Ultimate Alien Anthology

Ultimate Alien Anthology is a companion book for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, brought to you by Wizards of the Coast. The writing team included Eric Cagle, Cory J. Herndon, Michael Mikaelian, Steve Miller, Owen K.C. Stephens, and J.D. Wiker; its initial release was on April 19, 2003.

This sourcebook details 180 different species from the expansive Star Wars universe, pulling from both well-known and more obscure sources. Visual comparisons are provided, showcasing each species alongside three others to illustrate their appearance and relative size. Furthermore, a supplementary web document was later made available, presenting information on two more species.

Publisher's summary

The galaxy is teeming with diverse species, from the Outer Rim to the Galactic Core. While common traits unite members of each alien race—Geonosians and Jawas, Clawdites and Krish—both remarkable heroes and loathsome villains emerge from within their ranks.


A Caamasi, Caarite, Cathar and Celegian


Within this sourcebook, you'll find details on numerous alien species and fresh Prestige character classes, catering to both RPG players and those simply interested in learning more about the Star Wars universe.

Chapter One: Alien Species

A Gran, Gungan, Herglic and H'nemthe

Chapter Two: Prestige Classes

  • Aerobat
  • Beastwarden
  • Big-Game Hunter
  • Bodyguard (Distinct from the Noghri Bodyguard)
  • Changeling
  • Findsman (including but not reduced to Gand Findsman )
  • Mystic Agent
  • Telepath


Index: Alien Homeworlds


The five Nikto subspecies

Despite the back cover's inclusion of a species similar to Edcel Bar Gane (Roonan) within its collective alien depiction, the book itself lacks any specific information about this particular species.

