Lapin Tagge

Lapin Tagge, identified as non-binary, was a human belonging to the influential House of Tagge. They served as the cousin, secretary, and aide of Lady Domina Tagge, who oversaw the family's Tagge Corporation. Aboard the flagship, Acquisitor, they reported directly to Domina. Ulric Tagge, Domina's elder brother Ulric, stated that Lapin was unique among their cousins, as they were content with "living under Domina's shadow."


Situation management

Born into the prestigious House of Tagge, one of the Galactic Empire's most affluent families, was Lapin Tagge. This non-binary human was a cousin to Lady Domina Tagge, the leading figure of the Tagge Dynasty and its associated enterprise, Tagge Corporation (TaggeCo). During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Lapin held the position of Domina's trusted secretary on her personal starship, the Acquisitor. In 3 ABY, they provided Domina with updates on the company's business, encompassing discussions with the Arva Pars group, the acquisition of rights to the moon Gortus 4, and a conflict involving the D'Armin Syndicate.

Following Domina's instructions on each issue, Lapin inquired about her nephew, Ronen Tagge, who had narrowly escaped death when Doctor Chelli Aphra, a rogue archaeologist, destroyed his penthouse. The TaggeCo leader dismissed the topic, expressing a desire to avoid discussing Ronen. After an apology, Domina assigned Lapin the task of placing a 20,000 credit bounty on Aphra, which they carried out by consulting the bondsman Syphacc.

Aphra's employment

While numerous bounty hunters tried to apprehend Aphra, "Just Lucky" and Kharrek were the ones who successfully brought her in. Lapin welcomed the trio upon their arrival on the Acquisitor and directed them to follow. En route to Domina's office, the secretary spoke with Lucky about payment. Upon reaching the office, Lapin announced the arrival of the guests to the TaggeCo head. Domina thanked her aide and proceeded to converse with Aphra. Lapin and Lucky exchanged glances when Aphra mentioned the destruction of Ronen's penthouse.

Subsequently, Aphra employed one of Kharrek's neurotoxin darts on him and brandished the bounty hunter's blaster. Lapin sought cover behind Lucky, who raised their hands in response. After the rogue archaeologist secured a job from Domina, the TaggeCo leader instructed her secretary to escort Lucky out. Lapin voiced concerns about Domina's safety, but their superior dismissed them. Upon encountering the bounty hunter, the aide informed him that his previous contract with Ronen had been terminated due to the compromising of Domina's nephew. Lucky demanded action from Lapin, but they confirmed that the paperwork had already been processed and thanked him for his services before departing.

Domina had hired Aphra to investigate the suspected discovery of path engines, which De'Rruyet Industries, a rival company, claimed to be replicating, and to steal their innovative hyperdrive engine. Later, she and Lapin observed an advertisement from the company showcasing their groundbreaking hyperdrive. The secretary then notified Domina of an incoming transmission from Imperial Admiral Sheravin, acting on behalf of Emperor Palpatine. After thanking Lapin, the head of TaggeCo responded to the transmission, where the admiral threatened a review of the Empire's relationship with the Tagges if De'Rruyet's new hyperdrive proved successful. Lapin began to express concern that losing contracts with the Empire would devastate the Tagges, but Domina reassured them that she would prevent that from happening.

Moles and failures

Simultaneously, Domina had entrusted Lapin with a separate task, investigating a series of information leaks from the Tagge Corporation. During the investigation, the secretary discovered that a mole within the company was pilfering TaggeCo secrets and slicing Domina's private communications. They also uncovered the deaths of four spies, leading them to suspect the presence of more. In reality, Domina's brother, Silas Tagge, who headed Tagge Corp Weapons Development, was colluding with the Crimson Dawn syndicate, which had infiltrated all of TaggeCo's competitors with moles as well. Aphra and her partner, the mercenary Sana Starros, infiltrated the De'Rruyet Center on the planet Midarr during its event to showcase the hyperdrive innovation. However, the event spiraled out of control when the Unbroken Clan syndicate attempted to steal the engine, which Aphra ultimately destroyed.

Lapin informs Domina that there is a mole in the Tagge Corporation.

Upon returning to the Acquisitor, Aphra and Starros informed Domina that they had destroyed the engine, with Lapin present during the discussion. Domina employed a containment shield in an attempt to suffocate the pair, trapping Starros in an airless pocket until Aphra presented a genuine path engine crystal she had obtained to the TaggeCo leader. After releasing the mercenary, the TaggeCo leader assigned Starros and Aphra a new mission: to locate Ebann Drake, an arms smuggler and another cousin of Domina's who had disappeared. Lapin later served Domina a drink, and their superior requested that her secretary sit with her, inquiring about the progress of their investigation. They confirmed the existence of a mole, referencing the spies to her.

Aphra and Starros discovered Drake's luxurious vessel, the Opal Empress, above the Outer Rim astronomical object Kaderin, where the arms smuggler and the other passengers had been massacred by [cymotes](/article/cymote], parasitic creatures. After dealing with the cymotes, Aphra and Starros reported to Domina, who was tending to her garden on the Acquisitor with Lapin present. Aphra revealed that Drake possessed an invitation to an auction of the carbon-frozen smuggler Han Solo by the Crimson Dawn. After instructing her secretary to record a vacancy due to Drake's death, Domina tasked the rogue archaeologist and her partner with using Drake's invitation to investigate the Crimson Dawn's operations.

Blades and backstabbers

Later, Domina proceeded to evaluate the Tagge protoblade, a plasma weapon designed by Silas Tagge. She requested that Lapin report on the weapon's performance, and the secretary stated that the blade's energy consumption was twenty-three percent higher than anticipated. Domina instructed them to inform Silas that she expected the blade's next iteration to meet her standards. She also directed the aide to note the overheating of the protoblade's energy cells. While observing the head of TaggeCo engage in combat with some of her Honor Guard as part of the testing, the young Tagge Forthe and another intern complimented her skill, with Lapin offering a more composed agreement. Once the fight concluded, Domina and Forthe concurred that the protoblade was too cost-ineffective for widespread deployment, Domina's secretary casting a direct glance at the young Tagge, who was elated that Domina recognized his name.

Subsequently, Domina proceeded to her quarters to prepare for a meeting with the Tagge Corporation's executive team, consisting of her relatives. She instructed Lapin to report on the number of council members who had arrived as she made her way to her room. While the aide consulted her wardrobe, she confirmed with them that Forthe was the son of her relative Layla Tagge-Faulken, which was a political advantage for her, and she monologued about how her family was filled with vipers seeking to eliminate each other. Domina then requested that the aide retrieve a yellow dress for her. Lapin inquired whether she wanted them to accompany her during her meeting in case of danger, but the head of TaggeCo advised them to oversee Forthe and the other interns while she conversed with their parents.

Lapin defends the interns from the Ubese bounty hunters.

While Domina convened with the Tagge Corp executive board, a crew of Ubese bounty hunters led by Boushh arrived, having been hired by Silas through Crimson Dawn to assassinate the board. The crew launched an assault on the Acquisitor's bridge, disabling communications and locking down the remaining systems. The hunters then sought out the executive board, with the Ubese Hareck and Ilini encountering Lapin and the interns. The secretary brandished a blaster pistol at them, but Hareck assured them that the crew was not there for them.

It was at that moment that Domina intervened, utilizing the protoblade to incapacitate the two bounty hunters. She then proceeded to defeat the rest of Boushh's crew, discovering that Silas was the mole within TaggeCo when he had to stop Boushh from firing at him. With the conflict resolved, Domina instructed Lapin to escort the remaining members of the executive board off of the Acquisitor while she confronted Silas and the Ubese crew. She killed Silas and recruited the bounty hunters to turn on Crimson Dawn and assist her.

The Crimson Dawn spies

Lapin confronts Sira Folsomn

As their internal investigation into the information leaks progressed, Lapin uncovered several more spies within the Tagge Corporation and had them apprehended. One such individual was Sira Folsomn, an assistant packaging manager at the Tagge Corporation, who had been utilizing company resources for unauthorized personal communication and stealing company secrets. A decryption of Folsomn's messages revealed that she had been recruited by the Crimson Dawn. Following her apprehension, Folsomn was seated at a table, where Lapin recited her contract violations within Tagge Corp as part of a "performance review," though the traitor perceived it as a court hearing.

As Lapin confronted Folsomn about her involvement with Crimson Dawn, Domina arrived and offered to hand over the assistant packaging manager to the Imperials only if she disclosed the identities of her handler and contacts within the syndicate. However, Folsomn drew a concealed knife and attempted to assassinate the head of TaggeCo, only to be disarmed and fatally impaled with her own knife by her intended target. Lapin inquired whether Domina was alright, and their superior confirmed that she was fine before instructing her secretary to proceed with interrogating the next spy.

Updates and upgrades

Lapin was later present during Domina's subsequent meeting with Aphra and Starros, who had returned from their mission to the Crimson Dawn auction, having stolen a necklace from a member of the Black Sun syndicate who was secretly affiliated with Crimson Dawn. The necklace's crystal contained comprehensive information about the Black Sun's inner workings. The data also validated Domina's suspicions that Crimson Dawn was infiltrating numerous organizations, including her competitors. Domina then consulted Aphra about her encounter with a weapon known as the thought dowser, created by a group of Force-sensitives known as the Ascendant, which had damaged the rogue archaeologist's arm.

Lapin oversees the upgrades to Aphra's electro-tattoos.

Domina expressed a desire to examine the damage to Aphra's arm, and the rogue archaeologist requested that the electro-tattoos on it be repaired in the process. Consequently, Lapin was assigned the task, having Aphra sign a contract to permit the study of her arm and the repair and upgrade of her tattoos. The secretary oversaw the process, after which the doctor remarked that her tattoos had felt the best in ages. Lapin attributed it to the upgrade, but Aphra had not thoroughly read the contract's section regarding upgrades and voiced her displeasure about the lack of permission before the aide corrected her. When Starros inquired whether the rogue archaeologist had been weaponized, Lapin affirmed that she had not.

Aphra gone rogue

Lapin and Ronen Tagge are present as Domina loses contact with Aphra and Starros.

Domina dispatched Aphra and Starros to acquire an Ascendant artifact. However, during the mission, the head of TaggeCo required the rogue archaeologist to return to the Acquisitor and contacted her, with Lapin present as Aphra ignored the request. Ronen Tagge was also observing, and the secretary witnessed Domina's nephew warn her about the doctor before departing. Domina speculated that Aphra either had a lead on an Ascendant artifact or had developed new loyalties, with Lapin stating that both were equally plausible. Their superior then instructed Boushh and his crew to locate the rogue archaeologist and bring her back to the Acquisitor.

Boushh's crew apprehended Starros and Kho Phon Farrus, an alien who was also pursuing Ascendant artifacts, and brought the two before Domina and Lapin. Starros informed them that Aphra had merged with the Ascendant artifact known as the Spark Eternal, and the head of TaggeCo requested that Lapin relay orders to all her vetted teams to recover Aphra and the artifact intact.

Personality and traits

Lapin, a non-binary human, demonstrated unwavering loyalty to Domina Tagge and expressed a desire to accompany her to provide protection and assistance whenever possible. Despite their role as a secretary, Lapin was prepared to wield a weapon to defend their colleagues and employer, confronting Boushh's crew with a blaster when the Ubese bounty hunters boarded the Acquisitor.


Lapin frequently dressed in gray with red accents and brandished a datapad.

As Lady Domina's secretary, Lapin carried a datapad to record notes and access data. They wore a dark gray uniform featuring a red arrow pointing upward on the front. Lapin was proficient in wielding a blaster.

Behind the scenes

Lapin Tagge made their first appearance in flashbacks in the sixth issue of the 2020 Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic series, authored by Alyssa Wong and published by Marvel Comics on November 25 of that year. Their inclusion in the issue was previewed on a week before. Wong has publicly confirmed on social media that Lapin Tagge identifies as non-binary.

