Ania Solo

Ania Solo, a Human female, belonged to the esteemed House of Solo. She descended from the celebrated Rebel Alliance heroes: the smuggler Han Solo and the Jedi Knight and princess of Alderaan, Leia Organa Solo. Furthermore, she was distantly related to Empress Marasiah Fel and the Jedi Cade Skywalker. Nearing the conclusion of the Second Imperial Civil War, Ania made her escape from an Imperial detention center located on Drash-So. It was then that she crossed paths with the benevolent assassin droid AG-37, who, honoring a commitment made to her ancestor Han Solo, provided her with transportation off-planet. By the year 138 ABY, Solo was employed as a scrap dealer within the Carreras system. She inadvertently came across the lightsaber of Imperial Knight Yalta Val when an Imperial communications droid containing the weapon appeared in her scrapyard. With the assistance of her Mon Calamari companion Sauk, Solo sought to sell the lightsaber on Carreras Major, but quickly became the target of a Sith masquerading as Val. Aided by Sauk, AG-37, and an Imperial Knight named Jao Assam, Ania became embroiled in an insurgency spearheaded by the renegade Sith Lord Darth Wredd. Their actions resulted in the destruction of the Galactic Federation Triumvirate's communications array in the Carreras system, drawing Ania to the attention of Empress Fel.

Following the Carreras Incident, Ania partnered with Jao Assam in a pursuit to capture Darth Wredd. Their search led them to the desolate world of Dac, where they discovered that a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Luft had been secretly amassing a pirate fleet. He was utilizing the remnants of the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards and a slavery operation that exploited Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees. With the support of a Triumvirate force commanded by Admiral Gar Stazi and Yalta Val, they successfully liberated the enslaved individuals and eliminated Darth Luft. However, their pursuit of Wredd was hindered by the revelation that he was not on Dac and had manipulated them into assassinating Darth Luft. Further complicating matters, Ania's past resurfaced. Falsely accused of murdering an Imperial Knight named Teemen Alton, she was abducted by her former lover Ramid, who sought to claim the bounty on her head as retribution for her past abandonment. Circumstances forced them to collaborate when a mysterious bounty hunter ambushed them and became determined to capture Ania. The bounty hunter, the actual murderer of the Imperial Knight and a former guard at the prison camp where Ania was held during the war, eliminated Ramid and attempted to frame Ania for Alton's death. However, Jao intervened and rescued her, and they were promptly apprehended by a unit of Trandoshan stormtroopers, who placed Ania under arrest. Subjected to a trial for the alleged crime, Ania's innocence was ultimately proven by Master Val and Jao, who presented evidence exonerating her.

However, Jao was apprehended for his desertion from the Imperial Knights and condemned to execution. Before the sentence could be carried out, Darth Wredd orchestrated Jao's escape. With the approval of Empress Fel, Ania, her companions, and a contingent of Trandoshan stormtroopers were covertly dispatched to retrieve Jao. Utilizing coordinates provided by Jao, Ania and her team tracked them to the desolate, floating world of Mala, the site of the Carreras Incident. After rescuing Jao, ships carrying infiltrated members of the One Sith arrived, along with Empress Fel and a fleet comprising stormtroopers and Imperial Knights. A significant battle erupted on Mala between the Sith and the Knights, during which Ania and her allies briefly allied with Darth Wredd, who had orchestrated the entire confrontation to eradicate the Sith. Once the battle concluded, Wredd betrayed them and attempted to assassinate Empress Fel, severely injuring her. Following a brief altercation with Jao, during which the Imperial Knight refused to kill the rogue Sith, Ania used a blaster rifle to kill Wredd. In the aftermath of the Sith's defeat, Ania declined the empress's offer to become the captain of her personal guard, opting instead to continue her galactic travels with her companions and a pardoned Jao.


Early life and imprisonment

Ania's first encounter with AG-37

As a Human female and a descendant of both Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, Ania Solo's life unfolded during the Second Imperial Civil War, spanning from 130138 ABY. This conflict saw the Galactic Empire, under the command of the Sith Lord Darth Krayt, being defeated by the Alliance composed of the Empire-in-exile, the New Jedi Order, and the Galactic Alliance Remnant. Early in her life, opinions about Solo's future were divided; some predicted a grim fate, while others foresaw a grand destiny. However, Solo herself dismissed the notion of destiny. Prior to 138 ABY, she entered into a romantic relationship with a spacer named Ramid.

Near the end of the Second Imperial Civil War, Ania Solo was incarcerated in an Imperial prison camp on Drash-So within the Selvatas system for the alleged murder of an unidentified individual. Her romantic partner, Ramid, also found himself in the same prison camp. During her time in prison, Ania endured regular abuse and torture at the hands of a sadistic female guard, who had a prosthetic left hand and wielded a lightwhip. Ania and Ramid attempted to escape the prison camp, but their efforts were detected by the guards. During the escape, Ramid was shot and recaptured, while Ania managed to evade capture. Ramid suffered severe punishment for the escape attempt, fostering resentment towards Ania, whom he unjustly blamed for abandoning him. While Ania regretted leaving Ramid behind, she had no means of knowing whether he had survived.

After her escape from the Imperial prison camp, Ania Solo encountered the compassionate assassin droid AG-37. Despite Ania initially drawing a weapon on AG-37 during their first encounter, they developed a close and loyal friendship. Decades earlier, AG-37 had made an unspecified promise to Ania's ancestor, Han Solo. Recognizing Ania as a descendant of Solo, AG-37 felt sympathy for her. Seeing that she lacked the funds to purchase transportation out of the Selvatas system, AG-37 provided Ania Solo with lodging and passage. Seeking to escape the troubles plaguing the Selvatas system, Ania fled to the remote Carreras system, a star system located near the Surd Nebula in the Outer Rim Territories.

The discovery

Solo and Sauk discover the Imperial Knight Yalta Val's lightsaber

While visiting Carreras Minor, Ania encountered a homeless Mon Calamari engineer named Sauk, who had lost his family during the One Sith's genocide against the Mon Calamari. Showing compassion for a complete stranger, she helped Sauk find lodging and a meal. Consequently, Sauk developed respect for Ania for assisting him during his time of need, and they became close friends. By 138 ABY, Ania Solo had successfully established a junkyard on Carreras Major. An insectoid individual named Tham and its Human partner delivered a shipment to her, and Tham became agitated when Solo refused to pay their asking price of ten thousand credits. The Human attempted to threaten her, but Solo summoned a large droid which she instructed to escort Tham and the man back to their starship.

While examining the shipment of junk, Solo discovered an Imperial communications droid, which had been launched by the crew of Imperial Knight Yalta Val a week prior to their ship being attacked. Solo transported the droid to an ice mining platform in the rings of Carreras Minor, where she met with her friend Sauk and showed the Mon Calamari the comm droid. However, as Sauk examined the droid, the pair discovered Val's lightsaber, and Solo immediately urged Sauk to deactivate the lightsaber when he activated it. She then persuaded Sauk to assist her in selling the lightsaber, convincing the Mon Calamari that it was their opportunity for a significant financial gain.

On Carreras Major, Sauk and Solo witnessed a guard shooting an alien in the street. Solo disregarded Sauk's concerns and led him to a nearby shop. However, the owner refused to even consider purchasing the weapon, fearing discovery by Governor Biala's security forces. When the shop owner implied that he might report them for possessing the weapon, Solo angrily confronted him, but the owner ejected both Solo and Sauk into the street. They were quickly accosted by a mounted guard, and Solo ran into an alleyway with Sauk to evade the guard—but they were forced to stop before they ran into a crowded intersection, allowing the guard to catch up to them. Enraged by the man's derogatory remarks towards her and Sauk, Solo defied the guard's order to surrender the lightsaber and instead drew her blaster, shooting the man in the stomach and killing him.


Solo and the lightsaber

With more guards in pursuit, the two fled through Carreras Major's sewers in Solo's ship. Solo instructed Sauk to use the lightsaber for defense, realizing that the targeting lead on the vessel was damaged. When Sauk inadvertently damaged a pipe after Solo swerved to avoid their pursuers, Solo used the resulting smoke cloud to escape through an access tunnel to the surface. The two returned to Solo's junkyard, where Sauk continued to work on the Imperial comm droid, but Solo insisted that she would not abandon Sauk, though she intended to get rid of the lightsaber. Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of AG-37, a droid and frequent customer who was friends with Solo. She directed him to the north side of the junkyard to locate a linear converter. Before leaving, AG-37 advised Solo to dispose of the lightsaber. Only minutes later, an Imperial Knight arrived with guards from Carreras, demanding the return of the lightsaber.

However, Solo refused to surrender the weapon, asserting her ownership by right of salvage. She summoned her large droid to persuade the Knight to leave. However, the Knight simply seized the lightsaber from her grasp and used it to destroy the droid before departing. He ordered the guards to kill Solo and Sauk. Fortunately for the two, the guards were distracted by several gesaw rats scavenging the remains of Solo's droid, allowing Sauk and Solo to escape into the junkyard. Firing at her pursuers, Solo and Sauk fled deeper into the junkyard, but the timely arrival of AG-37 saved them from execution as he eliminated the guards. AG-37 brought the two aboard his ship and offered to take them as far as Bonadan. When Solo questioned his motives for helping them, he confused her by explaining that he always repaid his debts.

The droid then voiced his suspicions about the Imperial Knight's hostile actions. Solo went back to apologize to Sauk for the trouble she had caused, though his resentment was cut short when he repaired the comm droid enough to the point where it began to display a hologram. The droid displayed an image of an Imperial Knight battling a Sith, prompting Solo to call for AG-37. The droid pointed out that the Knight in the hologram—the one using the lightsaber that Solo had discovered—was not the same Knight who had attacked them at Solo's junkyard. Their conversation was interrupted by the ship's proximity alarm, and the three were dismayed to see an entire blockade of ships.

Forced to turn back towards the interior of the Carreras system, AG-37 followed Sauk's instructions and headed towards an unstable part of Carreras Minor's ice ring, piloting the freighter through tunnels in the ice as their Carreras starfighter pursuers followed. Thinking of a way to stop the fighters, Solo rushed to the freighter's cargo bay and opened it, venting Sauk's ship and sending it flying into the starfighters, which were unable to avoid it in the narrow tunnel and collided with the ship. AG-37 quickly landed the freighter on Carreras Minor's surface, where Sauk finished repairing the comm droid as Solo grew frustrated with the group's decision to sit and wait. However, the ship was attacked by a tentacled creature, prompting AG-37 to head outside after ordering Solo into the pilot seat, but Solo passed his orders on to Sauk and headed outside with AG-37, donning a face mask and grabbing a blaster.

While battling the creature, Solo was nearly killed by one of its limbs, but the timely arrival of Imperial Knight Jao Assam saw him defend her and then drive off the creature enough for the ship to escape, though the two were nearly thrown off the top of the freighter in the process. Solo immediately drew her blaster on the Knight when they landed nearby, and Assam explained to AG-37 and Solo that he was looking for his mentor, Yalta Val. AG-37 convinced Sauk and Solo to stand down, explaining that "Val" had been attacking them, and the Imperial comm droid showed Assam the hologram of the fight. Assam identified the Knight in the hologram as Yalta Val, leading the group to realize that the Knight they had encountered before was an impostor, and AG-37 allowed Assam to load his starfighter into the freighter's hold before the group departed the planet to find the real Val.

Helping her friends

Solo attacks Darth Wredd.

Evading more pursuing starfighters, the group followed the comm droid's coordinates into the Surd Nebula, though they were surprised when their pursuers broke off upon reaching the edge of the nebula. To the surprise of Solo and the others, when the freighter arrived at the coordinates where Val had vanished, there was no planet to be found, and they were soon captured in the tractor beam of a larger ship. Dozens of tiny droids burst through the hull when the freighter was deposited in the larger ship's hangar, and Solo and her friends were forced out into the hangar where they were captured by Carreras guards. Knocked unconscious and imprisoned in holding cells on the Carreras G51 communications array with Sauk and a deactivated AG-37, Solo began searching for a way out immediately upon awaking, but her efforts were in vain. Some time later, Sauk came to the realization that the planet they had been searching for had in fact moved, though the two were unable to do anything with the knowledge at the time.

The three of them were finally freed when Jao Assam was liberated from his separate imprisonment by Governor Biala, who had realized that the false Knight was trying to destroy the array. Solo was insulted by Assam's insistence that they would be unable to take on the Sith without Master Val, and she continued to argue with the Knight as they headed to the hangar—but when they encountered the Sith in the hangar, Solo ignored Assam's warnings and opened fire on the Sith's departing ship. The Sith escaped the explosion and leaped back to the hangar floor, where he choked Solo with the Force and threw her aside. The Sith made short work of AG-37 and sent Sauk flying into the bulkhead before engaging Assam in a duel, and though Assam was able to score several hits on the Sith, the fight ended with Assam being tossed out of the hangar into space as the Sith escaped in a new ship.

When Solo came to, she was horrified to find the hangar destroyed after the battle, and AG-37 urged her to pursue the Sith and stop him, reminding her that her ancestor Han Solo had become a hero because he always helped his friends. Grabbing Assam's fallen lightsaber, Solo took Assam's starfighter and headed for the moving planet—now located just in front of the communications array—in pursuit of the Sith. Spotting the Sith's shuttle, Solo headed down into a series of caverns, where she found the newly-proclaimed Darth Wredd declaring an insurgency and preparing to execute Yalta Val live on camera, a spectacle that was being broadcast all over the galaxy using the Carreras communications array. Solo interrupted Wredd's speech and opened fire upon the Sith, but he used the Force to disarm her before he entangled her in wreckage and threw her to the floor.

However, Yal summoned Assam's lightsaber from Solo's boot just in time to free himself and stop Wredd from executing him, and the two began to duel as Solo freed herself. Seeing that the array was about to crash into the planet, Solo fled the caves and returned to Assam's fighter in hopes of saving Sauk and AG-37 from the array, and she dragged her injured friends to the freighter despite Sauk's pleas that she save AG-37 and get to safety. Escaping aboard the freighter, AG-37 flew back down to the planet's surface and Solo rushed to the boarding ramp so that Master Val could leap aboard, and the freighter escaped just before the array crashed into the planet. Tending to Sauk in the medbay, Solo apologized to her unconscious friend for involving him and getting him hurt, but Val and Solo were called to the cockpit by AG-37 when the droid encountered a surprise—Jao Assam, floating in space but still alive thanks to the Imperial comm droid. Solo began to care for Assam in the medbay as well when they brought the injured Knight aboard, and Solo repeated her apology to Sauk when the Mon Calamari awoke—but Sauk brushed it off, reminding Solo that she had saved all of her friends.

Detour to Nalyd

Ania commandeers a Nalydian giant spider during Dieben's "rescue attempt"

The pursuit of Darth Wredd was immediately undertaken by the group, but ship damage resulted in their stranding in space. They then tended to their injured while activating the Imperial comm droid to request assistance. Soon, Solo and her companions were intercepted by the Imperial Star Destroyer Animus. AG-37's ship was brought aboard, and Solo received a short tour from an Imperial officer. The officer relayed that Empress Marasiah Fel was impressed by Solo's actions during the recent crisis. An audience with Fel was requested, and the officer believed Solo could obtain a desirable position on the capital Coruscant due to the Triumvirate's desire to keep her content. Solo later learned from Sauk that AG-37 had offered her friend an engineering job on his ship. AG-37 extended the offer to her as well, but when she decided to accept the Coruscant opportunity, the droid advised her to remain cautious before leaving the Animus with Sauk.

Some time passed before Jao Assam confided in Solo that he had foreseen Darth Wredd's attack on the Empress. The Knight admitted his belief that Wredd wanted Assam as his apprentice to reestablish the Rule of Two Sith philosophy. After discussing Wredd's megalomania and his ambition to eliminate the other Sith, Assam raised the subject of destiny. Solo confided in the Imperial that she did not believe in destiny, and they both agreed to fulfill the Empress's expectations. However, Solo changed her mind and went to Assam's quarters, persuading him to join her in hunting down Wredd. After Assam put on his armor, they headed to the hangar to acquire a ship, but Master Val and a squad of stormtroopers were waiting for them. Master Val tried to reason with Assam, reminding him that their orders were to serve the Empress. Assam unsuccessfully attempted to convince Val that Darth Wredd was still a significant threat that needed to be stopped.

A trigger-happy stormtrooper interrupted their discussion, initiating a brief exchange of fire. Ania fired at least one shot during this skirmish. Jao Assam deflected blaster bolts with his lightsaber, instructing Ania to take cover behind him. Eventually, Assam managed to negotiate a truce by stating he did not want any bloodshed. Val agreed and ordered his stormtroopers to cease fire and stand down. Master Val reluctantly allowed Assam to leave with Ania on his quest, but warned the younger Knight that he was acting selfishly. Unlike Ania, Assam was an Imperial Knight and was expected to serve the Empress, who was guided by the Force. Ania then urged Jao to leave before Master Val and his stormtroopers changed their minds. Ania and Jao then departed Animus on a stolen shuttle.

While traveling through hyperspace, Ania inquired whether Assam's vision provided any indication of where they should go. They also reviewed regional incident reports for information on Darth Wredd's location, including files on court martials and prisoners of war. Ania also questioned how long these records were kept and whether they extended back to the Second Imperial Civil War. She also wondered if the Triumvirate would have purged these documents. Assam noted that Wredd was likely a Sith apprentice since he did not have the traditional Sith tattoos worn by most members of the One Sith. The Imperial also speculated that Wredd could have served anywhere during that time and that they should examine files from that period. Ania also observed that many people were forced to do things they didn't want to do during the war.

At that point, Ania identified one of the individuals in the file as Dieben, a Nalydian who had been Darth Wredd's henchman on Mala. Following the destruction of the Carrerras communications array, Dieben had been found in an escape pod in the Surd Nebula. They quickly discovered that Dieben was a wanted fugitive who had been extradited to his homeworld of Nalyd to be punished for various crimes. Ania and Jao then traveled to Nalyd, a planet shrouded in swirling orange fog. After landing at a spaceport, Assam learned from local sources that Dieben had been sentenced to death for felonies including assassinating a minister, assaulting an "officer of the law", and sabotaging public transport resulting in ten deaths. His punishment was execution by firing squad in a public arena.

Before the execution could take place, Ania commandeered a spider-like creature and "rescued" Dieben. Ania, Jao, and Dieben then fled the arena. They were pursued by Nalydian authorities, who also rode spider-like creatures and fired blasters. During the escape, the spider was shot, and the three fell down a steep cliff. Ania and Jao survived the fall, but Dieben was impaled by a sharp, needle-like plant, resulting in fatal wounds. While Ania and Jao failed to get any information from Dieben, they quickly learned from the guards that Dieben had planned to meet Darth Wredd on the planet Dac after the events on Carreras. Dac, the homeworld of the Mon Calamari and Quarren species, had become a 'dead world' after the One Sith released a biological weapon into its oceans the previous year. Meanwhile on Coruscant, Ania's activities attracted the attention of Empress Fel, who ordered Ania's apprehension and condemned Assam to death for desertion.

Mission to Dac

Luen, Tikin, Ania, and Jao hurtling to the depths of Dac's poisoned oceans

By pointing out that Jao Assam was an Imperial Knight skilled in lightsaber combat, Ania Solo convinced the Nalydian guards to release them. In exchange for returning Dieben's body, the Nalydians confirmed that Dieben had indeed planned to rendezvous with Darth Wredd on Dac. While preparing to leave for Dac, Ania tried to convince a skeptical Jao that Dieben was telling the truth because he lacked the intelligence to lie. Jao also remembered Dieben boasting about having powerful friends, whom Ania assumed to be Darth Wredd. Since the One Sith had poisoned Dac a year prior, it had become uninhabited and lawless. Criminal activity was present in the Calamari system due to the Galactic Triumvirate's lack of presence. Ania responded that Dac's lawlessness made it an ideal hiding place for the Sith.

Upon exiting hyperspace, Ania and Assam arrived near the Mon Calamari Shipyards, a series of orbital shipyards that had fallen into ruin since the Mon Calamari genocide. Two Dac pirate droids quickly attacked Ania and Jao's shuttle, damaging the starship's systems. However, Jao managed to evade the intruders. Their shuttle was then caught in a tractor beam and pulled into a hangar bay. Two criminals, an Aqualish and a Gran, approached the shuttle. Ania and Jao fought and overpowered the criminals, stealing their clothes and armor. Jao deduced that they were common criminals but sensed the presence of the dark side of the Force, indicating a Sith presence. Accompanied by their Imperial communications droid, Ania and Jao explored the shipyard and discovered that a pirate gang had taken over the shipyards and was forcing enslaved Mon Calamari and Quarren to build a fleet of pirate ships.

Jao and Ania also contacted Luen and Tikin, a Mon Calamari and a Quarren, respectively. Luen revealed that the Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees had been lured back to Dac with promises of restoring the planet's habitability. Tikin added that the pirates held their children and elderly relatives hostage to force the able-bodied Mon Calamari and Quarren to build ships. Tikin also revealed that he had lost his wife during the Genocide and that his son was being held hostage. Luen also revealed that the pirates were part of a criminal syndicate led by some "rogue" Sith. Jao instructed the Imperial communications droid to send an encrypted message to Coruscant, informing Empress Fel about the pirates' slave-labor operations in the Dac system. When Ania expressed concerns about Jao being executed for desertion, Jao explained that the pirates posed a threat to the Triumvirate and the galaxy that outweighed his personal situation.

Jao, Ania, and their two local "guides" were then pursued by more pirates. After evading their pursuers through the shipyard, the four encountered the Sith Darth Luft, a tall, red-skinned male Twi'lek. Darth Luft revealed that he had no connection to Darth Wredd and mocked the rogue Sith for rebelling against the One Sith. He also mentioned that the One Sith had sent emissaries to contact the Galactic Triumvirate and claimed that the government was uninterested in Dac. Instead of killing Jao, Ania, and the two escaped slaves, Darth Luft decided to drop them through a trapdoor into the poisonous oceans of Dac. The four fell into an escape pod that was immediately jettisoned into the ocean world. Due to the presence of viral spores in Dac's oceans, a single drop could kill a living being.

As Ania and her companions faced certain death as the escape pod plummeted into Dac's oceans, the Imperial communications droid managed to reconfigure his antenna to broadcast their location even from the ocean depths. Meanwhile, Sauk and AG-37 arrived in the Dac system. AG-37 detected the Imperial communication droid's signals from beneath Dac's oceans and quickly deduced that Ania and her companions were trapped in an escape pod. They realized they had to reach them before the hull buckled, as a single drop of the poisoned ocean could kill any lifeform. Meanwhile, Ania refused to accept death and attempted to gain control of the escape pod's directional thrusters. However, Tikin revealed that the Sith Lord and his pirates had forced their slaves to strip all propulsion systems from the pods for use in the fleet.

At that point, AG-37 contacted Ania and her companions, assuring them that they would use their ship's grappling arm to retrieve the escape pod. AG-37's ship dived into the oceans of Dac, and Sauk fired the ship's grappling gun to catch the plummeting escape pod. Sauk and AG-37's rescue effort was successful, and they rescued Ania and her companions. AG-37's ship towed the escape pod into one of the shipyards above Dac, where Ania and Jao reunited with Sauk and AG-37. When Ania asked if Sauk and AG-37 had dealt with the pirates, they assured her that AG-37 had already dispatched them. Sauk also confirmed that they had intercepted enough of the Imperial comm droid's transmission to know that their companions needed help.

Stopping Darth Luft

Ania Solo trying to close the space doors of the Mon Calamari Shipyards

Following their close call with death, Jao Assam stated his intention to eliminate Darth Luft and end the suffering of the Mon Calamari and Quarren slave laborers. Ania Solo and AG-37 disagreed with Jao Assam's plan and urged the Imperial Knight to wait for reinforcements before confronting the pirates. Ania emphasized that they needed more firepower. AG-37 concurred and announced that they would depart immediately. The Quarren Tikin vowed not to abandon his son in the Mon Calamari Shipyards. However, Assam was determined to pursue his crusade against Wredd and Luft. Ania tried to reason with Assam by pointing out that Dieben had lied about Wredd's location and that their target was not in the Mon Calamari Shipyards. AG-37 agreed with Ania and announced that they would depart immediately.

In response, Assam argued that their arrival on Dac was not a coincidence and claimed he could sense that Wredd was behind the situation. He vowed not to miss this chance to stop Darth Wredd. Assam's plans alarmed Tikin, who feared that his crusade would endanger his son. He warned that the pirates punished rebellious workers by harming their families. Refusing to participate in Jao's plan, he returned to the shipyards. Finally, Ania tried to reason with Jao by warning him that his plan to fight the entire pirate ring was reckless and insane. However, Jao refused to listen and left to confront Darth Luft and the pirates. Unhappy with these developments, Ania and AG-37 left on their starship.

Shortly after leaving the docking hangar, they were attacked by several pirate starfighters. Ania urged AG-37 to "dispatch" their pursuers, but the droid responded that these new starfighters were more formidable than those they had previously encountered. Before AG-37 could finish his sentence, their pursuers were hit by laser fire and incinerated. By then, Master Yalta Val and Admiral Gar Stazi had received the Imperial communication droid's transmission and learned about the pirate presence in the Dac system. Seeking to free the enslaved Mon Calamari and Quarren captives, Stazi had assembled a fleet of Galactic Alliance warships, while Yalta Val brought a detachment of trainee Imperial Knights.

By that point, a slave uprising had begun in the Mon Calamari shipyards. In an attempt to free his son Tilin, the Quarren Tikin alerted Darth Luft to Jao Assam's escape. However, instead of sparing his son, the Sith threw Tikin out of the window, killing him. This murder enraged the Mon Calamari and Quarren slaves, who began attacking their pirate captors. Jao Assam then joined the fight and engaged Darth Luft in a lightsaber duel. Meanwhile in space, Ania watched with satisfaction as the Galactic Triumvirate ships arrived. She also destroyed at least two pirate droids that had tried to attach themselves to a Galactic Alliance tanker.

Knowing the amphibian nature of the Mon Calamari and Quarren, Admiral Stazi had brought a tanker among his forces to flood the shipyards. This was intended to neutralize the pirates while creating a comfortable environment for the aquatic species. Stazi's plans worked, and the pirate's space ring was quickly flooded with water. Imperial seatroopers and Knights under Yalta Val's command then entered the ring and rounded up the pirates, who, unlike the Mon Calamari and Quarren, were not accustomed to an aquatic environment. In response to the slave revolt and the Triumvirate attack, Darth Luft ordered his men to expose the detention bays containing the slaves' family members to the vacuum of space. While several Mon Calamari and Quarren were killed, the flood of water created a massive ice plume that prevented many more deaths.

In space, Ania Solo, AG-37, Sauk, and Luen witnessed the expansion of the ice plume outside the family detention. Knowing that the ice would not hold for long, Ania and her crew vowed to close the bay doors. Donning a breathing apparatus, Ania entered the shipyard with Sauk, and the two attempted to access the bay door's controls but found them encrusted in ice. She then ordered Sauk to evacuate the Mon Calamari and Quarren inmates. Meanwhile, AG-37 stayed aboard their starship and narrowly evaded laser fire from the space battle. He assured Ania that he would do a loop around and return for her and Sauk. With the ice beginning to crack, she and Sauk were still struggling to evacuate the Mon Calamari and Quarren captives.

With AG-37 preoccupied with dodging laser fire, Ania ordered the Imperial communications droid to travel to Bay 519C's access panel and close the doors. Just as the ice shattered, the Imperial communications droid succeeded in shutting the detention bay's doors, saving countless Mon Calamari and Quarren lives. Meanwhile, Jao Assam killed Darth Luft with the help of two Imperial Knight cadets. Following Luft's death, Yalta Val's Knights and seatroopers secured the space station and apprehended the pirates. Meanwhile, the liberated Mon Calamari and Quarren settled in the flooded space ring. As a gesture of reconciliation between the two species, Luen adopted Tikin's son Tilin.

After the events above Dac, Ania and her companions departed in AG-37's ship and jumped into hyperspace. AG-37 advised Ania that pursuing Darth Wredd was the right thing to do but cautioned that their funds were dwindling. At that point, they received an incoming transmission for Jao Assam. The transmission turned out to be a holographic recording from Darth Wredd praising Assam for following his trail and eliminating Darth Luft. According to Wredd, his plan was now several steps closer to completion. The rogue Sith expressed his desire to thank Assam in person and offered him a place in his reconstituted Sith Order.

Assam was surprised that Wredd had managed to contact them. He lamented that Wredd had wanted to eliminate Luft from the beginning and that Ania and her companions had inadvertently played into the rogue Sith's hands. Ania took a more optimistic approach and pointed out that the team had liberated the Mon Calamari and Quarren slaves at the ring. If they could accomplish something like that, Ania reasoned that they could eliminate an "arrogant" Sith.


Ania reunites with her former flame Ramid

One year after the Carreras Incident, Ania Solo and her companions were on a delivery run to Lasgo Port, a spaceport on a world surrounded by a minefield. After navigating the minefield, AG-37's freighter landed at Lasgo Port to deliver cargo. To earn extra credits, Ania tried to tame a yarthul, a large quadruped beast native to the planet. Unfortunately, Ania failed and lost her comlink as collateral. While walking through Lasgo Port, Ania and her companions discovered that she was wanted for the murder of an Imperial Knight named Teemen Alton. When confronted, Ania vehemently denied murdering the Knight and insisted that Jao Assam was the first Imperial Knight she had ever met. Suspicious, Jao questioned why she had been residing in the remote Carreras system around the time of the alleged murder.

While departing Lasgo Port's planet, AG-37's freighter had to travel through the minefield again. While passing through the minefield, asteroid debris dented the freighter's fuel injection bay. The ship crew sent their Imperial communications droid to fix the damage. While repairing the fuel bay, the communications droid discovered a damaged starship nearby with its crew alive but in distress. AG-37's freighter docked with the damaged starship, and Ania and her companions contacted the crew. During that meeting, Ania met her former love interest Ramid, who claimed that his ship's net isolator had been damaged by a mine, causing the ship's shield systems to fail. With their shields inoperative, the starship could not travel through space. While Ania reunited with Ramid, her companions returned to AG-37's freighter to get tools and spare parts. However, this was a deception.

Once Ania was separated from her companions, Ramid and his crew took her captive. Ramid's starship then activated its engines and opened fire on AG-37's freighter, attempting to destroy it in the minefields. Jao narrowly saved their starship from destruction. However, Ramid and his crew used the explosion to jump into hyperspace, taking Ania captive. Ania's companions received a response signal from her comlink, which they traced to Port Lasgo. Since Ania had lost her comlink as collateral during her failed attempt to tame a yarthul, Sauk doubted that it was actually her. Knowing that Ramid's starship had made a cold jump into hyperspace, Sauk deduced that they could not have traveled more than two star systems before running out of fuel.


Ania being kidnapped by Ramid's crew

On Ramid's starship, Ania was locked in an improvised holding cell. When a Nikto crew member brought her refreshments, she demanded to see Ramid. Ania then overpowered the Nikto guard and struck him in the abdomen with a loose metal rod. However, a green-skinned female Twi'lek crew member then overpowered her and restrained her with a blaster rifle. Ramid then reappeared and forcibly led her back to her cell. When Ania protested and demanded an explanation for his actions, Ramid expressed his anger towards her for abandoning him at the Imperial prison camp on Drash-so. He also revealed that he was claiming the Triumvirate bounty on Ania's head and hoped to gain credits as revenge for her alleged betrayal.

When Ania denied killing the Imperial Knight, Ramid refused to believe her and told her to be grateful that he and his crew were taking her to the authorities alive. Ania tried to explain her side of the story, but Ramid angrily slammed the door in her face, leaving her in her holding cell. Low on fuel, Ramid and his crew decided to land on the fourth world of an unnamed star system, which was home to a small outpost. This planet was an inhospitable world with clouds containing acidic vapor and raining molten silica or shards of glass. While descending to the planet's surface, a TIE Bomber, a relic from the Galactic Civil War, attacked Ramid's freighter. The smaller and more maneuverable TIE Bomber damaged Ramid's ship, killing his Twi'lek pilot.

Without a pilot, Ramid dragged Ania from her cell and forced her to land his ship. At the helm of Ramid's freighter, Ania struggled to land the heavy ship while dodging laser blasts from the TIE Bomber. Following a steep dive, Ania landed Ramid's freighter, damaging the cockpit and killing Ramid's Nikto crew mate. Ramid was alive but unconscious and wounded. A mysterious bounty hunter then emerged from the TIE Bomber, which had landed nearby, and demanded that Ania surrender. After sending a medical droid to treat the wounded Ramid, Ania confronted the bounty hunter and temporarily incapacitated her with a blast to her helmet. Ania then fled into the planet's wilderness.

Ania eventually found a ruined temple overlooking a valley inhabited by giant beetles. However, she fell off a cliff and slid into the valley, where a large beetle immediately attacked her. Ania tried to shoot the creature but was grabbed around the wrist by the bounty hunter's lightsaber whip. The bounty hunter dragged her up the cliff to safety and restrained her using her whip as improvised handcuffs. As the bounty hunter led her back to her ship, Ania protested her innocence, claiming that she could not be the killer since she had been captured so easily. However, the bounty hunter retorted that Ania had shot her in the head, making her unsympathetic to her cause.

The bounty hunter then used a remote to summon her modified TIE Bomber, which flew down to meet them. Ania taunted the bounty hunter about working alone, prompting the bounty hunter to tell her to be quiet. However, Ania was rescued by Ramid, who knocked the bounty hunter out with his speeder bike. Distrusting Ramid, she grabbed the bounty hunter's pistol and attempted to shoot him. However, Ramid managed to convince her that he was the only friend she had on this dangerous world. Before the bounty hunter could awaken, Ania and Ramid fled on the speeder bike.


Ramid rescues Ania

Amidst a "glass-storm's" fury, Ania and Ramid sought refuge beneath Ramid's speeder bike. It was during this confinement that Ania and Ramid resolved their long-standing disagreements. Ania's sarcastic inquiry about Ramid's inability to crash on a more hospitable planet was met with his sharp retort that he wasn't the one steering the ship. A fragment of glass sliced Ania's hand, prompting Ramid to insist she bandage it quickly. Ramid expressed remorse for his past actions, clarifying that causing her pain was never his intention. Ania reminisced about the last time she had seen a laser whip, which was during their time at the Imperial prison camp located on Drash-so. Ania also confessed that she felt an unsettling familiarity about the enigmatic bounty hunter who had crossed her path. Subsequently, Ramid outlined his strategy to reach the outpost and flee offworld before the relentless bounty hunter could intercept them.

Ania then challenged Ramid, questioning why he had abducted her, especially knowing she was innocent of murdering the Imperial Knight. Ramid countered, admitting his bitterness over her abandonment during her escape from the Sith labor camp. Ania countered that she had fled, believing Ramid had been fatally shot by a guard. She had continued her flight, fearing the same fate. She had also witnessed the guards dragging Ramid away, leading her to assume his death. She then escaped offworld, an action she acknowledged was not honorable. When Ramid suggested she could have returned, Ania reminded him that the prison camp had been liberated, leaving her with no way to confirm Ramid's survival.

Ramid then recounted his ordeal of being thrown into solitary confinement and subjected to brutal beatings by the guards. The Sith had kept him alive solely to extract information about Ania's whereabouts. Eventually, Ramid succumbed to the pressure and revealed Ania's location. However, by that time, Ania had already escaped to the Carreras system, leading the guards to inflict even more punishment on him. Ania expressed her deep regret for the suffering and torture Ramid had endured, leading to a renewed reconciliation between them. As the intensity of the storm diminished, Ania and Ramid noticed several beetles approaching. Surprisingly, the beetles showed no interest in them, instead focusing on consuming the glass shards scattered around. Ania and Ramid then sought shelter beneath the enormous beetles.

An old enemy

Bounty hunter tortures Ania

With the "glass-storm" behind them, Ania and Ramid resumed their journey toward the settlement. Ania successfully secured Ramid's promise to contact her friends. In exchange, Ramid requested Ania's forgiveness for his act of kidnapping her. Upon reaching the settlement, they were horrified to discover that its inhabitants had been slaughtered by the same mysterious bounty hunter pursuing Ania. The bounty hunter launched an attack on Ania and Ramid, wielding her lightsaber whip. During the intense skirmish, Ramid managed to inflict damage on the bounty hunter's prosthetic hand. However, the bounty hunter retaliated by fatally breaking Ramid's neck. Just then, Jao Assam appeared and engaged the bounty hunter in combat with his lightsaber. While Jao confronted the bounty hunter, Ania made a desperate escape through a window, only to find herself caught in an "acid storm."

Ania shielded her skin and eyes by pulling her jacket over her head. The acid storm rendered the jacket useless. Fortunately, AG-37 came to Ania's rescue, risking his own safety to carry her to the refuge of a cave. The acid storm severely damaged AG-37's mechanical body, forcing Ania to shut him down to preserve his memories. Moments later, Ania was ambushed by the bounty hunter, who seemed to have gained the upper hand over Jao by detonating a thermal detonator. During the ensuing struggle, Ania managed to thrust a blaster rifle at her adversary. She then leaped into a chasm, but the bounty hunter ensnared her boot with her laser whip. As they fought, both women plummeted to the pit's floor.

Ania attempted to use her attacker's laser whip against her, only to discover that it responded solely to the bounty hunter's prosthetic hand. After incapacitating Ania with a blow to the head, the bounty hunter revealed her true identity: a former Imperial prison guard from Ania's prison camp. Seeking revenge for Ania's escape, the bounty hunter intended to sever Ania's left hand and attach her prosthetic hand to Ania, framing her for the murder of Teemen Alton. The bounty hunter also confessed that she had assumed Ania's identity after her escape and was the real perpetrator of Teemen Alton's murder. At that moment, Jao Assam, who had survived the explosion, attacked the bounty hunter. Using her laser whip, the bounty hunter gained the advantage over the Imperial Knight. However, Ania managed to break free from her restraints and blasted the bounty hunter's prosthetic hand off with a blaster. Before the bounty hunter could kill her, Ania used the former's remote to use her TIE Bomber to crush her to death.

However, Ania Solo's trials were far from over. An Imperial shuttle landed nearby, deploying a contingent of Trandoshan stormtroopers with orders to apprehend Ania for the alleged murder of Teemen Alton. Jao and Sauk were powerless to intervene and could only watch as the Imperials seized Ania. On Coruscant, Ania Solo was brought before a military tribunal, composed of three officials: the Imperial Knight Antares Draco, a Sullustan Galactic Alliance official, and a female Human Jedi. Knowing the truth about the Teemen Alton case, Master Yalta Val, her old friend, volunteered to defend Ania during the court proceedings. He argued that the evidence was circumstantial and emphasized Ania's recent acts of saving members of the Order.

Representing the prosecution, Antares Draco emphasized Ania's guilt and demanded a swift resolution to the case. Yalta Val weakened the prosecution's case by pointing out that Teemen's murderer had a prosthetic hand, while Ania possessed two biological hands. He added that Alton was strangled by a laser whip that could only be operated by a matching prosthetic hand. Val's evidence swayed the Galactic Alliance and Jedi members of the tribunal, but Antares Draco remained unconvinced and demanded more evidence. However, Ania Solo was saved by the arrival of Jao Assam, who presented the bounty hunter's severed prosthetic hand. He explained to the tribunal that the artificial hand belonged to Teemen's true murderer and that this person had attempted to frame Ania for a crime she did not commit. Faced with compelling evidence, the tribunal had no choice but to find Ania not guilty and order her release.

Following her acquittal, Ania was reunited with her companions Sauk, AG-37, and their Imperial communications droid. Ania confessed that she had been sent to the prison camp for murdering a malevolent individual. However, this good news was overshadowed by the news that Jao Assam had been arrested and imprisoned for deserting the Imperial Knights, a crime punishable by death. Despite clearing Ania's name, Yalta Val explained that by returning to Coruscant, Jao had essentially surrendered himself. While in prison, Jao Assam was visited by the elusive Darth Wredd himself, who sensed Jao's despair at being treated unfairly. Darth Wredd offered to help Jao escape from prison by slipping him a Sith lightsaber through the bars of his cell.

The Empress' errand

Ania and her Stormtroopers

The next day, Ania Solo sought an audience with Empress Marasiah Fel to plead for clemency for Jao Assam. However, the Empress' schedule was fully booked. Jao's superior, Master Antares Draco, refused to consider Ania's plea, insisting that the Empress' decision would be final and that there would be no mercy for Jao. Meanwhile, Jao Assam successfully escaped offworld on Darth Wredd's starship. Jao resolved to follow Wredd in order to uncover and thwart the rogue Sith's plot against the Empress. Unsuccessful in her attempts to gain an audience with the Empress, Ania rejoined her friends Sauk and AG-37 at the hangar bay, where AG-37's freighter was docking. Ania shared her frustrations with Sauk, who reminded her that Marasiah Fel was the Empress of a third of the galaxy. Ania then revealed that she was distantly related to the Empress but was unsure of the details. At that moment, AG-37 received news from the nets that Jao had escaped.

Suddenly, a squad of stormtroopers arrived at the hangar and ordered Ania to accompany them. Ania reluctantly complied, and the troopers led her down a street into an empty hallway. There, Ania encountered Empress Fel herself, who had finally decided to grant Ania an audience. After some playful banter, the Empress acknowledged that Jao's recent escape was the primary reason for their meeting. During the meeting, Fel confided in Ania that she believed Jao had not turned to the dark side but was merely trying to foil Wredd's plot. Seeking to save Jao's life, Marasiah tasked Ania with finding him and bringing him back. She explained that she could not rescue Jao herself because it was politically inconvenient for her to publicly show leniency towards Jao, a deserter. When Ania questioned the Empress about the Imperials spying on her, Fel admitted that the Triumvirate had eyes everywhere.

For this highly confidential mission, Empress Fel assigned Ania a platoon of Trandoshan stormtroopers. Ania accepted the mission in exchange for a promise from Marasiah Fel to find a way to circumvent the desertion charges. Before their departure, Ania briefed her stormtrooper charges and instructed them not to transmit any communications to Coruscant during their mission to find Jao. She also apologized for the cramped conditions of the transport compartment, which was unsuitable for the large Trandoshans. That evening, Ania and her companions departed into hyperspace on AG-37's freighter to locate Jao. They had no information about his destination, so they decided to wait for Jao to transmit a signal to them. Meanwhile, Jao and Wredd landed on the floating world of Mala, which had drifted through space since its destruction at the hands of the One Sith. On Mala, Wredd tricked Jao into transmitting Mala's coordinates to Ania and her companions, intending to lure both the One Sith and Empress Fel into a trap.

As planned, Jao's Imperial comm droid, stationed aboard AG-37's freighter, received the transmission. Ania intended to alter their course as soon as the comm droid had finished feeding the coordinates to the freighter's navigation computer. AG-37 was skeptical about finding anything at their destination, as it was far from any star system or current hyperspace route. However, Ania was adamant that there was something on the other side of that hyperspace jump, as that was where Jao's message had originated. Sauk feared it was a trap, but Ania insisted on going there since they had no other leads on Jao. After changing course, Ania briefed the Trandoshan stormtroopers again about the change of course. After asserting her authority, she instructed her charges not to shoot first and reiterated that they would bring him home alive, emphasizing that Jao was not a traitor, despite what others were saying. At that moment, AG-37 announced over his freighter's intercom that they were arriving at the new coordinates. Upon returning to the cockpit, Ania and her companions were shocked and amazed to discover that their destination was none other than the rogue planet they had encountered during the Carreras Incident.

The Mala trap

Ania aiming at a Sith landing ship

As AG-37's freighter descended into Mala's atmosphere, AG-37 advised Ania to brief the stormtroopers. Acknowledging her inexperience as a military commander, Ania admitted forgetting that her charges were in the cargo hold and joked about whether it made her a bad boss. When Sauk suggested they do some planning for their exploration of Mala, Ania pointed out that the source of Jao's transmission had come from the wreckage of the Carreras communications array, which had come to rest on Mala's surface. She speculated that Jao was being held in a nearby cave. Unsure of what awaited them, Ania ordered her stormtrooper charges to follow her and not to send any outgoing transmissions, including comlinks. She reiterated that they did not want to give Darth Wredd any advantage he didn't already have. Ania and her forces proceeded down a cave. Unbeknownst to them, the stormtrooper commander, Blue Two held back from the group and transmitted Ania's coordinates to Empress Fel.

Inside the cave, Ania and her companions discovered a captive Jao, suspended by several restraints. After freeing him, Jao revealed that Darth Wredd intended to lure the Imperials to Mala. A fleet of civilian starships landed near the Carreras communications array, but they turned out to be a large army of One Sith, who had learned about Darth Wredd's whereabouts and were determined to hunt him down. Believing that Ania and the Imperials were sheltering the rogue Sith, the Sith leader Fanoste, whose cover was a diplomat, ordered his followers to attack the Imperials. During the fighting, Darth Wredd resurfaced and aided Ania's party by killing several Sith with his lightsaber. He also handed Jao a Sith lightsaber, allowing the Imperial Knight to join the battle. Despite their valiant resistance, Ania's party was quickly overwhelmed by the One Sith horde and forced to retreat into the Carreras communications array.

Wredd and Jao temporarily slowed the One Sith advance by pushing a wrecked portion of the communications array onto the One Sith horde, crushing many Sith. This allowed Ania, Sauk, AG-37, and the stormtroopers to retreat to a trench position within the communications array. Sauk confronted the stormtrooper who had sent the transmission and accused him of working for the Sith. However, the stormtrooper protested his innocence and affirmed his loyalty to Empress Fel. At that point, Wredd arrived and declared that he was the real target of the Sith. Darth Wredd attempted to justify his actions by claiming he was aiding the Galactic Triumvirate by eradicating the Sith. He also shared his ambitions of restoring the Rule of Two with Jao and regarded Jao as a potential apprentice. While acknowledging they were temporary allies, Jao reiterated his loyalty to the Empress and vowed never to join the dark side. As their argument escalated, Ania calmed Jao down, reminding him that they needed to stay focused to make it out alive.

Shortly afterward, the One Sith army caught up with Ania's party and Wredd. Despite their efforts to fight back, Ania's forces were quickly overwhelmed by the Sith horde. During the fray, Ania fired on several Sith. She also noticed a Sith sneaking up on Sauk. Before the Sith could harm the Mon Calamari, he was struck by a laser blast fired from a Predator-class fighter. Ania and her companions quickly realized that a Triumvirate force under Empress Fel had arrived on Mala, using the coordinates sent by the stormtrooper. Predator fighters flew over the wrecked communications array and strafed several Sith. After the One Sith rejected an ultimatum from the Imperial authorities to lay down their arms, the Empress deployed her Imperial Knights and stormtroopers onto the battlefield, marking the beginning of the second stage of the Battle of the Floating World.

Stopping Darth Wredd

Ania kills Darth Wredd

A fierce and brutal battle erupted between the Imperial Knights and the One Sith. Ania and her companions assisted the Imperial Knights by helping to eliminate Sith, but Ania felt they could do more to aid the Imperials. During the fighting, Ania and Sauk came to the rescue of Empress Fel's wounded lover, Antares Draco, the leader of the Imperial Knights. Empress Fel, who had arrived on the battlefield, expressed her gratitude to Ania for her actions. Ania also recovered a heavy repeating blaster from a fallen Trandoshan stormtrooper and instructed Sauk to retrieve Draco's comlink. While Sauk directed the Imperial Knights to evacuate a nearby Chadra-Fan Lander in Sector 2.4, Ania opened fire on the starship, eliminating several One Sith fighters. The rogue Sith Darth Wredd also assisted the Imperials by killing many One Sith, seeking revenge against the Sith for destroying his homeworld of Mala and his family.

By dusk, the Imperial Knights had successfully eliminated all Sith resistance, except for Darth Wredd. AG-37 theorized that all of the Sith infiltrators in the galaxy had been killed in the fighting. Marasiah Fel ordered the Imperial shuttle Neuer to evacuate the wounded Imperials and instructed her Knights to search for any surviving Sith. While tending to the wounded Antares Draco, Empress Fel was stabbed in the chest by Darth Wredd, who had emerged from hiding. Before the rogue Sith could finish his attack, Jao intervened and pursued Wredd up a cliff. A fierce lightsaber duel ensued, and Jao successfully sliced off both of Darth Wredd's hands with his lightsaber. Wredd then pleaded with Jao Assam to finish him off, hoping that Jao would kill him in anger and fall to the dark side. He insisted that the Sith had to be destroyed for the sake of the galaxy and for the memory of his family.

However, Jao refused to kill Wredd, realizing his plan. Ultimately, Wredd was killed by Ania Solo, who fired a blaster bolt into his chest. Following the battle, the wounded Empress Fel was evacuated, and Jao reconciled with Master Yalta Val. Jao reasoned that Darth Wredd had orchestrated the entire battle to punish and destroy the One Sith for the harm they had inflicted on his homeworld. But after it was over, Wredd had realized that there was still one Sith left: himself. Believing that he had delved too deep into the darkness to be redeemed, Wredd had committed suicide by goading Jao into attacking him. In the process, Wredd had almost created another Sith. Following the Battle of the Floating World, several participants, including AG-37 and Master Val, speculated that all of the One Sith in hiding had been killed during that battle. However, Empress Fel was more skeptical and commented that history had a way of repeating itself.

A life of adventure

Ania and her companions run into trouble

After the events on Mala, Ania Solo and her companions returned to Coruscant. Ania secured an audience with Empress Marasiah Fel, who was bedridden and recovering from her injuries. Ania was allowed to enter Empress Fel's medical bay by Antares Draco, who was grateful to the junk dealer for saving his life on Mala. Out of gratitude for Ania's help and bravery, Fel offered to make her the captain of her personal guard. However, Ania declined the offer but managed to convince the Empress to drop Jao Assam's desertion charges. Jao was also allowed to leave the Imperial Knights and join Ania and her companions on their travels throughout the galaxy.

Before their departure, Jao Assam had a final meeting with his mentor, Master Yalta Val. With the apparent demise of the Sith, Empress Fel had announced plans to reform the Order by removing the rule that the Knights had to pledge complete loyalty to the Empress. Jao also promised his Master never to stray from the light side of the Force. Jao's Imperial comm droid was also allowed to join Ania's party. After embracing Val for the final time, Jao departed with Ania's companions into space. Prior to their departure, Sauk asked Ania about what the Empress had wanted from him. Ania explained that the Empress had offered her a job as the head of her personal guard, a very lucrative and esteemed job offer. However, Ania revealed that she had turned down the offer simply because she could not stand Coruscant.

By the following year, Ania and her companions were traveling throughout the galaxy. While visiting a cantina, Sauk successfully purchased a retrofitted stabilizing coil from Jariah Syn and his companions Cade Skywalker and Deliah Blue. Sauk's purchase of the starship part came at an opportune moment. Shortly later, Sauk, Ania, Jao, and AG-37 were attacked.

Personality and traits

Solo refuses to give the Knight the lightsaber.

Ania Solo, a Human female, possessed black hair, fair skin, and brown eyes. She was an independent individual who stood up for herself, seizing the opportunity to pursue something greater after she and Sauk discovered the lightsaber belonging to Imperial Knight Yalta Val. When Darth Wredd, a Sith posing as Yalta Val, confronted her and demanded the return of his lightsaber, Solo stood her ground, believing that the law was on her side and that she had the right to salvage the weapon. However, when the Knight's forces attacked them, Solo regretted her actions, viewing them as foolish and reckless. When motivated to act, Solo disliked waiting and planning, preferring to be proactive, and inactivity frustrated her greatly.

Ania was also fiercely loyal to her friends and unwilling to put them in harm's way unless she was there with them. When Sauk, AG-37, and Assam were injured in the fight with the Sith that Solo had initiated, Solo was disheartened and angry with herself for causing them harm, and she apologized to Sauk for her actions—though, as Sauk pointed out, Solo risked her life to rectify her errors and save her friends. Solo believed that all governments were inherently corrupt and was initially hostile to Jao Assam, assuming he was like the Sith impostor. However, Ania soon recognized that Jao was a good and just person, and the two became close friends. This friendship led Jao to rescue her after she was kidnapped and falsely accused of murdering the Imperial Knight Teemen Alton. In return, Ania sought clemency for Jao after he encountered trouble with the Imperial Knights authorities.

Ania's friendship and loyalty led her to refuse to abandon AG-37 during the Carreras Incident, despite his pleas for her and Sauk to leave him behind to save time escaping the Carreras communications array, which was colliding with the floating world of Mala. Ania was also known for her compassion. On one occasion, she vouched for the homeless Sauk and helped him secure a job and shelter in the Carreras system. This small act of kindness earned Ania the friendship and loyalty of Sauk, who was the first to defend her when she was accused of murdering Teemen Alton. Additionally, Ania was known for her courage. On one occasion, she confronted the assassin droid AG-37 with a gun in a desperate attempt to find transportation offworld from the Selvatas system, where she had been imprisoned in a Sith labor camp. AG-37 was impressed by her courage and recalled his old promise to her ancestor Han Solo, granting her free passage on his freighter to the Carreras system.

In Solo's view, a smart individual recognized and seized opportunities, and Solo rarely gave up. When captured, she immediately began searching for a way out, and she only began to lose hope when reminded of the danger to her friends. Solo refused to be compared to her famous ancestors in the Solo family, as she felt incapable of doing so, despite desiring to be a hero like them. However, when AG-37 reminded her of how Han Solo had become a hero by always doing the right thing to rescue his friends, Solo overcame her self-doubt and became determined to rescue her friends and stop the Sith.

Powers and abilities

Ania Solo was resourceful, using Sauk's ship as a weapon against pursuing starfighters when she realized that AG-37's freighter was unarmed, and she took pride in her marksmanship with a blaster. Her skills as a marksman were instrumental in her killing of the rogue Sith Darth Wredd, ending the threat posed by the Sith to the galaxy. Solo was also a skilled pilot, capable of piloting starfighters, freighters, and other ships of various sizes and models. Furthermore, Ania possessed some knowledge of hand-to-hand combat. She put these skills to use when she attempted to fight off several kidnappers, including her former lover Ramid's crew members and a masked bounty hunter who had been a prison guard in her past.

Behind the scenes

Ania Solo is the main character of the comic series Star Wars: Legacy Volume 2, a continuation of the original and similarly-titled Star Wars: Legacy. The series was authored by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman, with Hardman also contributing as a penciler. The concept of a female lead originated outside of the writing team, but it played a crucial role in attracting them to the project—Bechko and Hardman believed it would allow them to write Star Wars from a new perspective. They have described her as a character who relies on her intelligence and does not tolerate nonsense, but is not a "traditional bad-ass female." Hardman hopes she will be "an inspiring but very down-to-Earth human sort of character, as well.

Solo was first introduced to the public on December 3, 2012, in a solicitation for the series released on Comic Book Resources. She was identified as Han and Leia Organa Solo's great-granddaughter, but Dark Horse Comics' solicitation for Legacy's first issue later identified her as their great-great-granddaughter. Bechko and Hardman have stated that the specifics of her relationship to them are a mystery that will not be revealed soon. Later, Star Wars: Legacy Volume II Book 4—Empire of One, the fourth story arc of the series, confirmed that Ania was a distant cousin of both Empress Marasiah Fel and Cade Skywalker but did not clarify the nature of the relationship.

One fan, Reed Beebe, described Jao and Ania as an interesting duo, contrasting Jao's sense of honor with Ania's sense of self-preservation. He highlighted Ania's concern about the danger Jao was willing to put himself in by alerting the Fel Empire to the pirate presence in the Calamari system. Earlier in the series, Jao had abandoned his post to hunt down the rogue Sith Darth Wredd. In response, the series' assistant editor, Freddye Lins, confirmed that both characters were headstrong in their own way. These traits led them in slightly different directions throughout the series.

