Thrackan Sal-Solo

Thrackan Sal-Solo, a Human male from the Legends continuity, was the offspring of Randil Sal and Tiion Sal-Solo. Notably, he was also the initial cousin of Han Solo. A few years Han's senior, Thrackan bore a striking physical similarity to his relative, even possessing a voice that mirrored Han's. Despite his reputation as a convicted criminal throughout the galaxy, Sal-Solo managed to ascend to positions of power on multiple occasions, despite his heinous acts. By 40 ABY, Thrackan had risen to become both the Head of State of Corellia and its Minister of War. His actions were directly responsible for instigating the Second Galactic Civil War.

During the aforementioned conflict, Thrackan placed a bounty on Han Solo's family, enlisting Ailyn Vel, Boba Fett's daughter, to execute the task. However, his aspirations of ruling Corellia were thwarted when he met his end, being killed by Boba Fett, Mirta Gev, and Han Solo.


Meeting Han Solo

His father passed away when he was quite young, and his mother, a withdrawn and suspicious woman, surrounded herself with a staff of droid servants. Reportedly, the family descended from Corellia's ancient emperors, and despite his isolated upbringing fostering arrogance and a domineering nature, Tiion Sal-Solo instilled in her son the belief that he was a gentleman.

In 18 BBY, Thrackan encountered his cousin Han, a teenage orphan who had escaped from the clutches of gangster Garris Shrike and was in pursuit of information regarding his ancestry. Upon being introduced to Han, his mother became visibly distressed, noticing his resemblance to departed family members. Thrackan, in anger, pulled Han away, accusing him of upsetting her. When Han inquired about her condition, Thrackan's anger intensified, and he struck Han, asserting that there was nothing wrong with Tiion and that Han had no right to speak about her.

Thrackan Sal-Solo

Despite the inauspicious start to their relationship, Han remained with Thrackan for a brief period, seeking to learn more about his family and lacking any alternative options. Han feared that Thrackan would betray him to the authorities if he disobeyed, leading to his recapture by Shrike.

Han perceived his cousin as a violent oppressor; conversely, it is plausible that Han's presence shattered Thrackan's conviction that he was the rightful heir to Corellia's ancient monarchy. Regardless, during his time with Thrackan, Han endured significant physical and emotional abuse from the older boy. To appease his cousin, Han was obligated to comply with every command, including assisting in breaking into and robbing neighboring residences and attempting to teach Thrackan how to pilot a speeder. Thrackan would torture animals or insects for amusement, increasing the frequency once he realized how much it disturbed Han to witness.

Eventually, Thrackan's bullying became unbearable for Han. When Thrackan threatened to cut off his ears with a knife, Han retaliated with a ferocity and skill honed on the streets, catching Thrackan off guard. Han brutally assaulted Thrackan and ultimately held the same knife to his throat that Thrackan had threatened him with moments earlier.

Han coerced the frightened Thrackan into divulging all he knew about their family, with Thrackan providing truthful answers. Once Han relaxed and lowered his guard, Thrackan overpowered him and confined him to a storeroom for three days, providing only bread and water, vowing to make him regret his actions. Han's confinement ended when Thrackan entered the room accompanied by Garris Shrike; his cousin had made the cruel choice to return him to the sadistic captain. This incident marked the beginning of a lifelong animosity between Thrackan and Han.

Serving the Corellian government

Thrackan later endeavored to pursue a career in the Imperial Navy, but Han's dismissal, smuggling activities, and involvement with the Rebellion hindered his aspirations, relegating him to a bureaucratic position within the Corellian sector. Nevertheless, Thrackan's relentless ambition and familial connections enabled him to thrive within the Imperial administration, eventually becoming third in line to succeed the Diktat, after Daclif Gallamby. When Gallamby became Diktat in 2 BBY, Thrackan was appointed as his deputy.

His perception that his cousin thwarted him in every aspect of his life was further intensified when the Imperial government on Corellia was undermined by the Battle of Endor and the subsequent rise of the New Republic—with Han, naturally, playing a crucial role in the Rebel victory. Furthermore, having grown dissatisfied with Gallamby's policies, Sal-Solo had begun plotting to overthrow him, but news of the Empire's defeat at Endor spurred the non-human population to resist the Corellian government's rule, forcing him to abandon the coup attempt.

The Corellian Crisis

Eventually, when the New Republic gained control of Corellia, Thrackan vanished, leading Han to believe he was deceased. He established a speciesist underground organization known as the Human League, where he was often referred to as the "Hidden Leader" to maintain his anonymity. Forming an alliance with the rulers of Sacorria, the Sacorrian Triad, the two parties initiated a scheme to seize control of the entire Corellian sector. With the Human League operating on Corellia, small extremist groups on the other four planets of the Corellian system received substantial funding and support to artificially inflate their prominence. Each group was tasked with discovering their respective planet's planetary repulsor — ancient subterranean devices capable of generating immense bursts of energy. Meanwhile, the Triad's scientists analyzed Centerpoint Station — a massive space station situated between the Corellian system's double worlds, Talus and Tralus — discovering that it contained a powerful superweapon capable of imploding stars. At some point, the Space Service of the Corellian Defense Force secretly pledged allegiance to Thrackan.

Sal-Solo in 18 ABY.

By 18 ABY, the Corellian system had become politically unstable. Coupled with the fact that Corellia's New Republic government was compelled to fill positions with former Imperials due to a scarcity of qualified candidates, general resistance to governmental authority increased with the prior tight grip of the Empire being gone. The Human League capitalized on this by staging nightly torchlight marches around Corona House, the residence of Corellia's Governor-General, Micamberlecto. It was determined that a trade summit would be held on the planet to highlight the system's issues. Prior to the event, smuggler Mara Jade, who intended to attend, received a message cube addressed to Micamberlecto and Han's wife, New Republic Chief of State Leia Organa Solo.

Han, Leia, and their family, along with Han's co-pilot Chewbacca arrived on Corellia a few days before the summit's commencement. While walking the streets of Coronet City one night, he inadvertently stumbled upon one of the Human League's marches, attracting the attention of two participants who noticed his resemblance to Thrackan. Han was subdued and taken to a cell in the League's base, where Thrackan was informed. Although he personally instructed his men to release Han, he now knew his cousin was present on the planet. On the summit's opening day, Mara Jade delivered the message cube to its intended recipients and watched it alongside them and Han. The message contained coordinates, times, a visual recording of the star TD-10036-EM-1271 exploding, and an audio recording of Thrackan warning them not to call for any outside assistance and that their communications were being monitored. The listeners failed to recognize Thrackan's voice and mistakenly believed it was an attempt at synthesizing Han's. The group identified the coordinates as stars, with the final one on the list being the Corellian system's star, Corell, and concluded that the sender of the message was threatening to detonate the listed stars if their, at that time, unknown demands were not met. That night, with all preparations finalized, Thrackan ordered the insurrection to commence.

The following morning, conflict erupted across the five worlds between the human, Drall, and Selonian populations. Amidst the chaos and with the assistance of the CDF Space Service, Corellia fell under the control of the Human League. Thrackan revealed himself by publicly addressing the planet via its broadcast systems, proclaiming himself Diktat and declaring the Corellian sector independent of the New Republic. Furthermore, he claimed responsibility for TD-10036-EM-1271's destruction and ordered the deportation of all non-humans from the planet within thirty days, or else more stars would suffer the same fate. Secretly, he knew this task was impossible and only meant to make his enemies sweat. In reality, Centerpoint Station's ability to destroy stars had been pre-programmed by the Sacorrian Triad and was beyond the Human League's control, with Thrackan's claim merely being a power play. What he did control, however, was the station's powerful jamming and interdiction capabilities. After Thrackan's speech concluded, the entire system's communications were blocked and a massive interdiction field was erected, encompassing the entire sector. With this, he had ultimately chosen to betray his Sacorrian allies, as the field restricted lightspeed travel to and from their planet as well.

Later, Han facilitated the escape of New Republic Intelligence agent Belindi Kalenda from the planet, although he was captured and once again taken to the Human League's base in the process. Thrackan personally met with Han. Words were exchanged, and the former compelled the latter to fight a fellow prisoner, a Selonian named Dracmus, in hand-to-hand combat. Dracmus knocked out Han, who was returned to his cell, where Thrackan, now intoxicated, awakened him by splashing a bucket of water in his face. The two then conversed again, with Thrackan, holding his family to a higher standard in his mind, unable to comprehend why his own cousin did not share his views. He attempted to persuade Han to join him, which he naturally refused. Thrackan then departed, though before doing so, he placed Dracmus in the same cell as Han, assuming that the Selonian would harm him. He was mistaken when the two managed to escape together.

Simultaneously, the Human League stormed Corona House and seized the building, where Micamberlecto was executed by Thrackan. The League was unable, however, to prevent Leia and Mara from escaping on the latter's ship, the Jade's Fire. Furthermore, before the League took the building, Chewbacca; Han's children Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin; their tutor Ebrihim; and his droid Q9-X2, fled the planet on the Millennium Falcon and traveled to Drall, another planet within the system. There, with the assistance of Ebrihim's aunt Marcha, they located the planet's repulsor and activated it, which was detected back on Corellia by the Human League. Thrackan was informed by one of his generals and decided to personally accompany a strike team to take control of it. On Drall, they quickly captured the Solo children and their companions. Triumphant, Thrackan remotely disabled Centerpoint's jamming and interdiction before broadcasting to the Corellian system a recording of the Solo children. In addition, he falsely announced that the Human League had rescued them from aliens holding them prisoner and that they were keeping the children safe until Leia announced her whereabouts and recognized the Corellian sector as independent. Several hours later, Anakin's Force abilities allowed the group to escape their containment, after which they boarded the Millennium Falcon and took off. Enraged, Thrackan pursued them in an assault boat, personally taking the gunnery controls and firing at the fleeing ship, while the captain, Thrag, piloted. Jaina fired back, managing to disable the boat's guns and sublight emitters, leaving it dead in space.

The Bakuran Defense Fleet, who had previously pushed through the interdiction field using hyperwave inertial momentum sustainers and arrived in the Corellian system to assist the New Republic in reclaiming it, detected the two ships and captured them in a tractor beam. On the Bakuran Namana-class light cruiser Intruder, the Human League strike team members, Captain Thrag, and an angry Thrackan were taken into custody. Han met with his cousin a third time, albeit with Thrackan now as the prisoner, where the latter chided the former how even if he himself lost, the Bakurans still had to face the Sacorrian Triad's fleet, who had arrived in the system after the interdiction field was disabled. Though they sustained heavy loses, the Bakurans ended up victorious. In addition, though Centerpoint had previously fired and destroyed the star Thanta Zilbra, causing numerous deaths, the station was knocked off kilter by Anakin using Drall's planetary repulsor when it fired on Bovo Yagen, causing the shot to miss. Eventually, the weapon's pre-programmed countdown was disabled before it could shoot again, and the Corellian Insurrection was finished for good.

Yuuzhan Vong War

Having spent the subsequent eight years at Dorthus Tal Prison, he was released during the Yuuzhan Vong War, to facilitate the operation of the main weapon on Centerpoint Station after it was unlocked by Anakin. Thrackan Sal-Solo implored his first cousin once removed, Anakin Solo, to assist him in activating Centerpoint Station and annihilating the Yuuzhan Vong armada in orbit above Fondor. Following an extensive debate involving Thrackan, Anakin, and Anakin's brother Jacen, the younger Solo concluded that firing Centerpoint could lead to the dark side. Enraged, Thrackan activated the device himself, decimating not only half of the invader's fleet but also nearly all of the Hapan fleet rendering aid at Fondor. Despite the friendly fire casualties, Sal-Solo had delivered one of the few setbacks then inflicted upon the Yuuzhan Vong, and he was celebrated as a hero in many circles. He became the leader of the Centerpoint Party and was elected Governor-General of the Corellian sector a year later. A few months later, he informed the Yuuzhan Vong about the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4.

Following the Battle of Coruscant, Sal-Solo journeyed to Yuuzhan'tar to meet with Shimrra Jamaane, the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong, and Nom Anor. He proposed signing a treaty of friendship in exchange for Corellian neutrality, but the Yuuzhan Vong took him captive (none too gently) and compelled him to become the president of the Peace Brigade, Jedi hunters working for the Yuuzhan Vong. Shimrra knew that being associated with the Peace Brigade would destroy Sal-Solo's reputation among Corellians. Sal-Solo was later captured at Ylesia after a battle between New Republic and Peace Brigade forces (by Jaina Solo, adding insult to injury), and was extradited back to Corellia to stand trial for treason.

Second Galactic Civil War

The infamous Thrackan Sal-Solo.

Thrackan managed to reverse his misfortunes by portraying himself as a nationalist and champion of the Corellian cause, returning to a position of power after the Yuuzhan Vong conflict. This time, however, he returned to power as an independent (not a member of a party), although with considerable support from members of the Centerpoint Party. During the Second Galactic Civil War, Sal-Solo served as the Head of State of the planet Corellia under the system's Prime Minister, Aidel Saxan. During this time Thrackan had planned to use Anakin Solo's biometrics to activate the Centerpoint Station to use on the Galactic Alliance. However his plans were foiled when Ben Skywalker convinced the droid Anakin Sal-Solo to shut it off.

Jacen Solo foresaw through the Force how Thrackan was the principal catalyst for a war, one that would extend from Corellia, inflicting suffering unseen since the last War, and attempted to assassinate him, although thwarted by Thrackan's cunning devices.

In 40 ABY, when Saxan was assassinated and Admiral Gilad Pellaeon nearly killed, Sal-Solo was suspected of involvement. As it turned out, Thrackan was indeed responsible for Saxan's death by conspiring with the Sith Lady Lumiya to assassinate her. To make matters even worse, Thrackan Sal-Solo approved Wedge's plan, Operation Noble Savage, thus starting a full-scale war.

At this point in his life, he maintained relationships with at least three mistresses, in addition to possessing an estate that resembled a military fortress more than a mansion.

As the crisis intensified across the galaxy, Sal-Solo placed a bounty on his cousin Han and the rest of Han's family. The bounty was claimed by Ailyn Vel, the daughter of Boba Fett. However, she was apprehended by the GAG before she could execute it and later perished at the hands of Jacen Solo during a torture session. Sal-Solo then attempted to hire Boba Fett to complete the task and have his Mandalorian warriors provide security for the Corellian teams attempting to reactivate Centerpoint Station. Fett was only interested in the job because he knew that if he found Han then he would find his daughter, but after being approached on Corellia by Dur Gejjen's offer to kill Sal-Solo for one million credits and then Han who wanted to kill Sal-Solo himself, he decided to join forces with him and along with his granddaughter, Mirta Gev to assassinate him.

Thrackan Sal-Solo, minutes before his death at the hands of Mirta Gev, Boba Fett and Han Solo

After the three of them had Sal-Solo alone in his office, and Han attempted to choke him with his own hands, Sal-Solo revealed that he had sold out Ailyn to the GAG. Enraged, Gev felled Sal-Solo with three shots to the forehead. Fett then shot him twice in the chest to ensure his demise. However, Sal-Solo's death did not signify the end of the crisis, and the subsequent events of the Second Galactic Civil War would inflict severe damage on many of those involved.

Personality and traits

Thrackan Sal-Solo was widely recognized for his staunch Humanocentrism, devotion to Corellia, and endorsement of the Empire's New Order. However, his pro-Empire inclinations had limitations, and the speciesism he espoused was more akin to xenophobia and isolationism. He also endeavored to portray himself as a Corellian nationalist and a champion of Corellian independence, achieving considerable success as he rose to power three times before his death. Once in power, he employed bullying tactics to achieve his objectives. Sal-Solo experienced trauma during his childhood, as his father, Randil Sal, died when he was one year old. His mother, Tiion, never recovered, and constantly wept. This made Thrackan angry and sad, as his mother was full of life when his father was alive. This lead to him developing an aggressive and mean-spirited personality that would characterize him later in life. He was unpopular with his peers, such as his cousin Han, did not think of him as a nice person, although he remained well loved by the people of Corellia. Despite outwardly rejecting the Corellian value of family loyalty, he did care for his kin, and held them to a higher standard in his mind. When speaking with Han during the Corellian Crisis, Thrackan initially couldn't believe that his cousin didn't see things the way he did, and figured that he would once everything was explained to him. Han caught on to this and played along by telling Thrackan that the upon the death of the Emperor, the Rebellion had mourned the loss of a worthy adversary. Despite being an obvious lie, Thrackan believed him.

Behind the scenes

In Legacy of the Force: Betrayal, there were indications that Thrackan would try to become Prime Minister through the assassination or overthrow of Denjax Teppler. However, Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines makes no mention of either Teppler or the Prime Minister position, and he is still listed as being "Head of State." Nevertheless, he is also referred to as "President" and portrayed as the head of the entire Corellian government. Presumably, this was due to editing errors and the fact that Bloodlines was completed before Betrayal. These inconsistencies were rectified near the beginning of Legacy of the Force: Tempest when it was stated that Thrackan had declared himself President of Five Worlds in addition to his position as Head of State of Corellia. Dur Gejjen abolished this position and took up the titles Head of State of Corellia and the previous executive position Five World Prime Minister.

Thrackan's name is frequently misspelled as "Thracken," even in official sources, such as Cracken's Threat Dossier and the back cover of the Assault at Selonia paperback.

