Azzameen Station was restored to the family, who reinstated its original designation.


Azzameen Station was an exceptional orbital space station that VenteX Construction Yards constructed. It was suspended above a volcanic planet within a star system found in the Outer Rim's Garis sector. The Azzameen family, prosperous traders, owned and managed the station, frequently referring to it as Azzameen Home Base. It served as both a residence for the Azzameens and a central location for their shipping business, Twin Suns Transport Services. The station could accommodate 120 crew members and 325 passengers. The Azzameen family members were very attached to their Home Base and spent a considerable amount of their time there. Tomaas Azzameen's youngest child, Ace, spent his entire life on the station before working for Twin Suns Transport Services.

Azzameen family transports Selu and Sabra parked in Azzameen Station's hangar

Azzameen Station had a largely semi-circular structure that measured 1.45 kilometers. A tall, steeply-sloping tower was located between the station's two flanking crescent-shaped arms. This tower extended both dorsally and ventrally from the central horizontal plane of Azzameen Station, creating a cross-like shape when viewed from the station's front. The central tower structure's most notable feature was a large hangar that could hold the family's many YT-series Corellian transports and various cargo containers. The station's hangar was equipped to install various weapon payloads, warhead countermeasures, and other starship devices on landed ships. A landing platform was located at the hangar's entrance. On the tower's top, flanked by two thin spires, was a docking port that allowed crew members to enter the station from a docked starship. Each of the station's two arms had various mooring points that larger craft, like a modular conveyor, could use to dock with the station. At the end of each arm structure was a tower.

The station was protected by a deflector shield generator rated at 1920 SBD and had a hull rating of 1664 RU. Its communications systems allowed it to contact ships nearby. The station itself was unarmed and depended on static defenses and starfighter protection during an attack. A tractor beam projector helped pilots land their ships in the station's main hangar. Azzameen Station had a central computer and a communications datacore, which stored all communications entering and leaving the station. Additionally, Azzameen Home Base had a holosimulator that Ace Azzameen frequently used to improve his piloting skills.

Due to the family company's long-standing conflict with Viraxo Industries and the Imperialization of Azzameen assets by the Galactic Empire after a failed Azzameen supply run for the Alliance to Restore the Republic, control of the station was given to a mercenary group, which renamed it Falcon's Nest. Under mercenary ownership, the station's interior was poorly maintained, and bombs were installed in the station's wiring to prevent it from changing hands again. Someone with knowledge of the station's systems could dismantle these bombs.


Azzameen Home Base

The Otana and one of the family's YT-1300 freighters leave Azzameen Station.

VenteX Construction Yards built Azzameen Station, and the Azzameen family acquired it sometime before 3 ABY. The space station was placed in orbit around a volcanic planet in a system of the Garis sector in the Outer Rim Territories. The Azzameens—family patriarch Tomaas and his four children, Galin, Emon, Aeron, and Ace—used Azzameen Station as their home, which earned it the name Azzameen Home Base. It also served as the headquarters for the family's successful trading company, Twin Suns Transport Services. The Azzameens stored and serviced their two YT-1300 light freighters, the Selu and the Sabra, and the YT-2000 light freighter Otana in the station's main hangar. These tasks, as well as general upkeep and cleaning, were often performed by the family's maintenance droid, MK-09, also known as Emkay. Some Azzameens lived permanently at the station. Ace, the youngest of Tomaas's four children, had lived his entire life aboard Azzameen Station before working for Twin Suns Transport Services. The family often used the station as a central point for deliveries, transporting cargo to and from their home base.

After narrowly escaping the ice planet Hoth in 3 ABY at the start of the Battle of Hoth—a crucial battle in the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic—Tomaas used Azzameen Station to repair the Otana, which had been damaged while fleeing the Hoth system. His brother, Antan, had denied the ship access to Twin Suns Transport Service's repair facility, Twin Suns Station. Soon after escaping Hoth, Tomaas decided it was time for his youngest son to learn the family business. Azzameen Station served as the base for many of Ace's training missions, including a delivery to the XQ1 Platform Harlequin Station and a combat exercise.

During Ace's training, his sister, Aeron, accidentally deleted records for three of the family's cargo storage areas and had to rebuild them by manually inspecting the containers. She and Ace left Azzameen Station to perform the inspection and discovered a container filled with illegal spice left by Viraxo Industries, a rival shipping company, to frame the Azzameen family. Aeron retrieved the contraband and brought it back to Azzameen Station. Using the container of spice, Antan planned to retaliate against Viraxo for their continued interference in Azzameen affairs. He sent Ace, Aeron, and Emon to the Viraxo cargo facility Viraxo 54 to instigate a feud between Viraxo and their Imperial allies. Antan's mission was not entirely successful and cost the family the Selu, but the Azzameens managed to return to Azzameen Home Base and considered the day a success.

A family dispersed

A later mission, led by Tomaas, to supply the Rebel XQ2 Platform Hospital with a black-market supply of the healing substance bacta also failed. During the cargo transfer, an Imperial task force led by Admiral Garreth Holtz arrived and engaged the Alliance and Azzameen forces at the hospital. The resulting battle was disastrous for the Azzameens, who lost their GR-75 medium transport, Vasudra. Tomaas and Galin, who were on board the ship, were presumed to have perished. The surviving Azzameens involved in the battle, Ace and Emon, escaped the system and returned to Azzameen Home Base with the news of the family's apparent loss.

A squad of spacetroopers enters the booby-trapped hangar.

Shortly after the battle at Hospital, the Empire issued warrants for the arrests of Azzameen family members and the seizure of all Azzameen assets due to the family's ties to the Rebellion and their multiple altercations with the Imperial-aligned Viraxo Industries, including the mission at Viraxo 54. Antan Azzameen, now the chief officer of Twin Suns Transport Services, ordered both Azzameen Station and Twin Suns Station evacuated. Antan also instructed Ace and Aeron to fetch a container of warheads and the contents of the family safe aboard the emptying Twin Suns Station, while he and Emon left Azzameen Station to retrieve supplies from one of the family's storage yards. The family parted ways at Azzameen Station, planning to regroup there before leaving for a safe place that Antan had arranged.

Ace and Aeron successfully collected the materials and returned to the evacuated family base, but Antan was captured by Viraxo. Emon escaped and returned to Azzameen Station, where he relayed the news. The trio debated the best course of action—as Antan never revealed the location to which he had planned to escape—while opportunistic Viraxo ships approached Azzameen Station, intending to capture the station themselves. Although the family managed to secure Azzameen Home Base from the Viraxo starfighters, the arrival of Admiral Holtz aboard the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Corrupter forced the Azzameens to abandon the system and seek asylum with the Alliance Fleet.

After the Azzameens fled, a boarding party of Imperial Zero-G assault stormtroopers approached the station's hangar, where they were caught in the Azzameen family's final trap: The hangar, rigged with explosives, detonated upon their entry. Despite the sabotage, the station itself was largely undamaged and fell under Imperial control. Upon capturing Azzameen Station, the Empire restricted civilian traffic to it and its sector and granted provisional control of Azzameen Station and the Azzameen's other facilities to Viraxo Industries. During Azzameen Station's occupation, the family's communications datacore was removed from the station and sent to Junkyard Control, though a later Azzameen mission recovered it for the data stored within.

Falcon's Nest

Between the Imperial capture of Azzameen Station in 3 ABY and the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, a group of mercenaries seized control of the former Azzameen home and renamed it Falcon's Nest. To protect the station, the mercenaries erected several static defense platforms around Falcon's Nest and employed a starfighter complement of Preybird-class and IRD starfighters. The mercenaries also hardwired several explosive devices into the station's wiring. These bombs were set to detonate if Falcon's Nest changed ownership again and could only be deactivated by someone familiar with the station's onboard systems. The bulk cruiser Redhawk, under the mercenaries' employ, occasionally visited the space station, as did Antan Azzameen, who had been rescued from his earlier Viraxo capture by the surviving Azzameens. Without the knowledge of his family—with whom he had been conducting missions since his escape—Antan contacted Falcon's Nest to restore Twin Suns Transport Services to its former standing by cooperating with the mercenaries and their Imperial connections. During these proceedings, Antan docked his ship, the Action IV transport Big Score, with Falcon's Nest.

Mercenaries renamed their newly acquired space station Falcon's Nest.

The Imperials saw an opportunity to create distrust within the Rebel Alliance based on damage caused by the Hurrim, a pirate group that betrayed a brief alliance with the Rebellion. The Empire contacted the mercenaries at Falcon's Nest shortly after the destruction of the Hurrim and instructed them to interrupt a key meeting between the Alliance and a contact from the Bothan Spynet, an intelligence agency operated by Bothans with key information that the Alliance needed. Although the mission's main goal was to capture Borsk Fey'lya, leader of the Bothan Spynet, the Imperials were more interested in the mission's potential to strain relations between two species whose contributions to the Rebel Alliance were crucial: the Bothans and Sullustans, the latter being the supposed employers of the mercenary group. The mercenaries failed to capture Fey'lya. However, the Alliance managed to apprehend one of the mercenary operatives, who claimed to be working for the Sullustans, creating the desired tension as the Empire instructed.

The Alliance, frustrated by the constant involvement of mercenary groups in its affairs but unable to dedicate the necessary resources to finding their base of operations, requested Ace, now a decorated Alliance pilot; Aeron; and MK-09 to locate the base in an unofficially-sanctioned mission. The Alliance provided the Azzameen duo, flying together in the family's Otana, with the coordinates to the Redhawk's last known location, gathered from the captured operative, who claimed that the bulk cruiser contained the location of the mercenary base known as Falcon's Nest in its navigation computer. The Azzameens successfully intercepted the Redhawk at the cargo platform Cargo Station and downloaded the suspected coordinates before heading to what they believed was the mercenary base. However, the coordinates were falsified and led the Azzameens to a weapons testing range in the Carida system. Shortly after the Azzameens' ship departed, the Redhawk left for the correct location of Falcon's Nest.

After narrowly avoiding the live fire of five Star Destroyers in the Carida system, the Otana returned to Cargo Station to find that the bulk cruiser had left. Reasoning that the Redhawk would have returned to the mercenary base, the Azzameens sliced through Cargo Station's departure records and discovered the location of the Redhawk's flight. The Otana followed the trail and emerged from hyperspace just out of range of Falcon's Nest—which the Azzameens immediately recognized as their former home. After the shock of seeing their home transformed into a mercenary base and verifying the station's identity with a quick scan, the Azzameens left as the mercenaries of Falcon's Nest began to scramble their defense force. When the Otana returned to the Alliance Fleet, Ace and Aeron reported their findings.

Azzameen Station once more

The Alliance was determined to strike back at the mercenaries and end their operations after receiving the data on Falcon's Nest. Due to the Azzameens' familiarity with the station, they were asked to join the Rebel strike force, although only Ace was enlisted. The civilian Azzameens agreed, offering their own ships for the battle. Ace joined them, flying for the Alliance in a new B-wing starfighter. The strike force, consisting of a group of B-wings, a group of X-wing starfighters, Emon's Firespray-31-class starship, Andrasta, the Otana, and the assault transport Storm Unit, departed from the MC80 Star Cruiser Liberty and began the assault on Falcon's Nest after a brief trip through hyperspace.

The liberation of Azzameen Station

The mercenary Preybird, along with IRD starfighters and the Redhawk, all advanced to confront the approaching Rebel forces. As the X-wing starfighters moved to intercept the mercenary ships, the B-wings focused their attacks on the station's fixed defenses, aiming to create a clear path for the Storm Unit's advance. During the engagement, Aeron and Emon noticed their uncle Antan's ship, the Big Score, docked at the mercenary base. Seeing the impending conflict, Antan chose to flee the system, ignoring all attempts by his relatives to contact him. The Azzameens were unable to chase after their uncle due to their assigned mission, but Aeron assured her brothers that she would reach out to him once the battle concluded. Ace successfully eliminated the gun emplacements, and the B-wing group disabled Falcon's Nest, which then allowed Storm Unit to commence its approach. As Storm Unit entered the system and headed towards Falcon's Nest, the mercenary group's Marauder-class corvette, the Plague, along with another squadron of IRD starfighters, arrived and started attacking the assault transport. Ace, piloting his B-wing, intercepted and destroyed these incoming starfighters, enabling Storm Unit to successfully land in Falcon's Nest's hangar. A team of Alliance commandos then disembarked from the assault transport and fought their way through the station, while the Alliance strike force destroyed the Redhawk, the Plague, and the remaining mercenary starfighters.

Soon after, the commandos gained control of the station. This capture triggered a self-destruct sequence for Falcon's Nest, initiated by the mercenary group in an attempt to prevent its loss, a situation that the commando team promptly reported to the rest of the Alliance strike force. Aeron piloted the Otana to a dorsal access port and docked her YT-2000 freighter there just as a group of GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats entered the system and began attacking the docked freighter. Aeron quickly moved to assist the commando team in disarming the explosives within Falcon's Nest's wiring, while Rebel starfighters engaged and eliminated the approaching Skipray Blastboats, buying Aeron the necessary time to reach the commandos. Leveraging her deep understanding of the space station's systems, Aeron managed to halt the station's destruction with only seconds to spare. With the mercenary forces defeated and the station secured by the Alliance, the group returned to the Liberty. As a gesture of gratitude for the family's ongoing service, including their contributions in the assault on the mercenary base, the Alliance returned control of the newly liberated station to the Azzameens.

Reverted to its original name, Azzameen Home Base became a gathering place for the Azzameen family as all signs of mercenary occupation were removed from the station. Eventually, Antan arranged a family meeting with Emon, Aeron, and Ace to explain his presence at the station during the Alliance's attack. After a heated exchange, Antan revealed that he had been collaborating with the mercenaries to secure the release of Tomaas and Galin. Antan claimed they had survived the Vasudra's destruction and were being held at Kessel Station, a high-security space prison orbiting Kessel. He admitted that working for the mercenaries, and therefore the Empire, meant opposing the Rebel Alliance. Using the information about their supposed location, Antan proposed a rescue attempt. Despite their reservations, Tomaas's children agreed that family came first, and, at Antan's urging, the group departed Azzameen Station and headed towards the Kessel system. However, upon arrival, they discovered that Antan's story was a fabrication and that he had lured them into an Imperial ambush. The Azzameen siblings narrowly escaped Antan's betrayal with the help of their family friend Dunari and sought refuge with the Rebel Fleet.


The Imperial Star Destroyer Corrupter approaches Azzameen Station.

Azzameen Station served mainly as the residence of the Azzameen family, including Tomaas Azzameen and his four offspring: Galin, Emon, Aeron, and Ace, along with Tomaas's brother, Antan. Emkay, the family's MK-series maintenance droid designated MK-09, also resided with the Azzameens on the station. Functioning as the station's caretaker, the droid developed a strong connection with Ace, the youngest of Tomaas's children, and spent so much time with the Azzameens that he considered himself one of them. Because it served as the family's home, the station was frequently referred to as Azzameen Home Base. The Azzameens' dwelling also acted as the headquarters for their trading enterprise, Twin Suns Transport Services, accommodating 120 crew members and having a capacity for over 300 passengers.

When arrest warrants were issued for the Azzameens, they abandoned their home as the Empire descended upon it and their trading facilities. The Empire subsequently handed over the deserted and seized station to the Viraxo. At some point, the station fell into the hands of a mercenary organization that renamed it Falcon's Nest. These mercenaries utilized the former Azzameen Station as their operational base, launching attacks from it while carrying out a mission for the Empire against the Rebel Alliance. Their activities triggered a counter-offensive against the mercenaries, who were ultimately driven out of their base through a combined Alliance and Azzameen assault. Following the liberation of the space station, the Alliance returned it to the Azzameen family, who restored its original name.

Behind the scenes

Azzameen Station made its debut in Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance, the fourth entry in the X-Wing series of computer games, which was released in February of 1999. The station fulfills a dual role by serving as a menu interface for players to access various parts of the game and by appearing as a setting and objective in missions. Apart from the game's official Prima strategy guide, the station received no further mention until the online companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas established Azzameen Station's location within the Garis sector.

In every mission where Azzameen Station is featured, the player has the option to attack it. While most missions restrict the player from completely destroying it, certain missions, including the station's liberation, permit the destruction of Azzameen Station.

