EE-4 carbine rifle

The EE-4 carbine rifle, which is also known as the EE-4 blaster rifle, represented a potent, medium-range blaster carbine design. BlasTech Industries produced it during the Galactic Empire's rule. As the successor to the EE-3 carbine rifle, the EE-4 featured a barrel that was shorter and more compact. This design choice enhanced the blaster rifle's effectiveness in close-quarters combat, enabling it to fire spread shots. However, this came at the expense of reduced long-range accuracy when compared to its predecessor.

Sana Starros, a bounty hunter and smuggler who later became a member of the Rebel Alliance, favored the two-handed EE-4 carbine rifle. Starros used the blaster in several instances during 0 ABY, such as selling Darth Atrius' lightsabers on Hradreek, engaging Han Solo in the Monsua Nebula, and saving the Jedi Luke Skywalker on Nar Shaddaa.


The EE-3 carbine rifle (pictured) was the EE-4 carbine rifle's predecessor.

The EE-4 carbine rifle, alternatively known as the EE-4 blaster rifle, was a powerful blaster carbine manufactured by BlasTech Industries. It was capable of firing medium-range bolts of red energy. This blaster, which was known for its two-round burst fire pattern, succeeded the EE-3 carbine rifle. The EE-3 prioritized precision and range, while the EE-4 was designed to be more effective in close-range engagements and had a higher rate of fire due to its shorter and more compact barrel, which was a hybrid design somewhere between that of a rifle and a pistol. However, these changes resulted in a decrease in the weapon's long-range accuracy and cooling capacity when compared to its earlier counterpart.

The EE-4, which was black, had a short barrel that included cooling vents, along with two vertical grips that were fixed beneath it, which enabled the user to hold the rifle with both hands. One grip was in the middle of the weapon, while the other was at the back. Unlike its predecessor, the blaster lacked a long stock. The EE-4 was equipped with four smaller scopes, with two positioned on each side of the blaster's frame, in addition to the rifle's primary scope, which looked just like the EE-3's electronic scope. The rifle also had a guard around the trigger.


Masse Goskey's weapons business

The EE-4 carbine rifle, weapon of choice for Sana Starros

Masse Goskey, the owner of Masse Goskey's Arms Emporium and Explosives Mart in the Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine, and his colleague Ephant Mon purchased weaponry on the moon Nar Shaddaa at some point between 19 BBY and 10 BBY. This included an EE-4 carbine rifle that cost 850 credits. A book that would eventually be known as the Smuggler's Guide contained a comprehensive list of the goods. Goskey wrote in the book that all of the weapons they bought on the moon were prohibited in sixty-six sectors. As a result, they had to sell the weapons to criminal organizations like the Crymorah Syndicate and the Black Sun.

Skirmish on Hradreek

Sana Starros, a human female bounty hunter and smuggler who was active during the Galactic Empire's reign, utilized the EE-4 carbine rifle. Starros carried her EE-4 in a holster in 0 ABY when she went to Hradreek to sell a set of ancient lightsabers that had previously belonged to the Sith Darth Atrius. Starros had promised both the Empire and an Ungrila crime boss the lightsabers at the same time, but she only gave one of the lightsabers to each of her customers.

Sana Starros fires upon R2-D2 with her EE-4.

Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, instructed stormtroopers to find the smuggler and the other lightsaber when he realized she had tricked him. Soon after, Vader himself came across Starros, who shot at the Sith Lord with her EE-4 carbine rifle. Vader used the Force to deflect the blaster bolts with his hand. Starros was able to get away from the Sith by setting off a bomb that was hidden next to him.

Luke Skywalker, a Jedi trainee who happened to be on Hradreek to get funds for the Rebel Alliance, dropped his cred stick and got separated from his astromech droid, R2-D2, as a result of the same explosion. Starros quickly found the credit chip on the ground and picked it up. The droid then attacked Starros, causing her to fall, and took the credits back. She angrily shot at R2-D2 with the EE-4, but the astromech got away.

Hunting Han Solo

Starros wielded her EE-4 when she confronted Han Solo and Leia Organa in the Monsua Nebula.

Later in 0 ABY, Starros started looking for Han Solo, a fellow smuggler who had taken her share after they carried out a robbery that was disguised as their "wedding." Starros found Solo on an unnamed planet close to the Monsua Nebula. Solo was on a mission for the Rebellion with Leia Organa, the Alderaanian Princess. Starros used her EE-4 to initially target both rebels, alerted Imperials to collect the bounty that had been placed on Organa, and made Solo go with her.

However, she changed her mind when she found out that Solo had joined the rebellion and that the Empire would also arrest him. The trio escaped the Imperial forces on Starros's starship, the Volt Cobra.

Rescue of Luke Skywalker

Starros's EE-4 was disabled by Grakkus the Hutt's electromagnetic pulse.

After losing the Imperials, Organa made an agreement with Starros to take their group to Nar Shaddaa in order to save Luke Skywalker, who had been taken prisoner by Grakkus, the Hutt crime lord. By the time the three arrived at Grakkus's palace, Skywalker was being forced to fight Kongo the Disemboweler, a roggwart creature, in an arena match.

When Grakkus was confronted by the rescue team, he set off a local electromagnetic pulse that disabled Kongo's shock collar and all nearby blasters, including Starros's EE-4 carbine rifle. This made it impossible for her to shoot the hungry beast when it attacked the rebels. The rebels were successful in saving Skywalker, and Starros later joined the Rebel Alliance.

Starros kept her EE-4 with her when she traveled to Corellia while Chelli Lona Aphra, a rogue archaeologist known as Doctor, was looking for an ancient device known as the Path engine in 3 ABY.

Behind the scenes

The EE-4's weapon statistics in Star Wars Battlefront

The EE-4 carbine rifle made its debut, though without a name, in Star Wars (2015) 6, a comic book from Marvel that was released in 2015. Jason Aaron wrote it, and John Cassaday drew the art. In the video game Star Wars Battlefront, it was first called the EE-4 blaster rifle as part of the Bespin expansion pack that came out in 2016. Later, in 2018, the reference book Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, which was written by Daniel Wallace, gave it the name EE-4 carbine rifle. In Star Wars Battlefront, the rifle can be unlocked by completing an in-game challenge called "Sana's Legacy," which is a reference to Sana Starros, who uses the weapon in the Star Wars comic book series by Marvel.

The EE-4 also appeared in the game's 2017 sequel, Star Wars Battlefront II, as part of the "infiltration" ability for the specialist trooper class—such as security battle droids, clone sharpshooters, Imperial scout troopers, rebel sharpshooters, and First Order specialists—instead of being a complete blaster option. In both games, troopers from all factions, including the Galactic Republic, the Separatist Alliance, the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance, the New Republic, the First Order, and the Resistance, are able to use the rifle.

