Oppo Rancisis, a Thisspiasian male renowned for his strategic and tactical brilliance, chose the path of a Jedi Master over his birthright as the ruler of his homeworld. As an infant, he was presented to the Jedi Order by his mother, the Blood Monarch of Thisspias. Rancisis became the apprentice of Master Yaddle, undergoing training to become a Jedi Knight nearly two centuries prior to the Battle of Yavin. In 186 BBY, after terrorists murdered Rancisis' sister, he was offered the throne, but he turned it down to remain dedicated to the way of the Jedi.
Upon earning the rank of Master and securing a position on the Jedi High Council, Rancisis's strategic mind made him a key military advisor for the Jedi. He also held membership in, and frequently presided over, the Council of Reconciliation. Throughout the re-emergence of the Sith, the Separatist Crisis, and the Battle of Geonosis, Rancisis served the Jedi Council. With the onset of the Clone Wars, he took on the role of a Jedi General. Alongside Yoda, Rancisis dedicated much of his time during the war on Coruscant, where he orchestrated and coordinated Republic forces across the galaxy, notably during the defense of Kamino and the [Battle of Zaadja]. He also collaborated with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and participated in the Council of Reconciliation.
As the war neared its end, Rancisis uncovered a Separatist scheme on the planet Saleucami. There, Dark Acolyte Sora Bulq was supervising the creation of a cloned "Shadow Army" of Morgukai, which Rancisis believed could rival the Jedi. Leading a force of Jedi and three battalions of clone troopers, the Thisspiasian Jedi Master laid siege to Saleucami for five months. To bolster Republic forces, Rancisis employed his battle meditation, pushing himself to the brink of exhaustion. Exploiting this, Sora Bulq dispatched a squad of Anzati assassins to eliminate Rancisis. Although the Jedi Master successfully repelled the attackers, this was merely a diversion orchestrated by Bulq, who seized the opportunity to infiltrate Rancisis's chamber and fatally stab him in the back.
Oppo Rancisis, a Thisspiasian male, was born on the planet of Thisspias in the year 206 BBY. As the son of the Blood Monarch, the female ruler of Thisspias, his Force-sensitive nature was discovered early in his life. At the age of six standard years, in 200 BBY, his mother offered him to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be trained in the ways of the Jedi. Her hope was that he would eventually return to Thisspias after completing his training, succeeding her as Blood Monarch and applying his Jedi-taught wisdom and power for the benefit of their people.
The Jedi Order accepted Rancisis, and he was ultimately chosen by Jedi Master Yaddle, a highly respected member of the Jedi High Council, to be her Padawan. Yaddle instructed Rancisis in the Jedi arts, and he demonstrated a natural aptitude for wielding the Force, as well as a talent for military strategy and tactics. He also received some instruction from Master Yoda, although Rancisis proved to be a somewhat rebellious student, occasionally disregarding Yoda's guidance. In 186 BBY, at the age of twenty, terrorists attacked the alcazar on Ratamesh, killing his younger sister, who had ascended to the position of Blood Monarch during Rancisis's initial training. As the next in line to inherit the throne, Rancisis was offered the crown. However, remaining true to the Jedi Code, he declined the offer and continued his training at the Jedi Temple.
Rancisis eventually achieved the ranks of Jedi Knight and then Jedi Master, becoming proficient in the rare Jedi techniques of battle meditation and Malacia. Battle meditation allowed him to uplift the morale of his allies while simultaneously weakening that of his enemies, subtly influencing the outcome of battles. Malacia, on the other hand, enabled him to use the Force to disrupt an opponent's equilibrium, causing them to lose balance and experience dizziness and nausea, although its effects were only temporary. Despite its violent nature, which was frowned upon by some, Rancisis taught Malacia for many years, documenting his insights on its use in the Great Holocron. Known for his intricate and effective strategies, Rancisis possessed a deep understanding of military tactics, which helped the Republic secure victory in numerous conflicts.

Prior to 89 BBY, Rancisis was temporarily granted a seat on the Jedi High Council, joining his former Master Yaddle on this esteemed body. He was also a member of the Council of Reconciliation, a group of five individuals tasked with finding peaceful resolutions to the Republic's challenges and assigning Jedi to implement them. In that same year, acting on the concerns of other Councilors who had noticed unusual behavior in young Padawan Lorian Nod and suspected illness, Rancisis visited Nod's chambers. Upon entering, he found Nod with fellow Padawan Dooku and immediately sensed a disturbance in the Force. Searching the room for its source, he discovered a Sith holocron that had been stolen from the Jedi Archives. While Nod accused Dooku of the theft, Dooku denied the accusation. Rancisis simply confiscated the holocron and departed, informing the two Padawans that the Council would decide their fate.
Rancisis informed the Council about the theft, but due to their busy schedule, a meeting with the two students could not be arranged for several days. In the meantime, Rancisis and Master Yoda organized a competition for a group of Padawans, including Nod and Dooku. Dividing them into two teams of ten, they tasked them with retrieving a muja fruit from a vendor in the All Planets Market and returning it to the Temple before sunset. The Padawans were also permitted to use their training lightsabers to lightly tap and eliminate opposing team members. Rancisis and Yoda intentionally selected Nod and Dooku as team leaders to test the tension between them. During the competition, Dooku recklessly injured Nod with his lightsaber, leading to his appearance before the Council. Rancisis, Tor Difusal, and Yoda questioned him, and ultimately, Dooku was sanctioned for excessive aggression during a training exercise. Nod, on the other hand, was banished from the Order for falsely accusing Dooku of stealing the holocron. Dooku went on to become a respected Jedi Master, while Nod became a pirate.
During the Stark Hyperspace War, Jedi Master Plo Koon, a friend of Rancisis, and several other Jedi contacted the Jedi Council from the planet Troiken to share his plan to end the conflict. Koon specifically sought Rancisis's opinion on the plan due to his tactical expertise, and the Thisspiasian approved it. Iaco Stark had released a virus onto all Republic ships, preventing them from entering hyperspace, but Master Qui-Gon Jinn had discovered a way to counteract it. Koon's plan involved launching a surprise attack on Stark and his forces by sending a small fleet through hyperspace while his ground forces pushed back and occupied Stark's soldiers. Rancisis refined Koon's plan, developing various intricate strategies, and along with fellow Council Member Yarael Poof, he used battle meditation to strengthen the Republic assault force. The strategy proved successful, leading to Stark's capture. Plo Koon was granted a seat on the Council for his role in ending the conflict, while Rancisis's term was made permanent in recognition of his contributions.
In 33 BBY, Rancisis and his fellow Councilors convened to discuss the Yinchorri Uprising. The Yinchorri, a combative species native to Yinchorr, had recently discovered hyperspace travel and were attacking other worlds within the Yinchorri system. Master Mace Windu dispatched two Jedi to negotiate with the Yinchorri, but their heads were returned to the office of Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum. Jedi Master Yaddle later discovered that the Yinchorri were immune to Jedi mind tricks and wore cortosis armor, rendering lightsabers ineffective. During the meeting, Rancisis shared his knowledge of the Yinchorri's philosophy—that the strong were entitled to take from the weak—but also noted that they would surrender if they encountered beings stronger than themselves. After extensive discussion, Mace Windu and Councilor Micah Giiett volunteered to lead teams of Jedi to the Yinchorr system to locate and destroy the Yinchorri headquarters. Rancisis and half of the Jedi Council remained on Coruscant.
Rancisis, Yoda, and Yarael Poof watched Windu's three Consular-class cruisers depart, but Yoda felt uneasy, sensing that Windu's team was in great danger, as were those who remained on Coruscant. His fears soon came to fruition when a team of Yinchorri warriors infiltrated the Jedi Temple in an attempt to assassinate the Council. However, the Force forewarned the Jedi, allowing them to eliminate the attackers with minimal casualties. Surveying the damage, Rancisis expressed his concerns about the raid to Yoda, noting that the Yinchorri had nothing to gain from attacking the Temple and suspecting that an unknown external force was manipulating them. The Jedi were successful in the Yinchorr system, but at the cost of three lives: Micah Giiett, Lilit Twoseas, and Theen Fida. Rancisis attended their funerals on Coruscant, and Ki-Adi-Mundi was chosen to replace Giiett on the Council.

Also in 33 BBY, Rancisis and the other members of the High Council agreed that Nuru Kungurama, a Chiss youngling discovered by Jedi Masters Ring-Sol Ambase and Dooku, should be raised and trained as a Jedi. In 32 BBY, the Council of Reconciliation, consisting of Rancisis, Yoda, Adi Gallia, and Plo Koon, met with Qui-Gon Jinn to discuss his recent mission, which had resulted in the destruction of the Trade Federation battleship Revenue, for which Arwen Cohl and the Nebula Front militant group were responsible. The Front had serious concerns about the Trade Federation's monopoly on trade in the Outer and Mid Rims, and some Councilors believed their anger was justified. However, Rancisis argued that despite their admirable goals, they were nothing more than ruthless criminals. Ultimately, the Council decided to avoid taking sides, as both factions represented a significant number of beings, a stance that Rancisis strongly advocated for.
Shortly after, members of the Nebula Front attempted to assassinate Chancellor Valorum, but fled to Asmeru in the Senex sector, which was not part of the Republic, after their attempt failed. The Council dispatched several Jedi to Asmeru to apprehend the would-be assassins while others safeguarded the Eriadu Trade Summit. After the Jedi overstepped their authority and attacked natives on Asmeru, Valorum and the Council found themselves in a delicate situation. If Lord Crueya Vandron of the Senex sector filed charges against the Jedi, Valorum and the Council would have faced significant negative attention and potentially lost support from Republic citizens. The Council met to discuss the issue, with some, like Even Piell, advocating for a deal with the Senex lords, who had been repeatedly denied free trade with the Republic due to their slavery policies. Others believed that the Senex lords were simply slavers and should not be negotiated with. With the Republic's best interests in mind, Rancisis supported Piell's proposal, recognizing that a rift between the Senex sector and the Republic would be difficult to repair. Ultimately, the Republic appeased the Senex sector, and Cohl was apprehended.
Later that year, during the Trade Federation's Invasion of Naboo, the Sith re-emerged, and Qui-Gon Jinn briefly dueled a Dark Lord of the Sith on the planet Tatooine. Upon returning to Coruscant, he briefed the Council about the confrontation, although some remained skeptical about the Sith's return. Jinn had also encountered a Human child, Anakin Skywalker, on Tatooine and, convinced that he was the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy, requested permission to take the boy as his Padawan, despite Skywalker being older than the traditional age for new members of the Order. Yoda reminded Jinn that he already had a Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, but Jinn insisted that Kenobi be knighted and Skywalker be trained. Ultimately, the Council decided to postpone their decision and sent Jinn and Kenobi to assist Queen Padmé Amidala in resolving the crisis on Naboo. There, the Sith Lord killed Jinn, but Kenobi defeated the Sith, although it remained unclear whether he was the master or the apprentice. Rancisis and his fellow Councilors traveled to Naboo to attend Jinn's funeral, and Kenobi was eventually knighted, taking Skywalker as his Padawan. However, Rancisis was among those who opposed Skywalker's admittance to the Order, believing that he was too old for training.
Rancisis continued his service on the Council throughout the Separatist Crisis, during which numerous Republic worlds seceded to join Count Dooku's newly established Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Council also had to address other threats to the Republic. In 30 BBY, former Jedi Aurra Sing murdered several Jedi Knights on Coruscant, prompting Rancisis and his fellow Councilors to send Ki-Adi-Mundi to apprehend her. Three years later, the Council learned that Ashaar Khorda, an Annoo-dat revolutionary, had acquired a mysterious superweapon with which he planned to attack the Republic. In his report, Mace Windu stated that his sources were unable to pinpoint Khorda's exact target, but they had narrowed it down to three possibilities: Corellia, Alderaan, and Coruscant itself. Rancisis volunteered to protect Corellia, while Eeth Koth traveled to Alderaan and Yarael Poof defended Coruscant. Ultimately, Khorda targeted Coruscant, and although Poof was able to thwart the Annoo-dat's plot, he sacrificed his own life in the process. Master Yaddle also passed away around this time, and Shaak Ti and Coleman Trebor were selected to replace them.
During this period, some believed that the number of Jedi Knights was insufficient, leading to many Padawans being Knighted earlier than traditionally accepted. Rancisis attended the double ceremony where Quinlan Vos was made a Jedi Master and his Padawan, Aayla Secura, was made a Jedi Knight. However, the Council soon realized that they might have been too hasty in performing so many early Knightings and decided to postpone the Knighting ceremony of Anakin Skywalker and Ferus Olin after a Councilor raised concerns about their behavior. Rancisis was among those who informed Skywalker's Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, that his Padawan would have to wait to become a Jedi Knight.

In 22 BBY, Rancisis embarked on a diplomatic endeavor to Trandosha. The state of affairs between the Trandoshans and their in-system neighbors, the Wookiees, had been deteriorating, prompting the Trandoshans to repeatedly seek representation within the Galactic Senate. Four weeks after Trandoshan forces initiated attacks on Wookiee transports, Rancisis arrived, accompanied by diplomats from Caamas and Alderaan, to engage in discussions with representatives from both factions. Critics within the Jedi Order voiced concerns regarding Rancisis's delayed arrival to the conflict, suggesting that earlier intervention by the Council could have mitigated the extensive bloodshed.
At Hsskhor on Trandosha, Rancisis engaged in discussions with Wookiee Senator Yarua and Trandoshan Speaker-Above-All Hadocrassk, focusing on the prevailing circumstances and Trandosha's controversial slavery policies. The negotiations faced initial challenges and continued to be difficult. The situation escalated when the Trandoshans secretly sought assistance from the Trade Federation to secure a Senate seat, leading Senator Yarua to abruptly end the discussions and leave the chamber, despite Rancisis's attempts to dissuade him. Recognizing the failure of the negotiations, the Council reassigned Rancisis.
A month later, the Jedi Order received a distress signal from Obi-Wan Kenobi on Geonosis in the Outer Rim. Having uncovered a Separatist plot to ignite war with the Republic, Kenobi was captured by Dooku and sentenced to execution in the Petranaki arena, alongside Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala. Mace Windu led a team of over 200 Jedi in a daring rescue mission to Geonosis, although Rancisis was not among them. The Jedi forces in the arena suffered heavy losses, leaving only a small group of survivors. Before Dooku could order their deaths, Yoda arrived with battalions of clone troopers, secretly created on Kamino under the orders of the late Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. The Republic emerged victorious in the Battle of Geonosis, marking the commencement of the galaxy-wide Clone Wars.
Recognized for his exceptional tactical acumen within the Jedi Order, Rancisis was appointed as a Jedi General and became a pivotal figure in the Grand Army of the Republic. He employed his battle meditation to subtly influence the will of Separatist forces, thereby providing the Republic with a strategic advantage in combat. Despite the significant losses incurred by the Republic in the early stages of the war, the Jedi Council identified a chance to strike back at the CIS two months after the Battle of Geonosis. Jedi Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura, operating undercover on the space station known as The Wheel, discovered that the Confederacy was planning a major offensive on Kamino, aiming to destroy a new batch of over a million clone troopers produced by the Kaminoans. This marked the first instance since the war's outbreak that the Republic had advance knowledge of a Separatist attack, and Rancisis was entrusted with devising the battle plan for Kamino's defense.
Rancisis's strategy heavily relied on the assumption that the CIS would expect Kamino to be poorly defended. He reasoned that if the Separatists suspected a Republic ambush, they would retreat, thus forfeiting the opportunity to gain a strategic advantage. Consequently, Rancisis positioned the fleet assigned to defend Kamino outside the Kamino system, ready to hyperspace jump to the planet's defense upon his signal, after the Separatists initiated their attack. Despite the inherent risks of leaving Kamino virtually undefended at the outset, Rancisis remained confident in the plan's potential for success.
Rancisis oversaw the battle from a Republic armada ship, rather than directly coordinating the defense on Kamino. Before the Separatist arrival, he addressed a team of Jedi, led by Obi-Wan Kenobi, via hologram, outlining his strategy and emphasizing the importance of surprise. With Tipoca City, the primary site for clone growth and training, vulnerable to ground assaults from the initial CIS wave and clone starfighters unavailable in sufficient numbers, Rancisis tasked Kenobi's Jedi with piloting starfighters against the CIS fleet, while Shaak Ti and others defended the clone complex's interior. The battle ultimately resulted in a stalemate, with both sides sustaining losses and the Separatists, led by Passel Argente, managing to escape. Nevertheless, Rancisis's plan played a crucial role in safeguarding the Republic's future warriors and preventing an early Separatist triumph in the conflict.
Throughout the Clone Wars, he continued to serve the Jedi Council, participating in numerous meetings where the escalating costs of the conflict were deliberated. At some point during the war, Rancisis returned to Thisspias to solicit his species' assistance in the fight against Dooku and the Separatists. The reigning Blood Monarch conditionally agreed, promising Thisspias's support if Rancisis could defeat him in unarmed combat, as tradition dictated. Recognizing the Republic's dire need for assistance, the Jedi Master accepted the challenge. He emerged victorious, and the Blood Monarch honored his pledge by contributing small contingents of Thisspiasian warriors to various battles.

Rancisis, alongside figures like Yoda and Mace Windu, frequently conferred with the Chancellor in his office to discuss the war's progress. Sixteen months after Geonosis, Rancisis, Yoda, and Windu convened with Palpatine at his request to address the situation on Thustra, where the native Sephi were on the verge of secession. Despite unsuccessful negotiations with the Sephi king, Alaric, Palpatine insisted that the Republic and the Jedi exert every effort to prevent Thustra from joining the CIS, citing the planet's strategic importance and the potential for the rest of the sector to follow suit. Yoda, who had known Alaric for centuries and believed he could be reasoned with, volunteered to travel to Thustra as a diplomat, a proposition Rancisis opposed. Rancisis argued that Yoda's focus on a single battle would detract from his oversight of the entire Jedi war effort, thereby jeopardizing the Republic's chances of victory. However, Palpatine remained firm, and despite Rancisis's objections, Yoda journeyed to Thustra and successfully persuaded Alaric to align with the Republic. Two months later, Rancisis and Windu approved a battle plan proposed by Obi-Wan Kenobi for the Battle of Zaadja.
Following General Grievous's killing and wounding of numerous senior Jedi on Hypori, the Jedi Council convened to discuss the diminishing number of Jedi Knights and the war's toll on the Order. While Adi Gallia suggested knighting deserving Padawans, Obi-Wan Kenobi proposed bypassing the traditional Jedi Trials to promote Anakin Skywalker to Jedi Knight, a suggestion Rancisis vehemently opposed. He argued that Skywalker was too reckless and that the Order's fundamental principles should not be compromised, even during wartime. Yoda reminded Rancisis that he himself had not been the most disciplined in his youth. Ultimately, despite differing opinions, Yoda agreed to knight Skywalker, and the Council held a ceremony in the Jedi Temple.
During the war, Rancisis also served on the Council of Reconciliation, sometimes leading it. Following the Battle of Rendili two and a half years after Geonosis, Rancisis and the Council of Reconciliation, along with Masters Tholme and Kenobi, met with Quinlan Vos, a Jedi Master who was close to the dark side and suspected of turning rogue or joining Dooku. Vos had previously been tasked with infiltrating Dooku's circle of Dark Acolytes, but his current allegiances remained unclear. Vos sought readmission into the Order, but the Council members were unsure of his trustworthiness. Eventually, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Ki-Adi-Mundi deferred to Rancisis's judgment, as they were attending via holographic transmissions from various locations across the galaxy.
Rancisis believed that Vos had returned to the light and allowed him to rejoin the Order, acknowledging that the war's pressures often outweighed traditional practices, a lesson he had learned with Anakin Skywalker's knighting. He questioned Vos about his undercover experiences as Dooku's agent. Vos had not gained much information but knew the CIS was planning something in the Outer Rim Territories, where the Separatist Council was hiding on planets like Alliga and Anzat. Vos volunteered to investigate Anzat, though Tholme and Rancisis thought he needed rest. Rancisis also recognized that Vos's insight into Dooku's mind would greatly help the Thisspiasian strategize against the Separatist leader, despite the limited information.

While on Coruscant, Rancisis and other Councilors listened to Obi-Wan Kenobi's report about intelligence from his friend, diner owner Dexter Jettster. Jettster had not provided details over an unsecured comlink, but Rancisis and the others agreed Kenobi should meet with him. After a terrorist bombing on Coruscant by Count Dooku, Rancisis attended a full High Council session where Anakin Skywalker reported Jettster's information in Kenobi's absence, who had been wounded. Jettster's intelligence indicated General Grievous was preparing to strike Bothawui, a Republic-loyal world and home to the Bothan Spynet. Despite some doubts, Skywalker insisted on its accuracy. After Skywalker left the High Council Chamber, Rancisis deferred to Mace Windu and Yoda on addressing the threat and retired for the night. Windu and Yoda planned for Skywalker to lead a battle group to defend Bothawui, and Skywalker successfully prevented Grievous from capturing the world.
When the Bardottan species requested Republic aid due to the disappearance of their Dagoyan Masters, Force mystics, Chancellor Palpatine suggested sending a Jedi with Representative Jar Jar Binks to Bardotta. Rancisis attended the meeting where, despite the Bardottans' distrust, Master Windu decided to accompany Binks. Shortly after, Plo Koon discovered Master Sifo-Dyas's crashed shuttle on a desert moon of Oba Diah, and Rancisis was present when Koon reported this to the Council. Further investigation revealed that Dooku had murdered Sifo-Dyas before the Clone Wars to draw the Republic into the conflict. Troubled, the Council gathered to discuss it, but Yoda seemed distracted. After the meeting, Kenobi, Rancisis, Unduli, and Secura were talking when Mace Windu interrupted to speak with Kenobi. Yoda soon asked the Council to meditate with him to confirm his belief that Qui-Gon Jinn's spirit was contacting him, and the Council remained for over a day, but without success. The other Councilors began to suspect Yoda was affected by the dark side, so he underwent medical testing.
Rancisis and the Republic soon learned of a new Separatist threat on Saleucami in the Outer Rim. Tholme, using information from his mission to Anzat, uncovered a plot by Dooku and his Dark Acolyte, former Jedi Master Sora Bulq, to create a clone army of Morgukai warriors trained by Anzati assassins. Cloned from the Kajain'sa'Nikto Bok, these warriors wore cortosis armor, posing a threat to the Jedi. Tholme's transmission was cut short after a duel with Sora Bulq, leaving Rancisis unsure of his condition. Chancellor Palpatine was informed of the "Shadow Army," and authorized the Jedi Council to send troops to deal with it. Recognizing the need to defeat both Bulq and the Morgukai clones, they sent three battalions, placing Rancisis in command of the Republic forces.

Rancisis wanted Quinlan Vos as his second-in-command, due to the Kiffar Jedi's prior experience with the Anzati and Morgukai, his knowledge of both groups, and his status as Tholme's former Padawan. When Rancisis showed Vos Tholme's transmission, Vos believed Tholme had survived and was disrupting Bulq's operations on Saleucami. Vos offered to travel to Saleucami, but Rancisis informed him of the Council and Palpatine's orders and his selection as second-in-command; the battalions were ready to leave immediately. Vos accepted, and Rancisis led his forces to Saleucami, beginning the Outer Rim Sieges.
Thousands of clones, vehicles, ships, and weapons were deployed to Saleucami, and a Republic headquarters was established for Rancisis to coordinate the fighting through battle meditation. Bulq's encampment was heavily fortified and shielded, and the barren terrain of Saleucami prolonged the conflict. Rancisis used the Force to understand the battlefield, anticipate strikes, and foresee outcomes. Republic forces, led by Vos and other Jedi, attacked on the ground, while Sagoro Autem commanded from space, but they could not penetrate Bulq's caldera headquarters in Saleucami's main city, guarded by a perimeter shield generator and ion cannons. After five months of siege, Rancisis's forces were running low on supplies, much of which was used to feed refugees from Saleucami's city.
Rancisis had Vos and his Jedi Generals—Ausar Auset, Sian Jeisel, A'Sharad Hett, Xiaan Amersu, Aayla Secura, and K'Kruhk—attempt to disable the shield generator again during a skirmish, claiming his meditation showed a path would be carved. Many Jedi were skeptical, as this elusive path had been part of Rancisis's plan for months without success. During the battle, Vos and Jeisel found a path to the tunnels allowing Republic access to the caldera fortifications. Vos's forces secured the caldera's rim, but Separatist and Shadow Army forces converged on the city's center, resisting fiercely. Rancisis deepened his battle meditation, exhausting himself to foresee the battle and war's outcome; however, an unknown factor and the dark side clouded his vision.
When the fighting paused, Rancisis spoke via hologram with Sagoro Autem, commanding the Venator-class Star Destroyers orbiting Saleucami, about supplies. The latest delivery was insufficient, and Autem noted that less aid to refugees would alleviate the situation. Rancisis reminded Autem that the Republic was attacking the refugees' city and evacuation was impossible; as a Jedi, he would not ignore the needy and let them starve. Quinlan Vos interrupted the meeting to report on the day's events, stating that the Separatist headquarters were impenetrable while the shield generator remained, but the Separatists could not leave Saleucami to attack other Republic worlds. Rancisis was content, but Vos explained that the Republic and Jedi forces could not continue much longer without respite.
Rancisis had a plan, but refused to share it, even with Vos, fearing CIS discovery would make victory impossible. A key part of the plan involved an inside attack on the Separatist compound, but all efforts had failed. Vos and Secura, Tholme's former Padawans, informed Rancisis that their Force bond indicated Tholme was alive and could act as their inside man, but Rancisis was skeptical.
When the Republic forces had recuperated, they launched another assault on the Separatists, attacking the city center. Rancisis coordinated the battle from within the Republic stronghold, using his last reserves of energy to maintain his battle meditation. During the fighting, several elite Anzati assassins infiltrated his chamber, seemingly sent by Sora Bulq to slay Rancisis. The Thisspiasian Jedi Master sensed their presence through the Force before they could attack, and began to fight them off, despite his exhaustion. Using the Force, his lightsaber, his long tail, and his four arms, he clashed with the Anzati, killing many, until just one remained.

Rancisis told the remaining Anzati, Rath Kelkko, that he would accept his surrender, or kill him—it made no difference to the Jedi Master. Kelkko recognized Rancisis's tired condition, and confidently attacked, regretting that he would not be able to consume his "soup" as Rancisis was too dangerous to be kept alive. With one last throw of the chance cube, Rancisis used his tail to send Kelkko sprawling across the room; the Anzati perished when he collided with an energy barrier. As Rancisis watched him die, however, he was stabbed in the back by Sora Bulq; the entire Anzati attack had been a ruse, intended to distract Rancisis so that Bulq could enter the room without the Force alerting the Thisspiasian to his presence. Rancisis became one with the Force, and his death was sensed by all the Jedi on Saleucami.
Jeisel, Hett, K'Kruhk, and the other Jedi were the first to find Rancisis in his chambers, and despite K'Kruhk's efforts to heal Rancisis with the Force, they could do nothing to save him. Vos had been in the Separatist headquarters at the time of Rancisis's death, and some of the Jedi, such as Sian Jeisel, suspected that he was the killer. Vos, however, pointed out that as Rancisis's second-in-command, he had had ample opportunity to kill the Jedi Master, and that he would have made sure not to implicate himself. Jeisel eventually used the Force to learn that Vos was innocent, and accepted that he had played no part in Rancisis's death. However, the Jedi were still in a predicament—Rancisis had not revealed his plans to anyone, and they believed that the Republic's war effort on Saleucami would fail without his intricate strategies.
Quinlan Vos claimed that he could use his psychometry—a Force ability possessed by his species that allowed a user to view memories off inanimate objects—to read Rancisis's plan from his dead body, though this was met by stern opposition by several of the other Jedi. K'Kruhk believed it would be disrespectful to Rancisis's person, but relented, and Vos appeared to have read Rancisis's plan from the Jedi Master's body—in actual fact, he was unable to read memories from organics, and had formulated his own plan, but he pretended it was Rancisis's so that the Republic would carry it out. The Jedi then cremated the body and held a funeral for the Thisspiasian, also remembering the other Jedi who had fallen on Saleucami.
Vos's plan involved a three-pronged attack against the Separatist—simultaneous land and air attacks on the CIS base, while a small team of Jedi infiltrated Bulq's hideout and destroyed the shield generator. It was a risky plan, with potentially catastrophic results if the Jedi team was unsuccessful. Ultimately, the Jedi were successful, and Vos was able to slay Bulq. Nevertheless, Rancisis's death had a negative effect on the Republic's war effort, as they were without his elaborate strategies and his battle meditation. Obi-Wan Kenobi took his chair in the High Council Chamber.
Rancisis died just months before Order 66 was issued to the clone troopers, who executed their Jedi Generals across the galaxy. The Jedi Order fell, and Chancellor Palpatine—actually Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious—dissolved the Republic, with the approval of the Senate, and created the first Galactic Empire, becoming Emperor. Sidious had been culling the numbers of the Jedi Order slowly during his time, and he was the mysterious outside force that Rancisis and his peers detected during the Yinchorri Uprising. The Clone Wars had all been a machination of Palpatine's, designed to lay the foundations for the destruction of the Jedi Order, and Rancisis's contributions to the war effort had been in vain. He was not forgotten, however, and, decades later, his life was documented in a number of New Republic historical documents, as well as in a report on the Jedi written and compiled by Tionne Solusar. Rancisis's teachings on Malacia eventually fell into the hands of the New Jedi Order, as well.

Oppo Rancisis displayed unwavering loyalty to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. Despite having the opportunity to assume leadership on his native planet at a young age and enjoy a life filled with opulence and authority, he chose to dedicate himself to his Jedi training, never deviating from that path. Fully committed to the Jedi way, he devoted more than a century to instructing students and providing his strategic expertise whenever it was needed. He held the interests of the Republic paramount, and most of his decisions as a member of the Jedi Council were made with the Republic's well-being in mind. During the Eriadu Trade Summit crisis, Rancisis advised the Council and the Republic to remain neutral in the disputes between the Trade Federation and the Nebula Front, even advocating for appeasement of the Senex sector, all to maintain the Republic's support base.
Rancisis held conservative views, even more so than many of his fellow Council members, and he strongly resisted disregarding the ancient customs established by the Jedi of the past. While numerous Jedi Council members were willing to bypass the standard trials and prematurely elevate Anakin Skywalker to the rank of Knight, Rancisis was vehemently opposed to this, as well as to other special considerations given to Kenobi's Padawan. Nevertheless, by the time the Clone Wars began, he had come to understand the necessity of occasionally setting aside time-honored Jedi principles for the greater good of the Republic.
Showing concern for all living creatures, Rancisis frequently clashed with non-Jedi military officers who lacked his compassion. During the assault on Saleucami, Rancisis devoted a significant portion of his forces' resources to providing food and shelter for refugees from the planet's main city, so much so that many of his subordinates worried that there would not be enough supplies for the Republic soldiers. Rancisis insisted that the refugees should be prioritized because the Republic was responsible for their displacement. He also showed remarkable tenacity in pursuing his strategic plans. While employing battle meditation, he received a vision of a route that would lead the Republic to Sora Bulq's headquarters. However, after numerous unsuccessful attempts to locate it, many of the Jedi under his command wanted to abandon the effort and explore alternative strategies. Rancisis stood firm, adhering to his initial plan, which ultimately proved successful.
Oppo Rancisis possessed a range of Force abilities that were uncommon among the Jedi, in addition to his skills in lightsaber combat and unarmed fighting. Although he seldom used his lightsaber, preferring to coordinate attacks from a command center or to employ the Force against his adversaries, Rancisis crafted the traditional Jedi weapon during his training, resulting in a simple green blade. Rancisis used this weapon to fend off the Anzati assassins who infiltrated his chambers and attacked him during the Clone Wars, either killing or incapacitating all of them. Sora Bulq, once considered one of the most skilled swordsmen in the Jedi Order, recognized Rancisis's proficiency with a blade and chose to avoid direct combat, instead resorting to deception to eliminate him. Rancisis's lightsaber skills were enhanced by his hand-to-hand combat abilities; he used every part of his body, including his four hands and his tail, to strike at his enemies. He was formidable enough in unarmed combat to defeat the Blood Monarch on Thisspias in a formal duel during the Clone Wars. He was also renowned for perfecting the technique known as Alter Environment to a level that only Jedi Master Plo Koon had surpassed many years prior. Furthermore, he could electrocute opponents, demonstrating the ability to aim without visual confirmation.

A brilliant military strategist, Rancisis was among the few Jedi of his era to master the ancient Jedi art of battle meditation, a skill that was over 5,000 years old when he acquired it. It was known to have been used by legendary Jedi figures such as Odan-Urr, Nomi Sunrider, Thon, and Arca Jeth. In Tionne Solusar's writings on battle meditation, she included Rancisis among these Jedi, implying his exceptional skill in using this power. Yarael Poof was another contemporary practitioner of battle meditation, and the two collaborated to aid Republic forces on Troiken during the Stark Hyperspace War. This ability allowed the user to envision their desired outcome of any ongoing battle, and, if applied correctly, this vision could be realized by subtly influencing the odds against the user's adversaries, diminishing their morale while bolstering the courage of their allies. Rancisis effectively employed this power during the assault on Saleucami. He also attempted to use it to foresee the outcome of the entire war, but his efforts were thwarted by Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith.
Rancisis specialized in the unconventional Jedi power of Malacia, which many Jedi chose not to learn, preferring simpler methods. He taught this technique at the Jedi Temple for many years. Primarily used as a defensive measure, Malacia had no lasting effects but disrupted a victim's equilibrium, causing debilitating nausea and dizziness for several minutes—enough time for those under attack to escape. While most Jedi found it easier to use powers like affect mind or Force push to stop attacking enemies, many proponents of Malacia argued that the power could benefit some of its victims by reminding thugs that they, like their targets, were not invincible.

Oppo Rancisis was brought to life for Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, released in 1999. The character's design originated from storyboard artist Benton Jew, who drew inspiration from a photograph of an elderly, bearded man found on a Chinese calendar in his grandparents' home. Jew made several alterations to the image, including adding green skin and a long tail, but Rancisis still bore a strong resemblance to the man in the photograph. Rancisis made his debut in the novelization of The Phantom Menace, written by Terry Brooks and published in April 1999. He was portrayed by Jerome Blake in the film, although Blake had no speaking lines. Rancisis reappeared in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, but he was not featured in the Battle of Geonosis scenes, unlike the majority of the other Jedi in the film. The character's appearance in Attack of the Clones was achieved by using archived footage from The Phantom Menace with slight CGI modifications; in Attack of the Clones, he curls his tail, an action not seen in The Phantom Menace. Rancisis did not return for Revenge of the Sith.
Since then, Rancisis has been featured in numerous spin-off materials, primarily comics published by Dark Horse. He played minor roles in several issues of Star Wars: Republic, as well as in Jedi Council: Acts of War and Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantell, shortly after The Phantom Menace. Leading up to Attack of the Clones, he had a more significant role in James Luceno's Cloak of Deception and appeared in two segments of Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens's HoloNet News articles. Rancisis made numerous appearances in Clone Wars works, including several issues of Republic, Jedi: Yoda, Jude Watson's Legacy of the Jedi, and Clone Wars Chapter 21. During Clone Wars Chapter 21, he was voiced by Fred Tatasciore. Rancisis played a much more prominent role in John Ostrander and Jan Duursema's Siege of Saleucami arc of Republic, released in March 2005. The Siege of Saleucami marked the death of Rancisis, as it was decided he would not be in Revenge of the Sith. Despite this, he mistakenly appears in Douglas Wheatley's comic adaptation of Revenge of the Sith, which is set months after his death.

Rancisis stands out as the sole Jedi Council member from Attack of the Clones whose participation in the Battle of Geonosis remains undocumented. While most of the Council appears in the film's Geonosis scenes, other materials have established the roles of all other members, except for Rancisis. There is also a discrepancy regarding Rancisis's ascension to the Jedi Council. Both the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook and The New Essential Guide to Characters indicate that Rancisis was appointed to the Council after the Stark Hyperspace War. However, this is contradicted by Legacy of the Jedi, which places Rancisis on the Council nearly fifty years earlier, and Star Wars: The Stark Hyperspace War, which depicts Rancisis as a Council member during the conflict.
In March 2012, Series Director Dave Filoni confirmed that Rancisis would be featured in a future episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, as his character model had been developed for the series with a maquette from sculptor Darren Marshall. The episodes marking Rancisis's debut were released in March 2014 as part of the series' sixth and final season.
Rancisis is a character in "Yaddle's Tale: The One Below," a brief comic appearing in Star Wars Tales 5. While the canon status of Tales stories is questionable, The One Below has been referenced in several sources, including Cloak of Deception and The Official Star Wars Fact File, although Rancisis's role in it has not. However, it is impossible for Rancisis to appear in the story without altering his backstory, as he is depicted as a member of the Jedi Council in The One Below, despite other sources indicating that Yaddle was his Master. The story is also set around the time of Rancisis' birth.