Wrobie Tyce

Lieutenant Wrobie Tyce was a pilot in the Resistance, identified as a female of the human species. As the wife of Larma D'Acy, also a human, Tyce worked as a courier pilot. When D'Acy chose to join the Resistance, Tyce supported her decision and joined as well, flying an RZ-2 A-wing interceptor as part of Cobalt Squadron. During the retreat from the planet D'Qar in 34 ABY, Tyce avoided death because she was on a separate assignment when her entire squadron was wiped out.

In 35 ABY, she attended several gatherings on the moon Ajan Kloss, including the funeral for General Leia Organa and a planning session for the Battle of Exegol against the forces of the Sith Eternal. She subsequently piloted her A-wing starfighter in the battle, which initially went poorly for the Resistance due to the delayed arrival of reinforcements. Just as Poe Dameron was about to order a retreat because of the dire circumstances, the Citizens' Fleet showed up, enabling the Resistance to destroy the Star Destroyers of the Sith Eternal. Tyce later celebrated this victory with her wife on Ajan Kloss.


Joining and serving the Resistance

Wrobie Tyce pilots her RZ-2 A-wing through an asteroid field.

Wrobie Tyce, the wife of Larma D'Acy, was originally a courier pilot who operated within her homeworld, Warlentta. After D'Acy spent numerous years defending the Warlentta system, she was personally recruited into the Resistance movement by General Leia Organa. Tyce fully supported this decision and decided to join her, transitioning from a commercial pilot to one engaged in combat. She then flew with Cobalt Squadron within the Resistance, rising to the rank of lieutenant and assisting the unit in the defense of the astronomical object Fabrin and the Nanth'ri Trade Route. Tyce and D'Acy were among the married couples involved in the Resistance.

During the retreat from the planet D'Qar in 34 ABY, Tyce was absent. At that time, the First Order had discovered the hidden base of the Resistance and intended to destroy it. Tyce was away on a mission with fellow pilot Snap Wexley. The rest of her squadron was killed during the retreat, and Tyce was later reassigned under Wexley's command. Tyce was greatly relieved to learn that her wife had survived the Battle of Crait, and they reunited after the battle. At some point, she piloted her A-wing interceptor through an asteroid field.

Ajan Kloss

Tyce at the meeting on Ajan Kloss

In 35 ABY, Tyce was stationed at the Resistance's base located on the moon of Ajan Kloss, which allowed her to spend time with her wife following several months of separate missions. While on the moon, she also served as a mentor to other pilots.

When Resistance member Poe Dameron confirmed that Emperor Palpatine had returned and was hiding in the Unknown Regions on Exegol, Tyce was present on Ajan Kloss. She was also present next to General Organa's deathbed during the latter's funeral. She then participated in a briefing to plan the Battle of Exegol. During this briefing, she asked Dameron, the new general, how the Xyston-class Star Destroyers of the Sith Eternal's fleet, known as the Final Order, were able to take off. Dameron explained that they were using a signal from a navigation tower, and Finn, the former stormtrooper, added that the ground team would take down the tower to prevent the Star Destroyers from leaving the atmosphere. In the meantime, the Millennium Falcon, a light freighter, would be sent to the Core Worlds to gather reinforcements. As Tyce stood by her interceptor, D'Acy gave her a goodbye kiss.

Battle of Exegol

The battle commences

Tyce in her A-wing at the Battle of Exegol

Tyce and the Resistance starfighters flew to Exegol using the directions provided by Rey, who was in training as a Jedi. Upon arriving at the world, Tyce noted that neither the Falcon nor any additional allies had arrived. She flew her A-wing in the battle and was part of the attack force with the intention of destroying the navigation tower. However, upon their arrival, the tower was already deactivated, which she pointed out as they approached it.

Tyce further explained that the tower was no longer transmitting a signal. Finn then discovered that the navigation signal's source had been transferred to the command ship of the Sith fleet, the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer named Steadfast. When he suggested the ship be designated as the new drop zone for the ground team, Tyce questioned his intention to launch a ground invasion on a Star Destroyer, expressing disbelief. Finn admitted he didn't want to, but stated there was no other option.

Tyce and the other fighter wings provided cover for the ground team's troop carrier as it landed on the Steadfast. Later in the battle, the Resistance pilots began to doubt whether reinforcements would arrive. When Aftab Ackbar, the Mon Calamari pilot, asked Dameron what they should do, he told them they needed to damage the Sith Star Destroyers' cannons themselves. Tyce wondered what their fighters could do against Destroyers of that size; Dameron responded that they would just try to stay alive. When he asked if the pilots were with him, Tyce confirmed that she was.

Reinforcements arrive

Tyce and D'Acy reunite on Ajan Kloss.

As many of the Resistance's fighters began to be shot down by the Sith TIE fighters, Tyce asked Dameron whether they needed to retreat. Just as Dameron was about to give the order, the reinforcements of the Citizens' Fleet arrived under the leadership of Lando Calrissian, and the Steadfast was destroyed by Finn and his crewmate Jannah, with the rest of the Sith Star Destroyers also falling to the Resistance. When Dameron attempted to save the pair, who were still on the command ship, Tyce warned him that he would not make it back in time. Dameron insisted he was fast, but Calrissian flew in to do the job instead, reminding Dameron that he was not as fast as the general's ship, the Millennium Falcon.

Tyce returned to Ajan Kloss with the rest of the Resistance and participated in the victory celebrations there along with D'Acy, hugging and kissing her for a long while. She also danced during the festivities.

Personality and traits

Tyce's flight helmet

Tyce showed her support for her wife, D'Acy, by joining the Resistance alongside her. Tyce was very relieved after the Battle of Crait to learn that D'Acy had survived. The two found courage in each other's presence, but they weren't prone to public displays of affection. When they were apart, with D'Acy working with ground forces and Tyce on different missions in her A-wing, the couple were unsure of when they would be reunited. Despite this, they remained hopeful, inspired by General Organa, who had said that "Nothing's impossible."

During the Battle of Exegol, when Commander Dameron asked his starfighter pilots if they were with him, she assured him that she was without hesitation. When Dameron tried to save Finn and Jannah by himself, Tyce was worried for him and tried to tell him to stop. She was a particularly aggressive pilot, and she had no trouble handling enemies at close range. Tyce was a human female with curly, black [hair](/article/hair], brown skin, and brown eyes. She was 1.65 meters (5 [feet](/article/foot], 5 inches) tall.

Skills and abilities

Tyce was originally a courier pilot, but she adapted her flying skills to piloting starfighters. She was also capable of flying through asteroids.


Tyce piloted a green-and-white RZ-2 A-wing interceptor. She also wore a white-and-red flight helmet that had a yellow Rebel Alliance starbird and the Cobalt Squadron logo, but it had room for a new decal. She wore an interstellar-orange flight suit with a utility belt, an emergency oxygen tube, and an equipment pocket. The suit was covered by a white flight vest and was accompanied by a gray Guidenhauser flight harness, a white FreiTek Incorporated life support unit, and black gloves and boots.

Behind the scenes

Wrobie Tyce's first appearance was in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, part of the sequel trilogy, where she was played by Vinette Robinson. Her surname was revealed in the credits, and her first name was given in the reference book Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, written by Pablo Hidalgo. The 2020 novelization of the film incorrectly identifies Tyce's starfighter as a Y-wing. In the 2021 graphic novel adaptation of The Rise of Skywalker, Tyce's dialogue is slightly modified, changing "The navigation tower has been deactivated" to "The navigation tower! It's been deactivated!" The 2022 reference book Star Wars: Character Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition mistakenly identifies her as "Tyce Wrobie" at one point.

The celebratory kiss between Tyce and D'Acy marked the first on-screen LGBTQ+ kiss in the Star Wars films. It was censored in the United Arab Emirates and Singapore. Both Robinson and Amanda Lawrence, the actor who played Larma D'Acy, described the kiss as "brilliant" and an important scene to include.

Wrobie Tyce is present on Ajan Kloss in the non-canon video game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (2022), where she gives players the racing mission "Tyce's Totally Tough Time Trial." Tyce tells the player that she enjoyed updating the Ajan Kloss Resistance base training course, a task given to her by fellow pilot Snap Wexley, who was originally supposed to do it himself on Leia Organa's instruction. Tyce boasts that she made the course extremely difficult and invites the player to use it. Completing the race within the time limit unlocks Tyce as a playable character in the game.

