Heir to the Jedi

Heir to the Jedi is a novel within the canon of Star Wars, penned by Kevin Hearne. Originally conceived as part of the Star Wars: Empire and Rebellion series within the Star Wars Legends continuity, it was instead released as a standalone title following the Lucasfilm continuity reboot in 2014. Del Rey published Heir to the Jedi on March 3, 2015, with the paperback version appearing on shelves on November 24, 2015. Furthermore, there exists an unabridged audiobook version, with narration provided by Marc Thompson. ## Publisher's summary The destruction of the Death Star by Luke Skywalker has transformed him into not just a hero for the Rebel Alliance, but also a valuable asset in their fight against the Empire. Although his mastery of the Force is far from complete, his exceptional piloting skills are undeniable. Rebel leaders Princess Leia Organa and Admiral Ackbar see him as the perfect choice for a critical and risky rescue mission for the Alliance. Imperial agents are holding a brilliant alien cryptographer captive, renowned for her ability to break through even the most sophisticated communication systems. They aim to exploit her unique skills for the Empire's benefit. However, this potential spy's allegiance lies with the Rebels, and she's willing to join their cause if she can be reunited with her family. This presents an invaluable opportunity to gain an advantage over the Empire, one that cannot be missed. This mission requires the element of surprise. Therefore, Luke and his resourceful droid, R2-D2, exchange their reliable X-wing fighter for a stylish space yacht, piloted by the daring recruit Nakari Kelen, daughter of a biotech magnate, who also has a personal vendetta against the Empire. Luke faces relentless Imperial bodyguards, deadly enemy warships, ruthless bounty hunters, and horrifying brain-eating parasites. He dives headfirst into a high-stakes espionage operation that will test his abilities as both a Rebel fighter and a prospective Jedi to their absolute limit. He needs Obi-Wan Kenobi's wisdom more than ever to guide him through these dangers. However, Luke must rely on himself, his friends, and his own growing connection to the Force to survive. ## Plot summary ### Opening crawl The narrative unfolds from the first-person perspective of Luke Skywalker. The setting is after the Battle of Yavin, during the Rebel Alliance's search for a new base of operations. Skywalker, still inexperienced, lacks a guiding mentor due to the passing of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. ### Journey to Rodia Following the events of the Battle of Yavin, Admiral Gial Ackbar dispatches Luke Skywalker and his astromech droid R2-D2 on a mission to Rodia with the aim of establishing a covert supply route for the Rebel Alliance. Although Rodia is under the control of the Galactic Empire, Princess Leia Organa suggests that the Chekkoo clan on the Betu continent might be open to collaboration, given their animosity towards the ruling Chattza clan. Furthermore, the Chekkoo clan possesses expertise in manufacturing weapons, armor, and other essential hardware for the rebels. Luke volunteers for the mission and is assigned a yacht named the Desert Jewel. Accompanying Skywalker on this endeavor is Nakari Kelen, the daughter of biotech magnate Fayet Kelen. They engage in conversation about their experiences growing up on desert planets, namely Tatooine, Skywalker's home, and Pasher, Nakari's. Before their departure, Nakari familiarizes Skywalker with the Desert Jewel's systems through a tour. Unable to directly travel to Rodia, Skywalker instructs R2-D2 to map a course through several hyperspace routes. Their initial destination is Llanic, a dubious haven for criminal activity located at the crossroads of the Llanic Spice Run and the Triellus Trade Route. As the Desert Jewel enters the Llanic system, they encounter two TIE fighters in pursuit of a Kupohan vessel. Recognizing the Kupohans as rebel allies, Skywalker destroys the pursuing TIEs. With Moff Abran Balfour's Imperial forces now aware of their presence, Skywalker directs R2-D2 to execute a direct jump to Rodia. ### Landing on Rodia Upon entering Rodia's atmosphere, Skywalker pilots the Desert Jewel to a landing on the continent of Betu, the territory of the Chekkoo clan. A female Rodian named Laneet Chekkoo greets Skywalker. Laneet guides Skywalker and R2-D2 to Toopil, an underground marketplace situated beneath the weapons manufacturer Utheel Outfitters. Within Toopil, Skywalker encounters Taneetch Soonta, a female Rodian whose uncle, Huulik, was a Jedi Knight who perished during the Clone Wars. Soonta recounts how Luke's father, Anakin Skywalker, saved Huulik's life during the Battle of Sedratis. Soonta also knows Skywalker's late master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had rescued a kidnapped child from another Rodian clan. Skywalker secures Soonta's permission to visit her uncle's tomb. The two travel on speeder bikes through Rodia's tropical jungles. While visiting Huulik's concealed tomb on a secluded jungle island, a large predator called a ghest destroys Skywalker's speeder bike. Moved by Luke's aspiration to become a Jedi, Soonta gifts Huulik's lightsaber to Skywalker. Wielding Huulik's lightsaber, Skywalker defeats the ghest after a brief confrontation, sustaining bite wounds between his left shoulder and neck. Subsequently, they return on the remaining speeder bike. Back in Toopil, Skywalker examines Huulik's lightsaber before consuming a meal of cranker roots. During a moment of meditation, Laneet informs Skywalker that the Empire has issued a planet-wide alert for the Desert Jewel. Lannet tells Skywalker he has to leave because they can't be seen as openly defying the Grand Protector or the Empire. ### The Givin cryptologist After returning to the rebel fleet by plotting a new hyperspace lane between Kirdo and Orto Plutonia, Skywalker meets with Admiral Ackbar, Princess Leia, and C-3PO. Skywalker apologizes for blowing his cover at Llanic by aiding a Kupohan starship. Leia reveals that the Kupohan starship has brought intelligence that the Empire is holding a Givin cryptographer named Drusil Bephorin captive on the planet Denon in an attempt to sway her to the Empire's side. The Givin cryptographer managed to pass a coded message to a Kupohan contact. The Givin is offering to work for the Rebellion if they can evacuate her family to Omereth beyond Hutt Space. Since Leia has assigned Major Bren Derlin and his crew with relocating the Givin's family, she assigns Skywalker the mission of rescuing the cryptologist due to his piloting skills. Skywalker seeks Leia's help in installing new armaments on the Desert Jewel but the Rebellion lacks the funds for these upgrades. The Desert Jewel's pilot Nakari proposes searching for a lost collection crew on the Deep Core world of Sha Qarot and its moon Fex in order to get her father to pay the credits needed to upgrade the ship's weaponry. Admiral Ackbar consents to this plan but warns Luke not to lose track of his mission to rescue the cryptologist from Denon. ### Expedition to Fex Skywalker, Nakari, and R2-D2 travel to Nakari's homeworld of Pasher in the Inner Rim where they meet her eccentric father Fayet Kelen, who jokingly addresses his employees as minions. Nakari convinces her father, who is aware of their involvement in the Rebellion, to hire them for the job of finding the collection crew. Fayet outfits Skywalker and Nakari with new prototype armor suits. Fayet sends his daughter and Skywalker to the planet Fex, whose high silica and mineral soil content have resulted in its native fauna sprouting crystalline spikes or horns. Fayet reveals that the first collection expedition lost three of their members to the planet's dangerous Fexian skullborer predators. Luke and Nakari watch a video recording of the three expedition members including Duros scientist Hafner being killed by skullborers, which feast on the brains of their prey. After watching the video, Skywalker decides to rule out Fex as a potential site for the new rebel base. The two take care to bring the armor and blasters that Fayet outfitted for them. On Fex, Luke and Nakari land in the collection team's XS-800 light freighter Harvester where they find that most of the crew have been killed by skullborers. Luke and Nakari are attacked by several skullborers, who have broken out of their cages. They manage to kill the predators but one of Nakari's hands suffers serious tissue damage. Luke and Nakari manage to evacuate the last surviving crew member before returning to Fayet. Based on their encounters with the skullborers, Luke speculates that the skullborers are semi-sentient. Returning to Pasher, Fayet deposits a large sum of money into an escrow account for Luke and Nakari. While Nakari's injuries are tended to, Luke stays at a luxurious hotel. Shortly later, Nakari returns and reminds Skywalker that they are buying weapons. At Utheel Outfitters, a male Rodian employee, who is unaware of their dealings with Taneetch Soonta, refuses to outfit the Desert Jewel with weapons. Luke tries a mind trick on the Rodian but it does not work. Fortunately, Skywalker and Nakari's predicament is resolved when Taneetch contacts the Rodian employee and tells him to bring Skywalker and Nakari to her. Taneetch apologizes that their illicit commerce was kept on a need-to know basis. Using the reward money paid by Fayet, Skywalker gets the Desert Jewel outfitted with weapons. ### Mission briefing After traveling to a neutral planet to have the Desert Jewel and its computer scanned for tracking devices and worms, Skywalker and Nakari rendezvous with the Alliance fleet in the Pantora system. Admiral Ackbar informs Skywalker and Nakari that they have a Kupohan contact named Sakhet who runs a small noodle hut on the ecumenopolis world of Denon. The Kupohan does contract work for the Bothan Spynet and other intelligence services. To signal that they are from the Rebellion, Ackbar instructs them to order Corellian buckwheat noodles with rancor sauce. Sakhet will provide them with files and scouting reports on Drusil Bephorin. Skywalker and Nakari will be tasked with formulating an extraction plan. Ackbar and Leia also inform Skywalker and Nakari that Drusil wants her family to be evacuated to the remote oceanic world of Omereth. Before leaving, C-3PO also briefs Skywalker and Nakari about Givin etiquette; explaining that they greet each other with mathematics and object to approximations. While traveling to Denon, Nakari tells Skywalker why she joined the Rebellion. Her mother's band Hakko Drazlip and the Tootle Froots had made a song mocking Darth Vader called "Vader's Many Prosthetic Parts." In response, the Empire had sent the entire band to the spice mines of Kessel. Nakari believed that her mother perished there. While her father disliked the Empire, his company Kelen Biolabs still had to honor its contracts with the Empire. However, Kelen allowed his daughter the freedom to oppose the Empire. In return, Skywalker confiders that the Lord Vader was responsible for his father's death. He tells Nakari that his mother had died when he was an infant and that he had been raised by his aunt and uncle. Skywalker says that his relatives hid his father's Jedi parentage from him. Skywalker takes offense when Nakari suggests that there was a grain of truth to what the Empire says about the Jedi. However, the two quickly mend bridges with Nakari offering to help Skywalker find someone to teach him how to be a Jedi after their mission. ### Mission on Denon On Denon, Skywalker and Nakari head to Sakhet's noodle stall where Skywalker orders the Corellian buckwheat with rancor sauce. The waiter delivers Corellian buckwheat with nerf nuggets along with instructions to return tomorrow at 0900 hours. While eating noodles, Nakari takes an interest in Skywalker's Force powers. Luke demonstrates his Force powers by using the Force to change the position of the noodles in his carton. The following day, Skywalker and Nakari meet Sakhet, who briefs them about Drusil Bephorin's movements and the Imperial surveillance around her. While Drusil is allowed freedom of movement, Drusil is monitored by several plainclothes Imperial Security Bureau agents. After scouting Drusil's movements, Skywalker and Nakari leave a message at an Alliance dead drop that Major Derlin's team needed to move Drusi's family to Omereth, the rebel operatives launch their operation. After R2-D2 disables the ISB security droid tailing Drusil, Skywalker makes contact with Drusil while Nakari takes out the two ISB agents tailing her. After reassuring her of her family's safety, Skywalker leads Drusil through a sewer, which are inhabited by creatures which feed on the refuse. Skywalker wounds one of these creatures with his lightsaber. Several ISB agents pursue Skywalker and Drusil. He tries to fend them off with his lightsaber but is stunned in the hand. Fortunately, Nakari comes to his aid and takes out the agents. Emerging from the sewers, Skywalker and the team take a rented speeder to the Desert Jewel. Skywalker tells R2-D2 to prepare a course for Omereth via the Hydian Way to Exodeen and the Nanth'ri Trade Route. Before they can leave, Artoo receives news that the Empire has imposed a system-wide blockade to seize rebel spies and dispatched interdictor cruisers. ### Leaping into hyperspace The rebel spies and Drusil manage to flee the Imperial blockade in the Denon system. At the Exodeen system, it quickly calculated a jump to Nanth'ri when spotting a complement of Imperial starships. Upon exiting hyperspace in the Nanth'ri system, the Desert Jewel is pursued by twenty pirate starfighters including CloakShape fighter but Skywalker manages to ward them off using the ship's modified Rodian weaponry. Nakari is startled by the chase but Skywalker, who has experienced combat, is not too alarmed. While traveling through hyperspace, the Desert Jewel is pulled out of hyperspace in the Daalang system by an Immobilizer 418 cruiser, which is equipped with four gravity well projectors. The Desert Jewel engages in a dogfight with the interdictor cruiser and its TIE fighter escorts. Guided by the Force, Skywalker flies the Desert Jewel over the cruiser's portside, firing concussion missiles at the portside gravity well generator's deflector shield. With the shields down, Skywalker then releases an Utheel Rockcrusher Compact Seismic Charge over the cruiser's rearmost gravity projector, causing an explosion that destroys the ship and the TIE fighters. Skywalker's piloting impresses Drusil, who asks if he is a Jedi. Drusil thinks that the Force is a "fulcrum variable." Skywalker enlists Drusil's help in plotting a safe landing to the planet Kupoh. ### Stopover on Kupoh Skywalker and the team travel to the planet Kupoh, a planet with howling winds and a white a noise that interferes with hearing. After decrypting a file using the code Rancor Sauce, Nakari directs Skywalker to the city of Tonekh on the eastern continent; which is home to a contact named Azzur Nessin, the founder and head of Nessin Courier & Cargo. Nessin sends them a series of coordinates. Not fully trusting Azzur, Skywalker enlists Drusil's help in slicing the computer systems to obtain some accommodation. R2-D2 discovers and neutralizes a malicious code. Luke confronts Drusil, who reassures him that she is not a spy but that she worked out the location of the Alliance fleet through mathematical calculations. After descending into Kupoh's atmosphere, Skywalker, Nakari, and Drusil confront Azzur. Knowing that there is hefty Imperial reward on Drusil, Skywalker and Nakari manage to convince Azzur to outfit them with a new engine, concussion missiles, and fuel by offering Azzur access to one of her father's moons. Drusil also convinces Azzur to allow her to hack into the communications of his employees to ensure that they will not sell them out to the Empire. During their time at Tonekh, Drusil discovers that one of Azzur's employees, Migg Birkhit, has been secretly communicating with the Empire. Skywalker and Nakari track Birkhit down outside a cantina, stunning him. The two also capture his Gotal [Imperial Security Bureau](/article/imperial_security_bureau] (ISB) handler Barrisk Favvin with the help of R2-D2. The rebels imprison the informant and his Imperial handler in their hotel room with R2-D2 guarding them. ### Laying low on Tonekh While waiting in the hotel room for the new engine, Skywalker spends time with Nakari. Luke reassures Nakari that he does not have feelings for Princess Leia, opining that he is just a farmboy and that she is a princess. Luke also tells Nakari that he used the Force to help him destroy the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin. While they both want Vader defeated, Luke does not share the same level of hatred for Vader that Nakari, who lost her mother to him, harbors. Skywalker confides that he pities Vader despite all the evil he has wrought on the galaxy. While Birkhit seems content with his "comfortable" imprisonment, Favvin attempts to attack R2-D2 only to be shocked. At Nessin Courier & Cargo facility, Skywalker and Nakari help the Kupohan Ruuf Waluuk, the Duros, and a Wookiee crew to remove the Desert Jewel's totaled engine in order to make way for the new engine. While sharing a meal with Drusil, Skywalker and Drusil discuss meditation. While Skywalker meditates with the Force, Drusil explains that Givin meditate on experimental geometry. The scientifically-minded Drusil is baffled by the notion of a mystical Force, which has not been mathematically described. Skywalker learns that while there were Givin Jedi, they refused to share their insights with the rest of their species. To demonstrate his Force powers, Skywalkers uses the Force to move a noodle a second time. ### Running the blockade Though the Desert Jewel's repairs are almost complete, Drusil, who has been monitoring Imperial communications, learns that the Empire has blockaded all outgoing traffic from Kupoh. The Empire has also deployed interdictor vessels in the Kupoh system. Realizing that the Empire is on their tail, Skywalker, Nakari, and Drusil decide the risky move of plotting an entirely new hyperspace lane between Kupoh and Omereth. After securing their prisoners in the hotel room for the hotel staff to find them, Skywalker and his team make preparations to leave. At the hangar, Azzur Nessin informs Skywalker that he has changed their transponder signal, allowing them to pose as the diplomatic couriers Polser Couriers. However, Nessin is killed by the mechanic Waluuk, who is accompanied by a Devaronian bounty hunter. Skywalker realizes that Waluuk was the second informant and had enlisted the bounty hunter's help. During a brief gun battle, Skywalker shoots Waluuk while Nakari finishes off the bounty hunter. With the Empire alerted to their presence, Skywalker, Nakari, R2-D2, and Drusil escape aboard the Desert Jewel into space. They find an interdictor cruiser and six Star Destroyers bottling up outbound space traffic. Drusil uses her slicing skills to hack into the Imperial ship communications, allowing the rebels to stay ahead of their Imperial pursuers. With the Imperial commanders divided over what course of action to pursue, Nakari takes the opportunity to care a new hyperspace route using Drusil's equations. For the next eight hours, the Desert Jewel travels through both realspace and hyperspace, making several shot jumps into several new systems in order to lose their Imperial pursuers. They encounter a terrestrial planet in one uncharted system. Having cast the Empire off their scent, the rebels travel to Omereth. ### A watery landing After entering Omereth's atmosphere, Skywalker and Nakari find that the Desert Jewel is being pursued by several bounty hunting ships including a toast-shaped ship and a vertical needle ship. With the bounty hunters closing in on them, Skywalker convinces Nakari to make an emergency water landing. The needle ship open fires on the Desert Jewel, provoking a gun battle with the toast-shape ship. Skywalker realizes that the two bounty hunters are at odds with each other; with one wanting to capture them alive. The toast-shaped ship destroys the needle ship. Skywalker lands the Desert Jewel in a lagoon within a sheltered cove. Skywalker, Nakari, R2-D2, and Drusil evacuate the Desert Jewel in a raft. The second bounty hunter ship attempts to pursue them but is devoured by a Omereth giant eel Skywalker and his team make it ashore but discover that six other bounty hunting ships are still searching for them. ### Eliminating the hunters Since Drusil is a valued target, Skywalker and Nakari run ahead of her. Nakari tells Skywalker to stay with Drusil and to head for the high ground while she flanks his side and deals with their pursuers. While Skywalker heads south with Drusil, Nakari and R2-D2 travel southeast. A Dresselian bounty hunter on a skimmer approaches Skywalker and Drusil but Nakari shoots him down, earning Drusil's praise. Skywalker clarifies that Nakari is not his mate. While navigating their way through the forest to an outcropping boulders, R2-D2 uses his ion blaster to deactivate a Rodian bounty hunter's stealth-field generator. The Rodian fires three shots at R2-D2 but Nakari shoots him dead. With R2-D2 damaged, Skywalker and Drusil decided to work with Nakari to ambush the four remaining bounty hunters which include two Weequay. Working with Nakari, Skywalker draws the fire of the Weequay bounty hunters, allowing Nakari to eliminate them in a gun exchange. An Aqualish bounty hunter attacks them with a grenade launcher, firing several volleys at them. Skywalker attempts to use the Force to locate the grenades and divert their paths away from Nakari. The other remaining bounty hunter is a Trandoshan, crouching in the ferns by the lagoon. Despite Skywalker's efforts, Nakari is killed by a grenade. Tapping into the Force, Skywalker is able to home in on the locations of the Aqualish and Trandoshan hunters. He realizes that the Trandoshan is planning to kill the Aqualish hunter in order to claim the bounty. Due to his grief at Nakari's death, Skywalker briefly feels the dark side of the Force tugging at him. Sensing through the Force, Skywalker allows the Trandoshan to eliminate his Aqualish competitor. At the advice of Drusil, Skywalker

_**Heir to the Jedi**_ is a [canon](/article/canon) _Star Wars_ tale, authored by [Kevin Hearne](/article/kevin_hearne). Originally, this story was envisioned as a contribution to the [_Star Wars: Empire and Rebellion](/article/star_wars:_empire_and_rebellion)_ series within the [_Star Wars_ Legends](/article/star_wars_legends) expanded universe. However, following [Lucasfilm's](/article/lucasfilm_ltd.) decision to reset the continuity in [2014](/article/2014), it was released as a self-contained narrative. [Del Rey](/article/del_rey) brought _Heir to the Jedi_ to the public on [March 3](/article/march_3), [2015](/article/2015), with a subsequent paperback edition available from [November 24](/article/november_24), 2015. Furthermore, a complete and unabridged [audiobook](/article/heir_to_the_jedi_(audiobook)) version was also produced, featuring the voice talents of [Marc Thompson](/article/marc_thompson). ## Publisher's summary _Luke Skywalker's act of destroying the Death Star, a moment that changed everything, has elevated him to the status of a Rebel Alliance hero and a valuable asset in their ongoing conflict with the Empire. While he still has much to learn about the Force, his exceptional skills as a pilot are undeniable. Princess Leia Organa and Admiral Ackbar, key figures in the Rebel leadership, believe he is the most suitable candidate for a daring rescue operation that is crucial to the Alliance's goals._ _An exceptionally talented alien cryptographer, known for her ability to penetrate even the most sophisticated communication networks, is being held captive by Imperial forces. Their intention is to exploit her unique abilities for the benefit of the Empire. However, this potential spy's true loyalties lie with the Rebels, and she is prepared to support their cause if she can be reunited with her family. This presents a significant opportunity to gain a strategic advantage over the Empire, an opportunity that cannot be ignored. The mission requires a stealthy approach. Therefore, Luke and his ever-reliable droid, R2-D2, exchange their trusted X-wing fighter for a more luxurious space yacht, piloted by Nakari Kelen, a bold and resourceful recruit who is the daughter of a powerful biotech industrialist and has her own reasons for wanting to undermine the Empire._ _Faced with relentless Imperial bodyguards, lethal enemy warships, merciless bounty hunters, and terrifying parasites that consume brains, Luke throws himself into a high-stakes mission of espionage. This operation will push his capabilities as a Rebel fighter and aspiring Jedi to their absolute limits. Now, more than ever, he needs the wisdom of Obi-Wan Kenobi to guide him through the dangers that lie ahead. However, Luke must depend on his own abilities, the support of his friends, and his developing connection to the Force to make it through._ ## Plot summary ### Opening crawl The story is told through the eyes of [Luke Skywalker](/article/luke_skywalker), using a first-person narrative style. The events take place after the [Battle of Yavin](/article/battle_of_yavin), during a time when the [Rebel Alliance](/article/alliance_to_restore_the_republic) is actively searching for a new location to establish their base. Skywalker, still relatively inexperienced, lacks a mentor to guide him, following the death of the esteemed [Jedi Master](/article/jedi_master) [Obi-Wan Kenobi](/article/obi-wan_kenobi). ### Journey to Rodia In the aftermath of the [Battle of Yavin](/article/battle_of_yavin), [Admiral](/article/admiral) [Gial Ackbar](/article/gial_ackbar) sends Luke Skywalker and his [astromech droid](/article/astromech_droid), [R2-D2](/article/r2-d2), on a [mission](/article/mission_to_rodia_(luke_skywalker)) to the planet [Rodia](/article/rodia). Their objective is to establish a secret supply line for the Rebel Alliance. Although [Rodia](/article/rodia) is under the control of the [Galactic Empire](/article/galactic_empire), [Princess](/article/prince) [Leia Organa](/article/leia_skywalker_organa_solo) suggests that the [Chekkoo clan](/article/chekkoo_clan), located on the continent of [Betu](/article/betu), might be willing to cooperate due to their opposition to the ruling [Chattza clan](/article/chattza_clan). Furthermore, the Chekkoo clan possesses valuable skills in the production of weapons, armor, and other essential equipment needed by the rebels. Luke volunteers for this mission and is assigned a yacht called the _Desert Jewel_. He is accompanied by [Nakari Kelen](/article/nakari_kelen), the daughter of the influential biotech magnate [Fayet Kelen](/article/fayet_kelen). They discuss their experiences growing up on desert worlds, with Skywalker hailing from [Tatooine](/article/tatooine) and Nakari from [Pasher](/article/pasher). Before embarking on their journey, Nakari provides Skywalker with a tour of the _Desert Jewel_'s systems. Due to the inability to travel directly to Rodia, Skywalker instructs R2-D2 to plot a course that navigates through several different [hyperspace](/article/hyperspace) lanes. Their first stop is [Llanic](/article/llanic), a dangerous and disreputable world situated at the intersection of the [Llanic Spice Run](/article/llanic_spice_run) and the [Triellus Trade Route](/article/triellus_trade_route). Upon entering the [Llanic system](/article/llanic_system), the _Desert Jewel_ encounters two [TIE fighters](/article/tie/ln_space_superiority_starfighter) pursuing a [Kupohan](/article/kupohan) vessel. Recognizing the Kupohans as allies of the Rebellion, Skywalker [destroys](/article/skirmish_over_llanic) the pursuing TIE fighters. With the Imperial forces under [Moff](/article/moff) [Abran Balfour](/article/abran_balfour) now alerted to their presence, Skywalker instructs R2-D2 to make a direct jump to Rodia. ### Landing on Rodia After entering Rodia's atmosphere, Skywalker pilots the _Desert Jewel_ to a landing on the continent of [Betu](/article/betu), the home of the Chekkoo clan. A [female](/article/gender) Rodian named [Laneet Chekkoo](/article/laneet_chekkoo) greets Skywalker and leads him and R2-D2 to [Toopil](/article/toopil), an underground marketplace located beneath the weapons manufacturer [Utheel Outfitters](/article/utheel_outfitters). Inside Toopil, Skywalker meets [Taneetch Soonta](/article/taneetch_soonta), a female Rodian whose uncle, [Huulik](/article/huulik), was a [Jedi Knight](/article/jedi_knight) who died during the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars). Soonta recounts how Luke's father, [Anakin Skywalker](/article/anakin_skywalker), saved Huulik's life during the [Battle of Sedratis](/article/battle_of_sedratis). Soonta is also familiar with Skywalker's late master, [Obi-Wan Kenobi](/article/obi-wan_kenobi), who had [rescued](/article/second_mission_to_rodia) a [kidnapped child](/article/wee_dunn) from another Rodian clan. Skywalker obtains Soonta's permission to visit her uncle's tomb. The two travel on [speeder bikes](/article/speeder_bike) through the tropical jungles of Rodia. While visiting Huulik's hidden tomb on a secluded jungle island, a large predator known as a [ghest](/article/ghest) destroys Skywalker's speeder bike. Moved by Luke's ambition to become a Jedi, Soonta gifts [

She directed blaster fire towards the dense foliage located slightly to the left of the two trees, specifically six degrees off the Y axis from their current location. Her judgment was based on the available shelter, spatial relationships, and the bounty hunter's prior actions, leading her to believe the remaining Trandoshan was hiding there. Acting on her insight, Skywalker fired at the indicated spot, successfully neutralizing the threat posed by the Trandoshan bounty hunter.

### Task Completion

With the bounty hunters defeated, Skywalker proceeded to recover Nakari's lifeless form. He obtained a body bag from one of the bounty hunters' vessels, intending to return her to her father, Fayet, who had already suffered the loss of his wife. Skywalker also discovered that R2-D2 was missing his ion blaster, along with a portion of the attachment socket, and had sustained some blaster damage. After reassuring R2-D2 that he would repair him, Skywalker mourned beside Nakari's body, marking the third instance of losing someone dear to him since the passing of his uncle, aunt, and mentor, Kenobi. Skywalker lamented not having pursued a deeper connection with her. Skywalker, Drusil, and R2-D2 then departed with Nakari's remains aboard the Dressellian hunter's streamlined spacecraft. They set course for the coordinates where Drusil was to be reunited with her family: an island featuring a park and a [CR90 corvette](/article/cr90_corvette). Upon R2-D2 transmitting the appropriate Alliance clearance codes, they were greeted by Major Derlin, who informed them that Drusil's family was safe and sound. After landing on the island, Drusil was joyfully reunited with her [husband](/article/drusil_bephorin%27s_husband) and two children, who emerged from the CR90 corvette. Major Derlin informed Skywalker that he and his team had successfully evacuated Drusil's parents, but were pursued by Imperial forces and bounty hunters, resulting in the loss of three of his men. Major Derlin expressed his sadness upon learning of Nakari's death, as she had taught him and his soldiers how to effectively use firearms. Drusil's son, [Pentir Bephorin](/article/pentir_bephorin), attempted to engage Skywalker with a mathematical puzzle, but Drusil intervened, knowing that most humans find Givin mathematical inquiries to be overly complex. As gratitude for rescuing her and reuniting her with her family, Drusil provided the Alliance with valuable intelligence regarding Imperial codes and search patterns, including decryption programs for low-level Imperial encryption. Before transferring the data to R2-D2, Drusil sought Skywalker's permission to commandeer the captured bounty hunter's ship for her family's use. Derlin offered to set up a covert communication point to maintain contact with Drusil. After delivering Nakari's remains, Skywalker and the rebel team departed from Omereth. While in the ship's mess hall, Skywalker ate a bowl of noodles, using the Force to manipulate the noodles around his fork telekinetically. Despite Nakari demonstrating that progress is achievable without a mentor, Skywalker still yearned for guidance. He resolved to follow in his father's footsteps and become a Jedi, even if it took him many years to achieve.

## Production Details

Hearne's then-untitled novel was initially revealed in [August](/article/august) of [2012](/article/2012) during [Celebration VI](/article/celebration_vi). According to [LucasBooks](/article/lucasbooks) Senior Editor [Jennifer Heddle](/article/jennifer_heddle) in [January](/article/january) of [2013](/article/2013), the submitted outline for the novel was notably humorous. The official title was disclosed in a [StarWars.com](/article/starwars.com) press release on [April 25](/article/april_25), [2014](/article/2014). By [May 18](/article/may_18) of 2014, Hearne stated that he was actively editing the novel. On [June 23](/article/june_23), Del Rey announced a change in the book's release date, pushing it from [January 13](/article/january_13) to [February 17](/article/february_17). On [October 24](/article/october_24), the final release date of [March 3](/article/march_3) was announced.

## Canon Status

The novel was created with input from the [Lucasfilm Story Group](/article/lucasfilm_story_group), establishing its place within the official _Star Wars_ [canon](/article/canon). The story's title was intended as a partial tribute to [Timothy Zahn](/article/timothy_zahn)'s [1991](/article/1991) novel, _Heir to the Empire._

## Critical Response

_Heir to the Jedi_ achieved a spot on _The New York Times_ Best Sellers List, appearing in the [March 22](/article/march_22), 2015 edition of the newspaper.

## Available Formats

### Editions

- [ISBN 9780345544858](/article/special:booksources/9780345544858) ; [March 3](/article/march_3) , [2015](/article/2015) ; [Del Rey](/article/del_rey) ; US hardcover [1]
- [ISBN 9780345544872](/article/special:booksources/9780345544872) ; March 3, 2015; Del Rey; US eBook [2]
- [ISBN 9780345544865](/article/special:booksources/9780345544865) ; [November 24](/article/november_24) , 2015; Del Rey; US paperback [3]

### Cover gallery
    content="SWCVI: Del Reys Star Wars Expanded Universe on StarWars.com (backup link)"

    content="Disney Publishing Worldwide and Random House Announce Relaunch of Star Wars Adult Fiction Line on StarWars.com (backup link)"

    content="Launch Pad — Star Wars Insider 150"

    content="SDCC 2014: Star Wars: A New Dawn Panel - Liveblog on StarWars.com (backup link)"

    content="Editing the Galaxy — Star Wars Insider 155"

    content="Journey into Darkness — Star Wars Insider 155"

    content="Blaster — Star Wars Insider 155"

    content="Much to Learn You Still Have: 9 Things You Might Not Know About Rodians on StarWars.com (backup link)"