Drikl Lecersen was a human male who, beginning in 41 ABY, held a position on the Council of Moffs within the Imperial Remnant. As a supporter of Gilad Pellaeon, Lecersen was a conservative Moff, deeply committed to duty and maintaining constant combat readiness at all times. During the Second Galactic Civil War, Lecersen advocated for a cooperative alliance between the Remnant and the Galactic Alliance under the leadership of Chief of State Darth Caedus to combat the Confederation, a rebellious faction opposing Caedus's rule. In exchange for providing warships and soldiers to bolster the Alliance's war efforts, the Remnant secured control over the Bilbringi and Borleias star systems, a move the Moffs interpreted as the initial step toward reestablishing the Galactic Empire. Following the assassination of Pellaeon during the Second Battle of Fondor, the Remnant solidified its alignment with the Galactic Alliance under Caedus.
As the conflict intensified, Lecersen supervised the conquest of the Roche asteroid field and narrowly escaped the Mandalorian massacre of Moffs during a subsequent raid on the asteroid Nickel One. After this close call, Lecersen accompanied Chief of State Caedus into combat during an attack targeting a Jedi Coalition base situated on Shedu Maad within the Hapes Cluster. Defying Caedus's direct orders, the Moff authorized the development and deployment of a nanovirus specifically engineered to target the bloodline of Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo. This action ultimately proved unsuccessful, and with Caedus's death, the battle concluded in defeat for the combined Alliance and Remnant forces. Surrounded by Jedi forces, Lecersen and the remaining Moffs were presented with a choice: imprisonment or supporting the Alliance as atonement for their involvement in the war. The Moff Council chose the latter, and to ensure their cooperation, Jagged Fel, the son of starfighter pilot Soontir Fel, was appointed as Imperial Head of State, a decision Lecersen supported, given the elder Fel's esteemed reputation as an Imperial pilot.
By 43 ABY, Lecersen continued to serve as a Moff under Fel's governance. However, the Moff viewed Fel's burgeoning relationship with Jedi Knight Jaina Solo as a vulnerability for both the Head of State and the Remnant in general. Lecersen aimed to exploit Fel's romantic involvement, along with other factors present in the chaotic post-war galaxy, to his own advantage, with the ultimate goal of restoring the Empire. Lecersen's schemes grew substantially during the year as he became involved in a conspiracy led by Alliance Senator Haydnat Treen with the intention of seizing control of both the Remnant and Alliance governments in an attempt to bring about the resurgence of the Old Empire. While simultaneously plotting against Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala, Lecersen also sought to replace Fel as Head of State. By 44 ABY, the conspiracy had achieved only limited success, and Lecersen was compelled to ally himself with the recently deposed Chief of State Daala in her quest to become Empress in order to save his own life. Following an extended standoff against Fel's forces, both factions agreed to end hostilities in favor of a general election to determine the next Head of State.

Drikl Lecersen, a Human male Moff of the Imperial Remnant, was a member of the Council of Moffs, the governing body of the Remnant, from 41 ABY. A staunch supporter of Imperial Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon, Lecersen stood in opposition to Grand Moff Quille's faction within the council, which was against Pellaeon. Lecersen was a traditional Moff who firmly believed in duty, maintaining a state of combat readiness at all times.
In 41 ABY, during the height of the Second Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Alliance and the Confederation, Alliance Joint-Chief of State Darth Caedus, formerly the Jedi Knight Jacen Solo who had fallen to the dark side of the Force, extended an offer to Supreme Commander Pellaeon for a mutual aid treaty between their respective governments. Caedus sought access to the Remnant's warships for use in the ongoing war. However, Pellaeon had no intention of aligning with Caedus's regime. Nevertheless, news of the offer reached members of the Moff Council. Prior to the weekly council meeting held in Ravelin on the Remnant capital of Bastion, Lecersen and Pellaeon briefly discussed Caedus's proposal. Pellaeon suggested that Grand Moff Quille's faction was likely aware of the proposal. Lecersen couldn't resist a grin when this proved accurate, jokingly requesting Pellaeon's "psychic abilities" for future bets on odupiendo races.
As the meeting commenced, Quille indeed brought up the offer. When Pellaeon remained silent, Lecersen prompted the Grand Moff to continue, even interrupting his speech with a well-timed jest. The discussion proceeded, and it was Lecersen who inquired whether the council wished to expand Imperial territory. When Moff Rosset asked if they would vote on the matter, Lecersen responded on Pellaeon's behalf, stating that the motion was not up for consideration and that the council should observe the situation before Pellaeon made a decision. The meeting concluded, and the Moffs departed.
Caedus dispatched Tahiri Veila, his aspiring apprentice, to discuss the terms of his proposal with Pellaeon. Veila informed the Remnant's leader that Caedus was fully prepared to cede control of the Bilbringi shipyards and Borleias to the Remnant in exchange for Imperial assistance in an Alliance attack on Fondor, a world aligned with the Confederation. After Veila's departure, Pellaeon instructed his aide Vitor Reige to convene the Moff Council to discuss this new proposal. The Moffs recognized that the Alliance would be unable to hold Fondor independently, and their presence on the world, combined with the addition of Bilbringi and Borleias, would facilitate the transition from the Imperial Remnant to a new Empire. The Council, including Lecersen, unanimously approved Caedus's offer with enthusiastic applause.
Imperial warships, including Turbulent-class Star Destroyers, were deployed to support the Alliance Third and Fourth Fleets in the assault on Fondor. As the battle unfolded, Pellaeon was assassinated by Veila aboard his flagship, the Bloodfin. Grand Moff Quille's allies, who had accompanied Pellaeon on the Bloodfin, assumed command of the Star Destroyer, but a mutiny led by Vitor Reige forced the Moffs to barricade themselves in the warship's command center. This made it easy for Mandalorian soldiers led by Mandalore Boba Fett to eliminate Quille and his Moffs. In the aftermath of the battle, the remaining Moffs and forces of the Imperial Remnant allied themselves with Caedus's government, with Lecersen holding a high-ranking position on the Council.
Later in 41 ABY, the Remnant attacked the neutral Roche asteroid field to secure the technology of the native Verpines for use in the war effort. Lecersen and his Moffs, accompanied by the Elite Guard of stormtroopers, oversaw the conquest. Although the Super Star Destroyer Dominion was destroyed by the entire force of starfighters from Nickel One, resulting in the deaths of two Moffs, the Remnant emerged victorious. The Moffs established their headquarters in Nickel One's command center, where they engaged in negotiations with the Verpine hive mother. Accompanied by an Alliance fleet, Caedus arrived at the Roche asteroids and landed on Nickel One shortly thereafter, intending to reprimand Lecersen and the other Moffs for their unauthorized attack. The hive mother was initially relieved by Cadeus's presence and hoped to be rid of the Imperials, but the Sith Lord clarified that the Alliance fleet was there to secure the star system. Lecersen, noting similarities between Caedus and his grandfather Darth Vader, emphasized that the Verpine were not neutral, having sold weapons to both sides of the ongoing civil war. Caedus agreed with the senior Moff but still found it necessary to scold the Moffs for not consulting him before launching their attack. Moffs Voryam Bhao and Krom Rethway were quick to voice their disagreement and disapproval with Caedus, and Lecersen even felt the need to remind the Chief of State that the Imperial Remnant was an ally, not a territory, of the Alliance.
The Jedi Coalition, another organization opposing Caedus's Alliance, soon launched a raid on the Roche asteroids. The fleets of Admirals Natasi Daala and Cha Niathal engaged the Remnant and Alliance warships, while a strike force of Mandalorians, accompanied by Caedus's sister Jaina Solo, landed on Nickel One and advanced towards the Moffs' command center. Lecersen was trapped inside the command center as the Mandalorians poured in, eliminating the Imperial Elite Guard and killing several of the Moffs present. When Solo began firing on her brother, Caedus instructed Lecersen and the remaining Moffs to wait in the command center's anteroom while he dealt with the threat. Both Caedus and his sister survived the encounter, as did Lecersen and a small number of Moffs. With the senior Moffs dead, Lecersen became the de facto leader of the Council of Moffs.

Caedus was able to locate his sister at a Jedi Coalition base on Shedu Maad in the Hapes Cluster. In an attempt to eliminate one group of his opposition, the Sith Lord dispatched a fleet of Alliance and Imperial warships, including the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Anakin Solo and the Super Star Destroyer Megador, to destroy the base. Lecersen and the Moff Council accompanied Caedus aboard the Anakin Solo. As the battle raged, the Moffs discussed Caedus's mental state with Tahiri Veila. Veila revealed this to her Master, but Lecersen was the only Moff who was not surprised by her betrayal. Believing the battle was not going well, Lecersen suggested to Caedus that they launch an attack on the Dragon Queen, the flagship of Hapes Consortium Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo, the mother of Caedus's daughter, Allana, a fact unknown to the Moffs.
Caedus couldn't clearly read Lecersen's mind, but he knew that the Queen Mother was the Moff's intended target. Lecersen explained that the Remnant's scientists had developed a nanovirus that could be tailored to a specific bloodline once a sample of the target's DNA was acquired. One batch, designed to kill anyone belonging to Clan Fett, had already been air-dispersed on Mandalore. Lecersen was particularly proud of this, seeing it as revenge for the Mandalorian attack on Nickel One. Using a blood sample from the captive Hapan Prince Isolder, Tenel Ka's father, the Remnant would have been able to manufacture a specific strain directed against the Hapan Royal Family within an hour or two. Caedus, fearing for his daughter's life, tried to dissuade the Moffs and Veila from developing the virus. Lecersen was skeptical of a victory without the nanovirus but agreed to follow the Sith Lord's orders. The two then briefly exchanged barbs before Caedus prepared to confront his sister, who had boarded the Anakin Solo in preparation for a second conflict. Lecersen decided that the Moffs would transfer the flag to the Megador, but Caedus told them that there would be no need, as both warships would be moving into battle. Caedus noted that it was time for them to risk their lives to win the war. Later, in the Anakin Solo's Biodisposal Pit, after Caedus confronted Isolder and killed him, the Sith Lord discovered that Lecersen had betrayed him. The Moff had collected tissue samples from Isolder, developed the nanovirus, and sent a missile boat to deliver it to the Dragon Queen. Before Caedus could react, Jaina forced her brother into a duel and ultimately killed him.
The nanovirus ultimately proved useless, as both Tenel Ka and Allana survived, although the Queen Mother chose to conceal the fact that Allana had survived. The battle turned in favor of the Jedi Coalition. Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker led a strike force of Jedi Masters and Jedi Knights as they stormed the Anakin Solo. The Jedi forces found the Moffs seated around a tactical display in the Auxiliary Command Center following a brief firefight, during which one Moff was killed. The surviving Moffs displayed varying degrees of shock on their faces at the outcome of the battle. Skywalker informed them that Caedus was dead and offered the Council an ultimatum: they could either become Hapan prisoners-of-war and face trial for their nanovirus attack, or they could help rebuild the shattered Galactic Alliance. Lecersen, as leader of the Council, found the former option unattractive and the latter surprisingly generous. Skywalker announced that the Moffs would have to accept Jagged Fel, son of Imperial starfighter pilot Baron Soontir Fel, as the Remnant's new leader. Lecersen was accepting of the proposal, as were several other Moffs. Han Solo, Caedus's father, then suggested that the Remnant establish a mission to aid worlds affected by recent galactic wars. Although he initially doubted whether the Remnant had the resources for such an endeavor, Lecersen was persuaded by another Moff to support the project. When the Hapan Queen Mother arrived, Lecersen bowed and personally apologized for the Council's actions. Ka replied by threatening the Moff with death should there ever be another nanovirus attack. In the days that followed, with the devastating war finally over, the galaxy began its recovery under the new Alliance Chief of State Daala.
By 43 ABY, Lecersen was still serving as a Moff and maintained a private residence in the Senate District on the Alliance capital world of Coruscant. Although Jagged Fel had managed to transform the Remnant into a new Empire, the Moffs had become dissatisfied with his handling of the government, particularly his relationship with Jedi Knight Jaina Solo. The Moffs had managed to retain much of their independence following the Second Galactic Civil War, despite Luke Skywalker's plan to have Fel bring them into line.
Lecersen and fellow Moff Porrak Vansyn discussed Fel's relationship one evening over dinner, a conversation that continued over the comm when Vansyn had to retire for the night. Lecersen decided to slip into a bath of warm, pleasantly-scented water before telling his comrade that he was keeping an eye on Fel. Vansyn suggested that they also keep an eye on Solo, as she appeared to be leading Fel into more of a governmental relationship rather than just a personal one. Lecersen believed that the Moffs could use this to their advantage, as a distracted Fel thought he had succeeded in bringing the Moffs into line. The two Moffs agreed to wait for the moment when Fel's judgment was cloudiest to exploit the relationship for their own benefit. With the conversation over, Lecersen considered how other factors, such as the current state of the galaxy, could aid the Moffs in their quest to be rid of Fel.
The Jedi Order, for example, had been weakened when Grand Master Skywalker had been exiled for preventing Jacen Solo from turning to the dark side, and Lecersen planned to use the Order as one of many pawns in the Moffs' plans. The Jedi did not prove to be a threat to the Moffs again, as they were too busy dealing with the oppressive policies that Chief of State Daala was implementing. Lecersen likened all the pieces to threads that could be woven into a tapestry displaying the Moffs restored to power and glory, without Jagged Fel as their leader. Lecersen later contacted Vansyn again to ask if the latter was watching HoloNet News and Entertainment's broadcast of reporter Javis Tyrr's exclusive interview with Acting Jedi Grand Master Kenth Hamner, the Mon Calamari healer Cilghal, the Chadra-Fan Jedi Tekli, and the two remaining Jedi Solos, Leia Organa and Jaina. Lecersen thought that Tyrr, who had earlier covered stories of "insane Jedi" running amok, could prove to be a useful agent in the Moffs' plans.

After Tyrr was contacted and agreed to assist the Moff in his endeavor, Lecersen furnished the journalist with a miniature parasite droid. This droid was pre-installed inside a Lovolol cleaning droid. Tyrr then strategically placed the cleaning droid within the New Jedi Temple. Once there, it successfully recorded footage of Jedi Yaqeel Saav'etu and Bazel Warv as they succumbed to the effects of Force psychosis. Furthermore, the reporter managed to sneak a spy droid into Jagged Fel's limousine. This device captured Fel informing Jaina Solo about Chief of State Daala's scheme to employ Mandalorians to handle the Jedi issue. Subsequently, after a successful retrieval of the droid from the limo, Tyrr secured an exclusive interview with former Jedi apprentices Melari Ruxon and Reeqo Swen, inquiring about the reasons for their abrupt departure from the Order.
Later, Tyrr visited Lecersen at his Coruscant residence to present the footage obtained throughout the day. While they were consuming Ryborean gax, Lecersen visibly winced as Tyrr casually gulped down glasses of the expensive beverage. Upon commencing the video playback, the Moff initially displayed a lack of enthusiasm towards the content. After all, he had already witnessed the events at the Jedi Temple in real-time three hours prior. However, Tyrr insisted that he continue watching, proceeding to fast-forward to the spy droid's recording of the conversation between Fel and Solo inside the limousine. Lecersen, mirroring Solo's reaction, was astonished to learn of Daala's intention to hire Mandalorians. He was equally surprised that Fel would so readily divulge an Alliance secret to a Jedi. The recording abruptly ended as Tyrr approached the limo to extract the data from the spy droid, which caused Lecersen to worry about the potential for the droid to be traced back to the Empire. He cautioned the journalist that if he were to be apprehended with Imperial technology, he would become expendable.
The journalist reassured Lecersen, dispelling his concerns, and proceeded to showcase the exclusive footage of the former Jedi apprentices, Ruxon and Swen, surrendering to the Galactic Alliance Security forces outside the Temple. Tyrr elucidated the situation to the Moff, explaining that the apprentices had resigned due to their unwillingness to violate the law and their dissatisfaction with Daala's maneuvers to seize control of the Order. Upon learning that Tyrr had secured an interview with the two, the Moff suggested that they review the video before he revealed the nature of the journalist's reward for his efforts.
Unbeknownst to both Lecersen and Tyrr, Jaina Solo later disassembled the cleaning droid and discovered the hidden parasite droid. Considering the model's multi-million credit price tag, she deduced that Tyrr must have received assistance in acquiring the device. After comparing the device with a similar eavesdropping model recovered from Moff Lecersen's chamber aboard the Anakin Solo following the Battle of Shedu Maad, she concluded that Lecersen had provided Tyrr with the parasite droid. Realizing that the Moff was likely dissatisfied with Fel's leadership of the Imperial Remnant, Solo contacted Fel and shared her findings. Subsequently, Fel relayed this information to Chief of State Daala, who suggested that Fel take action regarding Lecersen's group of Moffs.
While the Empire was in the midst of reunifying with the Alliance, Alliance Senator Haydnat Treen of Kuat conspired to oust Head of State Fel, viewing it as the initial step towards replacing the Alliance with a revived Galactic Empire. The initial kidnap attempt was unsuccessful, as Fel managed to trigger the alarm and subdue the attacking stormtroopers. Fel informed Jaina Solo that the Moffs were likely responsible for the attack, but he doubted Lecersen's involvement, suggesting that the attempt was too crude for the Moff's standards and likely a desperate, last-resort measure. Lecersen launched his own investigation into the incident and found no evidence implicating any of the Moffs in the attack. Instead, he traced transactions through a Borleias bank back to Senator Treen. The Moff disclosed this information to the Kuati senator in a temporary office within the Galactic Empire Embassy on Coruscant, and promptly inquired about her motives for attempting to kidnap Fel. Her response took him by surprise—she proclaimed her desire for him to become Emperor.
At the Kuat Embassy, Treen revealed her aspiration to restore the Old Empire to its original, benevolent form, believing that Lecersen was the individual capable of achieving this. Treen explained that Lecersen would first need to supplant Fel as Head of State, even temporarily, in order to preside over the Remnant's unification with the Alliance into a new Empire. This would grant Lecersen all the credit and establish him as the second most powerful figure in the galaxy, second only to the Alliance Chief of State. Through a series of political manipulations, Treen planned to orchestrate a crisis that would remove Daala, paving the way for the Kuati Senator to become the new Chief of State. To ensure the plan's flawless execution, Treen had already secured the support of Senator Fost Bramsin of Coruscant, who would provide her with a tactical advantage in the Senate and the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. In return, Treen merely sought to become Grand Moff of the Corusca sector and enjoy four dinners with Lecersen—hoping this would be sufficient to persuade him to make her his Empress. Lecersen approved of the plan, recognizing its potential for success if executed properly.
By this point, Lecersen had played a significant, albeit covert, role in organizing the Freedom Flight, a movement dedicated to eradicating slavery. The Moff had successfully connected several isolated slave rebellions into a galactic revolution of sorts before allowing it to develop independently. However, his involvement in the organization's formation was purely self-serving—Lecersen viewed it as a metaphorical nest of fire wasps for any politician who attempted to uphold the status quo by opposing the Freedom Flight. Consequently, when Treen suggested that Lecersen engineer a crisis to unleash upon Daala, he already had one prepared.

At the Gleaming Fortunes Casino on Coruscant, Lecersen convened with Treen, Bramsin, and Merratt Jaxton, a General from Galactic Alliance Starfighter Command. Each attendee donned attire appropriate for the casino's costume night, a contingency pre-arranged by Treen for hosting covert meetings at the establishment. Lecersen made an entrance as Emperor Palpatine, even delivering a passable vocal impersonation of the Sith Lord. While engaged in a tense game of Chambers, the quartet deliberated on the fate of Bothan Admiral Nek Bwua'tu, whose allegiance to Daala posed an obstacle to their schemes. Jaxton, emerging victorious in the game despite Lecersen's efforts, suggested a simple solution: eliminate Bwua'tu if he refused to cooperate. Subsequently, Bwua'tu fell victim to an ambush by two assassins wielding lightsabers and posing as deranged Jedi. This attack, orchestrated by the conspirators, left the Bothan admiral in a coma. Although Lecersen had hoped for Bwua'tu's death, the extensive media coverage of the admiral's condition proved advantageous, diverting Daala's attention from her responsibilities as Chief of State. Upon discovering that Fel and the Solo family were scheduled to dine at the Pangalactus restaurant, Lecersen saw an opportunity to orchestrate an assassination attempt on Fel. The Moff recruited Kester Tolann, a Chiss-hating and disgruntled grandson of Imperial Navy commander who had been demoted to waste management by Grand Admiral Thrawn, to carry out the assassination. Recognizing the slim odds of Tolann's success, Lecersen intended to exploit the failure to pressure Fel into resigning as Head of State and to damage Daala's public image. The operation was given the codename "Operation Duusha," named after a type of cheese that is blue on the inside but a different color on the outside. Fel had been nicknamed "Duusha" because many saw him as being "blue"—a Chiss, for he was raised in their culture—on the inside.
Lecersen divulged the details of the scheme to Treen, explaining that the attempt on Fel's life would appear as a mere diversion for a separate assault on the Solos. They observed on a monitor as Fel's party arrived at the restaurant and were directed to the room adjacent to Tolann's location. Lecersen outlined the plan to Treen: upon receiving a specific cue—a recreation of the destruction of Alderaan displayed on one of the restaurant's walls—Tolann would use a micro-thermal-detonator to breach the wall separating the two rooms, seize the Imperial leader, and then detonate another detonator attached to his body, killing both himself and Fel. When the designated moment arrived, Tolann blasted through the wall, only to be swiftly neutralized by a barrage of blaster fire. The presence of two YVH droids proved insufficient to salvage the attempt. Nevertheless, the Moff, having witnessed the events unfold through Tolann's goggles and the optic feeds of the YVH droids, deemed the mission a success. Lecersen anticipated that crucial evidence left at the scene, such as the goggles' feed, would contribute to building a case against Fel, while fabricated documents and communications would lead the Jedi Order to believe that Daala was the mastermind behind the attack.
Following the incident, both Fel and Jaina Solo came to the conclusion that Daala might have struck a deal with Lecersen or another Moff. To test his theory, Fel summoned Lecersen to his temporary office in the Imperial embassy and inquired about whom the Moff considered suitable to succeed him as Head of State. While Lecersen harbored aspirations for the position himself, he wisely avoided directly volunteering. After Fel pressed the issue, Lecersen conceded that he would contemplate the matter and produce a list of potential candidates. The two then briefly touched upon the assassination attempt, with Fel observing that Tolann's conspiracy was destined for failure. Following Lecersen's departure, Fel remarked to Solo that while the Moff was not yet prepared to seize power, he could not be excluded from the list of potential conspirators.
Lecersen was among a hundred Coruscant elites participating in a three-day, high-stakes sabacc tournament aboard the Star Destroyer-turned-casino Errant Venture. This tournament served as a diversion, masking the Jedi Order's launch of the StealthX wing from Chief of State Daala and the Galactic Alliance military. At the opportune moment, Booster Terrik, the Errant Venture's owner, directed the Star Destroyer to fire upon several of Coruscant's orbital mirrors, prompting the Galactic Alliance Sixth Fleet to intercept the perceived threat, thereby ensuring the Jedi's StealthX fighters could safely depart Coruscant. The Errant Venture then jumped into hyperspace. After aiding the Jedi in an engagement above the Almanian moon Pydyr, the Venture deposited Lecersen and the other passengers on Borleias. From there, the sabacc players were returned to Coruscant via the transport Dust Dancer.
Back on the capital world, the conspirators reconvened, this time in costume at Obridagar's Simulator Palace. Dressed as an Imperial TIE pilot, Lecersen abstained from the flight simulators offered at Obridagar's. Instead, he and the other plotters met in a private chamber with Admiral Sallinor Parova, Nek Bwua'tu's replacement as Alliance Chief of Naval Operations and the newest member of the conspiracy. Lecersen found Parova's costume—a cheap Bothan admiral outfit intended to mock Bwua'tu—distasteful, but he approved of her inclusion in their cabal. At Obridagar's, the conspirators orchestrated a poison scare to initiate their coup. Lecersen and General Jaxton feigned temporary poisoning to enhance the credibility of the situation. Jedi Knight Seha Dorvald, who had disguised herself as the pilot of the Dust Dancer, was implicated as the responsible party. The full extent of her "plot" was not revealed until agents of Fleet Intelligence discovered a canister containing the same poison used against Lecersen and Jaxton spliced into the Senate Building's water supply. Daala, dissatisfied with Galactic Alliance Security's failure to detect the breach, accepted a new security detail from Fleet Intelligence on Parova's recommendation, unknowingly playing into the conspiracy's hands—the new detail was ultimately loyal to the plot against the Chief of State.
However, before the conspirators could depose Daala, the Jedi launched their own coup, seizing the Senate Building and arresting Daala. Eager to salvage her plot's efforts, Senator Treen approached members of the Jedi Order and proposed the formation of a Triumvirate to ensure a smooth transition with the Senate's cooperation. Treen successfully maneuvered herself and General Jaxton onto the new Triumvirate, joining acting Jedi Grand Master Saba Sebatyne in assuming the duties of the Chief of State's office. Jaxton would later step down from the governing body, to be replaced by Daala's former Chief of Staff, Wynn Dorvan. Following the Jedi takeover, doubts arose regarding whether Lecersen's and Jaxton's poisonings were part of the Order's operation or a separate, unknown plot, a suspicion voiced by former GAS Lieutenant Javon Thewles to Jedi Leia Organa Solo.
In the aftermath of the Jedi takeover, Jagged Fel attended a funeral held at the Jedi Temple for recently deceased Jedi Master Kenth Hamner and publicly endorsed the overthrow of Daala's regime. Lecersen responded by condemning Fel's actions on the HoloNet, denouncing the Imperial leader's support of the Jedi coup as an "outrage" that would shatter any hopes of reunification between the Alliance and the Empire. Fel, watching the broadcast from his residence on Coruscant, perceived the Moff's choice of words and refusal to address him as Head of State as a blatant attempt to sway public opinion. The remainder of the broadcast revealed that a majority of the Moff Council shared Lecersen's sentiments.
Shortly thereafter, Lecersen declared his intention to depart Coruscant for Imperial Space, where he would continue to pursue his aspirations for a restored Imperial throne. The Moff invited several members of the conspiracy, including the recently recruited General Stavin Thaal, to his opulent estate for a late-evening farewell dinner. Following the meal, they discussed the recent influx of new Alliance member worlds and whether any of their Senate representatives would make suitable co-conspirators. Among the prospects, only one—Senator Kameron Suldar of B'nish, who, unbeknownst to them, was a member of a Sith organization plotting to rule the galaxy—piqued the plotters' interest. As the conversation shifted to the abolition of slavery on the new member worlds, Lecersen seized the opportunity to reveal his role in organizing the Freedom Flight. Although its actions had spiraled beyond Lecersen's control, Senator Treen suggested that the organization's success might present the conspiracy with new opportunities.
Later, Lecersen received a visit from the Minyavish Tiyuu'cha Mahlor, whose species had been exiled from their homeworld, Qaras, by the rebelling Jessar slave population. Escorted into the Moff's sitting room by an E-3PO protocol droid, Mahlor claimed to have discovered evidence of Lecersen's involvement in the Freedom Flight and demanded that the Moff deliver justice to the Minyavish by securing them a new planet to inhabit. Initially, Lecersen was skeptical that Mahlor possessed any evidence to support his claim, however accurate it was, and prepared to dismiss the Minyavish. However, Mahlor then identified Senators Bramsin and Treen as Lecersen's associates. Realizing that the being might possess sensitive information, the Moff had Mahlor stunned and subsequently tortured until he divulged everything he knew. Lecersen then had the Minyavish killed painlessly. When Treen informed Lecersen about her and Bramsin's dinner with Suldar, which resulted in the new Senator joining their conspiracy, the Moff recounted the events of the evening before dispatching an operative to Qaras to retrieve the evidence linking him to the Freedom Flight.
Despite Mahlor's claims, others were aware of Lecersen's involvement in the Freedom Flight, particularly the Mandalorians under Boba Fett. After rescuing Daala from Alliance captivity, Fett informed her of the Moff's involvement in the organization and his motivations behind it. As Daala embarked on her own quest to become Empress, her agents intercepted Lecersen's operative on Qaras and seized the evidence Mahlor had mentioned. Daala then contacted Moff Vansyn, Lecersen's old friend who had felt excluded from his compatriot's dealings, and formed an alliance with him. As Lecersen sat down with Vansyn at the latter's estate, Vansyn subtly coaxed his fellow Moff into revealing details of the conspiracy. Feeling a twinge of regret for keeping Vansyn out of the loop for so long, and hoping to use his territory as a base, Lecersen made a calculated decision to reveal his plans to become Emperor. However, as the conversation progressed, Lecersen realized that he had been lured into a trap orchestrated by Daala. Daala revealed her complete knowledge of Lecersen's activities and presented him with a choice: join her in her plot against Fel, or face death.
Forced to align with Daala, Lecersen severed all ties with Treen's conspiracy, which rapidly unraveled as various factors turned against it. As Nek Bwua'tu emerged from his coma and began investigating the members of the conspiracy with assistance from others, General Thaal received word that Lecersen had allied with Daala. This revelation, combined with the fact that their recent alliance with Senator Suldar had failed to yield results, prompted Thaal and Treen to disband their cabal. Soon after, Bramsin, Parova, and Jaxton were dead, and Treen had retreated to Kuat.
Meanwhile, the Moff gathered approximately three-quarters of his personal fleet and rendezvoused with Daala in the Exodo system in preparation for her coup. Hoping to personally eliminate Fel, Lecersen had several baradium missiles loaded onto his flagship, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Empire Maker. Above Exodo II, Daala revealed that Fel had been assassinated by Moff Tol Getelles, much to Lecersen's surprise. However, unbeknownst to Daala and her group of rebellious Moffs, the "assassination" was merely a ruse, and Getelles had secretly allied with Fel. Shortly after Moffs Vansyn, Trevin, and Getelles arrived at the rendezvous with their warships, Daala's forces were attacked by a flotilla loyal to Fel, including a vanguard from the Empire of the Hand, a Remnant armada, and the turncoat Getelles's fleet.
As the battle intensified, Fel's flagship, the Gilad Pellaeon, emerged from its concealed location within the hollowed-out tunnels of Exodo II's moon, Boreleo. Lecersen obliterated the Pellaeon using several of the Empire Maker's baradium missiles, but Fel escaped to the Bloodfin to continue the fight. It was at this juncture that Lecersen launched a barrage of baradium missiles at Boreleo itself, destroying the satellite and sending debris hurtling toward the enemy fleet. Daala initially deemed the move reckless, but it proved effective, creating enough chaos to grant her forces a temporary advantage. However, as reports of casualties flooded in, Daala devised a new plan: she had an Interdictor from Lecersen's fleet—the Kagcatcher—use its gravity well projectors to gather the remnants of Boreleo into a protective shell around her warships. While the makeshift barrier shielded them from further attacks, Daala and her allies were also effectively trapped, with no means of escape.
After a month of confinement within the remnants of Boreleo, Lecersen grew weary of the stalemate. The arrival of Lieutenant Lydea Pagorski—in reality an avatar of the female entity known as Abeloth, who intended to exploit the Imperial Remnant as part of her scheme to dominate the galaxy—motivated the Moff to break free from his and Daala's self-imposed imprisonment in order to resume the fight with Fel. Daala rejected Lecersen's proposal, recognizing that such a move would be chaotic and undermine her plans to establish a new Empire. Although the Moff threatened to take his chances in battle, preferring to fight rather than surrender, Daala suggested a third option. With input from Abeloth's Pagorski avatar, the admiral proposed a general election for Head of State, confident that such a contest could easily unseat Fel and install Daala as the leader of the Remnant. Though Lecersen scoffed at the idea, Abeloth/Pagorski demonstrated her powers by forcing the Moff to prostrate himself at Daala's feet, proving that the entity could deliver the election to Daala. The proposal effectively ended the battle, as both Fel and Daala shifted their focus to denying each other victory in the political arena. In the end, neither Daala nor Fel won the election, and the position went to Admiral Vitor Reige when Fel withdrew from the race to ensure Daala could not win.
Lecersen, a traditional Moff admired by Gilad Pellaeon, maintained combat readiness for potential battles. Considered part of the "new breed" of Moffs, he was viewed by Pellaeon as more enlightened than his predecessors. Lecersen firmly believed in duty, prioritizing it over personal gain. His numerous addresses and news broadcasts made his appearance and demeanor well-known to his constituents in Imperial space. Following the Mandalorian massacre of Moffs on Nickel One, Lecersen, as the ranking member, assumed command of the Moff Council. Possessing an analytical mind, he believed himself capable of identifying and exploiting numerous opportunities for personal gain, even to the point of searching for credcoins on the ground. Lecersen was also adept at interpreting body language, using it to excel in politics.
Like other Moffs, Lecersen desired the transformation of the Imperial Remnant into a new Galactic Empire. To achieve this, he was willing to ally the Remnant with the Galactic Alliance under Darth Caedus. However, he was unwilling to allow the Remnant to submit to the Alliance's will, leading to independent attacks such as the assault on the Roche asteroids. Though Caedus disapproved of the Moffs' decision to attack without consulting him, Lecersen fearlessly asserted that the Sith Lord had no authority in the Remnant's decision-making. Over time, Lecersen became somewhat subservient to the Alliance Chief of State, addressing him as "Lord Caedus" and offering advice during the Battle of Shedu Maad. After the war, he disapproved of Alliance Chief of State Daala's decree to increase the number of females in the Empire's ranks.
Following the civil war, Lecersen grew increasingly ambitious. Driven by his desire to remove Fel as the leader of the Imperial Remnant, he sought opportunities to restore the Moffs to their former glory as leaders of a restored Empire. He believed that ambition and intelligence, devoid of morality, were essential for great leadership. Consequently, he occasionally employed torture—despite his aversion to it—to extract information from unwilling individuals, keeping an IT-O Interrogator at hand for such purposes. Once the subject yielded and revealed the desired information, Lecersen ensured a swift and painless death. He readily used individuals like the journalist Javis Tyrr to advance his goals when he could not do so alone. Lecersen planned to use Tyrr's information to eliminate the Jedi Order and the Solo family as threats to the Moff Council, positioning himself and his Moffs to metaphorically drive their vibroblades into Jagged Fel's back when the time came to remove the Head of State.
Lecersen's ambitions were effectively exploited by Kuati Senator Treen, who recruited him into her conspiracy by offering him the position of Emperor. Although the plot originated with Treen, Lecersen became its nominal leader. As part of the plot, he frequently manipulated events to advance the group's plans, including transforming the Freedom Flight into a galactic movement to distract Chief of State Daala. Lecersen believed that honorable individuals who stood in his way deserved respect. Therefore, when Admiral Parova mocked the comatose Nek Bwua'tu, who had been an obstacle to the conspiracy's aims, Lecersen questioned his judgment of Parova. When confronted by Daala, Lecersen was forced to abandon the conspiracy to save his life, leading to its rapid disintegration. As a supporter of Daala's bid for Empress, Lecersen continued to despise her, but he found that an alliance with her against Fel was, in some ways, more beneficial than an alliance against both of them.
Lecersen owned a lavish estate on Coruscant, an expensive private residence situated on multiple acres and adorned with luxurious furnishings from across the galaxy. In addition to consuming only the finest caf available, Lecersen enjoyed various fine alcoholic beverages. He savored the taste of Hapan gold wine, viewing it as a bittersweet irony given his dealings with the Hapes Consortium during the Battle of Shedu Maad. He also appreciated the flavor of expensive Ryborean gax; its high cost annoyed Lecersen when Javis Tyrr consumed glasses of the liquor during their meeting. An occasional gambler, Lecersen participated in high-stakes card games, including a Tendrando Arms-sponsored celebrity sabacc challenge with an entrance fee of 1,000,000 credits. Lecersen accepted his loss in the challenge as an unavoidable risk in gambling with such a substantial amount of credits.
Moff Lecersen was created by Karen Traviss as a character in her 2008 novel Legacy of the Force: Revelation, the eighth book in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series. The Moff played a relatively minor role as a supporter of Imperial leader Gilad Pellaeon on the Moff Council. Troy Denning later utilized the Moff, albeit in a more prominent role, in 2008's Legacy of the Force: Invincible, the ninth and final book in the same series. Denning elevated the Moff from a background character to one of the novel's protagonists. Lecersen has also appeared in various books of the Fate of the Jedi series, playing a significant role in a conspiracy subplot that spans most of the novels. His first name, "Drikl," was revealed in 2009's Fate of the Jedi: Abyss, written by Troy Denning.