Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Vortex: Fate of the Jedi, penned by Troy Denning, marks the sixth installment in the Fate of the Jedi saga, hitting shelves on November 30, 2010. A preview of Fate of the Jedi: Conviction is included at the conclusion. Marc Thompson lends his voice to the audiobook rendition. The paperback edition became available on March 27, 2012.

Publisher's Synopsis


Rear Cover

An unprecedented alliance sees Jedi and Sith standing together against a formidable adversary. However, can such an alliance endure? What will be the cost of treachery?

Inside Flap

In a shocking twist, Luke Skywalker and his son, Ben, united with members of the Sith fleet originally dispatched to eliminate them, turning their combined strength against the monstrous Abeloth. Yet, with one threat neutralized, a more subtle and dangerous peril emerges.

Luke and Ben are now fugitives, accompanied by the enigmatic and perpetually dangerous Sith apprentice, Vestara Khai. Pursued relentlessly by Sith warriors, the Skywalkers find themselves cornered on Pydyr, a moon, caught between their former allies and an enraged Fallanassi mob. Their only hope may lie in a new pact. But can a Sith ever be trusted?

With the galaxy's most renowned father-son Jedi team outnumbered and outgunned, the clock is ticking toward a cataclysmic event, and time is running short.

Storyline Summary

The narrative commences on the Rockhound. Jaina Solo and Lando Calrissian are en route to Coruscant, intending to brief the New Jedi Order on the predicament of Luke and Ben Skywalker. Unexpectedly, they veer close to Kessel, deviating from their planned trajectory. Jaina and Lando soon realize that an external force is manipulating the ship's droid crew. Despite Lando's objections, Jaina heads to her damaged StealthX X-wing starfighter and discovers a droid dismantling its weaponry. Jaina then deduces that a mouse droid, acquired during the Rockhound's stop at Klatooine, is the source of the manipulation. Jaina concludes that the Lost Tribe of the Sith is using the mouse droid to steer the Rockhound toward Kessel instead of Coruscant. She instructs Lando to locate the mouse droid while she takes her StealthX wing, armed with only four shadow bombs, to fend off any attempts to seize the Rockhound. Several skiffs enter the system, and Jaina engages them, expending all four shadow bombs to destroy most of the skiffs and their "mothership." Unable to defend herself against the remaining skiffs, Jaina returns to the Rockhound, where Lando has found and destroyed the manipulative mouse droid. They escape into hyperspace. Jaina confirms that the attackers were Sith pirates, noting their precise targeting whenever she used the Force to deploy her shadow bombs.

On the enigmatic world where the Skywalkers and the Lost Tribe of Sith battled and seemingly vanquished the mysterious entity Abeloth, Luke Skywalker collaborates with High Lord Sarasu Taalon and Sith Saber Gavar Khai to uncover Abeloth's origins by exploring her lair. Meanwhile, aboard the Jade Shadow, docked at a distance from Abeloth's lair, Vestara Khai informs Ben Skywalker that the Sith Meditation Sphere known as Ship has contacted her through the Force, announcing his return to serve the Lost Tribe. They decide to share this information with Luke. However, Vestara first asks Ben to check on their patient, Dyon Stadd; while he is occupied, she locks him in the Jade Shadow's medical bay. She can now directly inform Taalon or her father, bypassing Luke, about Ship's imminent arrival. However, Ben uses his lightsaber to escape the medical bay and intercepts Vestara before she reaches Abeloth's lair, extracting a promise that she will not betray the Skywalkers or reveal Ship's arrival to Gavar or Taalon. They proceed to the lair where, despite the presence of Gavar and Taalon, Ben manages to communicate with his father about Ship while Vestara, under the threat of punishment, conceals from her masters the reason for her and Ben's abandonment of Dyon on the Jade Shadow.

Knowing that the Jedi-Sith alliance would shatter if Taalon or Gavar learned of Ship's arrival, Luke intervenes to protect Vestara from Taalon's abuse, primarily as a diversion. This allows Ben to attempt to retrieve Abeloth's body, intending to bring it back to Coruscant for examination by Cilghal. Vestara and Taalon witness Ben's actions, and Taalon nearly kills him before Vestara intervenes, pointing out that the sheet covering the corpse was dislodged, revealing Dyon Stadd's body instead of Abeloth's. They realize that Abeloth had faked her death and assumed Stadd's identity aboard the Jade Shadow.

On Coruscant, Galactic Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala continues her Mandalorian siege on the New Jedi Temple, demanding the surrender of the Jedi Knights who have succumbed to Force psychosis, Sothais Saar and Turi Altamik. The two Jedi are brought outside, where Daala's Bith surgeon, Thalleus Tharn, conducts a brief examination to confirm their sanity. Tharn tests this by kneeing Saar in the groin, prompting Altamik to use the Force to lift the surgeon into the air, preventing further attacks. Using this as evidence that Saar and Altamik are no longer insane, and considering Tharn's expertise in detecting impostors, Tharn concludes that the Force psychosis has subsided, and the Knights are sane. Daala calls off the siege, but states that Valin and Jysella Horn will remain in Galactic Alliance Security's custody until she is certain the Jedi are being forthcoming.

Subsequently, the Jedi High Council convenes to discuss how to persuade Daala to release Valin and Jysella from carbonite. Acting Grand Master Kenth Hamner insists on non-violent methods, while other Council members advocate for war against the Chief of State to reclaim the Horns. Tensions escalate when news reports from Blaudu Sextus depict Mandalorians gunning down Octusi, peaceful protestors fighting against slavery by the Sextuna Mining Corporation. Hamner reveals a secret deal with someone, whose identity he withholds, to persuade Daala to stand down. Hamner's position weakens, but the other Masters agree to his approach after Corran Horn argues against a regime change. The situation worsens when Jaina and Lando report the pirate attack on the Rockhound, presenting evidence that the Lost Tribe has spread throughout the galaxy. Meanwhile, to pass a bill supporting the Jedi, the Solos and Lando meet with Sullustan Senator Luewet Wuul. Wuul inadvertently reveals that Kenth Hamner's secret deal was with Admiral Nek Bwua'tu during the Mandalorian siege. Wuul discloses the terms: Hamner would ensure the Jedi didn't deploy their StealthX wing to aid Luke Skywalker, and Bwua'tu would convince Daala to ease up on the Order.

Back on the mysterious planet in the Maw, the Skywalkers and the Sith, now aware of Abeloth's survival, locate Ship. Despite initial fears, the Jedi-Sith alliance persists due to the need to collaborate to eliminate Abeloth. Ship, seemingly loyal to the Sith, transports the party to the Pool of Knowledge to find Abeloth. The Pool shows an image of Abeloth running along the shore of the island. However, the alliance collapses when the Sith see an image of a Jedi queen on a throne surrounded by Force-users, mirroring Luke's vision in Fate of the Jedi: Abyss. Luke and Ben fight Taalon and the Khais to conceal the Jedi Queen's existence. During the conflict, Taalon dives into the Pool. The Skywalkers narrowly escape, realizing Abeloth has taken Ship and the Jade Shadow, leaving them with the Sith's shuttle, the Emiax, as their only means of escape. They take Vestara hostage, hoping to extract the location of the Lost Tribe's home world from her. Luke convinces her to join them, reminding her that Taalon and Gavar will likely kill her for failing to kill the Skywalkers. Off-world, the Skywalkers, with Vestara, begin their search for Abeloth.

On Coruscant, Tahiri Veila's trial deteriorates, especially with her seemingly incompetent lawyer, Eramuth Bwua'tu. The Solos hire a second attorney, Sardonne Sardon, to help Bwua'tu prove Tahiri acted under orders from the late Darth Caedus to kill the late Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon if she couldn't persuade him to side with Caedus in the Second Battle of Fondor during the Second Galactic Civil War. However, Bwua'tu and Sardon's conflicting legal strategies hinder Tahiri's defense, leading Tahiri to fire Sardon, believing Bwua'tu works better alone. He reveals his incompetence was a ploy to make Tahiri appear more sympathetic to the jury. Bwua'tu introduces a holovid recorded aboard the Star Destroyer Bloodfin, showing Imperial Lieutenant Lydea Pagorski's failure to act when Pellaeon's life was in danger. Pagorski's credibility is destroyed, her testimony is stricken, and she is removed from court for perjury.

Meanwhile, Admiral Nek Bwua'tu is comatose after an attack by fake Jedi in the previous novel. Daala suspects the Jedi were not responsible, as attacking such a high-ranking officer would be tactically unsound. Daala discovers that Bwua'tu is stimulated by reporter Madhi Vaandt's HoloNet reports on the anti-slavery revolt on Blaudu Sextus. Daala suspects Vaandt might be behind the attack. Later, Daala meets with Imperial Head of State Jagged Fel to show him video footage of Jaina Solo and Lando Calrissian presiding over the trial against the Sith on Klatooine. Daala blackmails Jag, revealing that Jaina and Lando only sentenced half the Sith to death. Daala threatens to broadcast the video if Jag doesn't provide Imperial support to suppress the pan-galactic slave revolts.

The revolt on Blaudu Sextus erupts again, instigated by Belok Rhal's Mandalorians. Though the Mandalorians are stopped by Sothais Saar and Avinoam Arelis, Madhi Vaandt is killed by Rhal. This outrages the Jedi, who believe it's time to confront Daala. When Han Solo forces Hamner to reveal his secret agreement with Nek Bwua'tu, the Jedi Masters informally vote him out as their leader. This leads to a plan to free Valin and Jysella Horn and respond to Luke Skywalker's distress call for the Jedi StealthX fleet to assemble at Abeloth's suspected location: Almania's moon of Pydyr. However, Jagged Fel tells the Solos that the Imperial Remnant will never join the Alliance as long as Daala rules the GA. He advises the Jedi to act quickly before Daala discovers their plans. The Order agrees, and Jaina and Jag renew their engagement.

On Pydyr, the populace appears infected with a plague, but it's an illusion cast by the Fallanassi to deter outsiders. Luke uses the White Current to see through the illusions but doesn't inform Ben or Vestara, fearing Vestara would alert her Sith masters if she knew the plague was an illusion. Ben is also kept in the dark, as Luke fears he might tell Vestara. Luke sets off to find Abeloth, leaving Ben and Vestara aboard the Emiax. He encounters Akanah Norand Goss Pell, an old Fallanassi acquaintance, and learns that the Fallanassi are hiding Abeloth, believing she is one of their own. Ben and Vestara disobey orders and join Luke. The Sith also arrive, having been tipped off by Vestara while Ben was distracted.

On Coruscant, the Solos and allies—including C-3PO, Zekk, and Taryn Zel—break into the prison where Valin and Jysella are held and retrieve them. Meanwhile, Booster Terrik holds a celebrity sabacc tournament aboard the Errant Venture, intending to use the attendees (including Wynn Dorvan, Drikl Lecersen, and others) as hostages while the Venture attacks orbiting satellites. This distracts the Sixth Fleet from the Jedi Temple as the Jedi prepare to launch their StealthX fighters. The Fleet chases the Errant Venture into hyperspace, and the StealthX launch is nearly stopped by Kenth Hamner. Hamner tries to regain his authority by attempting to kill Saba Sebatyne, who is leading the Jedi against Daala. As he and Saba duel, Hamner tries to disable the hangar doors. Saba is forced to kill Hamner to ensure the launch's success. With Hamner dead, the StealthXs leave Coruscant and head for Pydyr. The Masters elect Saba as acting Grand Master, but she is stricken with grief and vows to accept Luke's punishment when he returns.

On Pydyr, Taalon's dive into the Pool of Knowledge has transformed him, increasing his Force powers and making him resemble Abeloth. Luke agrees to help Taalon and the Sith find Abeloth so she can explain his transformation and then be killed. They find Abeloth, who has taken over Akanah's body. The Fallanassi attack the group with illusions, leaving only the Skywalkers, Taalon, and Vestara to confront Abeloth. Abeloth promises to explain Taalon's transformation if he orders Vestara to turn on the Jedi. As Ben duels Vestara and Taalon, Luke and Abeloth fight. Luke kills Abeloth's Akanah body, only to find she has another body in the form of Callista Ming. Luke and Ben are defeated, wounded, and about to be killed by Taalon. Vestara, knowing Abeloth is the greater threat and intends to use Taalon as a puppet, turns on Taalon and kills him.

As Abeloth flees, the StealthX fleet arrives and battles the Sith forces. Vestara, while still aligned with the dark side, knows she cannot return to the Sith after killing a High Lord. She stays with the Skywalkers, her only remaining allies. Luke and Ben allow her to join them if she treats them as true allies. She agrees and helps them fight off the Sith. The three reclaim the Jade Shadow, report to the Errant Venture, and prepare to continue the hunt for Abeloth.

After the StealthX launch and the rescue of the Horn siblings, Daala threatens to attack the Jedi Temple. However, Saba, Corran Horn, and Cilghal warn her that any drastic measures will be met with reprisals against the hostages aboard the Errant Venture. Daala backs down, at least until the hostages are returned.

Allana Solo, her Jedi guardian Bazel Warv, and her pet nexu Anji discover a hidden catacomb within the New Jedi Temple where Tesar Sebatyne and three other Barabel Jedi have made a nest for their spawn. The Barabels want to keep the nest secret and decide to either kill Allana, Bazel, and Anji, or have them join them for the next two months. Allana reveals her identity as the granddaughter of Han and Leia Organa Solo, and daughter of the late Jacen Solo and Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo. They compromise and agree to keep each other's secrets. The novel concludes with the Barabels allowing Allana, Bazel, and Anji to leave and join Han, Leia, Corran, and Mirax Terrik Horn in watching Cilghal and Tekli unfreeze Valin and Jysella from carbonite.

