A male Whiphid hailing from the planet Toola was known as J'Quille. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, he operated on Tatooine as a bounty hunter in the employ of the Hutt crime lord, Jabba Desilijic Tiure. However, unbeknownst to Jabba, J'Quille was actually a spy working for Lady Valarian, Jabba's rival, with whom he was romantically involved. Their scheme involved [poisoning](/article/poison] Jabba's food to kill him. In 4 ABY, J'Quille was present at Jabba's Palace when rebels made an attempt to rescue the smuggler Han Solo from Jabba. He observed the arrival and subsequent capture of each rebel involved.
Following the capture of the final rebel, the Jedi Luke Skywalker, J'Quille journeyed on Jabba's sail barge, the Khetanna, to witness the planned executions of the rebels at the Pit of Carkoon. Nevertheless, the rebels triumphed over Jabba's forces, resulting in the Hutt's demise and the destruction of his sail barge during their escape. J'Quille survived the explosion, only to discover that Valarian had placed a bounty on him for failing to personally assassinate Jabba. Unable to leave Tatooine, J'Quille became a member of the B'omarr Order.
Originating from the icy world of Toola, the male Whiphid known as J'Quille found himself on the [desert](/article/desert] planet of Tatooine amidst the Galactic Civil War fought between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. On Tatooine, he became part of the gang led by Lady Valarian, a fellow Whiphid crime lord with whom he shared a romantic connection.
J'Quille, acting as Valarian's spy, secured a position as a bounty hunter within the criminal empire of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, the Hutt crime lord and Valarian's primary rival on Tatooine. While residing in Jabba's Palace, the Whiphid devised a plan to slowly [poison](/article/poison] the Hutt's food to kill him on behalf of his lover.

Among the onlookers in the palace's throne room, J'Quille witnessed the return of Greedo, the Rodian, from a failed mission to Mygeeto in 1 BBY. As Jabba prepared to cast Greedo into the rancor pit for his failure, Greedo offered the lightsaber of Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi as a tribute. Dok-Ondar, an Ithorian, promptly offered to purchase the lightsaber from Jabba, prompting the Hutt to show leniency towards the Rodian.
In 0 ABY, J'Quille was present again in the throne room when Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, visited Jabba to request the services of his bounty hunters. During their discussion, J'Quille and the other members of Jabba's court were asked to leave the room, granting the two privacy.
Sometime between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, J'Quille was present when the bounty hunter Beilert Valance fought his way into Jabba's throne room, overcoming a group of Gamorrean guards. Jabba announced that anyone who brought Valance to him alive would be rewarded with fifty thousand credits and increased favor. J'Quille and several others moved forward to confront the bounty hunter, but Valance quickly incapacitated Dengar, another bounty hunter, along with two other challengers, before headbutting J'Quille, sending him sprawling into Ree-Yees, a Gran. Valance then defeated Ree-Yees before being subdued by Boba Fett.

During 4 ABY, J'Quille was at Jabba's Palace when C-3PO and R2-D2, the droids, delivered a message to Jabba from Luke Skywalker, who identified himself as a Jedi Knight and requested the release of his friend Han Solo, the smuggler who had been frozen in carbonite. J'Quille sat with Saelt-Marae, a Yarkora, in one of the throne room's booths while the holographic message played. He watched in amazement as Skywalker gifted the two droids to Jabba at the end of the message, after which they were taken away to work in the palace.
Later, having relocated to a different booth, J'Quille sat behind Tanus Spijek, an Elom, during a musical performance of "Jedi Rocks" by the Max Rebo Band. The performance concluded when Jabba dropped Oola, a Twi'lek dancer, into a pit containing the carnivorous rancor [Pateesa](/article/pateesa]. J'Quille, without rising to observe the dancer's fate, raised his arms and cheered along with the other members of Jabba's court.
Moments later, J'Quille was surprised when Leia Organa, disguised as the bounty hunter Boushh, entered the throne room with Chewbacca, the Wookiee companion of Solo. This was part of a plan to free Solo that also involved Skywalker's two droids and Lando Calrissian, a friend of Solo's working undercover as one of Jabba's guards. Organa, standing directly in front of J'Quille, claimed to be collecting the bounty on Chewbacca but demanded a higher payment. After threatening the room with a thermal detonator, Jabba agreed to the higher bounty, and Chewbacca was taken away.

Organa remained in the palace, believing her disguise had worked. However, Jabba, having been warned by Fett that Boushh was not who they seemed, pretended to leave the throne room later that night and remained hidden with much of his court. Organa, believing the room to be empty, freed Solo from his carbon-freeze, at which point Jabba and his court revealed themselves. J'Quille stood on a set of stairs, blocking Solo and Organa's exit, and watched as they were captured. The court then celebrated the capture late into the night.
The following morning, when Skywalker arrived at Jabba's Palace to enact the final part of the rebel plan, J'Quille was in a booth in the throne room, sleeping along with other members of the court. He awoke to see Skywalker attempting to negotiate with Jabba before threatening him with a blaster pistol. Jabba responded by dropping the Jedi and Jubnuk, a Gamorrean guard, into the rancor pit. The court cheered for Pateesa as they watched the fight, but Skywalker killed the beast, leading Jabba to order the execution of Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca at the Pit of Carkoon.

J'Quille accompanied Jabba and many other court members on the Khetanna, his sail barge, to witness the executions at the pit, where the rebels were to be fed to a sarlacc. However, the rebel prisoners freed themselves and defeated Jabba's guards. Organa, who had been chained to Jabba as a slave, strangled the Hutt. Skywalker then boarded the sail barge and rescued Organa, who used a turret on the barge's top deck to destroy the vehicle as the rebels escaped.
J'Quille survived the explosion but later learned that Valarian had placed a bounty on him for failing to kill Jabba himself. Unable to leave Tatooine due to the bounty, the Whiphid joined the B'omarr Order, a group of monks residing within Jabba's Palace. J'Quille was mentioned in an artist's journal, which was restored, expanded, and displayed at the Graf Archive sometime after 34 ABY.
J'Quille, a member of the Whiphid species, was a large, brutal, and intimidating figure with coarse, gray fur and prominent tusks. He stood at two [meters](/article/meter] tall, with pink skin and retractable, black eyes. By the time he encountered Luke Skywalker at Jabba's Palace, J'Quille had fought and won many battles, a fact that the Jedi could sense despite never having met him.
J'Quille possessed above-average strength and average fighting skills, speed, and intelligence. His diplomatic skills were below average, and he was not Force-sensitive.
J'Quille wore a belt equipped with several pouches.

J'Quille made his debut in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, the 1983 film from the original trilogy. Creature Consultant Chris Walas designed the character, and a maquette measuring ten by two by eight centimeters was created for the film. Mime artist Tim Dry, who was uncredited, played J'Quille. At the time, Dry was one half of the mime duo Tik and Tok with Sean Crawford, and neither had any prior film experience. They were cast together after being invited by their former teacher, Desmond Jones, to a casting session with producer Robert Watts, who was seeking around nine mime artists to fill creature roles in the upcoming Star Wars movie.
Dry and Crawford were unaware of their roles until they visited Elstree Studios, where most of their characters' scenes were filmed. Dry was assigned J'Quille, who was referred to as "Tooth Face" during production, while Crawford was assigned Saelt-Marae, known as "Yak Face" at the time. Dry's contract stipulated a payment of £300 per week for two weeks of guaranteed work, followed by £65 for each additional day.

The J'Quille costume consisted of a white lycra body suit, a padded foam suit, and a fur-covered shirt and pants, along with the costume head, which had eye slits in the nostrils. The outfit was heavy and extremely warm, requiring Dry to remove the head between takes to cool down with hair dryers to prevent overheating. This was particularly problematic during the sail barge scenes, which were filmed in the Arizona desert.
David Tomblin, the first assistant director, determined the positions of J'Quille and the other extras in Jabba's Palace, placing Dry and Crawford together in one of the palace's booths for their first scene. The two were unable to turn their heads and face each other while in costume. Between takes, Dry and Crawford befriended Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker and was of similar age.
Within the current Star Wars canon, J'Quille was first identified in the mobile card game Star Wars: Force Collection, which launched in 2013. Leland Chee of the Lucasfilm Story Group confirmed that the game was updated to align with canon, even though its launch predated the Star Wars canon reset of 2014. In Star Wars Legends, the name J'Quille was first given to "Tooth Face" in the short story "Let Us Prey: The Whiphid's Tale," written by Marina Fitch and Mark Budz, and included in Tales from Jabba's Palace, a 1995 anthology.
J'Quille appeared in Jeffrey Brown's non-canon children's book, A Vader Family Sithmas, published in 2021. He is depicted attending a holiday party at Jabba's Palace wearing reindeer antlers on a headband.