The New Republic Defense Force, often shortened to NRDF, and also known as the New Republic Armed Forces or the Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic, represented the unified military organization tasked with protecting the New Republic. This force was established from the pre-existing Alliance Military in 4 ABY when the Alliance to Restore the Republic transitioned into the New Republic following the pivotal Battle of Endor. The New Republic's military subsequently achieved notable victories, including the liberation of Coruscant, the defeat of various Imperial warlords such as Ysanne Isard, Zsinj, and Grand Admiral Thrawn, triumphing over the Reborn Emperor's Dark Empire, and ultimately defeating Gilad Pellaeon's Imperial Remnant to bring an end to the Galactic Civil War.
Throughout its operational lifespan, the New Republic Defense Force engaged in numerous localized conflicts, including the Black Fleet Crisis in 16 ABY and the Almanian Uprising in 17 ABY. Following the Yuuzhan Vong's invasion of the galaxy in 25 ABY, the New Republic Defense Force experienced a series of setbacks, culminating in the loss of Coruscant in 27 ABY. However, a reinvigorated Defense Force managed to deliver a significant blow to the Yuuzhan Vong at the Battle of Ebaq in 28 ABY, which led to its restructuring into the Galactic Alliance Defense Force that same year.
The New Republic Defense Fleet, the New Republic Starfighter Corps, and, up until 12 ABY, the New Republic Army, were the constituent branches of the Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic. Despite this division, these elements were deeply integrated. Unlike the Imperial Military's focus on planetary invasions and occupations, the New Republic military prioritized maintaining peace, conducting patrols, and defending against external threats. The New Republic's military was designed to work in conjunction with the Planetary Security Forces, which reported to local sector authorities. As a result, the New Republic maintained a smaller military compared to its Imperial predecessor (although it was significantly larger than the pre-Clone Wars Judicial Forces of the Old Republic), emphasizing rapid response capabilities over sheer firepower.
The early organizational structure of the New Republic military emphasized adaptability, largely due to the diverse and varied units inherited from the former Alliance Military. Naval battle groups were structured to allow for quick redeployment within the four primary fleets and area commands as needed, while planetary assault operations became the most frequently undertaken mission type. The Alliance Special Forces were reorganized into bridgehead commandos, and a larger New Republic Army was established to handle peacekeeping and garrison duties. Integration and standardization efforts accelerated after 8 ABY, following the defeat of Warlord Zsinj, with a more substantial military reform implemented in 12 ABY after the Dark Empire's defeat. This reform placed all federal military forces under the command of the four main fleet commands, creating a fully integrated Defense Force. This period also marked the disbandment of the New Republic Army, with its defensive responsibilities transferred to the Planetary Security Forces and the role of planetary assault taken over by the New Republic Marines. Within the New Republic Defense Fleet, battle groups were reorganized into subcommands with designated sectors. Larger forces blockaded key Imperial holdouts, while smaller squadrons were tasked with peacekeeping patrols within New Republic territory.

Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the military of what was formerly the Rebellion was composed mainly of starships that had been donated and modified for military use, fleets of volunteer resistance fighters, and a limited number of vessels acquired with the Rebel Alliance's scarce funds, all under the leadership of Admiral Ackbar. As the Rebel Alliance evolved into the Alliance of Free Planets, and subsequently, one month later, the New Republic, Ackbar dedicated himself to transforming these disparate elements into a unified military force capable of achieving the Provisional Council's main objective: capturing Coruscant and liberating the galaxy from the Galactic Empire. A pivotal moment came with Mon Mothma's issuance of the Defense Declarations, which outlined the New Republic's intention to return control of the Planetary Security Forces, which had been nationalized by the Empire, back to the individual sectors. Admiral Ackbar later stated that the Declarations were more effective in liberating worlds from the Empire than any military action: members of the new government were expected to support the unified military, but could also oversee their own planetary defenses with greater strength than under the Empire or the Republic. Sectors loyal to the Empire rejected the measure as unlawful, but for others, the Declarations persuaded many undecided sectors to align with the New Republic. Other sectors were split on whether to accept the Declarations, leading to further Imperial warlordism and internal conflict, significantly reducing the number of enemies the New Republic had to confront.
Early military actions for the New Republic included the unexpected invasion by the Ssi-ruuk at Bakura, and the war between the extra-galactic Nagai and Tofs, who advanced as far as Zeltros before the Tofs were defeated, and ultimately driven from the galaxy at the Battle of Saijo. These campaigns pushed the New Republic military to its limits, preventing any significant military actions against the Empire for over six months after Endor, but they reassured citizens that the former Rebellion could defend the galaxy and legitimized the new government. It was during this time that the New Republic Defense Fleet established its four original fleets: the First Fleet under the command of Admiral Firmus Nantz operated from Saijo in the Western Reaches; the Second Fleet under Admiral Hiram Drayson defended the New Republic's stronghold in the Calamari sector; the Third Fleet operated from Bothan Space into the Slice under Ackbar's direct command; and the Fouth Fleet under Admiral Voon Massa operated from Bothawui along the Corellian Run as a mobile reserve for the First and Third Fleets. During this period, the Defense Force's organization was guided by the principle of flexibility, with existing squadrons and flotillas from the old Alliance Fleet remaining intact and local loyalties being considered. Battle groups were designed to be easily shifted within the four primary fleets as needed or deployed independently if required.

Over the following two years, the New Republic military conducted a complex campaign aimed at isolating Imperial warlords and diminishing their influence from the remaining Empire in the Core Worlds. In 4 ABY, Nantz's First Fleet separated warlords Delvardus and Prentioch in an operation on Abraxas and isolated Par Lankin in the Lambda sector during the Hevvrol Sector Campaign. Massa's Fourth Fleet captured Druckenwell while Admiral Ackbar personally led the Third Fleet to liberate Kashyyyk and, with Rogue Squadron, capture Brentaal IV, bringing the New Republic into the Core Worlds. However, 5 ABY saw a decline in morale as the New Republic became bogged down in attritional conflicts on Milagro and Mindor: the New Republic Army and the Fourth Fleet engaged in both surface and subterranean combat against Admiral Uther Kermen's Imperial Army and Stormtrooper forces during the Milagro campaign, while General Luke Skywalker led the Rapid Response Task Force to support the Third Fleet against Lord Shadowspawn at the Battle of Mindor. A morale boost came with the Delvardus campaign, which saw the First Fleet breach the borders of Warlord Delvardus' territory, forcing him to flee into the Deep Core.
The New Republic solidified its control in 6 ABY, with the First Fleet eliminating Warlord Prentioch's dominion at the Siege of Bomis Koori and the Fourth Fleet capturing Denon in a fierce battle that resulted in Admiral Massa's death. Meanwhile, Admiral Ackbar encircled the Core Worlds from the north in preparation for the capture of Coruscant, securing victories at Uviuy Exen and Drearia, before launching the Core Campaign in mid-6 ABY. Rogue Squadron engaged in twin battles to seize Borleias as a strategic asset for reaching Coruscant, and ultimately liberated the galactic capital from the self-proclaimed Empress Ysanne Isard several weeks later.
Following the capture of Coruscant, the New Republic underwent reorganization under the Common Charter, which also streamlined the military strength of the New Republic into a single, cohesive command structure. All starships, starfighters, and soldiers operated under the authority of the Supreme Commander, a position created from the combined roles of the Minister of Defense, Minister of the Army, Minister of the Navy and Minister of the Starfighter Corps. The Defense Force also fell under the purview of New Republic High Command. While the Defense Force was organized into Fleet Command, Intelligence, Technology, and Quartermaster sections, the Defense Fleet served as its primary operational arm, directly overseen by the Supreme Commander, Ackbar. The Defense Fleet was often referred to as the New Republic Navy.
In 7 ABY, the Solo Fleet, an independent task force under the command of General Han Solo, was deployed to defeat Warlord Zsinj, the most powerful of the independent Imperial warlords. Zsinj was forced into hiding following the Battle of Selaggis and was subsequently killed at the Battle of Dathomir. However, despite Zsinj's death, the ensuing conflicts to claim his empire resulted in significant casualties for the New Republic, inflicted by both Warlord Teradoc and Admiral Teren Rogriss, who led forces from Imperial Space. Although Teradoc was forced to retreat into the Deep Core, fleet numbers on both sides largely stabilized due to the losses sustained during these campaigns. At the end of 8 ABY, Mon Mothma ordered a halt to military operations, leaving the New Republic in control of approximately three-quarters of the galaxy, while the Galactic Empire was relegated to a rump state in the New Territories beyond the Hydian Way.
Grand Admiral Thrawn returned in 9 ABY from his expedition in the unknown regions(where he founded The Empire of The Hand), and with handful of ships at the start of his campaign was able to gather a large armada and nearly defeated the New Republic if not for his guard's betrayal at the battle of Bilbringi.

It was supposedly during this time that the navy began its formal organization into battle groups. Each of the four fleets now consisted of hundreds of warships, transports, and support vessels organized into battle groups and task forces, as well as ground troop divisions and starfighter wings. These fleets rotated patrols of segments of the New Republic, with at least one fleet always assigned to the defense of Coruscant and another assigned to patrolling "Thunder Alley." Before 16 ABY, four fleets were in operation to fulfill these duties.

Following the fleet's restructuring, the Defense Fleet saw an increase in the diversity of its starships over the subsequent nine years. Vessels originating from numerous shipyards across the New Republic's territories formed the core of the Fleet, encompassing frontline combatants, support craft, and civilian ships. The resulting operational challenges stemming from this heterogeneity led to the implementation of a program aimed at standardizing the Fleet's vessels and improving maintenance efficiency. This initiative, known as the New Class program, provided the Fleet with a degree of uniformity, strength, and adaptability previously exclusive to the Imperial Starfleet. By 16 ABY, the Fifth Battle Group, a newly formed battle group composed entirely of New Class starships, successfully completed its operational trials, demonstrating the program's effectiveness during the Black Fleet Crisis.
However, the Fleet's battle groups were primarily conceived as rapid response units, not as instruments of territorial expansion, despite some politicians advocating for the latter during the Fifth Battle Group's commissioning. Consequently, the Fleet found itself ill-equipped to mount effective counterattacks against the Yuuzhan Vong at the onset of the Yuuzhan Vong War, once more relying on the skills of its commanding officers to secure victories. Regrettably, the New Republic Senate consistently diverted fleets to the Core Worlds, effectively compelling the Defense Force to abandon the Mid and Outer Rim territories. These politically driven decisions resulted in significant defeats for the Defense Force, severely impacting morale and depleting resources, pushing some members of the Defense Force to the brink of insubordination.
With the fall of the New Republic and the establishment of the Galactic Alliance, the New Republic Defense Force was officially disbanded and replaced by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force.
The Supreme Commander was the head of the Defense Forces, reporting to the Chief of State, the New Republic's civilian leader. In the initial years after Endor, the Defense Forces operated under the Ministry of Defense, which had been restructured from the Rebel Alliance's Ministry of War, with subordinate ministries overseeing the Army, Fleet, and Starfighter Corps. This arrangement proved overly bureaucratic and inefficient in practice. Following the Liberation of Coruscant in 6 ABY, the entire command structure underwent another reorganization, abolishing the position of Minister of Defense and transforming the Supreme Commander into a Ruling Council position. The senior professional military body in control of the Defense Forces was the New Republic High Command, which in turn oversaw Fleet Command and Starfighter Command.
The Defense Council of the New Republic Senate was responsible for legislative oversight of defense policy.
Before their integration, the New Republic military branches consisted of the New Republic Defense Fleet, New Republic Starfighter Corps, and the New Republic Army. In 12 ABY, all federal military forces were fully integrated into the four fleet commands. The Army was then dissolved, with its duties reassigned to the Defense Fleet's Marines and the ground-based elements of the Planetary Security Forces.
Other administrative departments within the Defense Forces included the Technology Section, the Training Section, the Quartermaster Section, New Republic Special Operations, New Republic Special Forces, and the New Republic Fleet Office. New Republic Fleet Intelligence served as the Defense Force's military intelligence branch, operating separately from the civilian New Republic Intelligence Service. The New Republic Honor Guard performed ceremonial functions.
The Defense Forces were structured around four primary fleets and area commands, originating from the four fleets that had spearheaded the advance on Coruscant between 4 and 6 ABY. The initial organizational approach prioritized adaptability, preserving existing squadrons and flotillas from the former Alliance Fleet and considering local allegiances. Battle groups were designed to be readily redeployed within the four main fleets or, when necessary, deployed independently, as exemplified by the Solo Fleet's deployment against Warlord Zsinj.
As the New Republic expanded, Admiral Ackbar faced the challenge of consolidating the diverse units of the Rebel Alliance's Sector Forces, each with its own distinct regulations, tactics, and traditions, into a unified Defense Force. To accomplish this, squadrons that had not been part of the central Alliance Fleet Command were largely disbanded, with their ships and personnel redistributed among various units. While this provoked some resistance, the integration of the Defense Force generally progressed swiftly. By 8 ABY, the New Republic First Fleet served as the Home Fleet, safeguarding Coruscant, while the Second defended Elom, the Third, Kashyyyk, and the Fourth, Bothan Space. This configuration participated in the Thrawn campaign, the Imperial advance from the Deep Core, and Operation Shadow Hand.
By 12 ABY, battle group and squadron forces had achieved standardized levels of strength, unity, and discipline, paving the way for more extensive military reforms. The New Republic Army, which had sustained significant losses during Operation Shadow Hand, was dissolved. Its defense and garrison duties were transferred to the local Planetary Security Forces, and all federal military assets were placed under the command of the four fleets as part of an integrated Defense Force. Naval battle groups became subcommands with designated operational sectors, with large forces blockading major Imperial holdouts and smaller squadrons conducting peacekeeping patrols within New Republic territory. Each fleet maintained one battle group as a mobile reserve, but temporary attachments of multi-role task forces—standardized squadrons composed of vessels with complementary capabilities—could transform any battle group into a formidable fighting fleet.
Following the reorganization, which resulted in the four fleets becoming increasingly tied to territorial deployments, a new rapid-reaction command was activated in 16 ABY. The Fifth Roving Battle Group, consisting of five task forces, distinguished itself in the Black Fleet Crisis. The Fifth Battle Group was soon elevated to full fleet status, and by 19 ABY, the New Republic Fifth Fleet had expanded to a full strength of five hundred capital ships organized into five battle groups.
- New Republic Fleet Office New Republic Defense Fleet First Battle Group / Home Fleet Second Battle Group Third Battle Group Fourth Battle Group Fifth Battle Group New Republic Marines New Republic Fleet Intelligence Asset Tracking Office Special Operations
- Training Section
- Technology Section
- New Republic Starfighter Corps
- New Republic Army
- Quartermaster
- Special Forces
- Belarus-class medium cruiser
- Bothan Assault Cruiser
- Bulk cruiser
- Bulwark Mark III
- CC-9600 frigate
- Carrack-class cruiser
- Corona-class frigate
- CR90 corvette
- Dauntless-class heavy cruiser
- Defender-class assault carrier
- Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser
- DP20 frigate
- EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate
- Endurance-class fleet carrier
- Executor-class Star Dreadnought
- Ferret-class reconnaissance vessel
- Immobilizer 418 cruiser
- Imperial-class Star Destroyer
- Majestic-class heavy cruiser
- Marauder-class corvette
- MC80 Star Cruiser
- MC80a Star Cruiser
- MC80B Star Cruiser
- MC90 Star Cruiser
- Mediator-class battle cruiser
- Nebula-class Star Destroyer
- Prowler-class reconnaissance vessel
- Quasar Fire-class bulk cruiser
- Ranger-class gunship
- Republic-class Star Destroyer
- Sacheen-class light escort
- Shieldship
- Strident-class Star Defender
- Victory-class Star Destroyer
- Viscount-class Star Defender
- Warrior-class gunship
- Action VI transport
- Agave-class picket ship
- Bantha-class troop carrier assault shuttle
- Corellian heavy lifter
- GR-75 medium transport
- Hajen-class fleet tender
- Lambda-class T-4a shuttle
- RM-09 Alliance shuttle
- Sentinel-class landing craft
- V-wing Speeder Transport, Model A
- YT-1300 light freighter
- YT-2000 light freighter
- YT-2400 light freighter