LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, a video game crafted by Traveller's Tales, saw its initial release on June 28, 2016. This game reimagines the storyline of the 2015 motion picture, Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens](/article/star_wars:_episode_vii_the_force_awakens), using LEGO aesthetics, while also providing fresh content filling in narrative gaps between Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi](/article/star_wars:_episode_vi_return_of_the_jedi) and The Force Awakens. The deluxe edition of the game comes bundled with all content available through the season pass. Due to the closing of LucasArts, this is the first primary LEGO Star Wars title not published by them, and it marks the first instance of a game focusing solely on a single film rather than a complete trilogy. Furthermore, it stands as the final LEGO game launched for Wii U, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and Xbox 360.

Taking place four years following the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance, under the guidance of Han Solo, neutralizes the shield generator protecting the second Death Star on Endor's forest moon. In the expanse of space, the Millennium Falcon, with Lando Calrissian and Nien Nunb at the controls, targets and obliterates the core of the second Death Star. Simultaneously, Luke Skywalker manages to redeem Darth Vader, causing him to confront and eliminate Darth Sidious, though Vader sustains fatal injuries in the process. The Rebels then celebrate their hard-won triumph on Endor's moon.
After Luke removes Darth Vader's helmet, he finds Anakin's head, but Luke shakes Vader's helmet to get Vader's headpiece. Darth Vader becomes good again after Luke shows him a child's drawing of them. Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Vader appear as Force Ghosts in the epilogue of Return of the Jedi.
Three decades into the future, the Rebel Alliance is now known as "The Resistance" and the remnants of the Empire have evolved into the First Order. Luke has disappeared, leaving Leia to lead the Resistance. Pilot Poe Dameron arrives back at base after rescuing Admiral Ackbar from the clutches of the First Order. He is then dispatched to Jakku to rendezvous with Lor San Tekka, who possesses a map detailing Luke Skywalker's location. After securing the map, Poe entrusts it to his droid, BB-8, sending him away just as the First Order, commanded by Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma, seizes Poe for interrogation and executes San Tekka.
Poe is rescued from the Finalizer by FN-2187, a First Order defector. After commandeering a TIE/sf space superiority fighter, they crash-land back on Jakku. Meanwhile, BB-8 is captured by a group of Teedo, only to be saved by a young scavenger named Rey, who brings him to her dwelling situated within the wreckage of a downed AT-AT.
After Poe is presumed dead from the crash, FN-2187, now called Finn, encounters Rey and BB-8. However, their location is soon discovered by First Order soldiers, forcing them to flee for their lives. Following a heated exchange of gunfire, the trio escapes the planet aboard the Millennium Falcon, which had been abandoned on Jakku for many years.
While in space, they are intercepted by Han Solo and Chewbacca, who have come to reclaim their "home," which had been pilfered from them years prior. Rey and Finn inform them that BB-8 carries a map that leads to Luke Skywalker. Aboard the smugglers' current vessel, the Eravana, Finn becomes uneasy upon discovering that Han Solo is transporting rathtars. Before they can discuss the map's delivery to the Resistance, the Guavian Death Gang boards the ship to confront Han and Chewie. Han instructs Rey and Finn to hide while he secures BB-8, ensuring they won't escape with the Falcon. This decision proves to be a miscalculation, as Bala-Tik recognizes BB-8 due to the bounty placed on it by the First Order and reveals that they are aware of Han's dealings with their rivals, Kanjiklub, who have also boarded the ship. In an effort to assist Han and Chewie, Rey attempts to seal the blast doors but inadvertently releases the rathtars from their enclosures. Consequently, they are forced to abandon the Eravana while under attack from both the gangsters and the unleashed rathtars.
Having evaded the Guavian Death Gang, Kanjiklub, and the rathtars, Rey, Finn, BB-8, Han, and Chewbacca journey to Takodana. En route, Han examines the map data stored within BB-8, revealing that it only contains a portion of the complete map. He then recounts how Luke went into hiding after the New Jedi Order he was establishing was destroyed by one of his apprentices who had succumbed to the dark side. He explains that they must find a new ship for BB-8, as the Falcon's movements are easily tracked. As they disembark from the Falcon, Han provides Rey with a blaster pistol for her protection.
They enter a castle where they meet with its owner, Maz Kanata, whose assistance they require in getting BB-8 to Leia and the Resistance. Maz, however, refuses, saying that Solo has been running from the fight with the dark side. She explains how she has seen evil take many forms: the Sith, the Galactic Empire, and now the First Order. However, Finn becomes terrified at the suggestion that they fight the First Order and decides he can no longer stay with them if they plan to confront the First Order. He tells Rey he is not with the Resistance, and Maz points him to join Sidon Ithano and his crew if he wishes to leave the plant. While Han sits down to talk with Maz, Rey is drawn to a vault on the lower level and finds the lightsaber that once belonged to Luke and his father, Anakin Skywalker. She experiences disturbing visions and flees into the woods. Unbeknownst to her or her companions, First Order operative Bazine Netal informs the First Order that BB-8 is on Takodana. Resistance spy droid GA-97 also sees BB-8 and informs the Resistance.
Starkiller Base fires and destroys the Republic capital and a portion of its fleet. The First Order launches an assault on Takodana in pursuit of BB-8. Maz entrusts Finn with Skywalker's lightsaber for safekeeping, and together with Han and Chewbacca, they engage the invading First Order stormtroopers. During the battle, Finn is confronted by his former comrade, FN-2199, who attacks Finn for his betrayal. FN-2199 ends up defeating Finn despite Finn's best efforts, though Han easily kills FN-2199 with a shot from Chewbacca's bowcaster. Despite their victory over FN-2199, they are soon surrounded by First Order troops.
Han, Chewbacca, Maz, and Finn are rescued by Resistance X-wing fighters led by Poe, who had managed to survive the earlier crash on Jakku. After Poe and his squad fend off First Order TIE Fighters attacking General Leia's ship, she lands on Takodana with C-3PO and reunites with Han and Chewbacca.
Meanwhile, Kylo Ren confronts and captures Rey, after she tells BB-8 to go find the others, as he is too important to be captured. Han, Chewbacca, and Finn witness Rey's capture, but can do nothing to save her.
Ren takes her to Starkiller Base and removes his mask, showing her his true face. However, when he interrogates her about the map, she is able to resist his mind-reading attempts and is even able to turn the tables on him, revealing that he fears that he will near be as strong as Darth Vader, causing Ren to leave in frustration.
Kylo Ren informs Supreme Leader Snoke that Rey resisted his attempts and that she is strong with the Force. General Hux reveals that the droid has likely reached the Resistance. Snoke decides that the Resistance must be destroyed before they can reach Skywalker. Hux reveals that they tracked one of the Resistance's ships to the Ileenium system, so Snoke orders him to prepare the Starkiller to destroy the Resistance once and for all. Kylo Ren insists he can get the map's location from Rey, but Snoke orders him to bring the girl to him instead.
Meanwhile at the Resistance base on D'Qar, Finn and BB-8 are reunited with Poe, who they are happy to learn is still alive. However, their reunion is cut short when Leia pulls Finn aside and insists he assist them due to his knowledge of the First Order. They are forced to work together to activate the manual override for the base's blast doors, which had been locked down due to a fire, in order to reach the base's main control room. BB-8 uploads the data into the Control Room's computer, but they find that the map is only partially complete and matches no known system on record. C-3PO points out that they simply do not have enough data to find Luke, dashing Leia's hopes of bringing her brother home. To make matters worse, Leia is informed that the Starkiller's next target is D'Qar. BB-8 finds R2-D2 and tries to rouse him, only to be informed by C-3PO that his old companion has been inactive since Luke's disappearance.
As Starkiller Base prepares to fire on D'Qar, the Resistance devises a plan to destroy the superweapon by attacking a critical facility. Admiral Ackbar points out that the Resistance cannot penetrate the defensive shields around Starkiller Base, but Finn tells them he can disable the shields, and Han volunteers to get him there on the Falcon.
Leia, C-3PO, and Finn help load the Falcon with weapons, fuel, and Wookiee Cookies for Chewbacca. Before they leave, Leia urges Han to return with their son.
Using the Falcon, Han, Chewbacca, and Finn infiltrate the facility to turn off the base's shield; however, they end up crashing the Falcon in the process. Entering the facility, Finn reveals he doesn't know how to deactivate the shield and only came to rescue Rey, forcing the trio to improvise. Realizing Captain Phasma would know how to deactivate the shield, Finn decides to capture her. After a fierce battle with Phasma and her troops, the trio capture her and force her to lower the shield, before dumping her out with the trash compactor.
With the shield down, Poe leads the attack on the base's thermal oscillator, but they are unable to damage it and are soon confronted by First Order TIE Fighters.
Discovering she can use the Force, Rey escapes using a Jedi mind trick on a nearby guard (FN-1824). After Rey reunites with Han, Chewbacca, and Finn, they decide to aid the Resistance pilots attacking the base by detonating explosives within the base. After placing the charges, Han confronts Kylo Ren, calling him by his birth name, Ben. Han implores his son to abandon the dark side and tries to convince him that Snoke is only using him for his power. Ren refuses and kills his father, shocking both Solo's company and stormtroopers, and an enraged Chewbacca fires a blaster shot at Ren. Chewbacca then sets off the explosives, allowing Poe and squad to attack the thermal oscillator and destroy Starkiller Base.
The injured Ren pursues Finn and Rey to the surface. A lightsaber battle between Ren and Finn ensues, leaving Finn badly wounded. Rey takes the lightsaber and uses the Force to defeat Ren, before they are separated by a fissure as the planet begins to disintegrate. Snoke orders Hux to evacuate and bring a wounded Ren to him. Rey and Chewbacca escape with Finn in the Falcon. On D'Qar, the Resistance celebrates while Leia, Chewbacca, and Rey mourn Han's death. R2-D2 awakens and reveals the rest of the map, finally revealing Luke's location to the Resistance.

Rey travels to the oceanic planet Ahch-To alongside Chewbacca and R2-D2. Ultimately, she locates Luke and presents him with the lightsaber he had lost, along with his hand, during his confrontation with Vader on Bespin. When Rey finds Luke, he not only wears a hood but a face disguise as well. Rey does some comic charades with Luke's lightsaber to jog his memory.
Elaborates on Poe Dameron's audacious mission to liberate Admiral Ackbar, adapted from The Resistance Rises short titled "Poe to the Rescue."
Reveals the hidden details of Lor San Tekka's journey to Jakku Village, aided by his longtime ally, Athgar Heece.
Details how the notorious Outer Rim pirate Sidon Ithano and his crew commandeered a Transporter from the First Order.
Poe Dameron survives the crash on Jakku and meets Ohn Gos, who agrees to help him get offworld while going up against the Strus clan.
Resistance pilots Wright, C'ai Threnalli, and R3-Z3 have crash landed on Starkiller Base and must escape the planet before it explodes.
Similar to its predecessors, LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game and LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, this game offers a lighthearted and comical interpretation of the film it's based on. However, in a departure from earlier titles, the characters now feature fully voiced dialogue, incorporating recordings from the films alongside newly created dialogue for the game-exclusive content. Several actors from the original film cast, including Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Anthony Daniels, lend their voices to the new dialogue for their respective characters.
Elements such as gold bricks that require rapid-firing characters to destroy, and the troop command feature from LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars, make a return, alongside the ability to explore various planets.
This LEGO game is the first to incorporate Multi-Builds, allowing players to utilize available bricks to construct new pathways, and Blaster Battles, enabling players to use their surroundings to defend themselves against the First Order. Furthermore, enemies can now engage in building activities, with stormtroopers providing support through reinforcements, air strikes, and heavy artillery, thereby increasing the game's level of challenge.
The fighter-based levels have also been revamped, resembling those seen in the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron series, where ships can navigate freely in a large, open environment, rather than being limited to horizontal movement as in previous games.
The game features six unlockable bonus missions. One mission details the events leading up to C-3PO's acquisition of his red arm, while another illustrates how the rathtars were captured and brought aboard Han Solo's ship. According to the game's developers, the new levels are rooted in Star Wars canon. The Phantom Limb DLC is exclusive to PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC and is available for free on the PlayStation platforms.
The season pass includes exclusive characters and three new levels: Poe's Quest for Survival, First Order Siege of Takodana, and Escape from Starkiller Base.
The game's development commenced in 2015, with a demo released in mid-June 2016. Traveller's Tales made this the first LEGO game with all the voices from the movie. By the time Rogue One was released to theaters in December 2016, Lego made every single character in the movie in the UK and US.