The Mandalorian adjudicator was a human who belonged to a Mandalorian covert, operating on a harsh, rocky desert planet. He was present when the foundling Ragnar Vizsla's oath to the Mandalorian Creed was given, an event disrupted by an attack from a dinosaur turtle. Furthermore, the adjudicator witnessed the declaration of redemption and subsequent welcoming into the covert of the former Mandalorian apostates Din Djarin and Bo-Katan Kryze.
Later, the adjudicator supervised sparring matches between Mandalorian younglings, including Ragnar and the very small alien Grogu, expressing initial reservations about Grogu's diminutive size. When a Raptor abducted Ragnar, he safely guided the children. He later observed Ragnar's return following his rescue. At a later point, the judge was there when the New Republic pilot Carson Teva delivered news of a pirate siege affecting the planet Nevarro, prompting Djarin to gather the covert and persuade them to intervene.
Around 9 ABY, this human Mandalorian served as a member of a Mandalorian covert aligned with the Children of the Watch, a Mandalorian sect devoted to the ancient Way of the Mandalore. This covert made their home on a rugged, desert planet, and the Mandalorian took on the role of a judge for the training skirmishes involving the foundlings. On one particular day, the judge participated in the ceremony where the foundling Ragnar swore the Mandalorian Creed. This event occurred on a beach near the covert's cave. The Mandalorian stood holding a blue banner adorned with white symbols as Ragnar received his helmet from the covert's leader, "the Armorer." However, the swearing-in was disrupted by an attack from a dinosaur turtle. While the adult Mandalorians engaged the creature with blaster fire, the judge began to lead a Mandalorian youngling toward the safety of the cave, while the Heavy Infantry Mandalorian Paz Vizsla, who was Ragnar's father, instructed the remaining younglings to seek shelter inside.

Throughout the ongoing battle with the dinosaur turtle, the Mandalorian judge maintained his position at the cave entrance, firing his blaster pistol. Meanwhile, other Mandalorians attempted to use grappling lines against the beast. Along with other blaster-wielding Mandalorians, the judge slowly advanced, even as those using the grappling lines were tossed around. The covert was forced to retreat as the creature pushed forward, but they were saved by the arrival of the apostate Mandalorian Din Djarin, who used his N-1 starfighter to kill the creature with proton torpedos. With the threat neutralized, many Mandalorians gathered to watch Djarin land.
Following a conversation with the Armorer, Djarin journeyed to the planet Mandalore, the Mandalorian homeworld, to immerse himself in the Living Waters located within the mines of Mandalore. This act was meant to redeem him for removing his helmet in the presence of others. With the assistance of the Mandalorian Nite Owl and revolutionary Bo-Katan Kryze, who rescued him after he fell into a deep part, he successfully bathed in the waters. The pair then returned to the covert on the desert planet.

Upon Djarin and Kryze's arrival, the judge joined a group of Mandalorians, led by Vizsla, who came out to greet them. The Heavy Infantry Mandalorian attempted to turn them away, but Djarin presented a flask containing the Living Waters as proof of his redemption. As the apparent apostate made his claim, the judge turned to look at his comrades. The group then proceeded to the Armorer to verify the proof. The judge observed as the Armorer confirmed that the flask contained the Living Waters, thus redeeming both Djarin and Kryze. The Mandalorians then congratulated the pair.
Later, the covert engaged in combat training on the beach. Here, the Mandalorian judge officiated one-on-one fights between Mandalorians, announcing the victor when one submitted or was defeated. After overseeing a fight where Ragnar defeated another youngling, the judge was speaking with another Mandalorian when Djarin arrived and offered his foundling, the alien Grogu, as a challenger. The Mandalorian judge expressed doubt due to Grogu's small size, but Djarin, as the foundling's ward, insisted on proceeding. The mediator then inquired about the weapon of choice, and Djarin left the decision to Ragnar, the challenged. Ragnar chose darts, and the Mandalorian judge instructed his comrade to bring the training darts.

Once the darts arrived, the Mandalorian judge had Grogu and Ragnar equip themselves. He then outlined the rules: each contender had three darts to fire in any order, and the highest number of direct hits would win. Upon the judge's signal to begin, Ragnar scored direct hits on Grogu with his first two darts. However, on the third signal, Grogu dodged the shot and fired three darts into Ragnar's chest, outmaneuvering the other youngling. The judge declared Grogu the winner, and Ragnar walked towards the shore. At that moment, a Raptor swooped down and snatched the losing youngling, carrying him away. The judge joined the other Mandalorians in retreating into the cave while Vizsla, Djarin, and two others pursued the creature.
Kryze successfully located the Raptor's nest and led a group of Mandalorians, including Djarin and Vizsla, to rescue Ragnar. As Kryze's Gauntlet starfighter returned from the mission, the Mandalorian judge, accompanied by a youngling, approached the ship with the other Mandalorians of the covert. Vizsla emerged from the Gauntlet starfighter with Ragnar, and the covert cheered for them, the judge among them. The Mandalorian judge also witnessed the removal of three Raptor younglings from the Gauntlet, their parent having been killed in the process of saving Ragnar. As the creatures were brought out, the judge spoke with another Mandalorian, shaking his head.

Some time later, the New Republic pilot Carson Teva located the covert by tracking Djarin's astromech droid R5-D4. As the pilot approached the covert's cave, the Mandalorian judge and some of his comrades, led by Vizsla, emerged to meet him. The judge watched as the Heavy Infantry Mandalorian ordered Teva to leave. Djarin also came out, passing the judge, and Teva delivered a message from Djarin's friend, High Magistrate Greef Karga of the planet Nevarro, explaining that Karga's world was under pirate_siege_on_nevarro">invaded by pirates.
Determined to help Karga, Djarin convened a meeting with the other Mandalorians around a fire within the caves. Seated on the right side of the audience, the Mandalorian judge listened as Djarin urged the covert to assist Nevarro, offering the opportunity to settle there and cease their life in hiding. The judge spoke with a Mandalorian during the discussion. Vizsla then took the floor, questioning why they should risk their lives for the people of Nevarro, to which the Mandalorian judge nodded in agreement. Vizsla continued by explaining that it was because they were Mandalorian, citing Djarin and Kryze's efforts to rescue his son Ragnar, and pledged his support for helping Nevarro.

The Mandalorian judge was often seen advising Mandalorian younglings and officiating training matches between them. During creature attacks, his priority was to guide the younglings to safety. When Djarin presented Grogu as a challenger for the training matches, the judge initially doubted the foundling's size but was persuaded to proceed when Djarin identified himself as Grogu's guardian.
The judge wore Mandalorian armor plating painted in maroon, light gray, and orange colors, worn over a gray jumpsuit. He also wore brown boots, a dark green cape over his left shoulder, and a brown belt that holstered a blaster pistol on his right hip. The Mandalorian's equipment included an orange helmet and jetpack, as well as green and gray vambraces and a white kneepad rocket dart launcher on his right knee.
The Mandalorian judge made his first appearance in "Chapter 17: The Apostate," the opening episode of season three of the Disney+ series The Mandalorian, which premiered on March 1, 2023. Footage featuring the judge was previewed prior to the season's release, starting with the teaser trailer on September 10, 2022. In the season's fourth episode, "Chapter 20: The Foundling," he was credited as "Mandalorian Judge," with Jason Chu as the actor.