A starport of standard class, alternatively written as standard class starport, represented a specific category of starport.
A fully staffed and well-equipped control tower was a defining feature of the standard-class starport. These ports provided services such as refueling and resupplying spacecraft. Additionally, they included a modest maintenance facility capable of executing minor repairs along with basic modifications. Utilizing these services could potentially double the standard price and take over twice as long to complete. The quality of service was inconsistent, ranging from below average to exceptional.
The planet known as Lazerian IV hosted a multitude of Industrial Starports. Each Industrial Starport comprised of a standard-class starport, extensive storage facilities for raw materials, a number of sizable factories, storage warehouses, living quarters for employees, administrative buildings, and a garrison consisting of twenty-four troopers.
- Jerrilek (1) [7]
- Abregado-rae [8]
- Corellia (4) [9]
- Drall (3) [9]
- Jatee [10]
- Leria Kerlsil [9]
- Rydonni Prime (2) [11]
- Sacorria [9]
- Selonia (4) [9]
- Spira [12]
- Talus (2) [9]
- Tralus (1) [9]
- Chrona (5) [16]
- Korbin (1) [17] [18]
- Myrkr [8]
- Obroa-skai [8]
- Tasariq (2) [19] Barimoq Crater[19] Elikann Crater[19]
- Amthau [20]
- Aram [20]
- Bacrana (1) [20]
- Bovo Yagen (1) [9]
- Canyon (1) [21]
- Demar [20]
- Hargeeva [22]
- Lazerian IV [6] Industrial Starports[6]
- Nigel VI [23]
- Nkllon [8]
- Tava Yagen [9]
- Valgauth [24]
- Ando (3) [25]
- Argovia [26]
- Bimmisaari [8]
- Bothawui [27] [28]
- Essowyn (1) [29] [18]
- Kaal [30]
- Kashyyyk [8]
- Kirima (2) [31]
- Kothlis [27] [28] [32]
- Krann [33]
- Monor II [34]
- Mutanda (1) [29] [18]
- Ord Pardron [35]
- Seltos [36]
- StarForge Station [14] [37] [38]
- Starlyte Station [39]
- Venaari (2) [40]
- Zelos II (1) [17] [18]
- Asation [41]
- Ast Kikorie (1) [42]
- Bespin (1) [5] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [32] [48] Cloud City[43][45][47]
- Bpfassh [8]
- Carosi XII (1) [17] [18]
- Dalos IV (2) [49]
- Darlyn Boda (3) [48]
- Dayark (1) [50]
- Demesel (1) [51]
- Eliad [1]
- Elom [8]
- Elrood (8) [52]
- Emmer [49]
- Galaan [53]
- Gandle Ott [54]
- Garqi [55]
- Gelgelar [32] Gelgelar Free Port[2][14][56]
- Gentes (1) [48]
- Gerrenthum (8) [48]
- Indu San [57]
- Ione (3) [48]
- Isen IV [29]
- Isis (1) [48]
- Javin (3) [48]
- Kabaira [58]
- Kessel [44]
- Kidron [52]
- Kirtania [59]
- Kirtarkin (2) [48]
- Kuna's Tooth (1) [42]
- Lan Barell [60]
- Lutrillia (7) [48]
- Marca [61]
- Mataou (1) [48]
- Merisee (3) [52]
- Midakos (1) [42]
- Mote (1) [42]
- Narg [62]
- Neftali [39] [63] Cordel Cove[63]
- Nothoiin (3) [48]
- Nwarcol Point [64]
- Ord Mynock (1) [65]
- Ossus [66]
- Ovise III (3) [42]
- Ovise VI (4) [42]
- Pallaxides [67]
- Pembric II [68]
- Pii III (2) [69]
- Pii IV [69]
- Pirik [70] Jalor Docking Facilities[70]
- Polmanar (2) [48]
- Qina (1) [42] Qina spaceport[42]
- Rishi [71]
- Rodia [32]
- Rordak (4) [29] [18]
- Sevarcos II (4) [72]
- Shesharile 5 [1] [73]
- Shesharile 6 [1] [73]
- Sirpar [74]
- Socorro [63] Cjaalysce'I[63]
- Syned [75]
- Tanquilla Beach [76]
- Tatooine [77] [46] [78] [47] [32]
- Terman Station [64]
- Tresidiss (2) [51]
- Trindello (1) [42]
- Trogan [35]
- Varonat (1) [48]
- Vasha (10) [42]
- Verkuyl [79]
- Vex Asteroid Belt (2) [42]
- Virmeude [14]
- "Woern's Asteroid" [80]
- Zirtran's Anchor [81]
- Guiteica [15]
Mark Rein-Hagen in conjunction with Stewart Wieck originated the standard-class starport. It was for Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters, which is a roleplaying supplement released during 1990 via West End Games for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.