Boba Fett, a human male Mandalorian bounty hunter belonging to Clan Fett, achieved considerable fame. His career as a bounty hunter lasted for many decades, beginning with the fall of the Galactic Republic and continuing until the end of the Galactic Empire's rule, and into the subsequent era where he would rise to become the ruler of Mandalore. He started as unit A0050, an unaltered clone of the well-known Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. Boba followed in the footsteps of his father and genetic source by donning a personalized set of Mandalorian armor. His starship, the Slave I, was a Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft that had previously been owned by Jango. Trained in combat and martial arts from an early age, Fett rose to become one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy during the time of Emperor Palpatine. His career became legendary, as he took on contracts from both the Empire and the criminal organizations that thrived in the underworld.
Boba's creation occurred on the planet Kamino as a result of an agreement between Sith Lord Darth Tyranus and Jango Fett, the Mandalorian who served as the template for the Grand Army of the Republic. Jango viewed Boba as his son, unlike the clone troopers who were grown from Jango's DNA. During the final days of the Separatist Crisis, Boba and Jango went to Geonosis, where Jango was killed in battle by Jedi Master Mace Windu. Jango's death left Boba an orphan, and he sought revenge by trying to assassinate Windu, but his plan failed. After spending time in prison on Coruscant, Fett followed in his father's footsteps and became a bounty hunter, working with other mercenaries like Bossk, Dengar, and Asajj Ventress.
Following the Clone Wars, Fett continued to establish himself as a formidable figure, working for the Hutt gangster Jabba Desilijic Tiure and the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Fett also married Sintas Vel and had a daughter named Ailyn Vel and joined the Journeyman Protectors. However Sintas was raped by Fett's senior officer and Fett killed him in revenge, only to be jailed and exiled for his own crime. After that, Fett and Sintas split up and Fett focused on a renewed career as a bounty hunter. During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire frequently hired Fett as a bounty hunter, and he chose not to be a member of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. After the Battle of Hoth, Fett transported Captain Han Solo from Bespin to Jabba's Palace on Tatooine.
He attempted to thwart the Alliance to Restore the Republic's rescue of Solo, but he ended up falling into the Great Pit of Carkoon when Solo accidentally hit Fett's jetpack with a pole, causing it to fail. Even though Fett survived the ordeal with the man-eating sarlacc, he lost his memory, but Dengar helped him recover and nursed him back to health, allowing him to resume his bounty hunter career. However Fett had been tested to his physical limits and required extensive medical treatments to prevent himself from developing a cancer, a result of his altered metabolism from his days in the sarlacc. Fett had lost a leg, and the stump was constantly irritated by the prosthetic attachment and Fett returned to Kamino to have his bad leg replaced, but Taun We asked Fett to hunt down Fenn Shysa due to past actions. Though the specifics are unclear, Shysa died on the planet Shogun, saving Fett from death.
After a promise made to a dying Fenn Shysa, Fett became Mandalore, taking over the leadership of the Mandalorian Protectors and ending his career as a bounty hunter. Fett eventually led the Mandalorians during the Yuuzhan Vong War, initially working as a mercenary for the extra-galactic invaders, but later assisting the New Republic in their fight against the aliens. When the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Mandalore and bombarded the planet, a large deposit of Mandalorian iron was discovered, ironically strengthening the Mandalorians.
Later, during the Second Galactic Civil War, Boba, still leading the Mandalorians, suffered from declining health. He located his granddaughter, Mirta Gev, and they embarked on numerous missions together, sometimes alongside Han Solo. Fett also trained Solo's daughter Jaina to kill her twin brother, Darth Caedus, and aided the Jedi Coalition in several battles. Ultimately, Fett's training helped Jaina defeat Caedus, although an Imperial nanovirus attack prevented Fett from ever returning to Mandalore.

Prior to the Clone Wars, Boba was created by the Kaminoans as an unaltered clone at the request of his father, Jango Fett. He was intended to be both Jango's heir and "Jaster's legacy." As a young boy, Fett was raised on the planet Kamino. Jango cared for him with the support of the Kaminoan, Taun We, who became his foster mother. Fett knew he was a clone of his father, but often questioned his origins. Jango assured him that he was a "true clone" and his real son. Alongside the Clawdite Zam Wesell, Taun We was the only female influence in Fett's early life. The Null-ARC Captain Ordo knew him as a "little jerk".

Boba never attended school as a child; instead, he gained knowledge from his travels with his father and books from the local library. Boba enjoyed books, especially those about starfighters, which he borrowed and read from the library of Tipoca City. Before the Clone Wars, Boba met Sith Lord Count Dooku (Darth Tyranus), who hired his father to take up bounties that would be beneficial to him and his master. On one such mission, Boba accompanied Jango to the planet of Kuat, where Jango used the boy as bait to lure his bounty into the open. Afraid, the young Fett threw a thermal detonator and fled into the tents. The colonist was horrified to discover that the boy was the son of the man sent to kill him. Jango, having finished assassinating the remaining members of the camp, tracked down Boba and demanded that Larbo release his son, slashing his way through the tent's canopy. Disgusted, Larbo asked what kind of man would use his own son as bait, and Boba replied, "Only a son can know his father's heart". After killing his bounty, Boba escaped with his father on their ship and informed the Count of their successful mission. Boba often went with his father to the training sessions with the other clones, where he taught them basic combat skills.
Another mission from Darth Tyranus, had Boba and his father assassinate a Helmeted man that had information on the clone army. During that mission, Boba shot the man but his father killed and finished him off. Boba then saw that his father was in a bad mood and was told that he would talk to him about this.
Seeing Obi-Wan Kenobi's Delta-7 was an exciting opportunity given his love for vehicles. Boba was about ten years old when Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived on Kamino to investigate the assassination attempts on Senator Padmé Amidala, uncovering the secret creation of a clone army for the Republic. Fett's father, Jango, ordered for Fett to close his closet door containing his armor in Huttese before allowing himself to undergo questioning by the Jedi. Jango then realized that he and his son had to leave Kamino before the Jedi discovered his involvement in the assassination attempt. After Jango and Obi-Wan fought, Jango and Boba left the planet in their ship, Slave I.

On the way to Geonosis, they realized that Kenobi was tracking them. Boba encouraged and watched his father attempt to destroy the Jedi. He eventually watched what they thought was the death of Kenobi, although Kenobi had actually let loose the spare part compartments, making the missile that was tracking him blow up. Obi-Wan had actually hid on an asteroid. As the Battle of Geonosis began, Boba stood with Jango on the platform in the Petranaki arena with several Separatist leaders, including Count Dooku, Viceroy Nute Gunray, and Archduke Poggle the Lesser. When Jedi Master Mace Windu arrived, Jango protected Boba as the Jedi task force tried to rescue the captive Obi-Wan, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala. During the battle, Boba watched his father get trampled by a reek, and, as a result, eventually beheaded by Mace Windu when Jango attempted to challenge him. As the Grand Army of the Republic and the Separatist Droid Army clashed for the first time, Boba emerged from his hiding place to pick up his father's helmet. Boba swore revenge on Mace Windu, for this reason.

After Geonosis, Boba buried his father and tried to escape. All that he had left of his father was his armor and a "book" that Jango left to help instruct him, in the event of his death. Fett attempted to return to Kamino, but it was to no avail once he realized no place was safe for him since his father had died. Aurra Sing gave Fett to Darth Tyranus, who gave Sing Slave I as payment (Boba eventually recovered the ship). He was taken to Raxus Prime to meet with Tyranus, who was then searching for the Force Harvester. The Sith Lord attempted to detain his young charge, but a Republic attack allowed Fett to escape.
Boba was taken by clone troopers and sent to an orphanage on Bespin. He managed to escape with Sing, who had come searching for the boy, in order to gain access to Jango Fett's rather large bank account on Aargau.
On Aargau, Fett lost 500,000 credits of his father's money due to the betrayal of a Clawdite named Nuri, but received the rest. While on Aargau, Boba managed to elude Aurra Sing after she failed to steal Jango's credits. Jango's "book" told Fett to visit Jabba the Hutt, but Fett had a run-in with the dangerous Separatist Commander Durge. The Gen'Dai's hatred of all Mandalorians caused him to attack the young Fett.
The death of his father took a heavy toll on Boba, who blamed all of his troubles on the Jedi Order: specifically Jedi Master Mace Windu. Boba managed to convince Aurra Sing, as well as bounty hunters Bossk and Castas, to help Boba kill Windu. To this end, Boba disguised himself as a member of the Clone Youth Brigade called 'Lucky'. The group went to visit the Venator-class Star Destroyer Endurance, where Windu was stationed with Anakin Skywalker. While Boba was determined to kill Windu, he was often sidetracked by the crew of the Endurance, who tasked Boba and other Clone Youths to participate in a skeet shooting accuracy test, which Boba passed with flying colors.
While the group was touring the hallways of the cruiser, Boba managed to sneak out undetected and planted a tripwire triggered bomb in Windu's private quarters. His attempt was nearly successful, as Windu was only saved by chance by a clone trooper, who inadvertently triggered the tripwire instead. With the cruiser on high alert, Aurra Sing urged Fett to bring down the entire cruiser by destroying the main reactor. Though it was against his own wishes, as Fett's desire was to kill only Windu, Fett was forced to go through with her command, and infiltrated the reactor chamber, where he coaxed a clone trooper into handing over his blaster. Using the blaster, Fett destroyed the reactor, compromising the entire ship. Fett managed to regroup with the Youth Brigade as they were loading onto the ship's supply of escape pods. Upon ejection, Fett disabled the pod, allowing the other bounty hunters to pick him up in the Slave I.

Upon discovering that Windu was still alive, Fett and his allies traveled to the crash site. As Windu would inevitably search the crash site for any survivors, Fett rigged a trap: he placed a motion activated bomb inside of his father's Mandalorian helmet, which would explode when picked up. Sing also took the time to execute any survivors of the crash, save for Admiral Shoan Kilian and Commander Ponds, as well as an unidentified clone, who she took as hostages. Fett objected to this, as did Castas, who both agreed that the situation was getting out of hand. Windu managed to survive the helmet trap, which was triggered by Anakin Skywalker. The resulting explosion incinerated half of his father's helmet and caused the cruiser's bridge to collapse, pinning the Jedi under the rubble. Skywalker's astromech droid, R2-D2, managed to lure the crew of the Slave I off the planet using Windu's starfighter.
Fett was also objected to Sing's treatment of the prisoners, and showed compassion to Killian by giving him water. Following the Endurance incident, Sing executed Ponds in a holotransmission to Windu, after Boba refused to do it himself. Sing hoped his death would lure Windu to them. After the execution, Sing chose to take refuge on Florrum, where she hoped to get the assistance of her former lover, Hondo Ohnaka, a notorious spice pirate. In a bar on Florrum, Sing overheard a plot by Castas to turn the others in for a bounty, and responded by casually killing him with one shot from a blaster. Her emotionless brutality deeply affected Fett, who really started to see all the horrors he created.
This murder would allow the Jedi to trace Fett and the others to Florrum. However, because of Windu's injuries, Jedi Master Plo Koon and Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, were sent to bring him in. This enraged Fett, who demanded Windu. This confrontation would culminate in a swift firefight in Ohnaka's bar, which began with Fett carelessly taking a shot at Tano. Fett, abandoned by Sing, was apprehended by Koon. Koon brought Fett to Ohnaka, who gave Fett a lecture about his father's honor. Ohnaka managed to convince Fett to give the coordinates of the Slave I and the hostages, being held at riflepoint by Bossk. Ahsoka Tano freed the hostages and destroyed one of the flight stabilizers on the Slave I, causing Aurra Sing and the Slave I to crash into a nearby canyon, heavily damaging Fett's ship.
Following the Florrum incident, Fett and Bossk were taken to a Republic prison on Coruscant, where Fett had the chance to talk to Windu directly. While Fett declared he regretted his actions, he would never forgive Windu or the Jedi Order.
While Fett was in prison, he encountered Obi Wan Kenobi, disguised as the bounty hunter, Rako Hardeen, who had "killed" Kenobi. Fett was given a signal from Cad Bane to start a breakout. Fett started a fight against Kenobi, making it look like he was mad at him for stealing his bounty. As Obi Wan gained the upper hand, Bossk went to Boba's assistance, but Clone Troopers came to break up the fight. A breakout started up, allowing Kenobi and Bane to escape.

Later in the Clone Wars, a team of bounty hunters was put together and commanded by Fett: Latts Razzi, Bossk, Dengar, C-21 Highsinger, and Oked. These six accepted a job from the Belugans located on Quarzite. However, while they were in a cantina, Asajj Ventress murdered Oked. Bossk and Latts then used blackmail to force her to take Oked's place, and the group of six made their way to Quarzite. Major Rigosso, who hired them, gave them the details of their assignment: to assist Rigosso in safely transporting a specific chest to his Lord, Otua Blank. Because the planet's atmosphere made spaceship delivery impossible, Fett and his team loaded the chest onto a subtram.
Not long after they left, the tram was ambushed by Kage Warriors. During the resulting conflict, the warriors eliminated the posse members from the tram one by one, also killing Rigosso. Only Fett and Ventress remained. During a fight with Krismo Sodi, the leader of the Kage Warriors, Fett accidentally knocked the chest over, releasing a young woman who tumbled out, much to his surprise. As Fett tried to shield her, she slapped him. This surprised and confused Fett, leaving him open for Krismo Sodi to attack and knock him out. The woman was actually Pluma Sodi, Krismo's sister, who was intended to be forced into marriage with Otua Blank. Before the siblings could get away, Ventress appeared and quickly defeated Krismo Sodi in combat. Ventress was moved by Pluma's pleas, as they reminded her of her own history. Fett and Ventress then began a heated argument about Pluma's situation, which ended with Ventress using the Force to choke Fett. Eventually, the tram arrived at the orbital station where Otua Blank was eagerly awaiting his future wife. After Ventress received her payment for delivering the chest and left, Blank opened it and was shocked to find Boba Fett, bound, gagged, and furious, in Pluma's place. Ventress had been paid by Krismo to free Pluma and deliver her into his care. She met up with the other members of Fett's posse and divided the payment as planned, instructing them to ensure Fett received his portion, adding that he would "turn up".
Following the events on Quarzite, Fett was constantly evading pursuit. At some point, he recovered Slave I from Hondo Onhaka, along with his father's armor. Later, Fett successfully completed a small bounty on an assassin before finding safety. With nowhere else to turn, young Boba ended up in the service of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, a powerful Hutt crime boss. One reason Jabba took Boba in was to repay Jango Fett for supposedly killing Gardulla the Hutt a decade prior. While working for Jabba the Hutt, Boba became friends with Gab'borah, one of Jabba's cooks, and his daughter, Ygabba (whom he had rescued earlier, after arriving on Tatooine). In gratitude, they resized Jango Fett's body armor to fit Boba's smaller frame.

The first bounty that Jabba Desilijic Tiure, the Hutt crime lord of Tatooine, gave to Boba was Gilramos Libkath. Jabba had also assigned the bounty to Durge. Boba had an advantage over Durge because he already knew where to begin his search for Libkath. Libkath was the master of Ygabba and the underfed child thieves who had stolen his helmet just the day before. After getting the assignment, Boba realized he had no weapons or transportation, so he sought out Gab'borah, the chef who had helped him on Jabba's sail barge. The chef provided him with a jetpack and directions to leave the Dune Sea. As he flew over the Dune Sea, Boba quickly realized that he couldn't make it to Mos Espa with just a jetpack. He then stowed away on one of Jabba's cargo barges heading towards the city. After arriving in Mos Espa, he fled, but Durge pursued him. After some evasive maneuvers, Boba found Durge waiting ahead of him. He escaped by using the reflection of Tatooine's twin suns on Durge's armor as a blind spot, dipping low into the streets and alleys of Mos Espa. There, he found Gilramos' hideout and followed his prey's voice to a central location within the crashed starship. Boba began the confrontation by throwing a brick that hit Libkath in the back of the head, followed by another. Boba then revealed himself, but he was unarmed. Suddenly, Durge arrived, ready to claim both the bounty and Boba. The young bounty hunter skillfully escaped using his jetpack, stealing Libkath's hat on his way out, which represented prestige to the Neimoidian and proof of the bounty for Jabba. Durge fired at Boba, and one of his stray blaster bolts struck a fuel cell, causing the ship to explode, covering Fett's escape and killing Libkath in the process.
The hunt for Jhordvar was brief but intense, leading Boba to the Dune Sea. After the betrayer refused Boba's offer to return with him to Jabba's palace, Boba decided to kill the Noghri assassin. He was caught in a sandstorm, which delayed his return to Jabba. He stayed in Jhordvar's lair, leaving the body to decay in the sand, but he took the hands back to Jabba as proof of the contract. Jabba then gave Boba Jhordvar's ring as part of his payment.
This was perfect timing, as Jabba was about to give him his first assignment off-world. His first major hunt off-planet was for Techno Union Foreman Wat Tambor, who had a base on Xagobah. The planet was under attack by the Grand Army of the Republic, making it difficult for Fett to sneak past both sides. He managed to enter the fortress, Mazariyan, and escaped Nuri by forcing him into a patch of poisonous xabar fungus, which contains a toxin that causes temporary paralysis. However, the arrival of General Grievous ruined his plans, as Fett was no match for the Kaleesh warrior. Young Fett survived only by faking his death using the xabar fungus. Two battle droids took him to be incinerated, but he woke up in time and escaped the Mazariyan. Both Wat Tambor and General Grievous escaped.

Boba Fett attempted to pursue them in Slave I, but the ship sustained damage in a dogfight with Asajj Ventress. Slave I was saved from destruction by the intervention of a young Jedi Knight named Anakin Skywalker, who drove Ventress away. After forcing Slave I to land on a nearby moon, Skywalker and Fett met for the first time. Skywalker, realizing that Fett was not a Separatist, helped Boba repair his ship. During this time, Boba repainted his armor, which was identical to Jango Fett's, into the green color scheme he is most known for, making it his own. Despite Skywalker's help, he intended to arrest Fett for violating airspace in a Republic-controlled military zone. Boba convinced Skywalker that he possessed information vital to the Republic's survival, information he would only share with the Supreme Chancellor. Boba knew that Count Dooku and Darth Tyranus were the same person. He would trade this information to get close to the Jedi who had killed his father on Geonosis: Mace Windu.
After being escorted to Coruscant by Governor Tarkin, Boba finally got his second chance at Mace Windu. Boba waited for the Jedi in the Supreme Chancellor's chambers. Boba fought Mace Windu but failed to kill the Jedi Master. Battered and wounded, they stood ready to deliver a final blow. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine stopped the fight before either could act. Boba was surprised to learn that the Chancellor already knew that Dooku was Tyranus and that Boba would hunt down Mace Windu upon arriving on Coruscant. "I believe we share a common enemy," the Chancellor told Fett. Palpatine paid Fett for his information and told him never to speak of their conversation again, an agreement that Boba wisely honored. Then, the Chancellor dismissed him.
By the end of the Clone Wars, Boba Fett was thirteen years old, the traditional start of adulthood in Mandalorian culture, making him a fully-fledged bounty hunter.
In the years that followed, Fett's reputation grew among bounty hunters and assassins. Boba continued to acquire and upgrade pieces of Mandalorian armor. He supposedly had at least three complete sets of armor to use, one of which was mostly left in the Sarlacc pit after his escape. Eventually, he found the Mandalorian armor of Jaster Mereel, Jango's old mentor and leader. Along with his new green and red armor, he honed his skills as an assassin and mercenary, which would eventually make him the most feared and sinister bounty hunter in the Galaxy.
For a period, Fett worked for Malorum, a cruel Imperial Grand Inquisitor, operating on distant worlds like Polis Massa, Naboo, and Bellassa. He hired young Fett to find information about the late Padmé Amidala. On this mission, Boba had to collaborate with fellow bounty hunter D'harhan. With D'harhan's help, Fett tracked the Jedi to Bellassa, where they stopped a Rebel uprising. At the Red Twins, Fett fought the fugitive Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ferus Olin, forcing them out of the system before Slave I crash-landed in a nearby nebula.

Before 16 BBY, Boba met Sintas Vel, a Kiffar bounty hunter. Seeking a normal life, he married her. They later had a child, Ailyn Vel, born in 15 BBY. For work, Fett, under the name Jaster Mereel, also became a Journeyman Protector on Concord Dawn, as his grandfather had been. He lost the title of Protector after killing a superior officer for raping Sintas. He was jailed and then exiled from the planet. This, along with existing strain, led to Fett and Sintas divorcing and Fett losing all contact with his family. After failing to live a normal life, Boba Fett fully committed himself to bounty hunting again. The abandonment caused Ailyn to hate her father. Ailyn eventually assumed her father's identity and dedicated her life to hunting him down.
Some time later, Fett and his wife met again when a box containing flatpix of Fett, Sintas, and Ailyn was stolen to lure Boba into a deadly trap. Boba defeated his would-be captor and his former wife, but allowed her to keep the box instead of destroying it as he had planned. He told Sintas that her wounds would heal, but his own would not, a sentiment he expressed 50 years later.

In 15 BBY, Sise Fromm hired Boba Fett to eliminate the racing team of Jord Dusat and Thall Joben as they prepared their modified landspeeder, the White Witch, for the Boonta Speeder Race. The pair, along with Kea Moll and the droids C-3P0 and R2-D2, had recently destroyed Fromm's superweapon, the Trigon One. This revealed the Fromm Gang's plan to use the weapon satellite to force rival gangs into submission. As a result, other criminal organizations had united against the Fromms, destroying many of their assets.
Fett agreed to take the contract, instead of collecting the large bounty that Jabba the Hutt had placed on Sise's head, to repay a past favor from Fromm. However, he warned the Annoo-dat that after this, they would be even and he would owe them nothing.
At the time, Fett owned a droid named BL-17, and used it to create chaos among Joben's droids, R2-D2 and C-3P0. BL-17 first tried to kill Moll in a staged gas explosion, but R2-D2 stopped him. Next, the treacherous droid lured the team into an ambush at a scrap metal processing plant but was again thwarted by a chance encounter with Proto One, an old junkyard droid whom he had previously met and antagonized. In the resulting scuffle, BL-17 was crushed under a pile of junk and destroyed.
Fett attacked Thall, but the young racer found his speeder hidden among the junk piles in the building and used it to escape towards the race, unaware that Sise's son, Tig, had planted a Thermal detonator on the White Witch during the confusion. Fett was also unaware of this and pursued Joben in his own craft, the Silver Speeder. When Fett entered the racetrack, the judges recognized him and assumed it was a last-minute entry. Fett harassed Thall throughout the event, until one of his attacks with a magnetic beam loosened the detonator, drawing it back to Fett's speeder where it attached. Fett managed to eject in time, but the detonator destroyed the Silver Speeder.
Angered, Fett decided that the trouble he had gone to had repaid his debt, and he would turn the Fromm Gang over to Jabba the Hutt for the bounty.
After working for Jabba, Fett worked for Darth Vader on multiple occasions. Three years after the Boonta incident, in 12 BBY, Fett returned to Kamino, where he led a special detachment of the 501st Legion on a successful mission to eliminate a group of clones bred by the Kaminoans to fight against the Empire. Fett was chosen to lead this mission because of his deep knowledge of the Kaminoans and Tipoca City, gained from living on Kamino as a child. On Kamino, Fett eradicated the clone revolt and destroyed the facility schematics to prevent future revolts. He also secured his father's DNA sample to deliver to the Empire. After the battle, Fett mentioned leaving for Tatooine to track down a smuggler.
In the decades between the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War, unsubstantiated rumors of Fett's exploits circulated. One rumor claimed he was the Mandalorian Jaster Mereel, Jango's mentor. This likely stemmed from both men serving as Journeyman Protectors on Concord Dawn. Boba never dispelled these rumors, and sometimes encouraged them, as they concealed his true origins and added to his mystique.
In 12 BBY, while hunting the spice trafficker Hallolar Voors for Jabba, Fett saw Han Solo for the first time on Jubilar. Fett noted the young man's potential.
Later, in 5 BBY, Boba captured Solo, who had angered the Besadii Hutts. Lando Calrissian, Han's future friend, interrupted him. While Fett was occupied with Solo, Lando snuck up and pressed a blaster against his neck. Unable to resist, Boba Fett was humiliated when Lando injected him with the same toxin he used on Solo, forcing its victim to obey orders. They ordered Boba Fett to leave. After the toxin wore off, Fett swore revenge against Han and Lando, as few people outsmarted him and lived to tell the tale. It marked the start of a long rivalry.
Fett was often sent to capture Solo, but continual bad luck and interference prevented him from apprehending his quarry. Once Solo became Jabba the Hutt's favored smuggler, Fett's longtime employer paid the hunter to not kill Han Solo. Fett accepted Jabba's money, but intended to kill Solo when he got the chance and refund the Hutt later.
In 4 BBY, Fett accepted the Hutts' bounty for capturing the rebel, Bria Tharen. However, her frequent deep-cover assignments and the high security at rebel installations made her difficult to approach. After a year of intermittent searching, Fett caught up with her on the Outer Rim planet Teth, where Bria was meeting with Tethan resistance leaders, Commander Winfrid Dagore and Lieutenant Palob Godalhi. The bounty required Bria to be captured alive, making it impossible for Fett to complete his mission while she was in the rebel base, forcing him to abandon the bounty.
In 3 BBY, Boba Fett became involved in a plot to undermine House Dooku's influence on Serenno. After Jahan Cross, an agent of Imperial Intelligence, assassinated Count Adan Dooku on Alderaan wearing fake Mandalorian armor, Fett was hired by Aveca Dunn and her employer Rodas Borgin to kidnap the current Duke of Serenno, Bron Dooku. Jahan Cross and security chief Candra Tymon were sent to stop Fett, leading to a fight between Cross and Fett. Fett and Cross then fought against Hovus Jorrick and his security forces.
Cross snuck up on the bounty hunter while his back was turned; Fett quickly retaliated by firing a wrist-mounted rocket, causing a bundle of nearby crates to explode and incapacitate Cross. Fett's honor and dedication to the mission prevented him from killing the injured Imperial agent, and he stole a speeder from a man who previously thought Fett was dead. Cross pursued, stealing another speeder. When Fett reached the hangar where Tymon and the young duke were boarding a ship, he fought Cross again. During their fight, Fett was temporarily blinded by damage to his helmet, but he knocked Cross down. Fett then fired one of his ion-charged missiles at Tymon's shuttle. However, it was destroyed, surprising Fett, who knew that an ion charge would only shut down the engines. Fett initially suspected Cross of destroying the ship, but Cross convinced him that his employer, Lord Borgin, had set him up. Fett then followed Cross to Borgin Castle, where Fett, who was initially hired by Cross through a third party, killed Borgin with a sniper rifle for setting him up to take the blame for Dooku's death.

Later on, Darth Vader engaged the services of Fett, tasking him with the capture of an Imperial official named Abal Karda and, more importantly, the container he was to be carrying. After discovering the contents of the box, a direct violation of Vader's orders, Fett considered keeping it for his own gain. Unbeknownst to Boba Fett, Vader had a collection of Imperial criminals. He eventually found them, and in a confrontation, eliminated them all. Fett pursued Karda to Maryx Minor, where he was concealed within the Ancient Order of Pessimists, and there Fett killed him. However, Vader had followed Fett to Maryx Minor, resulting in a confrontation between the two over possession of the box. Unable to penetrate Vader's defenses, Fett was soon cornered at the edge of a cliff overlooking a pit of molten material, seemingly at Vader's mercy. To avoid damaging the box, Vader attempted to coerce Fett into surrendering it by using his mental abilities against the bounty hunter. However, Fett's strong will enabled him to resist the Sith's suggestions long enough to throw himself off the cliff, apparently to his demise. Taken aback by this, and fearing the loss of his prize, Vader looked over the edge only to be met by Fett's blaster. Fett shot Vader directly in the forehead, causing the Sith Lord to fall backward, and Fett returned to solid ground, declaring victory. Vader, protected by his helmet, sarcastically acknowledged the bounty hunter's success, and then immediately used the Force against him. Stripped of his blaster, forced to his knees, and with his arms restrained by the Force, Fett appeared doomed. Yet, surprising Vader once more, he kicked the box Vader sought over the cliff's edge. Enraged, Vader released Fett and focused on the box, managing to secure it telekinetically just before it was destroyed. With Vader's attention diverted to retrieving the box, Fett considered the advantages of exploiting this opportunity to eliminate the Dark Lord of the Sith. He quickly decided against it, believing that such an action would bring endless trouble from the Empire. Consequently, he fled, commandeering Vader's landspeeder and abandoning Maryx Minor.
Black Sun had placed a bounty on Bendu Fry, a corpulent Devaronian criminal, dead or alive. Fett easily subdued him. Fry, in an attempt to save his own life, offered Fett information about a Jedi on the planet. Fett investigated, only to discover that it was not a Jedi, but the illegitimate child of a Jedi who had perished on Geonosis, much like Fett's own father. Upon this discovery, Boba chose to complete his original mission and killed Fry.
In 1 BBY, Fett found himself on Dargulli, where he encountered other bounty hunters, including Ganji. While there, Boba received word that Darth Vader was fighting a large number of bounty hunters on his own. Instead of joining the others in trying to kill Vader, Fett chose to side with him, assisting the Dark Lord of the Sith by firing on the other bounty hunters.

During the Assault on Thyferra, where pirate codes were discovered on Rebel weapons, Darth Vader hired Fett to eliminate pirate defenses above Ilum. This was done to enable Imperial reinforcements to move in and eliminate the leader.
Following another lead, Fett successfully tracked his bounty, Bria Tharen, to the starship Queen of Empire. Fett swiftly eliminated Bria's guards and drugged her. Lando was also captured by Fett when he arrived shortly thereafter. Upon regaining consciousness, Bria requested that Fett inform her father of her death to spare him the worry when her next message failed to arrive. Surprisingly, the bounty hunter agreed to this request. Before Fett could transport his prize back to Slave I, the Queen of Empire was intercepted by a pirate raid led by Lando's former girlfriend, Drea Renthal. Surrounded by Renthal's pirates, Fett realized he could not fight his way out without endangering his bounties. He agreed to release Lando to her in exchange for safe passage. Lando refused to abandon Bria to Fett, reminding Drea that she owed him a favor. Drea offered to pay Fett the 100,000 credit bounty to release Bria. Knowing that this was the only way to profit, Fett reluctantly accepted.
In 1 BBY, Grand Moff Tarkin hired Fett to capture Solo, who had deserted from the Imperial Navy long ago. While Fett pursued Han Solo from Hoth to Tatooine, Vader, also in pursuit of Solo, was close behind. Fett eventually located Solo in a cantina and set a trap near the back exit. As Fett waited for his target, Vader arrived and attempted to seize Solo by force. Fett, unwilling to lose the bounty, engaged Vader in combat as Solo attempted to escape through the back. Solo triggered Fett's trap, a stasis-field, which immobilized him. Vader gained the upper hand in the fight until Fett made an unexpected move, revealing a lightsaber of his own. The two clashed briefly, and while Vader's lightsaber skills far surpassed Fett's, Boba's raw strength, ferocity, and determination allowed him to hold his own. In the chaos, the stasis-field was damaged, and Solo escaped. Vader, more focused on capturing Solo, ended the fight and took Fett's lightsaber, leaving Fett without Solo's bounty. Enraged, Fett vowed to find Solo, no matter where he hid.

While living in relative poverty on Nar Shaddaa with fellow bounty hunter Xasha, Boba Fett received a communication from Darth Vader. The Sith Lord tasked the bounty hunter with a perilous mission, promising a significant reward upon its completion. Fett and Xasha, both in dire need of funds, took Slave I to Cato Neimoidia, where they were instructed to commence their assignment. En route, Fett revealed to Xasha that their target was an extremely powerful Force wielder known as Starkiller. After investigating the ruins of Tarko-se, a city completely destroyed by Starkiller, the two bounty hunters found the remains of the city's arena and a massive creature that appeared to be dead. However, their presence awakened the beast, which had nearly been killed by Starkiller, causing it to attack them. Although initially surprised by the monster's survival and ferocity, Fett recovered and killed the creature by using his jetpack to propel himself through its chest, destroying the Gorog's backup heart and finally ending its life.
The Gorog incident, along with witnessing the extent of the damage Starkiller had inflicted upon it, convinced Xasha to abandon the hunt. Despite her attempts to persuade Fett to do the same, Fett refused, driven by his pride and his urgent need for money to resolve his financial difficulties. After they parted ways, Fett returned to his homeworld of Kamino to meet with Vader at the Timira City Cloning Facility. After viewing a holo-recording of Starkiller's escape, the Sith Lord revealed the target's true nature to Fett. The target was not the real Starkiller, but a rogue clone—created from a series of failed experiments—of Vader's deceased apprentice.
Although initially shocked by the clone's power, Fett believed that tracking him down would be difficult, especially if he had to capture him personally. Vader, aware that capturing Starkiller was beyond Fett's capabilities, redirected the bounty hunter's focus to capturing Captain Juno Eclipse. Due to the imprinted emotions of his genetic donor, Starkiller shared the original apprentice's infatuation with Eclipse and was determined to find her. Since Eclipse was in command of the Rebel flagship Salvation, which was protected by an entire fleet of starships, Fett requested a squadron of stormtroopers to assist him, despite knowing that none of them would survive.
Unconcerned with Imperial lives or resources, Vader's primary goal was to retrieve his failed experiment. Therefore, he provided Fett with more than just stormtroopers; a special unit of the Imperial Terror Soldier division was placed under the bounty hunter's command, much to Fett's satisfaction. Before departing to complete his mission, Fett examined several "accelerated" clones, all of whom were unstable, that were being developed within the cloning tanks. A cloning technician explained that new clones being engineered on Kamino could be grown to full maturity in a few weeks, rather than the ten years required under the original Kaminoan method, or even the Spaarti technology's one-year process. Unbeknownst to Fett, Vader used this new method, known as the "Accelerated Cloning Process," to grow thousands of fully-developed Marek clones in six months.

After interrogating a Rebel prisoner on Slave I, Fett discovered that Eclipse and her fleet were hiding in the Itani Nebula. He and his forces then launched a stealth attack on the Salvation, ignoring the other Rebel ships to focus on quickly extracting his new target before Starkiller could arrive. Accompanied by a squad of Terror Troopers, Fett stormed the bridge, resulting in Eclipse's minor injury, severe damage to PROXY, and the deaths of the rest of the bridge crew.
While escorting Eclipse to Slave I, the Rebel officer attempted to bribe Fett for her freedom. The bounty hunter was amused but declined, explaining that he only worked for those likely to hire him again. He had little confidence that the Rebel Alliance would defeat the Galactic Empire. Along the way, Eclipse briefly saw Starkiller, who had arrived on the Salvation to rescue her. Shocked and unaware of the young man's true identity as a clone, Eclipse assumed that Galen Marek had somehow survived certain death. Fett forced Eclipse to continue to the ship's hangar, knowing that Starkiller would follow. The clone pursued them, but his progress was slowed by various Terror units. Fett further delayed Starkiller by blasting a hole into space, forcing the clone to use his Force abilities to avoid being sucked out. During this encounter, Fett also told Starkiller that he would not disintegrate the clone simply because Vader forbade it. He finally reached the hangar, only to see Fett exit the starship in Slave I with Eclipse as his prisoner.
Shortly before arriving at Kamino, Fett spoke with Eclipse. The captive warned her captor that unless she was released unharmed, Starkiller would destroy the bounty hunter without mercy. Fett acknowledged that it was a likely outcome but countered that he had fought Jedi in the past. Eclipse declared that Starkiller was not a Jedi; he was a ruthless killing machine without the limitations of the Jedi. She warned Fett that Starkiller could easily destroy him, even if it meant bringing a Star Destroyer down on him. Fett, unamused by Eclipse's threats, revealed the truth to her. The man Eclipse saw on the Salvation was not Galen Marek; it was his clone. The real Starkiller was dead. He also explained that Vader had Marek cloned using cells from the apprentice's corpse. Therefore, the only other person tracking her down, besides Fett, was a rogue clone obsessed with her due to his artificial feelings.
Eclipse's resolve was broken by Fett's revelation. As she fell to the floor, restrained by binders, Eclipse begged Fett not to hand her over to Vader. She knew that Vader only wanted her to lure the clone back to Kamino, and she implored the bounty hunter to remember what it felt like to love someone. Though he completed his assignment, he was visibly shaken by her plea. As soon as Slave I landed on a platform in Timira City, Fett and Eclipse were greeted by Vader and an escort of stormtroopers. Before releasing the prisoner into Vader's custody, he demanded certain benefits for his time—he would be allowed to negotiate his rewards for all future contracts and could refuse said contracts if he chose to do so; Vader agreed, and Eclipse was handed over to him.

Before Boba Fett could collect his payment for capturing Eclipse, Vader ordered him to remain in Timira City until Starkiller was neutralized. Fett became frustrated and demanded his reward immediately. He knew that the clone was about to arrive with the Rebel fleet and that he would likely die in the ensuing battle. Having seen what the clone was capable of on Cato Neimoidia and the Salvation, Fett knew that he would be killed in a confrontation with Galen Marek's clone. Vader's decision was final, forcing Fett to reluctantly stay at the Sith Lord's side.
When Starkiller used the Salvation to break through Kamino's planetary shield, he directed the starship's remains toward Timira City. Fett barely survived as debris from the Rebel flagship crashed into the cloning facility. The ground assault by Rebel troopers forced the bounty hunter to take refuge deep within Timira City. He was then attacked by another clone of Marek, one that was deformed and deranged. Despite its undisciplined use of a lightsaber, the clone possessed Marek's strength in the Force and resilience to pain. Fett survived by launching a rocket from his jetpack into the clone's head, killing it.
As the battle turned in favor of the Rebel Alliance, Boba Fett found the cloning technician he had spoken with earlier. He demanded that the scientist stay behind and protect the undeveloped clones, which Boba viewed as the legacies of Jango Fett. The scientist revealed that the clones were not created from Jango Fett—their genetic donor was Boba Fett, their fellow clone. He explained that Vader had hired Xasha to secretly extract DNA samples from Fett and obtain a copy of his brain patterns to create the memory flashes used to train the clones. Outraged by the deception of Vader and Xasha, Fett killed the cloning technician and burned all of his clones.
Despite feeling betrayed by Vader, Fett remained on Kamino to fulfill his contract by eliminating Starkiller, who was dueling Vader. Before Fett could get a clear shot at the clone with his sniper rifle, he was intercepted by Rahm Kota, PROXY, and a squad of Rebel troopers. He killed the troopers and held Kota at bay, but was caught off guard by PROXY when the holodroid took on the appearance of Jango Fett. The distraction worked, and Boba was defeated by the faux "Jango." As Kota and PROXY tried to apprehend him, Fett threw a sonic detonator at their feet and escaped to higher ground.
Under orders to protect Vader, Fett took aim at Starkiller's head with his sniper rifle. Unknown to either Fett or Starkiller, Darth Vader had a second contingency plan. While Fett was in position to save Vader from a distance, the Dark Apprentice—the only perfect clone of Galen Marek—was prepared to intercede on Vader's behalf. Using a cloaking device to hide his appearance, the dark clone was ready to strike down his imperfect clone brother to save Vader's life.

However, Kota and PROXY, accompanied by their troops, arrived to convince Starkiller to spare Vader. Kota argued that the Alliance needed Vader's knowledge of the Empire before they could execute him. Though filled with rage and a desire to succeed where his progenitor failed by killing Vader, Starkiller heeded Kota's advice. As the clone cradled Juno Eclipse's body, Fett took aim at Starkiller with his sniper rifle. To his shock, Eclipse awoke and kissed the clone, revealing that she had survived Vader's attempt on her life. The incident had a profound effect on Fett, who chose to spare Starkiller's life. As the Rebels claimed victory on Timira City, Fett retreated to Slave I.
As Darth Vader was restrained on board the Rogue Shadow, Fett intercepted Eclipse's transmission to Princess Leia Organa, a member of the Imperial Senate and a secret sympathizer with the Rebel Alliance. Through Eclipse's report, Fett learned that the Rebels were transporting Vader to their secret base on Dantooine. Before the transmission ended, Fett reached out to Eclipse's holographic face and cupped her chin. As the Rogue Shadow departed Kamino and entered hyperspace, Starkiller and Eclipse failed to notice that Slave I was hiding among the wreckage. Unbeknownst to them, Boba Fett was following the Rogue Shadow and its Sith prisoner to their destination on Dantooine.
While hunting a bounty on Bendak, Boba Fett was apparently killed by a team of Imperial stormtroopers led by a Zabrak captain and a Rodian soldier at the request of Concord Dawn's Governor Purton. News of his death was spread across the galaxy by Purton's spymaster, Teychenne. Three weeks after his "death", Fett took the shuttle Fallon and went to Iridonia to track down Captain Sibar. Fett killed Sibar after he was told that a stormtrooper commander on Sathiemon had arranged the hit on him, and took Connor Freeman's identity before going to Sathiemon, where the commander told him that a stormcommando officer named Mac Ewevs was in charge of the operation. Fett left him tied up, took his armor, and left him at the mercy of his dewback. Disguised as the stormtrooper commander, he then went to Atzerri where he rescued Freeman from Purton's retaliation.
Fett had Doctor Evazan treat Freeman after he lost his arm in the attack. He revealed himself to Freeman, telling him that he stole his identi-tabs, though he did intend for him to get involved in his affair, and took Freeman to Concord Dawn to protect his ex-wife, Sintas Vel and his daughter Ailyn. Fett then left Freeman and went to Blackfel's Imperial base and intentionally crashed his shuttle and jettisoned himself out of the ship.
He was then able to make his way to Captain Ewevs, past Darth Vader himself. Ewevs was able to see through Fett's disguise and tried to have his men kill him. After killing Ewevs troopers, Fett brought him to Slave I and interrogated him and poisoned him with venom from a [Balyeg](/article/balyeg's tooth. Ewevs told him that it was Governor Purton who arranged the hit on him in revenge for Fett's murder of his son, Lenovar.
Fett went to Concord Dawn, where he took out Purton's and Teychenne's men, but spared Teychenne in exchange for her silence on Fett's personal information. He watched as Freeman and Vel confronted Purton before Freeman killed him and then kissed. Fett confronted Freeman about kissing his wife, but Freeman pointed out that Sintas Vel was no longer his wife. Freeman gave Fett one of Purton's teeth, as he knew Fett collected the teeth of monsters and thought that Purton counted as such.
Around 1 BBY during the Galactic Civil War, Darth Vader contracted Boba Fett once more. This time, his assignment was to assist Vader and the Imperials in capturing the Star Tours-owned StarSpeeder 1000 ST-1401, either during the initial raid or, if the vessel escaped, to track it down, capture it, and deliver it to the Imperials, as the vessel was carrying a spy for the Rebel Alliance.
Eventually, after Flight 1401 escaped from the raid at Spaceport THX1138, Boba Fett successfully tracked the vessel to Geonosis. He ambushed the vessel within Geonosis's rings, resulting in a brief dogfight, although he was temporarily driven off by R2-D2. He later ambushed the ship again just as it exited the under-construction Death Star, but he was forced to allow them to escape with their quarry into hyperspace after R2-D2, using one of the ship's onboard cannons, deflected one of his sonic mines back at the Slave I.
At a later time, Boba Fett was again employed by Jabba when a wager between the crime lord and two rival Hutts led to each sending a team to search for the Yavin Vassilika, a priceless statuette considered to be a legend. Jabba's team included Han Solo, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, and Greedo. They competed against a team of Bossk, Dengar, and IG-88B, working for Malta. Zuckuss, 4-Lom and Sardu Sallowe made up a third team employed by Embra the Hutt. Unbeknownst to all, Fett was secretly hired to ensure Jabba's team won and retrieved the artifact, rescuing Solo's team from the natives who worshiped the idol. Malta's assistant, Jozzel Moffet, acting on behalf of the Rebel Alliance and Bria Tharen, snatched the Vassilika. Fett stopped the Rebels from fleeing, and they explained they had already given the money to Moffet. Later, Fett tracked down Embra the Hutt's assistant Farquil Ban'n (who had stolen the money) and claimed his reward money for Jabba, presumably killing or otherwise neutralizing Farquil.
In 0 BBY, Zarien Kheev hired Fett to locate and kill Rianna Saren, a Twi'lek mercenary working for the Rebel Alliance. He tracked her to Tatooine and shot down her ship, but Rianna survived, and Fett lost her in the Dune Sea.
Soon after, on Toprawa, the young Havet Storm inadvertently humiliated Boba Fett in a local cantina.
Fett also learned that Bria Tharen had been killed in a battle on Toprawa. He tracked Solo to Tatooine, but not to capture him. Keeping his word to Bria, Fett asked Solo to inform Bria's father of her death. Fett then rejoined Jabba's forces and was present when the Hutt confronted Solo in Docking Bay 94.
Employed by the Empire, Fett was present on the Death Star guarding Detention Block AA-23.

After the Rebel Alliance's triumph involving the destruction of the Death Star, Fett set course for Solem. There, he accepted a proposition from Imperial Governor Malvander Bren: to apprehend the Governor's sibling, who commanded a Rebel cell locally. Fett located the brother by interrogating the Rebels he commanded, employing lethal force or torture to extract necessary details. He uncovered a coded message, which, once translated, directed him to a cobbler named Rabutz situated in G'ai Solem. Despite Rabutz's and other Rebels' attempts to evade capture, Fett pursued them, leading him directly to Bren, his intended target. Although the Rebels offered to shield Bren from Fett, Bren surrendered willingly and accompanied Fett back to his brother's residence. Upon witnessing Fett's success, Malvander proposed paying him 10,000 of the agreed-upon 50,000 credits, citing the Empire's refusal to continue funding his personal endeavors. When Fett declined, Malvander threatened him with his palace guards; Fett swiftly incapacitated all three with precise shots to their arms. Fett then approached Malvander and seized his valuable necklace, a piece of jewelry exceeding the 50,000-credit value. Shortly after, Rebels stormed the palace. Despite Malvander's directive for Fett to eliminate them to compensate for the necklace's value, Fett simply departed the palace and the planet.
Circa 0 ABY, the Empire engaged Fett to pinpoint the Rebels' post-Yavin 4 hideout. Both the Empire and the Alliance sought a holocron created by Bail Organa. Constructed from phrik, this holocron had survived the destruction of Alderaan and contained potential Alliance base locations. During a battle with Imperial forces, Solo secured it aboard the Falcon. Fett, observing his bounty and adversary escaping, engaged the Rebel forces in his vessel. However, facing staunch resistance from the skilled Renegade Squadron, Fett was compelled to retreat. The bounty hunter later exacted revenge by capturing Admiral Gial Ackbar and his crew during a Rebel reconnaissance mission. Fett delivered Ackbar to the Imperials but retained his crew and droids, selling them to the Hutt cartel on Tatooine. Fett strategically placed a tracking device within an R2 unit. When Renegade Squadron rescued the prisoners, Fett simply trailed the Rebels to their new base on Boz Pity and subsequently alerted the Empire to its location. Meanwhile, en route back to the Rebel base, Solo contracted a sleeping sickness. This ailment caused him to relinquish control of his prized ship, Millennium Falcon, resulting in a crash landing on the water moon of Panna.
As Luke Skywalker reached Panna, Boba Fett arrived on a local creature. He observed the creature attacking Luke's downed BTL Y-wing starfighter. Halting the creature, Boba introduced himself and, seeking information about the Rebels, befriended Luke and guided him to the wrecked Falcon. Promising to secure an antidote, Boba Fett journeyed with Chewbacca to a nearby spaceport and transmitted a message to Darth Vader, inadvertently intercepted by R2-D2. Upon returning to the Millennium Falcon with the antidote and intending to capture Skywalker and Solo, C-3PO informed Luke of Boba's connection to Darth Vader (identifying him as Darth Vader's right-hand man). Boba swiftly deployed his jet pack to escape through the Falcon's top hatch, recognizing that eliminating Luke, Han, and Chewbacca would jeopardize his and his employer's chances of obtaining the desired information. It became clear that the encounter with Boba was an Imperial scheme. Fett had seemingly planted the talisman on the ship, aware of the sleeping virus that would affect Solo. The intention was to exploit this, using a fabricated friendship to uncover the location of the hidden base.
Sometime before 1 ABY, Fett discovered a holodisk containing crucial information. He tracked down an informant and coerced him into relinquishing the holodisk by threatening him with a Globblin's lair. He abandoned the informant to his fate, flippantly suggesting he outrun the creature and warning him about its long tongue. He then played the holodisk, which contained a holorecording of Pizztov, who informed Fett that he possessed something of value to Fett, and demanded that he either pay him 6.3 million credits, or else he'll sell it off to the highest bidder. This message infuriated Fett to the point of crushing the rock he held into dust. He somehow traveled to Bidamount and located Pizztov's office, where he rescued Sintas from one of Pizztov's bodyguards. Pizztov attempted to bargain for his life and even suggested that Sintas and Fett fight each other for the device, but they both refused. They then pursued him after Pizztov threw his girlfriend at them and fired at them to "play rude" in an attempt to escape. Sintas and Fett then left their separate ways to pursue Pizztov, although not before briefly acknowledging each other. He then witnessed Sintas recover the device. Realizing that Pizztov had implanted a death seal as insurance that no one but him could access the container via his eye signature, he shot Sintas in the arm in an attempt to save her. Pizztov then became overconfident and tried to kill Fett, but missed due to forgetting to aim, with Fett returning fire at him and killing him. Fett then explained his actions to Sintas, and after disabling the death seal, he then opened it up to reveal a holophoto of Fett himself with Sintas and their then-infant Ailyn Vel. Fett then left Sintas behind, casually stating her wounds would heal while carrying Pisstov's corpse for a bounty.

Boba Fett, frequently employed by the Imperials as a bounty hunter, opted to remain independent of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. He harbored disdain for their regulations and the motives that united them. Boba Fett accepted a mission to infiltrate and dismantle the Guild. He had outmaneuvered two Guild members, Bossk—an old rival—and Zuckuss, in securing a bounty. Upon delivering his target to his contact, Kud'ar Mub'at, he was offered the assignment. He accepted, unaware of the contract's originator. He visited the Guild station feigning interest in joining. The Guild's leader, Bossk's father, Cradossk, welcomed him, but the younger hunters disapproved of his decision.
After becoming a Guild member, Boba assembled a team of hunters, including his longtime friend, the cyborg D'harhan, to pursue Oph Nar Dinnid on Circumtore. The Lyunesi had placed a substantial bounty on Dinnid's head. The pursuit led them to a clan of Shell Hutts whom Dinnid hoped to serve—but by the time Boba arrived, one of the Hutts had slain Dinnid in a fit of anger. In the ensuing bloodshed, D'harhan perished. Zuckuss reported Bossk's death as well. Cradossk was pleased, as he had planned a purge. Bossk then appeared and killed his father. This outcome aligned precisely with Fett's mission: to fracture the Guild along generational lines.
Despite their historical animosity, Fett and Bossk collaborated to ensnare Trhin Voss'on't—a rogue Imperial stormtrooper who had murdered his crew and stolen secret encryption codes—by creating the illusion that Bossk had eliminated Zuckuss and Fett and sought to ally with Voss'on't. The scheme was initially successful, but Voss'on't eventually discovered the deception. Boba and Bossk managed to capture him, but he triggered an earthquake device, severely injuring both hunters.
Fueled by resentment, Bossk sought revenge on Fett for his role in the Guild's downfall, but Boba, with Zuckuss's assistance, gained the upper hand. The alliance with Zuckuss was fleeting, as Boba, still under Mub'at's employ, betrayed them both. They narrowly escaped Slave I with their lives.
Boba transported Voss'on't to Mub'at's web, pursued by the rogue Imperial's forces. Boba disregarded them, but upon exiting hyperspace, Slave I was immediately attacked. Faced with the choice to flee or engage his attacker, Boba devised a third option. He positioned Slave I between his assailant and Mub'at's web, then crashed the ship directly into Mub'at.
The arachnid alien sustained severe injuries but refused to compensate Boba, claiming he had not issued the bounty. Boba then realized that his attacker, identified as Prince Xizor, the notorious underlord of Black Sun, had set the bounty. Mub'at revealed that Xizor was also the mastermind behind the Guild's fragmentation. When the crime lord arrived, Boba captured him, only to discover that Xizor had negotiated a deal with Balancesheet, a now renegade subsystem of Mub'at's that had declared its independence.
Xizor did, however, pay the bounty on Voss'on't. Boba could only retreat in his damaged ship. He then realized that Balancesheet had played a final trick—he had deducted half the bounty to cover "expenses." Boba vowed to settle the score for this betrayal.
Soon after his conflict with the Guild, Fett tracked down the infamous Cornelius Evazan to the planet Necropolis, where he encountered Zak and Tash Arranda for the first time. After battling Evazan's reanimated corpses, Fett finally succeeded in killing the criminal.

One month later, Boba was hired by Aron Harcourt, an Imperial officer, to locate a holorecording of his wife, Janelle, from the wreckage of Anya Karu. Fett completed the mission, only to learn that Harcourt could only pay half of the agreed salary. Enraged, he gunned down the Imperial officer.
Some time after the Battle of Kalist VI, Fett was recruited by Lieutenant Treyz Manech to depose the Kyber Monarchy of Troska, resulting in the Battle of Troska. Boba was successful, but left King Natas Kyber alive, because of the size of the bribe he offered.
In 1 ABY, Fett decided to accept a bounty from Darth Vader for the capture of Zak and Tash Arranda and Mammon Hoole. After tracking them to Dagobah, Fett was knocked out in a fight with a monstrous dragon snake and found by cannibalistic descendants of an Old Republic survey team who called themselves "The Children." Held in a primitive cage and stripped of all his essential gear, Fett convinced Zak Arranda to free him. Once freed, Fett ordered tactical retreat from pursuing the Children let lead Zak to place where Zak met Yoda before. In a brief encounter with Yoda, Fett fell into the same dark cave Luke Skywalker would enter not much later. Before he could recapture them he was contacted by the very person who'd given him the mission in the first place; Darth Vader. He was instructed to forget the Arranda's bounty and attend to more pressing concerns—namely, being one of many bounty hunters employed by the Empire to track down and capture Han Solo.
Solo soon became a lower priority when one of Vader's personal spies, known only as "Mole", attempted to defect to the Rebel Alliance. Fett was hired by Vader to bring in the traitor, but Fett was foiled by Skywalker, Solo and Leia Organa on the frozen world of Ota.
Shortly thereafter, Rom Mohc contracted Fett to eliminate Kyle Katarn due to Katarn's meddling in the classified Dark Trooper Project. Despite Fett's skill, Katarn evaded him on Coruscant and subsequently dismantled the project.
Tsumo, a male criminal of an unidentified species, was captured by Boba Fett and imprisoned aboard the Slave I. En route to Coruscant, the bounty hunter discovered a derelict ship adrift in space, the Mingula. He chose to bring Tsumo with him to explore the freighter instead of his cellmate Chung the Ubuugan, who was wanted alive. Aboard the derelict craft, Tsumo and Fett discovered the supposed casket of Emperor Palpatine's third cousin Volpau in the cargo hold and noticed the drill holes of Ubuugan fleshborers on its surface.
In the cockpit of the freighter the two found the bodies of the Zylurian crew, Tsumo assuming they died of some disease. When Boba Fett knelt down to examine one of the corpses, Tsumo grabbed a blaster from another dead Zylurian, trying to shoot Fett in the back. The bounty hunter reacted far quicker and shot Tsumo in the shoulder. The criminal stumbled backwards and dropped over a body. This caused the Ubuugan fleshborers to creep out of the Zylurian body, immediately attacking Tsumo. Unable to shake the parasites off, they quickly bit their way through Tsumo's skin, painfully killing him.
Because of Fett's Mandalorian armor, the fleshborers couldn't make it through. The fleshborers having eaten through the airlock had boarded Slave 1. Boba torched the fleshborers but the flames heated the power cells. He then escaped through the waste chute. The Mingula exploded and Slave 1 intercepts Fett. Thinking that the fleshborers were still on the ship and that Chung was dead, Boba rushed to the prisoner hold. There, Chung was eating the dead fleshborers as a snack. Fett lost Tsumo, but gained a royal amulet.
Subsequently, the Empire hired Fett to capture a highly valuable holocron created by former Senator Bail Prestor Organa, containing a list of potential locations for a new Rebel Alliance base in the event of losing their primary base on Yavin 4. Boba discovered that the holocron was floating around in the asteroid field in the Alderaan system. When Fett jumped out of hyperspace in the Slave I in the Graveyard, he discovered that an Imperial fleet was engaging an Alliance fleet, under the command of General Han Solo, over the holocron. Fett quickly located the holocron and tried to pick it up, but he was fought of by Solo's special fighting unit, Renegade Squadron. With the Slave I badly damaged, he had to jump out of the system, his mission a failure.
To restore his reputation after these incidents, Fett annihilated the entire Imperial garrison on Vryssa to capture Rivo Xarran, who had hoped that his brother's forces would shield him from Fett.

Shortly after, a spacer encountered Fett in Jabba's Palace and sought employment after completing tasks for other patrons. Fett initially hesitated but eventually offered a bounty on Uff Wogo, advising the spacer to gather information on Restuss on Rori. There, the spacer met Kkrax, who, after persuasion, directed them to a smuggler on Dantooine who had transported Uff to an unknown location. The spacer tracked down the smuggler, disabled his ship, and destroyed his escorts, discovering that he had taken Uff to Yavin IV. Landing at the Labor Outpost on Yavin IV, the spacer met Wuioe Opca, who revealed that Uff's last known location was in Nashal on Talus and that he was a heavy drinker. The spacer visited a local cantina and inquired about Uff to the bartender, Decax, who led them to a back room where they encountered Durge, another bounty hunter, who claimed to have already killed Uff and presented a box containing his possessions. The spacer convinced Durge to hand over Uff's Alliance Needler carbine and returned to Fett, who rewarded them with 30,000 credits and allowed them to keep the Needler.

Intrigued by Fett's offers, the spacer inquired about Durge but was directed to The Warren on Dantooine for another bounty. There, the spacer met an escapee who provided a key to enter the facility. Inside, the spacer accessed a computer terminal used by the scientist Ogl'woxz. Following Fett's instructions, the spacer retrieved information and escaped with Ogl'woxz, who promised additional information in exchange for help. They were confronted by droids, which the spacer defeated before escaping. Once clear of the facility, Ogl'woxz revealed that a box in the Dantooine Mining Outpost contained the necessary information and provided the access code. The spacer acquired this information and returned to Fett, who rewarded them with a choice between a DC-15A blaster rifle and a DC-15S and advised them to rest before the next assignment.
After resting, Fett dispatched the spacer to a hotel in Dearic on Talus to find Durge. The spacer went to the back of the hotel and spoke to one of the Claw Bodyguards who were standing watch, but was soon attacked by the bodyguard and his accomplice. After defeating the duo, the spacer went into the back room and spoke with the bodyguard's boss, Imbrimi, who revealed that he too wanted Durge dead and informed the spacer that Durge was in an abandoned hotel at Dee'ja Peak on Naboo. The spacer soon left for the hotel and, when he got there, was attacked by some rogue B2 super battle droids before finding Durge in the basement. After a tense battle, the spacer killed this Durge, and returned to Fett who rewarded him with a KYD-21 blaster pistol. While at Jabba's Palace, Fett also informed an unknown spacer of the Death Watch bunker on the forest moon of Endor and let them know that Jabba wanted this splinter group dealt with before they could cut into his business as they were already known to be making deals with Black Sun. When the spacer asked if he would be rewarded for heading there, Fett informed them that the experience would be reward enough.
Following the battle of Talus, Emperor Palpatine contracted the most notorious bounty hunters in the galaxy to capture key Rebel officials from the list know as the Emperor's Most Wanted. While many bounty hunters choose to aim at Alliance field agents, Fett became interesting in capturing Rachi Sitra, one of the last known Jedi Knights. After tracking her movements for weeks, Fett was contacted by an another bounty hunter, who offered Fett his aid in capturing this adversary. The bounty hunter attempted to impress Fett with reports of Sitra's actions during the battle on Talus, but Fett already had more useful information - transmission with details about Sitra's upcoming diplomatic mission to Dathomir. Fett waited in Slave I behind an asteroid when Sitra's shuttle jumped into Dathomir space, then, with a precise shot from a heavy blaster cannon, neutralized the shuttle's hyperdrive and commenced boarding actions. When the airlock was forced open, Sitra ignited her lightsaber and prepared to defend herself, but Fett fired a rocket from his wrist launcher, which knocked the lightsaber out of her hands. Bruised and battered, the Jedi had no choice but to surrender herself to the bounty hunter; Fett locked energy binders on her hands and prepared to deliver her to Imperial authorities.

The temporary holding place for the captured Rebels was the Imperial prison facility in a rough mountain area just outside of Bestine on Tatooine. Fett handed his bounty over to Imperial authorities, but on his way back to Slave I encountered a squad of Rebel agents, who launched a bold assault at the facility in an attempt to rescue the prisoners. Fett alerted the Imperials of the intruders, but since he already received his payment, he had no interest in this activity and simply departed the facility in Slave I.
Later Boba decided to take up the Empire's bounty on Renegade Squadron again, possibly due to the embarrassment he took in the Alderaan system. During an Alliance scouting mission led by Admiral Ackbar to the planet Saleucami in search for a new rebel base, Boba attacked the rebel space vessel over the planet, and captured the Mon Calamarian Admiral and his crew. He sold Ackbar to the Empire (but the Admiral was freed by Renegade Squadron over Kessel) and sold the rest of the crew to the Hutt slave cartel on Tatooine. Fett knew that Solo and Renegade Squadron would eventually track down the rebel slaves and free them, so he hid a tracking device in one of the droids. When Renegade Squadron eventually rescued the slaves, they brought the spy droid back to their new secret base on Boz Pity. Thanks to Fett, the Empire was able to launch an attack on the hidden base, although most of the Rebel forces were able to escape, including Han and his squadron.
In 2 ABY, Fett was seen in the Outer Rim capturing a Twi'lek female who was a known Rebel sympathizer. It was presumed that information learned from her would help Vader in his search for Luke Skywalker.

Fett had several discussions regarding the potential of using Solo as bait to ensnare Skywalker. Following one such discussion on Ord Mantell, Fett was informed that bounty hunters under his command had successfully captured Solo on Hoth and were holding him in a secluded area. However, by the time Fett arrived, Solo had already managed to escape.
Among the bounty hunters assembled by Vader to capture the Millennium Falcon, including some who had recently captured Solo for Fett, Boba stood out. He was the only one who deduced how the Millennium Falcon had evaded Imperial forces by concealing itself among garbage. This was based on his observation of Obi-Wan Kenobi employing a similar tactic on Jango over two decades prior. Consequently, he tracked the ship to Cloud City on Bespin.
In his pursuit, he shadowed the Falcon to Cloud City and informed Darth Vader of their location. Vader then dispatched a stormtrooper detachment to infiltrate the city. Fett was trailed by IG-88B, whom he easily dispatched by setting a fatal trap. Upon Vader's arrival, he coerced Lando Calrissian, the city's administrator, into a deceptive agreement that forced him to betray Solo and his companions, ultimately selling Solo out to Fett. After Solo and his group were apprehended, Lord Vader used Solo as a test subject for carbon-freezing. If successful, he intended to use the process on Luke Skywalker to transport him to Emperor Palpatine. After confirming Solo's survival of the freezing process, Vader handed him over to Boba Fett, who planned to deliver him to Jabba the Hutt for a substantial reward. However, several months passed before Fett delivered Solo to Jabba's palace on Tatooine, and his whereabouts during that period remained unknown to Lando and Chewbacca, who searched the galaxy for clues leading them to the bounty hunter.

Rebel intelligence indicated that Boba Fett had an accomplice during Han Solo's capture, whom he later excluded from the deal, absconding with the bounty. After the Rebels narrowed down the accomplice to either Bossk or IG-88 (specifically either IG-88C or IG-88D), Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca journeyed to the Wheel to locate Vorol, who supposedly knew Bossk's whereabouts. Calrissian suspected that the betrayed partner, either Bossk or IG-88, was aware of Fett's hideout for Solo and was sufficiently enraged to reveal it. Vorol, confronted by Chewbacca, disclosed that Bossk was on Stenos. Consequently, the Wookiee, along with Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, and R2-D2, traveled there aboard the Millennium Falcon. In the capital, they allied with con artists and thieves Rik Duel, Dani, and Chihdo, but their mission proved unsuccessful, failing to bring them closer to Fett and his bounty.
IG-88 did eventually catch up with Fett. En route to the Tatoo system, Fett was intercepted by IG-88s C and D in IG-2000, who sought to steal Han Solo's carbonite block and avenge their fallen "brother." Fett swiftly destroyed C and deceived D, obliterating his ship with a barrage of fire, as the droids couldn't comprehend Fett's "illogical" actions. D's ship crashed, but the droid survived. Fett's ship sustained significant damage, forcing him to stop at Gall for repairs. Dash Rendar discovered his location and pursued him, encountering Fett there. The two engaged in aerial combat using jetpacks, and Rendar further damaged Slave I.
Boba was later invited into a cantina on Gall, where Bossk and Zuckuss attempted to persuade him to share the reward. Simultaneously, a sniper targeted Fett. Fett rejected their offer and sensed the sniper, shooting him down. At the same moment, his receiver alerted him that Slave I had been breached. Fett rushed towards the ship amidst the chaos of a battle above the planet, finding 4-LOM and several henchmen attempting to steal Solo's slab. Fett quickly eliminated them, only to see the Millennium Falcon, piloted by Calrissian, also pursuing him. Slave I swiftly took off. 4-LOM's intrusion inadvertently aided Fett, ensuring he was on his ship in time to thwart Calrissian's plan to rescue Solo.
Slave I retreated to an asteroid field, where Fett conducted final tests and repairs. The ship's system then detected a signal transmission: 4-LOM had repaired himself. Fett delivered a final blow to the droid, but it was too late. 4-LOM summoned Bossk, who tracked Fett down. The Hound's Tooth approached them in the asteroid field. Bossk dispatched Zuckuss and a team to board Slave I and apprehend Fett, intending to seize the slab for themselves. Furlag subdued Fett and took him to the hold, only to be trapped himself. Armed with Furlag's blaster, Fett surprised the hunters, killing two and leaving only Zuckuss alive. At gunpoint, Zuckuss informed Bossk that they were returning with the slab in their shuttle. When Bossk's co-pilot inspected the shuttle, he found their comrades dead, along with a detonation device that exploded in the Tooth's bay. As Bossk cursed Fett, Slave I jumped to hyperspace.
Shortly thereafter, Slave I was concealed within a derelict CR90 corvette, where Fett performed a final test on its guns. Zuckuss, confined in the brig, warned Fett that landing on Tatooine wouldn't be easy. Fett revealed that he had special plans for Zuckuss regarding this matter.

Upon reaching Tatooine, a group of bounty hunters awaited, aiming to intercept him and steal Solo. Fett devised a clever deception, dressing Zuckuss in his spare armor and chaining him to a speeder bike. 4-LOM was concealed under a cover and connected to the bike, leading the saboteurs to believe that Fett and Solo were speeding towards Jabba's Palace. Bossk, Spiker, and the others fell for the ruse, pursuing 4-LOM and Zuckuss while Fett infiltrated Jabba's Palace undetected and presented the Hutt with the so-called Man in Carbonite. Jabba, delighted to display the captured Solo, paid 250,000 credits for the "work-of-art" by the Dark Lord, exceeding the original 100,000 credit bounty for Solo. This was in addition to the substantial reward already paid by the Empire. He also requested Fett remain at the Palace, suggesting it would be worthwhile if Solo's companions came searching for him.
Shortly after, Jabba initiated his demolition games, which Fett eagerly joined. In the tournament's first match, Fett was declared the Hutt's reigning champion, a position he held for some time. Each match involving Fett became a major gambling event, with Jabba's henchmen often intimidating new spectators into betting on Fett's opponents to increase the Hutt's already vast wealth.

When Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, and Luke Skywalker attempted to rescue the frozen Solo from Jabba's palace, they were captured, and Jabba devised various methods to dispose of each of them. When Leia unfroze Solo and was to become Jabba's slave girl, Jabba sent her to Fett's room for "entertainment." Boba, adhering to his moral code, declined but didn't return Leia, as it would insult the crime lord. Instead, Fett and Leia debated the Rebellion's wrongdoings and the Empire's actions. After becoming uncharacteristically angry, Fett ended the argument abruptly and slept on the floor, allowing Leia to sleep in his bed.
Fett remained vigilant and found his stay entertaining, watching with Jabba as Luke battled the vicious rancor. When Luke killed the monster, an enraged Jabba sentenced Luke, Han, and Chewbacca to the Great Pit of Carkoon, home to the ghastly Sarlacc. En route to the Sarlacc, Boba was aware of the substantial reward for Skywalker's capture. However, Jabba refused to accept it or allow Fett to negotiate for it. They had killed his rancor and would pay the price. Fett was frustrated but saw no way to obtain the reward. Luke orchestrated his own rescue, and Fett, along with several of Jabba's guards, attempted to stop him.
While focused on capturing the Jedi, Fett failed to notice Solo. Solo, still partially blind from hibernation sickness, accidentally activated Fett's jet pack's manual controls by waving a staff wildly behind him, launching the hunter against the sail barge and causing him to fall into the Sarlacc's waiting maw.
News of this incident eventually entered Deal-slang as the expression "boba-ize," which meant to do something unintelligent that jeopardized or ruined a deal, implying that falling into the Sarlacc was considered a result of stupidity by Deal-slang speakers.
The Sarlacc couldn't contain Fett. Through his strong will and Mandalorian armor, Fett fought his way out of the beast's belly. After escaping, Fett was discovered by a group of Jawas who mistook him for a droid or cyborg, not bothering to scan him, and claimed him as their own, believing him to be unintelligent. They took him into their sandcrawler, fitted him with a restraining bolt, and continued on their way.

Fett was later joined by a familiar face when the Jawas stole R2-D2 from a hangar bay in Mos Eisley. R2-D2 immediately recognized Fett, but the meeting was interrupted when Han Solo and Leia Organa attacked the sandcrawler to retrieve R2. At this point, Fett awoke for the first time since escaping the Sarlacc, just as Solo entered the sandcrawler to rescue R2. However, the sandcrawler had been damaged during Han's attempts to enter it and was on a collision course with the Sarlacc. The Jawas were too preoccupied to fix it, having just been attacked by Tusken Raiders. Solo was as surprised as R2 to find Fett alive, but Fett had temporarily lost his memory and helped Solo rescue R2 from the doomed sandcrawler. Against his better judgment, Solo then tried to help Fett escape, unable to leave a helpless man to die.

Unfortunately for Fett, his memory returned when Leia shouted Han's name repeatedly. Fett fired on the unarmed Solo before he could free him from the sandcrawler, causing Solo to jump onto the sand. The sandcrawler, with Fett still inside, crashed into the Sarlacc's mouth, trapping Fett once more. Solo again believed Fett was dead.
After conversing with a fellow captive, the Choi named Susejo, Fett discovered that this being was psychologically connected to the Sarlacc. He used this advantage to provoke the creature into contracting around his jet pack, igniting the device and providing his escape. The resulting explosion, combined with the beast's acidic stomach juices, left Fett near death. As he lay dying on Tatooine's surface, his colleague Dengar searched for valuables from the explosion but found Boba Fett instead and nursed him back to health. Dengar, Fett, and Kateel of Kuhlvult survived a bombing run on the Great Pit of Carkoon arranged by Kuat of Kuat, the leader of Kuat Drive Yards.

Dengar and Fett became close friends, with Fett even serving as Dengar's best man at his wedding to Manaroo. In return for the rescue, Fett allowed Dengar to accompany him on a complex mission involving the Bounty Hunters' Guild and Prince Xizor's Black Sun. Fett learned of Xizor's involvement in the deaths of Owen and Beru Whitesun Lars, Luke Skywalker's aunt and uncle. His search led him to Kateel of Kuhlvult, who knew about the conspiracy. With numerous leads, Boba eventually discovered that the wealthy industrialist Kuat of Kuat was the mastermind. For the mission, Fett stole the freighter Hound's Tooth from Bossk, leaving Slave I drifting in space. After arriving at the shipyards, Kuat rigged the construction docks with explosives. Fett flew the Hound's Tooth into the exploding area, finding Kuat inside one of the larger ships awaiting his death. After questioning Kuat about the bombing raid on Jabba's palace, Boba made Kuat leave the ship. Fett managed to pilot the ship into the vacuum of space. Kuat was killed in the explosions, but Fett saved the shipyards from significant damage. Around the same time, news spread that the Rebel Alliance had defeated the Empire at the Battle of Endor, an event that would forever change Fett's life.
Slave I later fell into Alliance hands and rusted in an impound lot on Grakouine. Fett would use three more ships with the same name during his career, eventually recovering the original with help from Crystalboy, a former employer.
8t88 encountered Fett shortly after his escape from the Sarlacc at Rimmer's Rest in 4 ABY and attempted to hire him to capture Kyle Katarn. However, Fett declined, arguing that it was tactically unwise to take jobs against the victorious and successful Alliance.

The galaxy believed Fett was a digested meal in the Sarlacc's stomach, and Fett exploited this to his advantage. Using the less recognizable Slave II, Fett only accepted jobs from discreet clients. The situation worsened when Jodo Kast, a wannabe bounty hunter who acquired Mandalorian armor to imitate Fett, made others believe he was the infamous bounty hunter. Boba, using the alias Sava Brec Madak, hired Kast through House Benelex to hunt Satnik Hiicrop, who was Boba in disguise. The backgrounds of the two fictional identities mirrored Boba and Kast, with Hiicrop supposedly stealing business from Madak. In the end, Boba ambushed Kast and killed him by causing his jetpack to overload.

Four years passed before Han Solo discovered his nemesis was still alive. During the reborn Emperor Palpatine's reign of terror, Fett took a new bounty on Solo. Along with Dengar, he surprised his target on Nar Shaddaa, but Solo escaped again. He pursued Solo to the Deep Core world Byss. Fett was confident that Slave II would penetrate the planetary defense shield, but the Imperials closed it off before he could. Slave II crashed against the shield, and Fett and Dengar were thrown off. Dengar vowed never to work with him again, as they wouldn't be splitting the bounty. When they met again on the moon months later, the engagement again ended poorly for Fett. Chewbacca removed Fett's helmet and ignited his jetpack, causing Fett to crash into the roof of the enclosure, knocking him out. The Wookiee kept Fett's helmet as a trophy.
Fett wasn't finished and waited for the Falcon to emerge from the poisonous clouds over Nal Hutta. He was prepared to finish the job but didn't anticipate the Falcon being refitted with a lightning gun. It disabled Slave I and sent Fett spinning into the clouds. However, Solo would remain a fixation for Fett.
In 10 ABY, Fett was hired by Slique Brighteyes to kill Mir Tork and Leonis Murthé, the commanders of the Imperial "Death Ship" Azgoghk. Brighteyes offered Fett the entire wealth of the last surviving Gulmarids: 100 credits. Fett scoffed at the offer and took it as an insult. Brighteyes reminded Fett of how his name once inspired fear and respect throughout the galaxy until his defeat at the Pit of Carkoon. He also appealed to Fett's code of honor and justice. Giving in, Boba accepted the job. After destroying the ship on Malicar 3, Fett returned to Brighteyes on Basteel with the severed heads of his targets and received his payment.
Fett again found himself working for the Hutts when Gorga the Hutt hired him to locate the pirate Bar-Kooda. Even though the standing bounty was 100,000 credits, Boba demanded double that, which Gorga grudgingly accepted. On this mission, Fett enlisted the help of Wim Magwit, an illusionist who had spent four years aboard Bar-Kooda's starship, Bloodstar, performing for the pirates. When first confronted by Fett, Magwit effectively faked his own death to avoid the bounty hunter, who was not fooled. Magwit agreed to help Fett in exchange for freedom from an outstanding bounty on his own head. Using Magwit's mystifying hoop, Fett lured Bar-Kooda into the open. With the help of Wim and the pirate Toxus Li, Boba finally subdued Bar-Kooda after firing his flamethrower into his face. Meanwhile, Magwit had fled back to the escape pod. With Bar-Kooda in tow, Fett and Magwit blasted free from Bloodstar and returned to Gorga with his prize. Shortly afterwards, Fett gave his corpse over to Gorga the Hutt and his guests to dine on.

During this time, Fett took on several assignments from Gorga. He rescued Gorga's wife, Anachro, from kidnappers. He swung her on a tight rope to a nearby train cart and brought her home. After the incident, Gorga wanted his new father-in-law, Orko the Hutt, dead. Fett managed to get his money from Gorga, even though he didn't kill Orko himself. Orko bribed Fett to protect him instead. However, he was attacked by Ry-Kooda, Bar-Kooda's elder brother, who sought revenge on Fett and Gorga. Fett, the kidnappers, and Ry-Kooda clashed on Skeebo, and violence ensued. Boba rescued Anachro from her prison deep within an abandoned mine but was confronted by Ry-Kooda, a larger and more ferocious opponent. Fett defeated Ry-Kooda by firing a wrist rocket into the mine ceiling, collapsing it onto him. However, Ry-Kooda survived and faced Fett again. This time, Fett killed Ry-Kooda, ending the threat against Gorga, Orko, and himself. Fett had succeeded in killing Orko and rode off with Boz, who swore revenge on Fett. Shortly afterwards, Anachro had their baby.

In the year 13 ABY, Fett became involved in a scheme orchestrated by the "Imperial hard-liners" of the Restored Empire, who aimed to eliminate both the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic. Ennix Devian, a warlord and assassin leading the hard-liner faction, contracted Fett to locate Kir Kanos, a former member of the Imperial royal guardsmen, believing Kanos shared his anti-Imperial views. Despite the difficulty in pinpointing Kanos's whereabouts, Fett eventually tracked him down to the remote planet Meenka, where Kanos was working as a bounty hunter using the alias "Kenix Kil." Fett, employing a group of mercenaries, infiltrated Kanos's residence and unexpectedly discovered a plan by the local law enforcement to seize the bounty they had recently awarded Kanos for the killing of serial murderer Lem Krarr. Amidst the ensuing chaos, Kanos, mistaking one of Fett's men for an associate of the constable, killed him.
Instead of resorting to force, Fett requested Kanos to surrender peacefully, assuring him that he would be treated more as a guest than a captive. When the local constable arrived at the scene, Fett compensated him for the loss of his men at Kanos's hands. After Kanos agreed to cooperate, Fett transported him aboard the Slave 1 to the planetoid RZ7-6113-23, which served as the headquarters for the Imperial hard-liners. Having completed his assignment, Fett received the bounty for Kanos from the officer Bulger.
In 14 ABY, Boba Fett had an encounter with the Jedi Jaden Korr on Ord Mantell. Korr's objective was the destruction of a significant weapons cache hidden within the ruins of a devastated city. Fett's arrival coincided with that of the Jedi, and he cautioned Korr to "just walk away," revealing his desire to keep the weapons intact. Korr's refusal led to Fett's unsuccessful attempts to prevent the destruction of all seven stockpiles. Subsequently, Boba Fett sought to avenge himself upon Korr. A battle ensued, but the bounty hunter was defeated and compelled to retreat.
By the year 19 ABY, Fett had endured considerable physical strain. He needed extensive medical intervention to ward off cancer, a consequence of the metabolic changes he experienced during his time in the sarlacc. The loss of a leg and the persistent irritation caused by his prosthetic limb led him to seek a cloned leg replacement, an expense he could not afford due to the high cost of his cancer treatments. A significant opportunity arose when Fett accepted the bounty for the Devaronian criminal known as "The Butcher of Montellian Serat," wanted alive for five million credits. Fett located him on his home planet, Peppel. To infiltrate the Devaronian's defenses, Fett abandoned his Mandalorian armor and advanced weaponry, opting instead for a simple crossbow. Fett captured Labria, one of the Butcher's aliases, while he was using his makeshift outdoor toilet, a practice Devaronians only engaged in once a week. Fett transported Labria to his homeworld of Devaron, where he was scheduled for public execution in a pit of starving quarra beasts. Before his delivery to the executioners, Labria requested Fett to forward his extensive music collection, which had been suppressed by the Empire, to a publishing agent for the wider enjoyment of the galaxy.
Solo and Fett met again on Jubilar, the same planet where Fett had first seen Solo. Fett even considered stepping away from bounty hunting, but upon returning to Kamino for a leg replacement, he encountered Taun We, his old Kaminoan associate, who had other plans. Recalling the Mandalorian attacks on Kamino during the Clone Wars, Taun We tasked Fett with hunting down Fenn Shysa, the last surviving Mandalorian responsible.

Fenn Shysa and Boba Fett convened on the planet Shogun. The specifics of their meeting remain unknown, but Shysa met his end, ironically at Fett's hands, as an act of mercy after Shysa was mortally wounded while saving Fett from an unidentified threat. In accordance with his dying wishes, Boba succeeded Shysa as Mandalore in 23 ABY, assuming leadership of the Mandalorian Protectors and concluding a 45-year career as a bounty hunter. However, Fett's daughter, Ailyn Vel, began impersonating him in her own endeavors, utilizing the Mandalorian armor of Alpha-Ø2 and exploiting Fett's reputation, much like Jodo Kast had done previously. These actions further complicated the question of whether Fett was genuinely "himself" during his appearances on the galactic stage. Around 24 ABY, he briefly piloted the massive ship, Slave IV. Eventually, Boba managed to restore Slave I, which he subsequently flew from that point onward.
In the year preceding the Yuuzhan Vong War, Fett was contacted by Nom Anor. Their meeting took place in Keldabe, the Mandalorian capital. Anor, using the alias Udelen, met with Fett and provided him with the coordinates for a rendezvous point where he and a select group of Fett's troops were to assemble. As the Mandalorian fleet awaited Fett's orders, Boba established communication with the Yuuzhan Vong aboard his ship. Once aboard the Miid ro'ik warship, Fett instructed Goran Beviin, one of his most trusted officers, to discreetly collect samples while Fett conducted scans with his helmet. During the tour of the ship, Anor elucidated the Yuuzhan Vong's vision for the Galaxy, outlining the role the Mandalorians would play in shaping it. Both Fett and Bevin witnessed firsthand the Vong's plans for those they captured, including the agonizing process of biological enslavement inflicted upon a Twi'lek captive. Shortly thereafter, Anor presented Fett with the plans for the Mandalorians' next mission: securing a landing zone on Birgis, in exchange for the assurance that the Mandalore sector would be spared during the invasion.

Following their discussion, Fett and his Mandalorian fleet arrived at Birgis and seized its spaceport. Fett, Beviin, and several other Mandalorian warriors led the assault. Fett relayed the intelligence to a pilot during the attack, hoping that the Republic would not expose their operation. After securing the spaceport, Fett and his commandos were summoned by the Yuuzhan Vong to participate in the Battle of New Holgha, where Fett rescued the Jedi Kubariet. However, during the battle, the Mandalorian Briika Jeban sacrificed herself to save Kubariet, a debt that Fett later ensured Kubariet would repay.
The Jedi encountered the Mandalorian again after the battle. In collaboration with New Republic Intelligence, Kubariet verified that Fett and the Mandalorians would continue their guise as Vong mercenaries while simultaneously providing intelligence to the Republic. Before departing, Kubariet requested that Fett provide some of his best commandos to serve as a new Cuy'val Dar to train planetary militias in combating the Yuuzhan Vong. Honoring his commitment to the Jedi, Fett initiated a rigorous training program for his forces on Raxus Prime. At some point in 28 ABY, Fett was employed by Daala.
By the final year of the war, the deception had been uncovered, as evidenced by the Yuuzhan Vong attack on Mandalore. Fett commanded the Mandalorians in numerous engagements throughout the Outer Rim Territories. Fett, piloting Slave I, and his group of warriors in Gladiator assault fighters, later assisted Fett's former adversary, Han Solo, on Caluula Station, preventing them from being overwhelmed by Yuuzhan Vong forces. Boba Fett and his Mandalorian Protectors played a role in liberating planets from the Yuuzhan Vong, including Ord Mantell, Tholatin, and Gyndine.

Despite being in his seventies, Fett remained the leader of the Mandalorians and continued to work as a bounty hunter after the Yuuzhan Vong War. During this time, he kept a private residence on Taris. To avoid attention during his time on Taris, he stopped wearing his armor. This marked the first time in his adult life that he appeared in public without concealing his face behind a visor.
Fett pursued a 500,000 credit bounty offered by the Traders' Coalition for the capture of H'buk, an Atzerri glitterstim dealer. Upon catching up with his target in the Atzerri system, H'buk proposed to double the bounty. While Fett had H'buk's Z-95 Headhunter securely attached to Slave I, the prisoner made various offers in exchange for his freedom, including his own daughter. This angered Fett. After landing on Atzerri, Fett delivered H'buk to the Coalition members who had posted the bounty.
Fett then proceeded to Kamino, where he was scheduled to meet with his doctor. Fett was unwell, suspecting that he was nearing death, despite being only 71 standard years old and anticipating at least 30 more years of life. His doctor, Beluine, confirmed his fears: Fett had only a few years left due to clone degeneration. He also discussed Taun We's departure from Kamino with the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister informed him that Taun We did not possess the data he required, but Ko Sai did. He then set out to accomplish three objectives: locate Ailyn Vel, his daughter whom he had not seen in 50 years; find a successor as Mandalore; and evade death.
He eventually joined forces with his former rival, Han Solo, during an escalating civil war within the Galactic Alliance. His daughter had accepted the bounty placed on the Solo family by Thrackan Sal-Solo.
During this period, Fett reconciled with his granddaughter, Vel's daughter Mirta Gev, with Fett's family finally forgiving him for abandoning his wife decades earlier. Gev told him about a Mandalorian bounty hunter, who looked identical to Fett and claimed to have fought at Geonosis, yet was walking and as fit as Boba should be. Fett deduced that he must have been a clone who had found Ko Sai and used her data to halt the aging process. Gev informed Boba that the clone wore gray armor, unusual leather gloves, and identified his clan as Skirata.

Fett and Solo ultimately brought an end to Sal-Solo, with Gev delivering the fatal shot, while Ailyn Vel was captured and tortured to death by Jacen Solo, an act that earned Jacen Fett's animosity. Fett and his granddaughter recovered Jango's remains on Geonosis. They then buried both bodies next to each other on Mandalore. Afterward, they embarked on a mission to locate the clone with the gloves, retrieve Ko Sai's data, and rebuild Mandalorian society.
After Goran Beviin provided Fett with details about Ailyn's death, Fett realized what was happening to Jacen Solo. While others associated with Jacen believed he was becoming a fallen Jedi, Fett recognized that Jacen was following the path of the Sith, owing to Fett's history and personal connection to Darth Vader. Fett considered the Jedi and Sith to be essentially the same, given that Mace Windu had killed his father long ago. Believing that the Jedi would ultimately destroy themselves, as he believed they always had, Fett resolved to find Ko Sai's data so he could live long enough to witness it.
Fett eventually located the clone he was seeking, Jaing Skirata. Jaing confirmed that he had found Ko Sai's data but claimed to have destroyed it after using it. However, Jaing arranged for Fett to receive a cure through a bone marrow transplant. Upon learning of the death of Mara Jade Skywalker, Boba requested Medrit Vasur, a blacksmith in Keldabe, to send Han Solo a gift consisting of chest armor plates, a small blade, and a pair of crushgaunts crafted from "proper beskar." Fett explained that this was so Solo could "throttle the life out of his vermin spawn," and he signed it simply, "With deepest sympathy." Before embarking on a combat mission on Murkhana, Boba learned from Mirta that Sintas Vel was still alive and on Phaeda, frozen in carbonite. He then provided Mirta with the funds needed to free Sintas.
Boba and Mirta then recovered Sintas from carbonite and brought her to Mandalore, where Fett's doctor, Dr. Beluine, assisted in her release. Upon her release, she experienced temporary delusion and suffered from sight and memory loss. After some time, Jaina Solo, who had come to Mandalore to train with Fett, enlisted the help of Gotab, a former Jedi who had become a Mandalorian, to heal Sintas. He successfully repaired the damage, restoring her sight and memory.
Following Mirta's wedding and the day after her healing, Sintas expressed that she harbored no ill feelings toward Boba, and Boba presented her with a new Heart of Fire pendant containing his memories from the time he had left her. It also included bank account numbers and other codes to access property Fett owned, ensuring that Sintas would never have to engage in bounty hunting again.

Inspired by the "gift" Boba Fett had sent to her father, Jaina Solo sought out Fett, hoping to secure his assistance in hunting her brother Darth Caedus, the new Dark Lord of the Sith, and to acquire the skills necessary to confront her twin. Arriving on Mandalore in an X-wing, Jaina was met by a group of heavily armed Mandalorians, who escorted her to meet Boba Fett in a modest, rustic cantina that served as the Mandalore's seat of government, fully aware of the traditional Mandalorian disdain for Jedi. Fett agreed to train her, but warned that he would be a demanding instructor. While in the cantina, she encountered two Force-sensitive Mandalorians, Gotab and Venku, but had little opportunity to interact with them.
In her initial lesson, Fett began by dueling her with a lightsaber, only to eventually relax and discuss Jacen's strengths as other Mandalorians gathered to observe. With her guard lowered, Fett delivered a powerful punch to her midsection, catching her off guard and humiliating her. This would not be her only defeat at the hands of the warrior people. Understandably, there was significant tension between Jaina and Fett, but she endured it in her pursuit of a way to defeat Caedus. She also received some training from Goran Beviin, who allowed her to stay at his farm, where Jaina met Mirta Gev, who eventually regarded her as a comrade in arms.

Even while Fett trained her, she was required to assist with mechanical tasks and other mundane duties around the Mandalorian settlement, gaining insights into Mandalorian culture and Fett's personal history. Fett explicitly reserved Jacen for her to deal with, asserting that the Skywalker and Solo families were responsible for allowing him to wreak such havoc. In addition to her standard training, Fett allowed Jaina to accompany him and other Mandalorians to Fondor, hired as a contract force to accompany Admiral Natasi Daala's ragtag Maw Irregular Fleet, who had previously discussed with Fett his views on the Jedi and Sith. After Gilad Pellaeon was murdered by Jacen's new Sith apprentice, Tahiri Veila, on his flagship, the Bloodfin, Fett, Jaina, and the Mandalorians boarded the ship. The Mandalorians stormed the Bloodfin, eliminating any Imperials who resisted and dealing with the renegade Moffs who had planned to seize power after Pellaeon's death and had been aiding Caedus. Jaina and Mirta pursued Tahiri and chased her down the escape shafts. Mirta engaged Veila in fierce melee combat, using a vibroblade to sever Veila's femoral artery, while Jaina held off other Imperials. However, Caedus intervened and began Force-choking Mirta until Jaina broke his grip, allowing the Sith and his apprentice to escape. While the Sith Lord sustained further injury from a group of Mandalorians, he and Veila managed to escape, intending to regroup and consolidate on Coruscant.
Following the battle, Jaina returned to Mandalore to continue her training. While the other Mandalorians now regarded Jaina as an ally and friend, Fett remained as uncompromising and ruthless as ever. However, Fett now exhibited greater tolerance toward Jaina and was willing to share his perspective that he saw little difference between Jedi and Sith. Fett also informed Jaina that the solution to stop Caedus would not be as simple as killing him, and he personally desired to see Jaina's brother suffer for a long time, while also wishing to avoid becoming entangled in Jaina's family problems. A month later, Boba would also oversee the wedding of his granddaughter and a Mandalorian warrior named Ghes Orade.

Boba and Jaina participated in an inspection of Nickel One, gaining control of the security cameras without detection, which they later used when Jaina entered Nickel One to confront Caedus during and after the Imperial Remnant initiated its invasion of Roche. They initially repelled the advancing Imperials, but Roche soon transformed into a firestorm, forcing the Mandalorians on the asteroid to retreat. During the evacuation, Fett informed Jaina that she had acquired the necessary skills and sent her back to the Jedi Order so that she could deal with her brother. Later, Darth Caedus moved his fleet to Nickel One, and during an attack on the asteroid by the Jedi and the Solo's, Fett collaborated with his former enemy, Luke Skywalker, to sneak Jaina into Roche to kill her brother, Caedus. Simultaneously, Fett dispatched a commando team, led by Vatok Tawr and including Fett's granddaughter, Mirta Gev, to eliminate the Imperial moffs.
While entering the station, the Mandalorians encountered Jaina Solo, who had also infiltrated the station during the attack. They joined forces, but the team attempted to use the Jedi to aid the Mandalorian assault on the Moffs' conference room. During the assault, the Mandalorians gained the upper hand and killed several of the Moffs, until Darth Caedus intervened. As a consequence, the command team was killed, and Jaina's attack on Caedus failed, although she succeeded in severing the Sith Lord's arm during their lightsaber battle. Believing Mirta to be dead, Boba confronted Jaina and Luke after the battle, expressing his anger. Fett held Jaina responsible for Mirta's death, arguing that she had not returned to verify whether she was alive. Luke countered that Fett himself was to blame for Mirta's disappearance, because he had attempted to exploit the Jedi Order, and that the plan would have succeeded if the Mandalorians had simply cooperated with the Jedi.
Mirta was not dead, but was being held captive by Caedus. During the battle, Caedus had used the Force to lift Mirta into the air and break her spine when he dropped her back down. Unable to move below her neck, Caedus interrogated her about the mission and whether Luke or Jaina was responsible for his arm. Meanwhile, the Imperial Remnant had developed a nanovirus that could be engineered to target specific genomes or family bloodlines, and they wanted Caedus to take a sample from Mirta so that a virus could be tailored for Boba Fett. Caedus taunted Mirta with the Bacta treatment she needed to regain her mobility and the threat of allowing the Remnant to obtain her blood sample. He also planted the idea in Mirta's mind that Fett knew exactly what he was doing when he sent her on such an obvious "suicide mission" to kill the Moffs, hoping to sow distrust between the two.
Ultimately, the Imperials used her blood to create a virus for the Fetts. Caedus ordered an attack on Mandalore during which the nanovirus would be released into the atmosphere of Mandalore itself, intended to kill Boba. Fett was not on Mandalore at the time, so the virus did not kill him. However, due to the nature and prolonged lifespan of the virus, Fett and Mirta Gev would never again be able to set foot on the planet. The effect of the virus on any clones or their descendants still living on the planet, who were also cloned from Jango Fett and shared Boba's genome, remains unknown. Eventually, the war concluded with the death of Caedus on Shedu Maad, at the hands of his sister. Jaina also rescued Mirta during this mission, who was already showing improvement from the Bacta treatment, and returned her to the care of the Mandalorians.
After the war, Natasi Daala became the Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, and when she was imprisoned by the Jedi for crimes against the Alliance, Fett led the rescue mission to help her escape. To accomplish this, he used a decoy of himself and the Slave I to deceive the authorities.
After breaking Daala out of prison, Boba requested his payment and asked if she could assist him in creating an antidote for the nanovirus that prevented him from visiting Mandalore. Daala agreed, stating that it was the least she could do after his assistance.

Many individuals, even Darth Vader himself, believed Fett held the title of the galaxy's best bounty hunter. This widespread admiration fueled Fett's self-assurance, allowing him to engage in occasional, almost disrespectful banter with the Sith Lord—a liberty only Emperor Palpatine or Grand Moff Tarkin would dare to take. Fett's cunning and sharp wit surpassed even that of his father, Jango. Throughout his long career as a bounty hunter, Fett cultivated a strong sense of personal justice, moral duty, and a rigid code of honor. He selectively accepted bounties that aligned with his beliefs and his particular brand of harsh justice. However, when he did accept a job, he dedicated his exceptional skills entirely to the task. This commitment led him to favor swift and decisive kills. Despite his moral code, he frequently accepted contracts from the Empire. His frequent collaborations with Darth Vader even led some to consider Fett as Vader's "right-hand man." He once explained this apparent contradiction to Leia, arguing that the Rebel Alliance, not the Empire, had initiated the Galactic Civil War, and that the Rebels brought only chaos, while the Empire sought to establish order. Because Fett valued order above chaos, regardless of its source, he preferred working for the Empire. He also stated that he preferred clients who would be around for repeat business, and he doubted the Alliance's long-term viability.
Despite his deep-seated animosity towards the Jedi Order, he extended an apology to Jax, a clone cadet he briefly befriended, before abandoning him and his fellow clone cadets at Aurra Sing's insistence. He also told Aurra that while he wanted to kill Windu for Jango's death on Geonosis, he did not wish the crew of the Endurance any harm. Before the Endurance was destroyed, he incapacitated a clone trooper during his infiltration of the reactor core, reassuring him that he would not die, hinting at a possible connection to his clone brethren. Nevertheless, he did not consider himself a "clone" in the same vein as the "modified and disposable" clone troopers. Regardless of his feelings for the other Fett clones, Boba Fett accepted the position of mission commander for the 501st Legion during the Kamino Uprising, a battle that resulted in the total annihilation of rebel clones derived from Jango Fett's genetic template.
Fett was also a skilled marksman and had access to a vast array of weaponry. However, he was not solely reliant on advanced technology. During his pursuit of the Butcher of Montellian Serat, he was forced to capture him without his armor, armed only with a bow, arrows, and a crystal knife, due to the electronic detection equipment installed in the Devaronian's compound. He was completely dedicated to his assignments, often setting aside personal grievances to ensure mission success. Furthermore, during his time with the Clone Youth Brigade, he demonstrated his exceptional marksmanship by hitting every target with a single shot on the Endurance, a feat that eluded the other members.
Beyond his marksmanship, Fett was an exceptional hand-to-hand combatant. His fighting prowess, tactical brilliance, and unwavering will even enabled him to briefly engage Darth Vader in personal combat and survive. While Fett did not gain the upper hand, and Vader's intention was not to kill him, Fett managed to momentarily resist the Dark Lord's telepathic suggestions and surprise Vader with a shot to the head. Unfortunately for Fett, the shot failed to penetrate Vader's helmet, and Vader used the Force to immobilize Fett when the fight resumed.
As a young boy, he was far more enthusiastic and receptive to others, until his father's death on Geonosis. The death of Boba Fett's father, at the hands of Mace Windu, instilled in Boba a profound hatred not only for Mace, but for all Jedi. Despite this animosity, he appeared to have compassion for the other Clone cadets, as he was visibly disturbed by the necessity of abandoning Jax, Hotshot, and Whiplash. The events that followed this tragedy profoundly shaped and scarred his life, transforming him into a man who never ventured out without his armor and weapons. He was meticulous in his observations and constantly assessed his surroundings to determine the optimal approach to any problem. This meticulousness allowed Fett to outsmart IG-88 on Cloud City, who had surreptitiously placed a tracking device on Slave I before takeoff in an attempt to intercept Solo.
As an adult, Fett adopted a strict moral code, claiming to have never even held a woman in his arms. He also considered sexual relations outside of marriage to be immoral.

Boba Fett, in his adult years, stood at a height of 1.83 meters. He was typically seen wearing traditional Mandalorian armor, adorned with a string of Wookiee scalps draped over his shoulder.
Despite his heavily armed attire, Fett was a subtle hunter, relying as much on his intelligence and strategic thinking as on brute force and combat skills. Possessing a voice similar to his father's, Fett rarely revealed his face and even fewer knew the details of his background, which contributed to his enigmatic persona and provided him with a psychological advantage over his targets. Xasha, a fellow bounty hunter, was one of the few individuals to whom Fett revealed his face.
His time spent within the Sarlacc resulted in gruesome scars. These scars extended to his face, leading Fett to conceal his appearance with bandages when deceiving the bounty hunter's guild, as he doubted they would recognize him. Dengar alluded to this fact, as did Fett's own thoughts during his examination by Beluine. By the time of the Second Galactic Civil War, his face remained largely unlined due to limited exposure to sunlight. His scars, including those sustained within the Sarlacc's digestive system, were no longer prominently visible. Han Solo described his face as resembling "an unfeeling slab of stone."
Although Boba was a perfect genetic replica of Jango Fett, their differing lifestyles led to some variations in their appearances: Jango focused on combat prowess, while Boba's emphasis on cunning over brute strength resulted in a leaner physique.
Nevertheless, Boba Fett possessed surprising strength. He demonstrated this by holding off Bossk, the notorious Trandoshan bounty hunter (a species renowned for its raw physical power), using his own brute strength.

Boba Fett's Mandalorian helmet possessed the ability to record video and play it back on command, dispense water, automatically adjust for varying light conditions, pick up and amplify faint sounds, and connect to the onboard computer of Slave I, provided the transmission was not obstructed (such as by being underground inside the Sarlacc). The helmet also had the ability to seal to compensate for pressure changes and hold an air supply for 5 to 10 minutes, although this feature may have been damaged at some point. The helmet also contained a retractable straw, allowing Fett to drink without removing it. Like most Mandalorian helmets, it featured a T-shaped visor.
Fett could control weapons, sensors, and his jetpack using voice commands. His helmet's HUD (heads-up-display) provided information about the surrounding environment, as well as a 360-degree field of vision. The HUD's data streams could be controlled using eye movements and blinks. Furthermore, an advanced penetrating radar enabled his HUD to provide information about nearby rooms and scan the HoloNet, allowing him to perform tasks typically requiring a computer terminal, such as searching databases for individuals or even trading on the stock market and buying real estate, from any location with HoloNet access. The macrobinocular viewplate could be magnified for long-distance viewing and was equipped with features such as an infrared scanner capable of magnifying up to 50 times. The infrared scanner could amplify light up to 100 times or display heat gradations.

The helmet's broad band antenna could intercept and decode comlink and starship communications. It was also capable of jamming transmissions or sending false transmissions, even when Fett was not on his ship, with assistance from his ship's computer. At the top of the antenna was a rangefinder capable of tracking up to 30 targets from a distance of 100 meters. The rangefinder transmitted data to a display overlay within the helmet, indicating range and movement for targets within a 360-degree radius. The overlay also linked to Fett's weapons systems, displaying fire vector and range data. The rangefinder could be deployed either horizontally or vertically.
The environmental filter system could filter out poisons and contaminants and provide Fett with a two-hour reserve air supply.

Fett's Mandalorian armor was originally made of duraplast, which allowed it to withstand significant damage without deteriorating. A digital life support system readout was visible on his left duraplast blast plate. His armor also included two orange shoulder pads, matching his kneepads. The left shoulder pad displayed the Mandalorian skull logo, while his right chest plate bore Jaster Mereel's sigil.
Fett wore a power armor liner. This liner shirt featured a micro energy field projector and two layers of thin ceramic plates to disperse physical and blast impacts, reducing injuries and the likelihood of being knocked down. The power liner also provided increased protection from fire, acid, intense heat, and cold. His primary attire was a reinforced armor mesh battle/flight suit. The inner lining of the suit offered temporary protection against poisons and corrosives. This suit had pockets on his hips and thighs (one on each side).
Fett wore a leather utility belt, typically with ten leather pouches (though sometimes fewer). Below this, he wore a Journeyman Protector honor sash. Three braided Wookiee scalps were attached to his right shoulder. The battle/flight suit had pockets on his shins containing an anti-security blade, a survival knife, a jetpack adjustment tool, and a sonic-beam weapon. Fett wore spats around his ankles to prevent debris from entering his boots. These spats were smaller than standard spats, made of light-colored cloth, and attached behind the ankle rather than under the boot.
Fett wore a pair of versatile boots with two spikes attached to the front of each.

Around 0 BBY, Fett wore a slightly different colored armor set on Panna. He was also armed with a rarely used double pronged Amban phase-pulse blaster and a Sacros K-11 pistol, known as "The Disintegrator." It is unknown whether this was a repaint to disguise his infamous armor or another set entirely, but the suit consisted of a yellow chestplate and a blue helmet and gauntlets.
By 25 ABY, Fett wore a durasteel set of armor plates, similar in appearance to his earlier duraplast armor.
Around 40 ABY Medrit Vasur made some new armor plates and a helmet for Boba from some of the Mandalorian iron deposits that were discovered in the countryside around Mandalore. Medrit and his husband Goran Beviin thought it more proper that Fett's armor be made from this material, since he was Mandalore. The pieces were painted in the same color pattern as his original armor. Medrit added a gorget to the ensemble, explaining to Fett that this way he wouldn't have to worry about being killed in the same manner as Jango had.
Fett switched out all his armor plates prior to the Mandalorian mission, under contract from Admiral Daala, to retake the Star Destroyer Bloodfin. He opted to replace the helmet when he could later add all the electronics to it himself. After taking several blaster shots during the conflict, Fett decided that the extra weight of the new armor was worth it, since he noticed a distinct difference in how much more punishment the armor could take than his previous durasteel armor. The neck gorget would later prove itself useful after Fett approached Jaina Solo just after she had taken care of some adversaries. Startling her from behind, she instinctively swung her lightsaber up to decapitate her would-be opponent, but the gorget stopped the lightsaber blade before it could do any damage.

Fett utilized a Mitrinomon Z-6 jetpack. The fuel tank had enough fuel for three 20-second bursts, 20 three-second bursts, or one minute of continuous operation. Each three-second burst could propel Fett up to 100 meters horizontally or 7 meters vertically. Fett could reach a maximum speed of 145 kilometers per hour, with a range of up to two kilometers. Directional thrusters incorporated gyro-stabilizers to provide counter-thrust for maneuvering and landing.
The top of the jetpack featured a turbo-projected magnetic grappling hook with a 20-meter lanyard (replaceable with 100 meters). A winch within the launcher could lift up to 100 kilograms. The grappling hook unit was replaceable with an anti-vehicle homing missile.

Fett's primary weapon was an EE-3 carbine rifle, which was more powerful than a standard stormtrooper blaster. A later version of the EE-3 featured hand grips running lengthwise down the barrel.
Boba Fett employed two different sidearms during his career as a bounty hunter. The first was a Sacros K-11 blaster pistol, similar to one of the two used by his father, Jango Fett. The other sidearm was a concussion grenade launcher, which included a short shoulder stock for improved stability and accuracy when firing. Fett carried these smaller weapons in a holster on his right hip, but he did not equip both sidearms simultaneously. He also had a Dur-24 wrist laser. Comparable to a blaster rifle in power, these wrist lasers had a range of 50 meters. Initially exposed, a protective shield was later added to the left gauntlet, enclosing and concealing both weapons.
Boba Fett initially wielded his father's two WESTAR-34 blaster pistols. He also used a flechette pistol during the Clone Wars. Later, Boba Fett employed an LD-1 target blaster rifle, as well as a Tenloss DXR-6 disruptor rifle. He possessed a KYD-21 blaster pistol, a DC-15S, and a DC-15A blaster rifle. He also knew how to wield a crossbow. Fett also utilized detonation packs, CryoBan grenades, Thermal detonators, and sonic detonators. He also had his own concussion grenade launcher.

Fett's left gauntlet also housed a Kelvarek Consolidated Arms MM9 mini concussion rocket launcher, which utilized computer target tracking. Fett used Type-12A anti-personnel rockets, Type-12B stun rockets, and 1126 rockets.
Fett's right gauntlet contained a fibercord whip with a grappling device: a 20-meter-long fibercord whip used to entangle and immobilize a target. It also held retractable vibro-blades and a dart launcher.
Fett also had knee pads with rocket dart launchers. These small launchers used Malkite themfar or Fex-M3, molecular acid, stun agents, or explosive tips.
Fett was known to have used a modified Wing-Blast rocket pack. The Wing-Blast rocket pack transformed the user into a flying weapons platform capable of operating in deep-space as well as planetary atmosphere.

Fett was known to occasionally carry with him one of the several lightsabers he had taken from Force-sensitives over the course of his bounty hunting career. Despite having no sensitivity to the Force, Fett is one of the few non Force-sensitives (Jedi/Sith) capable of using a lightsaber (albeit, with only basic skill), a feat traditionally reserved for Force-sensitives only (see lightsaber for more info). In the several instances that he has been shown to use a lightsaber, it has usually been as a last resort in fighting Force-sensitives (not being his primary weapon of choice) and usually as a form of surprise attack as it would be unexpected from someone who was not Jedi or Sith.
Fett had a wide array of other items that he carried. Fett carried a wide array of devices used in infiltration and data retrieval. Among these were a series of security blades, a lock overriding system on his wrist band, and a data breaker.
Dengar gave Boba Fett a copy of the Bounty Hunters Guild Handbook that was previously owned by both Greedo and Bossk. In addition to annotations by all four bounty hunters, Fett combined his handbook with a manifesto on Death Watch that was annotated by his father, and called it The Bounty Hunter Code.
Fett possessed several custom-modified spacecraft, all named Slaves I through IV. These included a Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft (Slave I), a Pursuer-class enforcement ship (Slave II), and an AIAT/i gunship (Slave IV). The class of starship Slave III remains unknown. He was also known to have owned the Silver Speeder, which he once used in the Boonta Speeder Race, as well as a swoop. He also claimed Hound's Tooth, Bossk's ship, for himself at least 2 times, abandoning the ship back to its original owner after he finished with it, in much worse shape than when originally taken.

Boba Fett made his initial on-screen appearance in The Star Wars Holiday Special during an animated segment produced in 1978. His popularity and mystique were further amplified when Kenner released a Boba Fett action figure prior to the premiere of The Empire Strikes Back. However, Boba Fett's first "public" appearance occurred during the San Anselmo Country Fair parade on September 24, 1978, where he marched alongside Darth Vader.
His live-action portrayal in The Empire Strikes Back does not include any dialogue that mentions his name. Fett is initially seen among a group of bounty hunters hired by Darth Vader to locate Han Solo and the crew of the Millennium Falcon ("I want them alive. No disintegrations!"). Composer John Williams incorporated a recurring musical theme in the film to represent the character of Fett.
Joe Johnston, who was primarily responsible for the design of Fett's armor and equipment, collaborated with Ralph McQuarrie to develop the concept art for the character of Boba Fett.
Fett's dialogue in The Empire Strikes Back is limited to four lines: "As you wish", "He's no good to me dead", "What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me", and "Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold." In Return of the Jedi, he has just one; "What the?", just before his jetpack malfunctions followed by an inarticulate scream.

Despite his minor role, Fett gained widespread recognition among fans, leading to his frequent appearances in the Expanded Universe and a strong cult following.
Boba Fett was not seen on film using the updated version of the EE-3 carbine rifle until Return of the Jedi. The updated version featured hand grips and a different scope mounting.
When the Special Edition of A New Hope was released in 1997, a scene featuring Han Solo and Jabba the Hutt was added to the film, before Millennium Falcon took off from Mos Eisley, in which Boba Fett is shown in Jabba's retinue to improve the trilogy's continuity. Additional shots of Fett in Jabba's palace were filmed for the Return of the Jedi Special Edition.
As revealed in the 68th issue of the Marvel Star Wars (1977) comics series, Boba Fett was believed to have served with a group of supercommandos from the planet Mandalore towards the end of the Clone Wars. According to reports, only three Mandalorians survived: Boba Fett, Tobbi Dala, and Fenn Shysa. However, it was later revealed that this "Boba Fett" was not Boba Fett at all, but a rogue ARC trooper named Spar who had become obsessed with returning the Mandalorians to their former glory, the idea Boba served a misunderstanding caused by rumors that Spar was the "son of Jango Fett".

Boba Fett played a significant role in the miniseries Star Wars: Dark Empire, where it was revealed that he had survived the Sarlacc and continued his pursuit of Han Solo. The story of Boba's first escape and recovery (there being three of them) is documented mainly in the Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy and the anthology book Tales from Jabba's Palace. Interestingly enough, Fett was found lying outside the Sarlacc pit by a fellow bounty hunter named Dengar, whom Boba had previously left to die earlier on in the novel Tales of the Bounty Hunters. Boba Fett also played a prominent role in the comic book version of Shadows of the Empire and has had several comic book miniseries. Post-Attack of the Clones, the comics now often depict Fett helmetless, appearing nearly identical to Jango Fett. A series of young adult novels starring the young Boba Fett from Attack of the Clones has also been published, showing his evolution into a bounty hunter.
Boba Fett also made a cameo appearance in The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force, the conclusion of the New Jedi Order series. He has appeared in Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series, specifically in the three novels written by Karen Traviss. Traviss gave him a cameo appearance in Republic Commando: Triple Zero as a sleeping two-year-old.
In addition to Legacy of the Force, Boba Fett is a prominent figure in the Star Wars novels, comics, and games. Initially, the novels revealed tidbits of Boba's past—that he was once a Journeyman Protector called Jaster Mereel, an alias he took to honor his father's mentor.

In a similar vein, Fett harbors a certain animosity towards Han Solo. While specific reasons are scarce, Fett appeared to view himself as morally superior to Solo, emphasizing his own sense of honor which he believed Solo lacked. In Tales of the Bounty Hunters, Daniel Keys Moran portrays Fett as an idealist who dedicates himself to maintaining societal order and enforcing laws, irrespective of their specific moral implications. Consequently, he desires the downfall of the Rebel Alliance, as their aim to subvert the established order directly contradicts his aim to preserve it. During a dispute with Leia, he asserts that the Galactic Civil War initiated by the rebellion is morally reprehensible, labeling it as "An uprising against the authority legally over them, and threatening the system of social justice which permits civilization to exist," and expresses outrage that Solo is "a mercenary who has never done a decent thing in his life," and that "he deserves punishment because he illegally smuggled spice." Leia counters by pointing out that Jabba, Fett's employer, has committed far more extensive crimes than Han. Fett justifies this by stating, "Necessity makes allies. Once the Rebellion is over, I expect the Empire will deal with Jabba. But he is less a threat than the Rebels," before ending the discussion. This depiction of Fett and his belief system was later contradicted by Attack of the Clones and is generally disregarded, although his preference for the existing governmental structure, whatever it may be, could originate from his dislike of Count Dooku, who indirectly caused his father's demise (and later betrayed Boba himself). Another potential source of Fett's antagonism towards Solo is the incident on Nar Shaddaa, where Calrissian and Solo relieved him of his weaponry, including a newly acquired pair of rare and valuable Mandalorian dart shooters. Regardless of the underlying causes, Solo is among the few individuals who have managed to evade Fett's capture on multiple occasions. Despite their history, Fett extended a sympathy gift to Solo following the passing of his sister-in-law, Mara Jade Skywalker.

A trading card from the Star Wars Galaxy Series Two in 1994 showcased art by Dan Brereton, presenting his artistic vision of Boba Fett featuring white hair, pointed ears, and a goatee. It remained unclear whether this represented the official canon depiction of Fett without his helmet. The release of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones definitively resolved this debate by revealing Boba to be a human clone, not an alien.
In 2006, Hasbro introduced a line of die-cast metal action figures known as the Titanium Series. The series launched with Darth Vader and Boba Fett, both featuring removable helmets. Given that toys and collectibles are considered canon, this arguably marks the initial appearance of an adult Boba Fett unmasked.
Jeremy Bulloch, the original live-action Boba Fett in The Empire Strikes Back, also made a cameo in the same movie as Lieutenant Sheckil. The CCG's description of Sheckil mentions that he is the twin of a famous mercenary, alluding to this connection. The release of Attack of the Clones has rendered such a relationship between the two characters impossible.
Initially, Fett was slated to have a role in the film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. According to The Making of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, Fett was to be involved in Mace Windu's death, seeking vengeance for Windu's killing of his father, Jango. However, Lucas eventually restructured the film's narrative, removing characters and situations deemed extraneous to Anakin's downfall. The concept was partially realized in a couple of The Clone Wars episodes, where a young Fett attempts to assassinate Windu.
The sound of spurs jingling was incorporated into the scene where Boba Fett enters the Cloud City dining room alongside Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back. According to the DVD commentary and various sources, this was intended to imbue the character with a menacing presence reminiscent of mid-20th-century Western films.
George Lucas commented on Boba Fett's demise in the DVD commentary for Return of the Jedi:
"Regarding Boba Fett's death, had I foreseen his immense popularity, I likely would have made it more dramatic. Boba Fett was merely another minion, one of the many bounty hunters and villains. However, he resonated so strongly with audiences that, despite his limited screen time, he exerted a significant influence. Now that his backstory has been explored in the prequel trilogy, it seems even more regrettable that we didn't capitalize on his defeat, as many fans doubt his actual death. I considered adding a shot of him emerging from the pit, but ultimately decided it didn't quite fit."

In the Endurance bonus mission of Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike, Boba Fett appears as the final adversary if the player survives and defeats almost all the preceding enemies. Additionally, Fett was intended to be a central figure in the canceled game Star Wars: 1313.
A Boba Fett look-alike, along with the other bounty hunters and Darth Vader, appears as an Easter egg in Star Wars: The Old Republic, replicating the scene from The Empire Strikes Back.
During the Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017: Animated Origins and Unexpected Fates panel, Dave Filoni shared a clip depicting a duel between Boba Fett and Cad Bane, taken from unfinished story reels of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The clip concludes with Boba Fett's helmet falling to the ground, revealing a dent on the upper left side that is smoking and burning, the result of a recent shot fired by Cad Bane during their duel.

In The Star Wars Holiday Special, Han Solo refers to Boba Fett as a friend after Fett ostensibly assists them. However, subsequent publications (The Frozen World of Ota, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope Special Edition) depict Solo and Fett meeting prior to this event, where Fett's true motives are exposed to Solo. This discrepancy has been addressed in the Essential Guide to Characters, which explains that Han Solo was still recovering from an illness and therefore did not recognize Fett.
The book Battle of the Bounty Hunters details Fett's struggles against other bounty hunters as he attempts to deliver Solo to Jabba on Tatooine. The book is loosely based on his mishaps in the Shadows of the Empire comic and it shows a wholly different process than that of the comic. In the comic, he lands Slave I close to Jabba's palace and employs Zuckuss (disguised as Fett) and an inoperative 4-LOM to fool the bounty hunters after them. In the book, Fett was confronted by a squad of stormtroopers that tried to arrest him, but he killed them all. Arriving at Jabba's Palace, Bib Fortuna directed him to enter via the side entrance, secretly guarded by a krayt dragon, with the hope Fett might die. However he defeated the dragon and ushered Fortuna in at gunpoint to present Solo to the Hutt.
In Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines, Fett claims to have been thirteen years old when his father was killed. However, he was approximately ten years old during the Battle of Geonosis.

In the Infinities storyline of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition, Lord Starkiller travels to Tatooine in search of C-3PO and R2-D2, who possess access to the Death Star plans. The Sith Lord engages Fett in a duel and uses the Force to redirect a missile fired from Fett's jetpack back at him. The missile detonates upon impact, killing Fett. In the Xbox and PlayStation 3 versions, an achievement titled "And The Quarterback Is Toast!" is unlocked upon defeating him.
In William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return: Star Wars Part the Sixth, Fett's fate is succinctly described as: "Boba Fett falls into pit and dies."
Jeremy Bulloch originally portrayed Boba Fett in Episodes V and VI, with Jason Wingreen providing his voice in Episode V (his only lines in Episode VI were "What the?" and a scream). A controversial decision was made for the 2004 DVD release of the original trilogy, replacing Wingreen's voice in Episode V with that of Temuera Morrison, who had played Jango Fett in Episode II. The rationale behind this change was to give Boba the same voice as his father, given that he was a clone of Jango. Morrison recorded Boba Fett's lines for the original trilogy over the phone, from Auckland, New Zealand, to California. During the recording, Morrison also expressed interest in replacing Boba's scream in Return of the Jedi as the character falls into the Sarlacc pit.

- Daniel Logan —Age 10 ( Attack of the Clones )
- Mark Austin —Age 32 ( A New Hope Special Edition and subsequent releases)
- Jeremy Bulloch —Ages 35 and 36 ( The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi )
- Jason Wingreen —Age 35 (voice) ( The Empire Strikes Back )
- John Morton —Age 35 ( The Empire Strikes Back )
- Don Bies —Age 36 ( Return of the Jedi )
- Temuera Morrison —Ages 35 and 36 (voice) ( The Empire Strikes Back DVD release only)
- Daniel Logan— (voice) ( Star Wars: The Clone Wars ) [109]
- Don Francks —Age 17 (voice) ( A Race to the Finish )
- Don Francks—Age 32 (voice) ( The Star Wars Holiday Special )
- Alan Rosenberg —Age 35 ( The Empire Strikes Back radio drama )
- Ed Begley, Jr. —Age 36 ( Return of the Jedi radio drama )
- Tim Glovatsky —Age 36 ( Dark Forces: Rebel Agent audio adaptation )
- Joe Hacker —Age 42 ( Dark Empire and Dark Empire II audio adaptations )
- Dee Bradley Baker —Age 32 ( Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition )
- Temuera Morrison—Age 30 ( Star Wars: Battlefront II )
- Temuera Morrison—Age 31 ( Star Wars: Empire at War )
- Chris Cox —Age 32 ( Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike )
- Tom Kane —( Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds )
- Tom Kane—Age 35 ( Star Wars: Demolition )
- Tom Kane—Age 46 ( Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy )