Disney Infinity 3.0 emerges as a toys-to-life, action-adventure sandbox video game, masterfully crafted by Avalanche Software and brought to the gaming world through Disney Interactive. Its initial release was on August 30, 2015. Notably, this title stands alone as the sole installment in the Disney Infinity series to comprehensively incorporate the Star Wars universe. While the online functionalities of the game ceased operations on March 3, 2017, the creative Toy Box mode and the distinct Play Sets remain fully accessible for gameplay. Within the game, players encounter three unique Play Sets, each drawing inspiration from the expansive Star Wars saga and the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The core game package includes the Twilight of the Republic Play Set, which loosely adapts various storylines from the Clone Wars period. Subsequently, Rise Against the Empire, the second Play Set, was launched on September 29, 2015, offering a retelling of the original trilogy's narrative. The final Star Wars Play Set, The Force Awakens, mirrors the events of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens and debuted concurrently with the film on December 18, 2015.
In the immersive world of Disney Infinity 3.0, players gain the ability to embody beloved characters originating from Disney, Lucasfilm, and Marvel properties. Furthermore, content was developed for movies released around the same time as the game, such as Inside Out, Finding Dory, Alice: Through the Looking Glass, Zootopia, and others. A significant emphasis is placed on Star Wars within Disney Infinity 3.0, providing players with the opportunity to control iconic figures from the Star Wars universe. Gamers can experience three distinct Playsets: Twilight of the Republic, Rise Against the Empire, and The Force Awakens.
The narrative framework of the Twilight of the Republic Play Set is rooted in the events of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and segments of the Prequel trilogy, spanning from 32 to 22 BBY. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, and Ahsoka Tano stumble upon a reactivated droid manufacturing facility located on the planet Geonosis. Consequently, these four Jedi embark on a quest to uncover the identity of the mastermind orchestrating the resurgence of the droid army. As the storyline unfolds, the quartet encounters General Grievous, Jabba the Hutt, Cad Bane, Mace Windu, Sebulba, Padmé Amidala, and the primary antagonist Darth Maul, traversing various planets including Coruscant, Naboo, and Tatooine.
The narrative commences amidst the Third Battle of Geonosis, where the Clone Army representing the Galactic Republic engages in combat against the Separatist Droid Army, supplied by the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During this conflict, the Jedi heroes dispatched by the Jedi Council, namely Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and Yoda, receive a holographic communication from Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Aayla Secura, informing them of the activation of the battle droid factory on the planet. The Jedi then embark on a mission to locate the entrance to the droid factory. Along their path, they engage in combat with additional battle droids within the Geonosis Arena. Following the standoff, the heroes rendezvous with Plo Koon at the entrance to the droid factory. With the bridge disengaged, the heroes must devise a method to reconnect it to traverse the cliffs. Once accomplished, Plo Koon accesses the control panel to unlock the door to the battle droid factory while the heroes fend off battle droids to ensure Plo Koon's safety until the door is opened. Subsequently, the heroes enter the droid factory, encountering intimidation from the Separatist droid leader General Grievous via intercoms throughout the facility. After a confrontation with Grievous' MagnaGuard droids, the Jedi locate Grievous and engage in combat. Upon defeat, Grievous reveals the identity of the individual assisting in the factory's activation, a protocol droid named TD-54.
The Jedi depart Geonosis, transporting Tee-Dee to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. However, they encounter resistance from the Trade Federation flagship and vulture droids, accompanied by a fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers to provide assistance to the Jedi. Following the space battle, the Trade Federation flagship enters hyperspace, leaving the Jedi and the Republic fleet behind. Once clear, the Jedi set a course for Coruscant. Upon arrival, the Jedi escort Tee-Dee to the Jedi Temple to meet Jedi Masters Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, and Mace Windu. The Jedi encounter Senator Amidala, who informs them of her departure to attend a conference with the Chancellor on Naboo, and assures Anakin that she will call for assistance if needed before departing. The Jedi then arrive at the main council room at the summit of the temple. Following a brief discussion regarding Tee-Dee's fate, Plo, Secura, and Windu conclude that Tee-Dee's memory banks must be accessed at the Tech Citadel to retrieve information regarding the individual who activated the droid factory. The Jedi concur and escort Tee-Dee to an airspeeder for transport to the Tech Citadel, only to be ambushed by the bounty hunter Cad Bane, who abducts Tee-Dee and flees in his own speeder. Upon learning of Cad Bane's actions from Obi-Wan, Anakin boards his airspeeder. Anakin pursues Cad Bane through the streets of Coruscant. Following the chase through the streets and lower levels of Coruscant, Anakin and Cad Bane reach the summit of the Jedi Temple. In a desperate maneuver to evade his pursuer, Bane rams his airspeeder into the communications tower atop the temple, causing it to collapse and severely damaging his speeder. Enraged by the damage to his speeder, Bane attempts to escape and navigate past other vehicles while Tee-Dee glitches in and out after being rammed into the communications tower telling Anakin to stop him. Once Cad Bane can no longer evade the Jedi, he crash-lands in the lower section of Coruscant. Upon crash-landing, Tee-Dee's head detaches from his body, yet both Tee-Dee and Cad Bane survive the crash, with Tee-Dee's head completely severed but still functional, and Cad Bane remaining relatively unscathed. The Jedi corner Cad Bane, but Bane escapes, dispatching his Nikto thugs to engage the Jedi. Following the skirmish, the Jedi locate Cad Bane, who throws Tee-Dee's head off the balcony, but Ahsoka saves the head by using the Force, and Cad Bane escapes by using his jetpack.
After returning Tee-Dee's head to the Jedi Temple, the Jedi Masters dispatch it to the Tech Citadel to unlock its memory banks. The Jedi are congratulated and depart Coruscant, heading to Tatooine, Anakin's home planet, which is the location of who was behind the activation of the droid factory on Geonosis, the crime lord and vile gangster Jabba the Hutt, revealed by Jedi Masters Plo, Secura and Windu back on Coruscant. Upon arriving on Tatooine, the Jedi are informed by Windu that Jabba was Tee-Dee's last owner and instructed to search for his private box in the Podracing arena in Mos Espa. The Jedi proceed to Jabba's private box, only to be denied entry by his two Gamorrean guards stationed outside. However, the Gamorrean guards propose a task to the Jedi in exchange for entry: destroying battle droids and retrieving Jabba's special cargo from one corner of the spaceport. The Jedi agree and fulfill the guards' request. Once the special cargo is delivered to the Gamorrean guards, they grant the Jedi unrestricted access from then on. The player has the option to freely explore Tatooine and undertake tasks for the civilians if desired. Upon entering Jabba's private box, the Jedi encounter the crime lord, who is being entertained by his Twi'lek dancers, and interrogate him regarding Tee-Dee and the activation of the droid factory on Geonosis. Jabba denies any involvement until Anakin intervenes with an offer. Anakin proposes a rematch between himself and Sebulba, the Dug who used to bully him as a child, stipulating that if Anakin wins the race, Jabba must reveal to the Jedi who or what assisted him in activating the droid factory. Jabba inquires about the consequences of Anakin's defeat, to which Anakin offers himself, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Yoda as new slaves for the market. Yoda shakes his head in disapproval, while Tano and Kenobi exchange shocked glances at Skywalker. Jabba accepts the offer, and Kenobi expresses his usual sense of foreboding. Satisfied with the agreement, the Jedi proceed to the garage to repair Anakin's old Podracer, only to find the mechanic being harassed by Nikto thugs. The Jedi rescue the mechanic, who offers to lend his landspeeder for transportation around Tatooine if needed back at the garage. The mechanic then states that he requires parts to repair the Podracer, and the Jedi will need a metal detector to locate 3 gyro rings. Upon finding them, the mechanic states that he needs control rods and energy binders to complete the Podracer. The Jedi attempt to locate the energy binders in the Tusken Raider camps on the other side of Tatooine, while being ambushed by Tuskens. Once the Jedi acquire the necessary components, the mechanic reveals that the control rods are lodged in the mouth of the Sarlacc in the Great Pit of Carkoon. After retrieving said part, both them and the mechanic set to work using all three parts. With the Podracer repaired, the race commences, and the announcer provides commentary on the racers as they navigate the raceway. Upon Anakin's victory, the mechanic back at the garage congratulates him and humorously remarks on witnessing Jabba's reaction to fulfilling Anakin's offer, urging Anakin to reach his private box before he escapes.
The Jedi return to Jabba's private box, where they find Jabba dismissing Sebulba and denouncing him as worthless after losing the race and threatening to feed him to the Sarlacc pit. Ahsoka reminds Jabba that a bet is a bet and that he should disclose everything to the Jedi, but Jabba insists that he had no involvement and that the Shadow Collective was responsible. Upon realizing the Shadow Collective's involvement, Obi-Wan suggests that not only was the Shadow Collective involved, but the Sith apprentice Darth Maul was behind it too. Yoda expresses his concern, and Anakin questions Jabba about Maul's destination with the war machines, to which Jabba replies that Maul's cargo ships were en route to the planet Naboo but declines to tell the Jedi what he is doing. Anakin suggests that Maul is targeting the peace conference between Padmé and the Galactic Senate. The Jedi hear a voice agreeing with them, and they see Death Watch commandos infiltrating Jabba's private box, and the Jedi find themselves battling against the Death Watch commandos while the spectators in Jabba's private box flee. After defeating the Death Watch commandos, Jabba states that he is impressed by the powers the Jedi hold to take them out. The Jedi then receive a hologram of Windu informing them that Darth Maul is heading for Naboo and targeting Amidala's peace delegation and that the Jedi need to go there immediately. The Jedi depart Tatooine and set course for Naboo.
Upon arriving on Naboo, the Jedi discover that Maul and the Shadow Collective are blockading the planet with Trade Federation battleships, prompting the Republic fleet to intervene in defense. The Jedi are unable to land on Naboo until they eliminate enemy vulture droids. After shooting down some of the vulture droids attacking the Republic fleet, some of the Naboo starfighters step in to help while the Venator-class Star Destroyers charge up their main guns. With the remaining vulture droids neutralized, the Republic fleet unleashes its main guns on the Trade Federation flagship, destroying it. With the orbital zone cleared of enemy forces, the Republic fleet departs Naboo, and the Jedi land on the planet to locate Darth Maul. Upon entering the hangar bay housing Naboo starfighters, the Jedi encounter the Gungan Jar Jar Binks in his clumsiness with his foot hanging on to one of the hooks of a crane and Jar Jar is calling for help to get him down. Jar Jar then sees the Jedi and asks them to get him down from the crane and he will tell them where the battle droids are keeping Padmé. The Jedi assist Jar Jar, but Droidekas emerge from the palace and initiate an attack. The Jedi neutralize the Droidekas. A grateful Jar Jar volunteers to be their guide. Jar Jar requests the Jedi to find a means of opening one of the hangar bay doors, which is currently jammed. Jar Jar then proposes a plan involving accessing a control panel that operates the crane for the Naboo starfighters. Jar Jar devises a strategy to utilize the laser canons on one of the starfighters to shoot the door, provided the Jedi assist by pressing a button. The Jedi agree and attempt to reach the Naboo starfighter positioned in the center of the hangar. The Jedi reach the Naboo starfighter and Jar Jar is impressed and gives them the OK to press the button. Once the Jedi press the button, Jar Jar presses another button on the control panel, only to have the starfighter go completely haywire and start flying around the hangar, knocking down crates in its path. The craft then flies through the jammed door and crashes into one of the walls in the next room. Jar Jar apologizes for the accident but carries on like nothing happened and instructs the Jedi to take a shortcut through an air duct to the generator room. Jar Jar finds the door the generator room but is unable to open it by himself. Jar Jar asks the Jedi for assistance, which they use the Force to open the door. Once opened, the Jedi and Jar Jar grind on rails down the narrow hallway while Jar Jar is screaming and laughing at the same time. Once the fun is over, Jar Jar finds himself in an unfamiliar part of the generator but tells the Jedi that it is the way they are supposed to go and asks the Jedi for assistance to open the door once again. Once inside the main generator, the Jedi and Jar Jar find more battle droids along with Death Watch commandos messing with the controls for the generator. The Jedi defeat the battle droids and Death Watch commandos and Jar Jar accesses a control panel to operate a lift for the Jedi to take to find Padmé while he dwells on how he does not like that part of the generator room. However, Jar Jar accidentally breaks the lift, electrocuting himself in the process. He recovers and then tells the Jedi that they will have to manually climb the towers to get the power back online. The Jedi manage to climb the towers and fix the lift. Jar Jar, upon finding out that the lift leads to Darth Maul, decides to stay behind.. Before entering the lift, battle droids are swarming but the Jedi obliterate them and take the lift up to where Darth Maul is. However, the lift only works for a few seconds and then it stops and Jar Jar says he will fix it, but then a MagnaGuard droid appears but the Jedi destroy it and Jar Jar fixes the lift but it stops working and he tells the Jedi that they will have to climb the lift manually after dealing with more battle droids. Once the Jedi reach the top, they find Padmé and the members of the peace delegation being taken away by Darth Maul. Padmé tries to reason with the Sith Apprentice but is interrupted by Maul who says he cares nothing about the peace delegation and that Padmé's fate is sealed like the rest. The Jedi step in to stop Maul and the Sith Apprentice states that the Republic and the Confederacy will be turned to ashes and his revenge will be complete. Anakin tells Maul that he is deluded and his hate blinds him.
The Jedi then engage in the ultimate confrontation with the Sith Apprentice. Maul attempts to evade the Jedi and dispatches additional Death Watch commandos to impede their progress. After defeating the Mandalorians, the Jedi confront Maul a second time in another section of the generator room. Maul, frustrated by his predicament, dispatches more battle droids and Death Watch commandos to hinder the Jedi as he escapes into the main generator. The Jedi eliminate them all and engage Maul one last time. Maul, enraged by his struggle, threatens to destroy the Jedi, who evade Maul's deadly assaults. Obi-Wan suggests that they can only defeat Maul if they unite as one. The Jedi then combine their powers of the Force to restrain Maul from attacking them. The Jedi unleash their final Force blast, knocking Maul off the platform and sending him plummeting into the pit below. The Jedi presume Maul has perished, but Yoda suggests that Maul may be defeated for the time being, but the Dark Side of the Force is strong with him and will not be defeated so easily next time. That evening, Padmé expresses her gratitude to the Jedi for rescuing her and the other delegates from Darth Maul's attempts to undermine the prospects of ending the Clone Wars. With their challenges resolved, they can collaborate towards a ceasefire. Anakin assures Amidala that the Jedi will spare no effort to end the war. Amidala and Jar Jar depart. Ahsoka inquires about their next course of action, but Anakin suggests that the battle is not yet concluded and that they have not seen the last of Darth Maul. Obi-Wan adds that they have not seen the last of General Grievous or Cad Bane either. He then says that they attract all kinds of unpleasant beings. Yoda then says there are more worlds to visit and more stories to tell, and that the galaxy is safe for now, concluding the narrative. After completing the playset, the player has a free chance of free roaming aorund the planets and completing side missions. They can also be put in the middle of the action during space battles against enemy vulture droids and helping out other Republic ships.
The Rise Against the Empire Play Set's storyline is rooted in the events of the classic Star Wars trilogy, with some differences. Differences include the storyline (which almost closely follows the original stories of A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi), free roam in space aboard ships like the Millennium Falcon, TIE fighters and even the X-wing starfighter. The Playset revolves around Luke Skywalker, his sister Princess Leia Organa, Han Solo and Chewbacca finding themselves locked in a stand-off with the forces of the evil Galactic Empire in the years 0 BBY to 4 ABY, during the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War.
When first starting the Rise Against the Empire Play Set, the story begins with the events of A New Hope with Princess Leia's personal starship, the Tantive IV, being pursued by a Star Destroyer, the Devastator. However, the main crew is escaping the Tantive IV along with C-3PO and R2-D2, the astromech droid who is carrying the plans and readouts of the Death Star, which was destroyed by the Rebel Alliance during the Battle of Yavin. When the main crew escapes the Tantive IV aboard an escape pod, the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader orders his stormtroopers to send a detachment down to the desert planet of Tatooine to retrieve the plans to the Death Star the heroes have stolen. After dodging asteroids and TIE fighters, the escape pod with the main crew crash lands on Tatooine, but they survive with no casualties. They then make their way to the escape pod the droids were in, but they are gone. C-3PO contacts the crew over a comm link, telling them that the Jedi general from the Clone Wars Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi is on Tatooine. The crew fights off Tusken Raiders and reach Ben's old hut. Once inside, the group discusses the situation of delivering the Death Star plans to Leia's home planet of Alderaan and needing a transport to get them there. Han brings up the idea of traveling to Alderaan on his ship, the Millennium Falcon, but C-3PO reminds Han that the Falcon is locked away in Mos Eisley because he forgot to pay the credits he owes the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. The crew decides to try to get the Falcon back and they head to Mos Eisley, but Ben tells Luke that he has something for him from his father, the lightsaber owned by his father during the Clone Wars. Luke tells Ben that he thought his father was a navigator on a spice freighter. Ben tells Luke that his father was the best star pilot in the galaxy and a Jedi until the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader betrayed and murdered his father. Ben then tells Luke that with proper training, he could become a Jedi as well. In Mos Eisley, the crew earns the credits they need to pay Jabba, but he is absent and his aide, Bib Fortuna, takes over. Once getting the Falcon back, the crew leaves Tatooine and sets course for Alderaan. The scene where Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star is omitted in the game. When the crew reach the original spot where Alderaan was, they find an asteroid field in its wake. Wondering where Alderaan went, Ben says that it was completely destroyed by the Empire. Leia feels sorrow for the lives that were lost as they reach the Death Star.
When the Falcon lands inside the hangar bay, the crew are told to make their way to the control room in the upper levels and that R2-D2 will read the Imperial computer network to find the tractor beam that is holding the Falcon there so they can disable it and leave. The crew make their way to the control room and R2 does a readout of the Imperial computer network and find where the tractor beam is. As the crew head out, Ben tells Luke that his destiny lies on his own path, but Luke insists for Ben to go with them, but Ben says he must go alone. Ben tells Luke that the Force will always be with him and leaves. As the crew makes their way back to the hangar bay by a shortcut due to the way they came in being sealed off, they fight off Imperial troops and avoid mouse droids in their path until they reach the hangar bay where the Falcon is being guarded by stormtroopers. The crew defeats the troops and heads for the Falcon to escape the Death Star. When the crew escapes the Death Star, the game actually shows Ben Kenobi's death at the hands of Darth Vader. However, after the crew leaves the Death Star, there is no inclusion of the TIE fighter attack sequence as seen in the movie.
After the Death Star is destroyed during The Battle of Yavin, Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader are planning on how to lure Luke into the Dark side of the Force. This immediately falls into the beginning of the game's version of The Empire Strikes Back. The story then continues on Hoth, where the Echo Base is attacked by the Empire and the Battle of Hoth begins. With Luke piloting a snowspeeder to take down AT-AT walkers, the Rebels successfully keep the Imperials at bay, but the shield generator is destroyed and the Rebels evacuate Hoth aboard the Rebel Transport. After the evacuation, Luke encounters Vader before escaping with the rest of the crew. Luke and Vader are locked in combat and then Vader reveals the truth about him being Luke's father like in the movie. When Luke rejects the offer to join Vader, he fights him once more before getting the signal from the crew to escape Hoth. Vader tries to stop them by using the Force to bring down hanging icicles from the interior of Echo Base but fails. Afterwards, the main crew escapes Hoth and into the Asteroid Field. However, instead of hiding inside the space worm to avoid being shot down by Imperial forces, the main crew instead flies the Millennium Falcon through the mouth of the space worm, almost being eaten by it, before collecting a holocron.
The narrative deviates from Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back at this point, omitting the Bespin sequence, Han Solo's carbonite encasement on Cloud City, and the presence of bounty hunter Boba Fett (despite his inclusion as a playable character, he is completely absent from the storyline). #### The Endor Conflict The plot then picks up during the events of Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, with the core team receiving a holographic message from Admiral Ackbar. Ackbar briefs the group, detailing the nearly operational state of the second Death Star orbiting the forest moon of Endor. Subsequently, the crew disembarks on Endor and encounters Han's alleged acquaintance, Lando Calrissian, who exhibits a more amicable demeanor compared to his portrayal in The Empire Strikes Back. Calrissian's sole appearance on Endor occurs at the Ewok Village and during the initial phase of the Battle of Endor. Following their journey to the shield bunker located on the opposite side of the forest, the Battle of Endor commences with a ground assault. The primary characters and the Ewoks engage in combat against Imperial forces and AT-ST walkers. With the destruction of the shield bunker and radar tower, the crew and Ewoks briefly celebrate, with the Ewoks embracing Han while Leia expresses concern for Luke as he gazes at the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station looming in the sky. Leia questions Luke about it, and Luke reveals that Darth Vader is aboard. Luke resolves to redeem his father and expose the good within him before the Rebel Alliance obliterates the space station. Leia cautions that the Rebels have a single opportunity to destroy the Death Star II and that she cannot request them to delay while Luke attempts to reason with his father, asserting that Luke is walking into a trap. Luke then implies he will undertake the mission alone to avoid jeopardizing the Rebels' chance of destroying the Death Star II, but Han interjects, affirming their collective involvement and questioning the potential risks. Imperial Star Destroyers clash with Mon Calamari cruisers, along with the Nebulon-B medical frigate Redemption and Ackbar's flagship Home One, supported by Rogue Squadron led by Wedge Antilles, and the main crew, including Lando, piloting the Millennium Falcon. After eliminating all enemy fighters, the crew penetrates the Death Star II to initiate their assault on the main reactor. While the space battle intensifies, Luke confronts Darth Vader in their final duel. The game omits the scene of Vader's hand being severed, as depicted in the film; similarly, when Luke initially battles Vader on Hoth instead of Bespin, Luke's hand remains intact as well. The Emperor attempts to entice Luke to succeed Vader, but Luke refuses, declaring his unwavering allegiance to the Jedi Order, like Vader before him. Palpatine then unleashes his Force lightning upon Luke before Vader lifts Palpatine and hurls him into the reactor abyss, resulting in Palpatine's demise. During Luke's final conversation with Vader, the scene of Luke removing Vader's helmet is excluded. Following the showdown with Vader and Palpatine, the Rebels reach and destroy the Death Star II's main reactor. With the Death Star II engulfed in flames, the Rebels escape, and everyone rejoices in its destruction. The conclusion of Rise Against the Empire mirrors the Return of the Jedi Special Edition ending, showcasing celebrations across Tatooine, Naboo, and Coruscant marking the end of the Empire's tyranny. The ending also features Ben Kenobi, Yoda, and Anakin Skywalker as ghosts. However, in his spectral form, Anakin retains his Jedi combat attire instead of the Jedi robes worn by Kenobi in both his regular and ghostly appearances. Upon completing the playset, the player gains the freedom to explore the planets, replay levels, and undertake side missions at their discretion. ## The Force Awakens A playset inspired by Star Wars: The Force Awakens debuted in December 2015; it was revealed at the D23 Expo that the playset would prominently feature Finn and Rey from the movie. Kylo Ren and Poe Dameron were subsequently confirmed as playable characters. ### Opening crawl ### Game summary #### Escaping the Finalizer The narrative of The Force Awakens playset closely mirrors the film's events in the year 34 ABY. However, the story commences with Kylo Ren commanding his forces to apprehend the fugitives Poe Dameron, the Resistance's premier pilot, and Finn (also known as FN-2187), who defected from the First Order. Poe and Finn navigate Ren's Star Destroyer, the Finalizer, a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, evading capture by First Order troops. The pair manages to escape the Finalizer but are shot down before reaching Jakku, causing their TIE/fo space superiority fighter to crash on the planet. Upon learning of the escape, Kylo Ren instructs the First Order commander to deploy a squad of stormtroopers to the planet to secure BB-8, Poe's astromech droid, and retrieve the data regarding the location of the missing Jedi Luke Skywalker. #### Meeting on Jakku Stranded on the planet, Finn searches for Poe but fails to locate him amidst the wreckage. Finn, presuming Poe is lost and possessing only his jacket, seeks out civilians. Rey, the scavenger who safeguarded BB-8, encounters Finn and questions his identity and the origin of Poe's jacket. Finn recounts the situation and enlists Rey's assistance. Rey agrees, and she and Finn prepare to journey to the town to negotiate with Unkar Plutt for a ship, only to narrowly avoid being swallowed by a sinkhole. Upon reaching the market where Unkar Plutt's shop is located, Rey requests a ship from Unkar. Unkar insists on payment. Discovering that Rey and Finn lack the necessary credits, he instructs them to return when they are serious but offers a second option: trading BB-8 for a ship. Rey declines, stating that they will acquire the funds Unkar requires. Despite this, Unkar persists in offering the trade of BB-8, which Rey consistently refuses. Unkar summons his Jakku scavengers to assist him, but BB-8 inadvertently injures his foot. Unkar drops a hologram, revealing to Rey and Finn that BB-8 has a bounty on him, alerting the First Order to his location. Rey and Finn then commandeer the Millennium Falcon, formerly Han Solo's ship, and attempt to flee Jakku, only to be besieged by First Order TIE fighters. The most significant alteration in the chase sequence, where Rey and Finn are pursued by TIE fighters, stems from Disney Infinity's exclusion of Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts like the Executor from The Empire Strikes Back. Consequently, the Ravager, which crash-landed on Jakku during the Battle of Jakku before the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, is absent, and Rey and Finn do not navigate its interior, nor do they traverse any of the downed Imperial-class Star Destroyers that were also lost during the Battle of Jakku before the end of the Galactic Civil War. #### Boarding The Eravana After destroying the enemy fighters, the duo escapes Jakku after one or two remaining TIE fighters crash into the remains of one of the Star Destroyers from the Battle of Jakku. However, the trip is cut short when the Falcon stops moving and is caught in a tractor beam and board the Eravana, a Rathtar smuggling vessel owned by the Guavian Death Gang. After being boarded, the duo are greeted by Han Solo and Chewbacca. After a brief introduction, Rey and Finn explain why they took the Falcon. Afterwards, Han has to deal with the Guavians before they get the all clear to leave the Eravana. Aboard the Eravana, the Rathtars are nowhere to be seen. After the crew leaves the Eravana, they land on Takodana to seek help on getting BB-8 back to the Resistance. However, Maz Kanata is omitted from the planet and so is the fight with Rey and Kylo Ren. The crew reach Maz's Castle, then greet the protocol droid Emmie. However, in the game, the main entrance to the castle is permanently closed and cannot be accessed. The only way to get to the point where the crew seek help to get BB-8 back to the Resistance is by climbing up the castle. When the crew reaches the top of the second level of the castle, the cutscene shows the crew outside the entrance to the castle when greeting Emmie. After the crew leaves, the protocol droid GA-97 is hiding from onlookers to pick up information on BB-8. The cutscene then cuts to Kylo Ren and the First Order commander aboard the Finalizer just above Takodana. The First Order commander updates Ren with the location of BB-8 and asks permission to pursue. Ren only nods, not saying a word but clenching his fist tight. #### Attack on Takodana When the crew leaves Maz's Castle, Rey makes a welcoming statement that she has never eaten much of the food that was in the castle, seeing how hungry she must have been while living the scavenger life back on Jakku. It may seem unreal to some other players, but Rey also makes a remark about how she could barely afford to eat sand with the money Unkar Plutt gives her from her job as a scavenger, since she wouldn't eat anything other than what she is given. Unkar overhears this as he approaches Maz's Castle with his team of scavengers and lets Rey know about it. Rey asks how Unkar managed to travel to Takodana and Unkar says he has his connections and put an Imperial homing device on the Millennium Falcon while calling the ship a scrap heap. Han, seeming offended by Unkar's words, picks a fight with Unkar and his scavengers, with Rey and Finn to aid Han. After the fight, Rey sees BB-8 going somewhere else and asks where while Emmie brings in security to take Unkar Plutt away. Afterwards, everyone sees red lights in the sky, and Finn realizes that the First Order has fired their ultimate weapon and is destroying planets within its reach. First Order TIE fighters are then sent to Takodana and attack Maz's Castle and different parts of Takodana, targeting civilians as well. When the First Order attacks Maz's Castle, Finn picks up the lightsaber instead of Rey. A YT-2400 light freighter will land on a platform near Maz's Castle while in free roam or during a mission. After battling several First Order militia on Takodana, Finn, Han and Chewie are cornered until a squadron of Resistance X-Wing starfighters appear in the distance above the ocean behind Maz's Castle. A brief shout of joy from Poe is heard as the X-Wings attack the TIE fighters and enemy forces on the ground. BB-8 then appears with a hologram of General Leia Organa, who tells Han that he's "in the thick of it" just like old times. Han, surprised by Leia's appearance, asks her how she got to him, and Leia says the Resistance has spies like the First Order thanks to the assistance of the droids C-3PO and GA-97. However, in the hologram with Leia, when C-3PO appears, his red arm is omitted and not seen in a darker color like Leia's clothing. Finn and Poe greet each other, happy to see they are both unscathed. Poe even compliments Finn on the Resistance jacket, even though it was originally Poe's before Finn found it in the wreckage of the TIE fighter they used to fly out of the Finalizer back on Jakku. Since Poe complimented Finn on him wearing Poe's Resistance jacket, Poe lets Finn keep it. Later, Han, Chewie, Poe and Finn board the Millennium Falcon and make the jump to hyperspace en route to Starkiller Base, a weapon similar to the Death Star, that destroyed the Hosnian system before the battle on Takodana. Leia debriefs the crew on Starkiller Base and how the Resistance base could be the next target for the First Order. Leia says she needs someone to infiltrate the base and set charges to the main thermal oscillator to destroy it. Finn offers to help with the mission since he was stationed on the base on a sanitation job, and Poe agrees to help. Han makes an understatement that he might have to go along with the idea, but Poe and Leia play it off as Han's answer to proceed with the mission. #### Arriving on Starkiller Base They attack enemy ships and Star Destroyers above the planet before making the lightspeed jump past the planetary shield protecting the planet from ships not using lightspeed. Han Solo tries the jump for lightspeed after Finn complains of trying hyperspace again since they jumped to hyperspace from inside the main hanger on the Eravana, and the crew gets past the planetary shield and lands on the planet and infiltrate the base. Once inside the planetary shield, the First Order commander updates Kylo Ren on the Falcon landing on the base and asks Ren if he could send a detachment to investigate the matter while both of them watch the battle above Starkiller Base. Ren denies the commander's permission and states that he will handle it by himself. Once inside the base, the main crew disables the planetary shield to allow the Resistance to enter the planet and attack the thermal oscillator. Afterwards, the crew sets charges inside the oscillator and set them off. However, the scene with Han Solo being killed by Kylo Ren is omitted. Once the charges go off, Finn and Rey are locked in a final battle with Ren still inside the base for the first time, and then out in the forest for the second and last time. Ren then advances towards Finn and Rey. Finn tries to fight back but is knocked unconscious by Ren. Rey picks up the lightsaber, fights Ren one last time, defeats him, and climbs aboard the Millennium Falcon, taking Finn with her. Once Starkiller Base is destroyed, the Falcon is in space away from the explosion. Leia congratulates Rey on returning the information of Skywalker from BB-8 to the Resistance with the help of R2-D2. Leia states that the battle may be over, but the war rages on and that she needs help and hope, but Rey reassures Leia that if Skywalker is out there, they will find him. The Millennium Falcon jumps to lightspeed, ending the story. After completing the playset, the player will have a free chance of free roaming the planets and completing side missions and favors. ## Star Wars Rebels You can play as characters Ezra, Kanan, Sabine or Zeb from the television series Star Wars Rebels by collecting their champion coins throughout the Republic Era, Rise Against the Empire and The Force Awakens playsets. ## Easter eggs and trivia - The layout of Geonosis for the player to explore on is different than in Attack of the Clones . - The player can land on small isolated moons on the different planets in all three playsets to compete in challenges and earn medals depending on their score. - In Twilight of the Republic, only the ARC-170 starfighter , Jedi starfighter and Naboo starfighter are flyable in free roam or story missions. In Rise Against the Empire , only the X-wing starfighter , Millennium Falcon , TIE fighter , TIE Interceptor and Darth Vader's TIE Advanced are flyable in free roam or story missions. In The Force Awakens , only the Millennium Falcon , First Order standard and Special Forces TIE fighters , Poe's X-wing and the standard Resistance X-Wing are flyable in free roam or story missions. - In the Toy Box, if the player has all the power disc sets for the three Star Wars playsets, they will be able to customize their own Star Wars toy boxes. With the Felucia tools and sky power discs from Twilight of the Republic (Skies of Felucia and Forest of Felucia), the player can create a Toy Box world based on the planet Felucia. With the power disc and the image of General Grievous , the player is able to use Grievous' wheel bike from Revenge of the Sith (excluding Grievous since he only appears as a boss fight). With the power disc with the image of Mace Windu (Galactic Team-Up: Mace Windu), the player can call on Windu to appear as an aid for the player during battle for a short amount of time. There are two power discs that have pictures of two ships not seen in the story of Rise Against the Empire , the Y-Wing starfighter and Boba Fett's Slave I . When the player uses the Y-Wing power disc, they can fly it around their toy boxes. When using the Slave I power disc, the player can fly the Slave I around their toy boxes with it as well. The other two power discs have images of different outfits, one for Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. For Luke, the player can use the power disc Rebel Alliance Flight Suit to change Luke's outfit from his traditional Tatooine moisture farm clothes into his flight suit when he flies different ships in the Toy Box. A similar situation involves outfit changing for Princess Leia. When the player uses the Princess Leia Boushh Disguise power disc, Leia's outfit changes from her traditional Princess of Alderaan robes into her Boushh bounty hunter disguise from Return of the Jedi . In the power disc set for The Force Awakens , a similar outfit change scenario goes for Finn and Poe . For the power disc Finn's Stormtrooper Costume, the player can change Finn's outfit from Poe's Resistance jacket into his First Order stormtrooper armor. For the power disc Poe's Resistance Jacket, the player can change Poe's outfit from his Resistance flight suit into his Resistance jacket, which is what he originally wore before he let Finn keep it. In the power disc Resistance Tactical Strike, the player can use this to cause destructive laser to appear out of nowhere in the sky and strike in front of them. In the power disc Quad Jumper, the player will be allowed to fly the Quad Jumper in their Toy Box when in use. - The storylines for the Star Wars Play Sets Rise Against the Empire and The Force Awakens are almost identical to the storyline in the original trilogy and The Force Awakens itself. However, since Twilight of the Republic follows the events of Star Wars: The Clone Wars , the storyline is different and not identical to the prequel trilogy.. - The garbage compactor from the Death Star in A New Hope , sidekick cannon, and any other Star Wars toys that cannot be unlocked in the playsets can only be unlocked in the Toy Box Takeover expansion pack. - The Star Wars sidekick costumes are based off of all of the playable characters and some non-playable characters in the game like the Ewoks and Hera Syndulla . - The projector of the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station above the forest moon of Endor from Return of the Jedi can be used as decoration inside the player's Toy Box worlds or their interior in the Toy Box Hub - The Outrider , Dash Rendar's ship from Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire , appears on Tatooine in the Rise Against the Empire Play Set, and on Takodana in the Play Set for The Force Awakens . - All three playsets have a mission where the player must hunt down and kill 100 mynocks . - The Star Wars playset blocks, decorations, etc. are all based on almost every planet seen in the game - All Star Wars characters have special abilities that can be purchased and unlocked from the Skill Tree when they reach a certain overall character or when they reach the maximum level 20 - When the player first starts Disney Infinity 3.0 and links their Disney Account with the game, they will automatically receive an offer to unlock Hera Syndulla to use as a townsperson in their Toy Box, and the Ghost to allow different characters to fly in it. Hera was eventually going to be released as a playable character for Disney Infinity 3.0 , but was scrapped when the Disney Infinity series cancelled and shut down production, taking everyone's Disney Accounts with them. The figure design of Hera was revealed as a concept for the character prior to the cancellation of Disney Infinity. ## Behind the scenes In a 2023 AMA, the former story lead, Adrian Ropp revealed that he fought for the inclusion of Ahsoka Tano, along with the needed support from Lucasfilm Story Group; in an effort to diversify the game. Other characters such as Captain Rex, Jyn Erso, and K-2SO were designed but never went further into development. He later revealed that in Star Wars: The Force Awakens playset, Maz Kanata was nowhere to be seen due to the model of the character being unfinished by the time of release; she was then replaced by a droid as the guide throughout Takodana instead. ## Credits
At this juncture, the storyline veers away from the events of The Empire Strikes Back, specifically excluding the events that transpire on Bespin, Han Solo's imprisonment within carbonite on Cloud City, and the presence of the bounty hunter Boba Fett (despite his availability as a playable character, he is conspicuously absent throughout the narrative). #### The Confrontation on Endor Subsequently, the plot transitions to the timeline of Return of the Jedi, where the central protagonists receive a message via hologram from Admiral Ackbar. Ackbar briefs the team, providing details about the near-completion of the second Death Star, which is positioned above the forest moon of Endor. Following this briefing, the crew lands on Endor and encounters Lando Calrissian, whom Han refers to as a friend. In this game, Calrissian displays a greater degree of friendliness compared to his depiction in The Empire Strikes Back. Calrissian's only appearance on Endor occurs within the Ewok Village and during the initial segment of the Battle of Endor. After making their way to the shield bunker, situated on the far side of the forest, the Battle of Endor commences with a ground-based conflict. The main characters, alongside the Ewoks, engage in combat against Imperial soldiers and AT-ST walkers. With the shield bunker and radar tower destroyed, the crew and the Ewoks engage in a brief celebration, during which the Ewoks embrace Han, while Leia expresses concern for Luke as he directs his gaze toward the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station in the sky. Leia inquires about it, and Luke reveals that Darth Vader is present. Luke decides to rescue his father and reveal the good within him before the Rebel Alliance destroys the space station. Leia explains that the Rebels have only one chance to destroy the Death Star II and that she cannot ask them to wait while Luke tries to reason with his father, saying that Luke is walking into a trap. Luke then implies that he will go alone, as to not interfere with the chance of the Rebels destroying the Death Star II, but Han cuts in and says that they are all in it together and asks what could go wrong. Imperial Star Destroyers engage in combat with Mon Calamari cruisers, along with the Nebulon-B medical frigate Redemption and Ackbar's ship Home One, while being aided by Rogue Squadron commandeered by Wedge Antilles, and the main crew, including Lando, flying the Millennium Falcon. After destroying all the enemy fighters, the crew flies into the Death Star II to begin their attack on the main reactor. While the battle in space rages on, Luke faces his final fight against Darth Vader. Once Luke defeats Vader, it is not included in the game that Vader's hand is cut off like it was in the movie; the same goes for when Luke fights Vader for the first time on Hoth instead of Bespin, and Luke's hand is not cut off, either. The Emperor tries to persuade Luke to take Vader's place, but Luke declines, saying he will never turn to the dark side and that he is a Jedi like Vader before him. Palpatine then tries to kill Luke with his Force lightning before Vader picks up Palpatine and throws him down the abyss where the reactor is and Palpatine dies. When Luke talks to Vader one last time, the scene where Luke removes Vader's helmet is omitted. After the showdown with Vader and Palpatine, the Rebels reach the main reactor of the Death Star II and destroy it. With the Death Star II ablaze, the Rebels escape, and everyone celebrates after its destruction. At the end of Rise Against the Empire, the ending from the Return of the Jedi Special Edition is seen with everyone celebrating the end of the tyranny of the Empire on the planets Tatooine, Naboo and Coruscant. The ending also shows Ben Kenobi, Yoda and Anakin Skywalker as ghosts. However, in ghost form, Anakin is still wearing his Jedi combat outfit instead of the Jedi robes that Kenobi wears in both regular and ghost forms. After the player completes the playset, he/she has a chance to free roam around the planets, replay levels and complete side missions if they want. ## The Force Awakens A playset based on Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released in December 2015; it was announced at the D23 Expo that the playset would feature Finn and Rey from the film. Kylo Ren and Poe Dameron were later confirmed as playable characters. ### Opening crawl ### Game summary #### Escaping the Finalizer The story of the playset for The Force Awakens almost exactly follows that of the film in the year 34 ABY. However, the story begins with Kylo Ren ordering his militia to find the fugitives Poe Dameron, the best pilot in the Resistance, and Finn (also known as FN-2187) who turned his back on the First Order. Poe and Finn fly throughout Ren's Star Destroyer, the Finalizer, which is a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, and avoid being subdued by First Order troops. The duo makes it out of the Finalizer, but gets shot down before reaching Jakku and the TIE/fo space superiority fighter they are in plummets to the planet. After hearing of the escape, Kylo Ren orders the First Order commander to send a squad of stormtroopers down to the planet to snag BB-8, Poe's astromech droid, and retrieve the data on the location of the missing Jedi Luke Skywalker. #### Meeting on Jakku Down on the planet, Finn looks for Poe, but is unable to find him in the wreckage. Finn, thinking he lost Poe and has nothing but his jacket, looks around for civilians. Rey, the scavenger who watched over BB-8, meets Finn and questions him about who he is and where he got Poe's jacket. Finn explains the situation and asks Rey to help him. Rey agrees and she and Finn are about to head to the town to speak with Unkar Plutt for a ship, only to almost be swallowed by a sinkhole. Once Rey and Finn reach the market where Unkar Plutt's shop is, Rey asks Unkar for a ship she could use. Unkar only accepts offers for a price. Once finding that Rey and Finn do not have credits to pay him, he tells them to come back when they are serious, but makes a second option for the duo to trade BB-8 for a ship. Rey declines and states that they will bring the money Unkar needs. Once done, Unkar keeps making the offer to trade BB-8 and Rey refuses. Unkar brings his Jakku scavengers to aid him, only to have his foot slightly injured as BB-8 runs over it. Unkar drops a hologram and Rey and Finn find that BB-8 has a bounty on him that lets the First Order know about his location. Rey and Finn then take the Millennium Falcon, which used to be Han Solo's ship, and attempt to fly out of Jakku, only to be bombarded by First Order TIE fighters. The biggest difference in the chase sequence where Rey and Finn are pursued by the TIE fighters and try to fend them off is that since Disney Infinity did not include the Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts like the Executor from The Empire Strikes Back, the Ravager that crash-landed on Jakku during the Battle of Jakku before the end of the Galactic Civil War was not included, and Rey and Finn are not flying inside it, nor flying inside any of the downed Imperial-class Star Destroyers that were also lost during the Battle of Jakku before the end of the Galactic Civil War. #### Boarding The Eravana After shooting down the enemy fighters, the duo makes it out of Jakku after one or two remaining TIE fighters crash into the remains of one of the Star Destroyers from the Battle of Jakku. However, the trip is cut short when the Falcon stops moving and is caught in a tractor beam and board the Eravana, a Rathtar smuggling vessel owned by the Guavian Death Gang. After being boarded, the duo are greeted by Han Solo and Chewbacca. After a brief introduction, Rey and Finn explain why they took the Falcon. Afterwards, Han has to deal with the Guavians before they get the all clear to leave the Eravana. Aboard the Eravana, the Rathtars are nowhere to be seen. After the crew leaves the Eravana, they land on Takodana to seek help on getting BB-8 back to the Resistance. However, Maz Kanata is omitted from the planet and so is the fight with Rey and Kylo Ren. The crew reach Maz's Castle, then greet the protocol droid Emmie. However, in the game, the main entrance to the castle is permanently closed and cannot be accessed. The only way to get to the point where the crew seek help to get BB-8 back to the Resistance is by climbing up the castle. When the crew reaches the top of the second level of the castle, the cutscene shows the crew outside the entrance to the castle when greeting Emmie. After the crew leaves, the protocol droid GA-97 is hiding from onlookers to pick up information on BB-8. The cutscene then cuts to Kylo Ren and the First Order commander aboard the Finalizer just above Takodana. The First Order commander updates Ren with the location of BB-8 and asks permission to pursue. Ren only nods, not saying a word but clenching his fist tight. #### Attack on Takodana When the crew leaves Maz's Castle, Rey makes a welcoming statement that she has never eaten much of the food that was in the castle, seeing how hungry she must have been while living the scavenger life back on Jakku. It may seem unreal to some other players, but Rey also makes a remark about how she could barely afford to eat sand with the money Unkar Plutt