"No Escape: Part 2" marks the conclusion of the first season of Star Wars Resistance, serving as its twenty-first episode. It was broadcast on March 17 of 2019.
After the obliteration of Hosnian Prime and other systems, Kaz and Yeager take the lead, guiding the forces from the Colossus as they confront the First Order in a full-scale battle.
Kazuda Xiono and Torra Doza, observing from their concealed position, witness General Armitage Hux's announcement regarding Starkiller Base's preemptive strike against the Hosnian system. Kaz cries out as the stormtroopers raise their fists in a show of support. When Torra inquires, Kaz verifies that Hosnian Prime was his home. He is devastated by the loss of his parents, friends, and the entire Galactic Senate. Torra expresses her sympathy but emphasizes the need to proceed, as this is their only opportunity. As the First Order stormtroopers chant together, Kaz pledges to halt the First Order at any cost.
CB-23, Kaz, and Torra make their way into the unguarded detention area. Jarek Yeager and Captain Imanuel Doza are discovered by Kaz, confined within their cell. Yeager is delighted to see Kaz. Kaz directs CB-23 to disable the cell's energy shield. Torra embraces her father, who expresses his relief at her safety. Yeager commends Kaz, acknowledging him as a more capable Resistance Agent than he initially believed, and expresses his gratitude.
Yeager notices Kaz's distress and asks what is wrong. Kaz informs Yeager that the First Order annihilated Hosnian Prime, resulting in the loss of his homeworld, family, friends, and the New Republic. CB-23 beeps mournfully, while Captain Doza and Torra exchange sorrowful glances. Yeager conveys his deep regret. Torra informs Captain Doza that Kaz and his allies are attempting to launch the Colossus into the air, potentially offering their only chance of escape. Doza points out that the station has remained stationary for in two decades, rendering it a significant risk.
Upon returning, the stormtroopers find the cell unlocked. They discover Doza, Yeager, and CB-23 inside. As the stormtroopers enter, Kaz and Torra launch an ambush, with Kaz demanding their surrender and the relinquishment of their blasters. Before departing, Torra taunts the stormtroopers to enjoy themselves, before Yeager and Captain Doza stun them.
In the hyperdrive room, Neeku Vozo explains to R1-J5 ("Bucket"), Kel, Eila, and the Chelidae that activating the Colossus requires releasing all the water used to submerge it. Bucket murmurs in response. Kel declares it's not a problem, stating they must de-valve the ship and flush the outer corridors, activating a holographic display for study by Neeku and the others. Neeku notes that anyone remaining in the outer corridors will be swept into the sea. He then announces that this is an excellent plan, revealing they will flush out the First Order.
Neeku uses his comlink to contact Kaz. Kaz inquires about Neeku's status and ability to make the station airborne. Neeku responds with a delightful plan involving launching the station and flushing out the stormtroopers. Kaz asks for the details of Neeku's plan. Neeku explains that it requires him and his friends to separate and face certain danger. Kaz replies that he is less enthusiastic about the plan now.
Later, Kaz and Torra sneak up on a pair of stormtroopers. Kaz asks Torra and Neeku if they are prepared. Kaz instructs Neeku to follow his signal, but Neeku becomes confused and orders Kel to open the corridors to water. Kaz, CB-23, and the stormtroopers are engulfed in a flood. Kaz and CB-23 manage to escape behind a blast door, while the stormtroopers are swept away into the sea, struggling to stay afloat.
Returning to the outer corridor, Kaz acknowledges the success of Neeku's plan. Kaz then contacts Torra, who proceeds with her part. She approaches three stormtroopers, calling them "frowny faces and moof brains," and leads them on a chase through the outer corridors. She secures herself behind a blast door as Neeku opens the outer hatches, sweeping the stormtroopers into the sea. A sharvo fish then grabs the stormtroopers.
Torra exclaims with joy that Neeku's plan is succeeding. Neeku celebrates the plan's success and thanks the Chelidae Vil'pak. Vilpac informs Neeku that they are receiving a transmission from Aunt Z.
At Doza Tower, an exhausted stormtrooper reports to Commander Pyre that five more stormtroopers have been lost. Pyre expresses his frustration and demands an explanation. Agent Tierny responds that he is losing control of the station and suggests calling in reinforcements to ensure everyone's safety. She informs Pyre that she is taking Tamara Ryvora offworld back to base.
Pyre appears to agree with Tierny's plan but states that if they cannot raise the station, they must resort to a more aggressive solution. Tam watches with concern. After deactivating the hologram, he instructs Agent Tierny to bring Tamara aboard the shuttle and leave this wretched world. Tierny puts on her helmet and gestures for Tam, Commander Pyre, and the stormtrooper to accompany her onto the lift.
After the First Order and Tamara depart, Yeager and Captain Doza enter Doza's office. Doza tells Yeager that they must make the Colossus operational quickly. Yeager agrees but insists on stopping the First Order from taking Tam offworld. Doza advises him not to be foolish, as he cannot confront them alone, and the Captain must attend to the station. Yeager replies that he will not be alone.
Yeager contacts Kaz, asking if he is there. Kaz replies that he is somewhat occupied, as he, Torra, and a pair of stormtroopers are escaping a wave of water. They escape behind a blast door, but the stormtroopers are trapped underwater. CB-23 beeps, and an exhausted Kaz says he believes that did it. He asks Yeager for his status.
Yeager informs Kaz that the First Order is taking Tam offworld and asks how quickly he can reach the tower. Kaz pleads with Yeager not to let the First Order leave with Tam.
An Upsilon-class command shuttle approaches Doza Tower. Tam watches as the shuttle lands. Tierny urges Tam to hurry. The shuttle's docking ramp extends just as Yeager approaches the corridor leading to the landing pad. From the top of Doza Tower, Kaz calls out to Tam, asking what she is doing.
Commander Pyre aims his blaster at Kaz and Torra, but Tierny shakes her head, and Pyre lowers his weapon. Tam tells Kaz that she is leaving him and Yeager. She asks Kaz how he could lie to her about everything. Kaz struggles to respond, stating that he works for the Resistance and swears that he only wants to help the galaxy.
Yeager adds that Kaz is telling the truth, appearing from the corridor. Commander Pyre and the stormtrooper aim their guns at him. Tam responds that Yeager exploited her long hours of work for nothing, despite her trust and expectation of a better life. She tells Yeager that he was like a father to her, but it was all a lie. Yeager replies that the First Order is lying to her and assures her that she is capable of great things. He warns Tam that the First Order is not who they claim to be.
Agent Tierny responds that the First Order is providing Tam with protection and a higher purpose. She places her arm around Tam in a comforting manner. Tierny tells Yeager that he is a danger to everyone around him. Two stormtroopers approach Yeager from behind, while four stormtroopers surround Torra, Kaz, and CB-23. TIE fighters fly overhead.
Commander Pyre declares to Kaz that it is over and informs Yeager that they have lost. He orders them to drop their weapons. However, Kaz defiantly tells Pyre and his men to drop their weapons. Pyre tells Kaz to look around because there is no escape. Kaz contacts Neeku by comlink, instructing him that he knows what to do.
In the hyperdrive room, Neeku activates the hyperdrive, and the station's thrusters come to life. As Doza Tower begins to shake, Agent Tierny demands to know what is happening. The First Order retreat aboard their shuttle as the Colossus begins to rise from the sea.
Aboard the shuttle, Tierny realizes that the Colossus resistance has activated the main drive and that the ship is going into orbit. Tam is shocked to learn that the Colossus is a ship. As the Colossus rises, the two stormtroopers behind Yeager fall into the sea. Tierny fires her blaster.
Meanwhile, CB-23 releases oil, causing the stormtroopers to slip off the top platform. Torra also slips, but CB-23 uses her grappling hook to pull her to safety. The four stormtroopers fall on the landing pad as Tierny and Pyre exchange fire with Kaz. Yeager then shoots another stormtrooper.
The shuttle returns, and Commander Pyre tells Tierny and Tam to get to the shuttle. Tierny tells Tam to come along and extends a hand while standing on the docking ramp. Yeager pleads with Tam to stay with them. Tierny calls to Tam again. She hesitates but chooses to follow Tierny and the First Order. Kaz and Yeager watch in horror as Tam departs aboard the shuttle with the First Order.
Torra and CB-23 join Yeager on the landing pad, where several fallen stormtroopers lie. Torra is horrified that they took Tam and asks what they are going to do. Yeager responds that she made her choice but says they are not going to let the First Order take the Colossus. Yeager tells Torra and Kaz to head to their ships as TIE fighters begin strafing the Colossus. Kaz flees inside Doza Tower.
Bo Keevil, Freya Fenris, and Griff Halloran are found locked in their cells inside another detention bay. Captain Doza releases the Aces and instructs them to proceed to their ships in Hangar B2, adding that they have a station to defend. The Aces board their ships while Kaz instructs them to open the doors. Yeager orders CB-23 to unlock the fighters and Bucket to get to Hangar B2.
CB-23 deactivates the gravity locks. Kaz, Yeager, and Torra unlock the hangar doors, but two TIE fighters approach the hangar. Torra sighs, lamenting the timing. Kaz asks for suggestions, and Yeager says he is open to anything. Just then, Hype Fazon's Atmospheric Assault Lander shoots down the TIEs. He jokingly asks if anyone called for backup.
Kaz smiles as Hype opens the landing ramp and reminds them to thank him. Aunt Z, who accompanied Fazon, tells Kaz that they picked up his distress call. More starfighters arrive, and the stolen troop lander joins the fight. Yeager instructs the pilots and their astromech droids to move. Yeager jumps aboard his racer with Bucket. Bucket beeps, while Griff, Freya, and Torra jump into their racers and start their engines. Kaz and CB-23 jump aboard the Fireball. Kaz tells Ace Squadron to blast some "bucketheads."
Kaz, Yeager, and the Aces fly into the skies above the Colossus, where they encounter four TIEs. They manage to shoot down two TIEs. Torra is pleased to see Yeager flying, but he says that he wishes it was under better circumstances. As the Aces and First Order engage in a dogfight, Captain Doza activates the Colossus' anti-aircraft cannons, which take down one more TIE. Torra shoots down two more TIEs.
Major Elrik Vonreg arrives aboard his red TIE Interceptor. He lands a shot on Griff's racer. Griff cries that he is hit. Kaz takes out the TIE fighter near Griff's racer, and Griff thanks the kid. Freya is unable to shake two "sleemos," but Yeager manages to take them out and another TIE attacking the Colossus.
Kaz is pursued by Major Vonreg and two TIEs. Just then, Kaz spots Captain Kragan Gorr's sail barge Galleon. Kaz panics and narrowly avoids crashing into the Galleon. Synara San orders the pirate gunners to take down the TIEs, and they shoot one. Kaz is relieved that Synara has come to help.
Just then, the Fireball is hit from behind by Major Vonreg. Kaz panics as the ship loses control. He tells CB-23 he needs power to the thrusters. As the dogfight continues, four TIEs circle the Colossus, but the air defense system takes one out. Synara tells the gunners to target the TIEs targeting the Colossus and not to let them hit the thrusters. The Aces take out more TIEs.
Kaz asks Torra for help, but her stabilizers are hit, and she says it will take her a few minutes to get airborne. Kaz says he doesn't have a few minutes. However, Yeager says he has got Kaz's back and chases Major Vonreg. Just then, the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer the Thunderer exits from hyperspace and begins pummeling the Colossus. Synara asks Kaz what they should do.
He tells everyone to get back to the Colossus because they have to jump to hyperspace. Kaz contacts Neeku, who tells him the hyperdrive is ready to go and asks where they are jumping to. Kaz replies he is sending coordinates. Neeku notices they lead to D'Qar and responds the planet is largely uninhabited and asks if he is sure. Kaz tells Neeku he is sure and to get ready to jump. The starfighters and Galleon dock inside the hangar bays.
Kaz tells Captain Doza to be ready to lock the station down because Neeku got the hyperdrive working. Doza responds they are still gaining altitude and cannot jump until they cleared the planet's gravity. Yeager and Bucket are being pursued by Major Vonreg. Yeager tells Kaz that any help will be great. Kaz flies the Fireball through the station and shoots at Major Vonreg's Interceptor, destroying it and killing Vonreg. Kaz shouts for joy, and Yeager remarks that that kid can fly. Kaz says he heard that and thanks to Yeager.
Kaz tells Neeku to get them into space so they can jump. Neeku says "right away" and fires up the Colossus' engines. Kaz lands the Fireball in a hangar bay and tells Neeku to get them out of here. As the Colossus reaches the upper atmosphere, the Thunderer continues firing. Kaz watches from the hangar as the Colossus jumps to lightspeed.
As the Colossus travels through hyperspace, Captain Doza breathes a sigh of relief while the pirates cheer. Aunt Z grabs and kisses Fazon. Kaz and his friends celebrate in the hangar together. Yeager is proud of Kaz while Torra asks where exactly are they are going. He replies they are going to someplace safe, D'Qar which is home of the Resistance. Just then, Neeku enters the hangar and hugs Kaz.
Neeku tells Kaz that he did not have time to put in all the coordinates. Kaz asks if they are not going to D'Qar. Neeku responds they will be either close or light years away. Kaz asks if Neeku has no idea where they are going. Neeku makes light of the situation while Kaz reassures them that wherever they are going, most of them are going together. Kaz, Yeager, Torra, Neeku, the pilots, droids, Kel, and Eila watch the hyperspace tunnel.