Sector Set

Sector Set was a unique pastime enjoyed within the Atrium of the Halcyon, the MPO-1400 Purgill-class star cruiser. This game utilized a galaxy map, segmenting various celestial bodies according to their location in the galaxy. Each guest received a playsheet listing five objects for each region. Victory was achieved when a crew member of the Halcyon randomly selected and announced all five objects from one of the regions on a guest's playsheet. The crew drew chips bearing the names of these objects from a rotating container.

Within the game, the Interior region featured the following astronomical objects: Corellia, Alderaan, Hosnian Prime, Takodana, Coruscant, Chandrila, Skako, Pasaana, N'Zoth, Empress Teta, Denon, Tepasi, Fex, Brentaal, and Byss.

The New Territories region of the game included these astronomical objects: Yavin, Felucia, Galidraan, Ithor, Dathomir, Mandalore, Dantooine, Ord Mantell, Florrum, Raxus Secundus, Wobani, Bracca, Abafar, Yaga Minor, Cantonica.

In the Unknown Regions region of the game, you could find these astronomical objects: Jedha, Ilum, Csilla, Batuu, Endor, Castilon, Cerea, Adinax Nebula, Codia, Ansion, Tehar, Rattatak, Mokivj, Demir, Pacara.

The following astronomical objects were part of the Slice region within the game: Nar Shaddaa, Zeltros, Tatooine, Rodia, Christophsis, Toydaria, Nal Hutta, Kashyyyk, Mon Cala, Lothal, Kessel, Mimban, Moraband, Vandor, and Teth.

Contained within the Western Reaches and Trailing Sectors region of the game were the astronomical objects: D'Qar, Naboo, Scarif, Dagobah, Utapau, Mustafar, Sullust, Bespin, Hoth, Bothawui, Ryloth, Kijimi, Pantora, Zolan, and Vondarc.

