The Coruscant Security Force (CSF), which was also called the Coruscant Police or the Coruscant Constabulary, served as the main police force responsible for maintaining order on the galactic capital world of Coruscant. Depending on the time period, it was sometimes referred to as the Imperial Sector Police, Galactic City Police, or Republic Security. This organization operated during the reigns of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, the New Republic, and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Its responsibilities encompassed routine patrols within Galactic City, investigations into criminal activity, counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence efforts, managing crowds, providing protection for diplomats, overseeing the planet's skylanes, and, in certain instances, providing military defense for Coruscant. In the Republic's early days, the Chief of Security led the CSF, while centuries later, the Coruscant Security Force Senior Command, which eventually became the Sector Command, took charge. With the rise of the Empire, the Sector Command lost control of the CSF, and a Commander took over. Later, a Commissioner replaced that position. The CSF conducted its operations from a central headquarters as well as various divisional headquarters.
While the CSF primarily consisted of sentient officers, it also utilized droids, including various types of police droids, probes, and forensic droids. Detectives handled major crimes, although high-ranking officers could also investigate them. Specialized units included the SWAT unit, the Anti-Terrorism Unit, the Organized Crime Unit, the Traffic Division, and the Forensics Unit. The CSF's Underworld Police division patrolled Coruscant's lower levels. For rapid troop deployment and patrol purposes, the CSF employed VAAT/e ships, assault ships, and Republic police gunships. They also had Coruscant police speeders and RapidResponse police speeders for patrol and pursuit as airspeeders. At times, officers could request a police cruiser backup unit escort if they anticipated entering a hazardous area.
The CSF was among the oldest planetary police forces known in the galaxy. Following the Sacking of Coruscant and the subsequent Cold War, it fought for control of Coruscant against criminal organizations like Black Sun and the Migrant Merchants' Guild. However, due to severely limited resources and a high rate of burnout among its disillusioned officers, the CSF had to cede control of large portions of Coruscant to gangs. During the later years of the Galactic Republic, the Senate Guards—who acted as a supplementary police force on Coruscant—and the Jedi Order assisted the CSF. While they collaborated on investigating serious crimes, rivalry and resentment were always present. During the Clone Wars, clone shock troopers from the Coruscant Guard and the Republic's clone commandos supported the CSF, enabling them to investigate and dismantle several terrorist networks operating on Coruscant.
When Order 66 was executed, the CSF assisted in hunting down Jedi, although many CSF officers privately resented Emperor Palpatine and his New Order. Some officers intentionally ignored Jedi sightings, and in subsequent years others engaged in espionage for the Rebel Alliance. Under the Empire, the Coruscant Guard assumed primary responsibility for Coruscant's security. The CSF provided support to the Guard and included stormtroopers alongside regular officers. It was also renamed the Imperial Sector Police, although many still referred to it as Coruscant Security, Police, or Constabulary. During this period, CSF commanders shared their officers' opposition to the Emperor's rule. A CSF Moff even participated in and led a failed coup to remove Palpatine from power.
In 6 ABY, the New Republic captured Coruscant, disbanded the Coruscant Guard, and re-established the CSF as the primary law enforcement agency. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Fall of Coruscant led to the near annihilation of the CSF. However, it was rebuilt after the conflict's conclusion. The Second Galactic Civil War placed the CSF in the middle of the conflict between the Galactic Alliance and the Confederation. Some CSF officers were recruited into the Galactic Alliance Guard (GAG) to combat Corellian terrorist activities on Coruscant. Following the death of Darth Caedus, the Dark Lord of the Sith, the GAG was disbanded. After the Civil War, the CSF continued its role as Coruscant's police force. During the Jedi Order's liberation of Coruscant from the Lost Tribe of Sith, the CSF aided the Jedi as the Sith initiated terrorist acts on Coruscant. However, CSF casualties during the battle numbered in the thousands.
The Coruscant Security Force's mission was to deliver law enforcement and security to Coruscant, the galactic capital. This encompassed regular patrols throughout Galactic City's various districts and neighborhoods, criminal investigations, counter-terrorism and counter-espionage operations, managing crowds at major events and public disturbances, maintaining the planet's skylanes, issuing speeding tickets, providing diplomatic security, and responding to a wide range of emergencies and situations. The CSF also possessed the authority to conduct investigations beyond its usual jurisdiction on Coruscant, extending even to Simpla-12 in the Outer Rim Territories.

Operating from their central headquarters and numerous divisional headquarters in Galactic City, the CSF carried out these duties throughout the reigns of multiple galactic governments. Police officers underwent training at one of several police academies before commencing their duties. The majority of crime on the planet occurred in the lower city levels. Most politicians and influential citizens were unwilling to address the issue, preferring to reside in the upper levels and skyscrapers, far from the unpleasantness of the lower levels and slums. Areas such as the Factory District and the Crimson Corridor were particularly crime-ridden. The underworld environment was extremely competitive, and police officers on patrol often traveled in groups. The officers who patrolled the underworld were also known to be tougher and more robust than those assigned to the upper levels. The CSF maintained a database that tracked various data, including lists of criminals and known high-crime areas.
The public could reach the CSF through their emergency number, 9–1–1. The CSF Staff and Social Club was a popular bar among CSF officers, where they often invited members of other organizations as a favor or sign of respect. Officers also frequently visited the Kragget, a restaurant known for its greasy food and low prices.

The current ruling government held ultimate authority over the Coruscant Security Force. This included the Supreme Chancellor and Galactic Senate during the Galactic Republic, the Emperor during the Galactic Empire, and the Chief of State during the New Republic and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. While they rarely intervened in day-to-day operations, they could, under certain circumstances, issue orders to the CSF, including assigning individuals to command positions and granting or removing responsibilities. The CSF provided protection services to the Chief of State, including bodyguards and intelligence information. The day-to-day control of the Coruscant Security Force changed several times throughout its history. During the Old Republic era, a senior officer was appointed to lead the CSF with the title of Chief of Security, while also holding a separate police rank. Centuries later, the commanding officers responsible for daily operations were collectively known as the Coruscant Security Force Senior Command, which was later changed to Sector Command under the Galactic Empire. A few years later, a commander was placed in charge of the CSF, which at the time was staffed by stormtroopers and regular police officers. The post of commander was eventually eliminated and replaced by the position of commissioner.
Lower ranks included Captain, Lieutenant, Chief of Detectives, Detective, Sergeant, and Officer. Although the rank of detective existed, officers of other ranks could also perform investigative duties. They were then referred to as inspector, along with their rank title. It was common for high-ranking officers to investigate high-profile cases, such as those involving senators. The CSF also had other titles for various duties: Agent was used to describe those working undercover or on special assignments, and Incident commander was the title given to the officer in charge of a major police operation. The slang terms "Cop" and "Boys in Blue" were also used to refer to CSF officers.
The Underworld Police, a separate CSF division, primarily handled patrols in the lower levels of Coruscant. The CSF also had units specializing in responding to and dealing with specific crimes and situations. These units included SWAT teams, an ordnance disposal unit of bomb disposal experts, a Forensics Unit staffed by Scenes of Crimes Officers and crime scene investigation droids, the Organized Crime Unit, the Anti-Terrorism Unit, and the Tactical and Operational force. The Detective division handled major investigations. During the Old Republic era, the CSF's Coruscant Control monitored incoming and outgoing space traffic, while the Customs Enforcement Division was responsible for customs and immigration operations and checkpoint enforcement. The CSF's Traffic Division maintained order in Galactic City's vast skylanes. A Special Investigation Panel oversaw all investigations into the use of deadly force by law enforcement and Jedi.
During the Great Galactic War, which began in 3681 BBY, the Coruscant Security Force uniform consisted of an off-white or tan-colored uniform shirt, tan pants, dark knee-high boots, a utility belt, a gray blast vest, and a gray blast helmet or headset comlink. Shortly thereafter, the CSF uniform changed to a blue-gray shirt and pants with a yellow strip running up the side of the pants and on the arms of the shirt, brown utility belts, and black boots. They could also wear blue-gray blast vests over their chest and lower torso. In the waning years of the Republic, the general CSF uniform was a dark blue shirt and pants, dark boots, a utility belt, and dark blue body armor with an optional yellow blast vest. This uniform would serve as the CSF's standard in the decades that followed.

In addition to the standard, everyday uniform, special uniforms were also used. Officers could choose to wear black or dark blue full-body armor for patrol or during demonstrations and major operations. Higher-ranking officers could also opt to wear a strap over their right shoulder that attached to their utility belt, as well as markings on their sleeves indicating their rank.
Officers assigned to the Underworld Police wore heavy leather and metal armor in dark gray with yellow shoulder pads to protect them from the harsh and cutthroat environment of the Coruscant Underworld. The armor covered their faces, revealing only mechanical eye coverings. Their uniforms and armor conveyed anonymity and authority, creating a mystical reputation as few knew if they were humanoid, droids, or something else.
Police officers and droids had access to a variety of standard pistols and heavier rifles, including issue blasters, heavy blaster pistols, and other pistol variations. During riots and urban unrest, officers used the Merr-Sonn R-88 Suppressor riot rifle to control large crowds.
To aid in policing Coruscant's expansive city, the CSF relied heavily on droids. They were also utilized for tasks such as crime scene investigations and as personal assistants. Police probes were used to help detect crimes and identify suspects. During the Old Republic, security droids participated in armed fights and street battles between the CSF and various gangs. At spaceports like the Coruscant Spaceport, customs droids assisted in managing immigration and customs processes.
Specialized Guardian police droids were specifically used to assist in patrol duties. This included establishing perimeters, collecting evidence, conducting preliminary interrogations, and detaining and arresting suspects. Crimes requiring in-depth investigations were handed over to detectives or other higher-ranking organic officers. The droids could also use lethal force if certain perimeters were met. The droids' rigid programming made them immune to weariness or corruption, but it also meant that clever criminals could outsmart them. Thus, while heavily deployed, the droids never fully replaced sentient officers. By the end of the Clone Wars, the aging police droids were gradually phased out, although they continued to be used in the lower levels and were replaced by new models such as Policebots during the Galactic Alliance.

The CSF used a variety of police vehicles to perform their duties. For large deployments, SWAT raids, or riot response, the CSF used the Variable Altitude Assault Transport/enforcement, also known as the VAAT/e. Toward the end of the Clone Wars, the Coruscant Security Force assault ship took over those duties as the CSF's preferred assault and transport ship. In the Republic's waning years, the Republic police gunship was developed and used for search operations, troop transport, and general patrol. Its use continued into the Empire's years. An incident support vessel was also used for transport, crowd control, and various other support operations at major police operations and incidents.
Depending on the area, the CSF primarily used Coruscant police speeders for patrols, along with specialized RapidResponse police speeders. A BARC speeder was sometimes accompanied by a police cruiser backup unit if the officers felt they needed extra assistance or were entering a potentially dangerous area. The CSF also used swoops for escort duties. During the Great Galactic War, the CSF was responsible for monitoring space traffic in and around Coruscant, using orbital security stations for that purpose. During the New Republic's reign, the CSF utilized the Coruscant Security Force interceptor as a space and high-altitude pursuit and defense fighter.
During the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order functioned as a quasi-police force. Their roles as keepers of the peace and protectors of the Republic gave them the authority to override local police needs in favor of their own. Specifically, the Jedi could claim jurisdiction over a matter if a Jedi was involved or at the Republic's request. When involved in an incident, Jedi would inform the CSF but would not always provide full explanations of their involvement. Until the end of the Republic, the CSF had a standing order to assist Jedi in any duties they required. CSF officers often felt resentful when the Jedi intervened, even when the CSF needed their help.

However, some Jedi, specifically the Jedi Peacekeepers, willingly assisted the CSF in fighting crime on Coruscant instead of simply taking over. They provided resources and support beyond the CSF's capabilities, such as using the Force to analyze crime scenes and conduct interrogations. The Temple district was nominally under the protection of these Jedi and the Temple Security Force. The Jedi also relied on the CSF for various purposes. All information the Jedi had on criminal activity in the Republic was accessed from the CSF database in the Jedi Temple Analysis Rooms. As such, the Jedi relied on the CSF for information on crimes, criminals, and case files not only on Coruscant but throughout the galaxy. When the Jedi issued warrants, they relied on the CSF to assist in locating and arresting the wanted individuals.
Lexia Ginorra, a former Jedi, was well-known to the CSF. In the Republic's waning years, she had renounced her ties to the Jedi Order and continued to live in Coruscant's underlevels as a vigilante. However, because she significantly reduced gang violence there, the CSF did little to stop her. Instead, in many of the stories that CSF officers told among themselves and to others, she became the protagonist and gained the famous but inaccurate title of "the Sith."
The end of the Clone Wars drastically changed the relationship between the CSF and the Jedi. The CSF disliked Supreme Chancellor Palpatine for his politics, his handling of the war, and his restriction of resources available to the CSF. However, most CSF officers viewed the Jedi as traitors for attempting to overthrow the Supreme Chancellor's office and thus had no qualms about assisting in the hunt for Jedi during Order 66. Nevertheless, some turned a blind eye to any Jedi they encountered. During the Galactic Alliance, some CSF officers continued to resent the need for Jedi assistance, as they had during the Republic.

During the era of the Old Republic, the Coruscant Security Force (CSF) was responsible for safeguarding the Senate Building. This duty was shared with the military's Senate Security Officers, known as SSOs. Over time, the CSF was relieved of this responsibility, and the SSOs' role evolved into the established tradition of the Senate Guard. Initially serving solely as a bodyguard unit, the Senate Guard's function gradually expanded to encompass the protection of senators and other government officials, eventually becoming a supplementary police force for Coruscant. Historically, there was constant tension between the Senate Guard and the CSF. This began when the Senate Guard expanded into policing, attracting skilled officers and trainees from the CSF's police academies. Later, seeking enhanced capabilities to protect senators and officials, the Senate Guard assumed authority over the entire Legislative District, leading to open conflict with the CSF.
Despite the friction, the CSF still relied on the Senate Guard's support. Given the Guard's control over the Senate District, they excelled not only in protecting senators but also in gathering intelligence, conducting patrols, and employing investigative techniques. The Guard was renowned for possessing the most advanced forensic equipment available on the capital planet. Senate Commandos were frequently deployed as a special tactical force in critical situations, and it was common to see Jedi collaborating with Guard detachments. The Guard also assisted the CSF in quelling uprisings in the lower levels of Coruscant.
By the time of the Clone Wars, the Guard had transformed into a legacy institution, with generations of families serving as Guards. Corruption became widespread, and the Guard's effectiveness declined. Doubts arose regarding the Guard's capacity to conduct impartial investigations. Consequently, when a homicide occurred within the Senate, the CSF was summoned to lead the investigation, with the Guard providing support. Subsequently, with the establishment of Palpatine's Red Guard, the Senate Guard's authority was further diminished. Upon the formation of the Empire, the Guard was disbanded, and its members were integrated into other security forces.
As the Clone Wars began, the Grand Army of the Republic was created to fulfill the Republic's defense requirements. Within this clone army, a specialized division of clone shock troopers emerged. These troopers underwent training on Coruscant and, at the onset of the war, formed the Coruscant Guard. The troopers were strategically positioned at key government buildings and critical infrastructure locations to safeguard them from sabotage. As the war progressed, the Guard's presence and authority grew, and they assumed a more prominent role in delivering police services. Riot clone troopers, specially trained in crowd control, were stationed across Coruscant to manage potential unrest and also aided the CSF in pursuing fugitives.

The Coruscant Guards, similar to the majority of clone forces on Coruscant, cultivated a positive relationship with the CSF. Although the clones possessed superior training compared to the CSF officers, their collaboration was more effective than that between the CSF and the Senate Guard. As the war neared its conclusion, it was not unusual to observe troopers patrolling alongside CSF officers. Upon the declaration of the Empire, the Coruscant Guards occupied the Senate Building, and CSF officers assisted in securing the capital.
Subsequently, the Guard evolved into the primary law enforcement agency on Coruscant. Rebranded as the Imperial Guard, yet still commonly referred to as the Coruscant Guard, they were granted primary control over investigations and policing, with the CSF serving in a supporting capacity. This shift was met with disapproval from the CSF, resulting in persistent friction between the CSF and the Imperial government. In response to their diminished status, numerous CSF officers engaged in espionage against the Empire.
The Galactic Alliance Guard (GAG) was established to bridge the gap between the military and Coruscant's police force in combating terrorism. GAG members were recruited from the CSF, the military, and intelligence agencies. Former police officers quickly recognized a difference in the operational philosophy of the GAG, particularly during interrogations and raids. While the CSF remained responsible for managing issues such as riot control and tracking criminals or suspicious individuals, information was transferred to the GAG for assessment.
During GAG raids, the CSF provided support by deploying officers and equipment to secure the area and evacuate civilians before an attack. The GAG also relied on the CSF for intelligence on suspected terrorists and other information obtained from various agencies. Initially, CSF officers, primarily from the Anti-Terrorist Unit, were enthusiastic about addressing terrorism on Coruscant with increased funding and expanded authority. However, as the GAG's methods became increasingly brutal, CSF officers and other skilled operatives left the organization. Those who remained shared information with the Jedi to help dismantle the GAG.
The Coruscant Security Force was established by the Coruscanti government, making it one of the oldest planetary police forces in the Republic. Despite being responsible for maintaining order on a planet with a vast population, the CSF maintained a reputation for effectiveness, a diverse officer corps, and generally positive relationships with Coruscant's residents. Prolonged warfare between the Republic and various adversaries, including the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian Wars and Revan's Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War, had depleted the Republic's resources. While Coruscant was placed under heightened security due to external threats, the government lacked the necessary personnel to adequately police the planet. Consequently, various corporations provided private security guards for patrol duties to supplement the government's police and military forces. Although deemed necessary, this move sparked concerns and questions among many Republic citizens.

Centuries later, in 3653 BBY, the CSF was the first to encounter the reconstituted Sith Empire when the Sith initiated the Sacking of Coruscant. At the time of the assault, CSF's Orbital Security Station Six was responsible for monitoring starship traffic around Coruscant. Femi, a Twi'lek female CSF agent assigned to Orbital Station Six, issued an all-clear report to Coruscant Control. Following the report, a Sith fleet entered Coruscant space, and the CSF security station requested clearance codes from the fleet, uncertain of their identity. Darth Angral, a Sith Lord commanding the Sith fleet, ordered the station's destruction, killing the CSF agents aboard. The Sith then commenced their invasion of the planet.
A hijacked Republic transport was used to attack the Jedi Temple and disable Coruscant's security grid, enabling the Sith to bombard the planet. Within minutes, communication, military, and security infrastructure were destroyed. A dropship landed at the Senate Building, where the Sith encountered resistance from CSF officers, Republic Special Forces Division Lieutenant Harron Tavus, and Jedi Master Orgus Din. However, they were unable to prevent the Sith from breaching the Senate Building and assassinating Supreme Chancellor Berooken. A small group of security forces mounted a defense but were quickly overwhelmed. The Sith occupied key areas of Coruscant, but the majority of the lower levels remained under Republic and CSF control, although the security forces were shaken and disorganized.
The Sith armies lacked the numbers to sustain the attack or maintain a prolonged occupation. The Jedi later noted that a security force counterattack, while causing significant civilian casualties, would have been successful. Consequently, the Sith swiftly withdrew from Coruscant, but not before leveraging their occupation to compel the Senate to sign the Treaty of Coruscant, initiating the military and economic Cold War between the Republic and the Sith Empire. Following the treaty's signing, the Galactic Senate was forced to make difficult decisions regarding the prioritization of the Republic's resources. Only essential government and trade areas of Coruscant were rebuilt, leaving large portions of Galactic City in ruins. The CSF was heavily impacted by the resource scarcity, leading to their withdrawal from various sectors to protect the Senate Building and other critical government and infrastructure locations.
In the aftermath of the Sacking of Coruscant, the CSF faced not only limited resources but also the loss of life from the invasion and the burnout from the years following it, all of which took their toll. In the years after the invasion as the Republic struggled to rebuild, the CSF was constantly engaged in riot control only to see those areas fall to major criminal syndicates. The inability to prevent the takeover by gangs embittered many of the CSF's young recruits. Veteran cops were equally frustrated, as they had been trained to investigate crimes and track individuals, not fight gangs for territory block by block.
The territory controlled by the Black Sun crime syndicate was especially dangerous, and the CSF rarely ventured into it. Traffic in the area was erratic and dangerous with illegal craft flying everywhere. When the CSF did enter the Black Sun area, they regularly ended up in desperate fights over territory, even over just the landing platforms. Officers Berric, Kennerlo Erlo, Tomin-brel, and Shassa were stationed in the area to provide armor and weapons. In response to the takeover by Black Sun, several ex-soldiers formed a militia, the Justicars' Brigade. They claimed to be responsible for peace and order, but their methods were brutal, and they were subsequently seen as bloodthirsty and a law unto themselves. Coruscant's government declared them illegal, but the Justicars cut themselves off from the outside world and enforced a heavy-handed marshal law in their territory. Initially the CSF had enthusiastically supported the Justicars, intending to work together to restore order. However, with their brutal methods revealed, the CSF began investigating the Justicars and sent in undercover agents to disrupt their activities.
Discussions on how to address the challenge of reclaiming areas from gangs were common. Many advocated for the CSF to be trained as a military unit and equipped with military-grade equipment, arguing that without it, the CSF would be overwhelmed. However, few within the CSF favored increased militarization, as their primary objective was to maintain peace, not engage in a war on Coruscant's streets more than they already were. In an attempt to regain control over the areas dominated by the Black Sun, the Republic Strategic Information Service assisted the CSF in monitoring areas known for criminal activity with the hopes that tracking Black Sun's slavery ring would also yield information about the Sith Empire.
Around 3643 BBY, when plans of long-forgotten secret tunnels running under Coruscant were stolen by the Justicars, CSF Lieutenant Doorn was tasked with recovering them. An individual offered their assistance to Doorn. Happily accepting, Doorn sent the individual to a female agent of the Strategic Information Service, Fieler Dan. Though Dan informed the individual of the plan's location, she requested to be able to copy the plans to give to her daughter. They would then be used to assist in bringing food and supplies to Coruscant's needy. After they infiltrated the Justicars' stronghold and retrieved the plans, the individual let Dan make a copy of the plans. The individual then returned them to Doorn, who accepted them gratefully. Though the CSF did not try to retake the Justicar territory by force, they conducted undercover operations to disrupt Justicar activities. CSF Agent Jaffkee was sent to infiltrate the Justicars' Territory and set up listening posts. This allowed the CSF to monitor Justicar conversations.

The individual also assisted CSF Officer Anstiss. Anstiss felt she had an enemy at CSF Headquarters since she had been assigned the task of arresting a brutal Houk criminal named Gambo by herself. However, Gambo had resisted and beaten her up. Anstiss asked the individual for help in arresting the suspect. The individual entered the Dealer's Den cantina where Gambo was staying and convinced him to surrender to Anstiss. Gambo did so and was escorted back to CSF Headquarters.
When several of the Jedi Order's prized noetikons went missing, the order sent a Jedi Consular to retrieve the stolen noetikons. During the search, the Jedi discovered that a Gand criminal who was arrested by CSF Officer Alec Efran was connected to the thefts, specifically that of the Noetikon of Science. The Jedi met Efran, who was holding the Gand, at the Old Galactic Market CSF barricades. There, the Jedi questioned the Gand, leading to the retrieval of the missing Noetikon of Science.
Around that time, CSF Lieutenant Semphi Talen was assigned to investigate a break-in at the First Bank of Coruscant. Two individuals were caught attempting to crack open a safety deposit box belonging to the Alderaanian noble House of Ulgo. The robbers claimed to be Ulgo cousins, trying to reclaim "valuable family heirlooms." The deposit box contained items smuggled from the Mid Rim. Lieutenant Talen assumed the Ulgos were planning to sell them on the black market to start raising more supporters for their cause. As Alderaan had seceded from the Republic, the case was a legal gray area. The Senate authorized for the safety deposit box to be placed in Jedi custody and the matter turned over the Order, much to the relief of Lieutenant Talen.
The CSF also investigated an airspeeder crash in Coruscant's upper levels that killed Zorin Krasul, Senator of Anaxes. The CSF refused to comment on the cause of the crash. Senator Krasul, incidentally, had been at a senate hearing where he had ordered another senator, Grom Zian, arrested by CSF Senate Guards for treason.
Riots that had occurred in the Old Galactic Market had left the area vulnerable as the CSF pulled back their resources. Taking advantage of the situation, the Migrant Merchants' Guild took over the area. While on paper it officially advocated for the refugees, the Guild was a well organized gang involved in money laundering, extortion, bribery, and goods smuggling resulting in clashes with the CSF who tried to keep the peace.
The Guild's presence prevented the CSF from assisting citizens with various complaints that were not significant enough to start a street battle over. One such case invloved Nik Deleru and his mate Ria. Deleru reported to Officer Mal that Ria had been taken by the Guild to become a dancer. However Mal was unable to pursue the investigation as Ria was in deep in the Guild's territory. An individual was able to locate Ria and discover that she had voluntarily left Deleru as he had mistreated her.

Around 3643 BBY, the Migrant Merchants' Guild attempted to blackmail Coruscant's Senator Vanara Kayl over her use of their funds to pay for support in the election. In response to the threat, the Senator sent the CSF to move out the Guild from the Old Galactic Market as well as to prevent them from carrying out an attack on the skylanes around the Senate Building. The CSF Chief of Security, Captain Winborn, personally led the attack on the Guild with several officers and security droids. The CSF were assisted by an individual who not only was able to neutralize several dozen of the Guild thugs, but also prevent them from accessing the secure skylane infrastructure. After the fight, the individual found a recording of Senator Kayl arguing with a leader of the Merchant Guild, exposing her illegal actions during the election. Feeling the issue was above his head and a political minefield, Winborn asked the individual to confront the Senator with the information.
The CSF was brought in to investigate the theft of valuable items from Senator Doli-bur Barc. The investigating officer, Captain Denal-zon, was able to determine that the Migrant Merchant Guild had been behind the theft. Denal-zon also discovered that the valuable items were in fact computer chips meant to be used in slave collars. Since the existence of the collars violated Republic Law 44-12 and were also not to be found, the investigation subsequently stalled. Later, an individual was commissioned by one of Senator Barc's assistants to investigate the theft. After speaking with Denal-zon the individual was able to recover the computer chips from the Migrant Merchant guild. The individual than turned the chips over to Denal-zon who destroyed them since they were against Republic law.
In the years after the Sacking of Coruscant, Black Sun had quickly established itself as a major force especially in Coruscant's lower levels. Though the CSF was underfunded and under equipped to properly push Black Sun back, attempts were still made to shut the crime syndicate down, one step at a time. One such instance involved CSF Officer Stansun. He had discovered a medical clinic that was a front for Black Sun to conduct surgeries altering the appearances of wanted criminals. Stansun was assisted by an individual who infiltrated the clinic. The individual then destroyed the medical droids present at the clinic and removed all the records of the clinics patients. The records gave Officer Stansun the names of all those who had had face altering surgery and their present appearance.

As reconstruction efforts continued, Coruscant was flooded with refugees whose homes were destroyed during the war. As the refugees scavenged for food, Black Sun booby trapped supply boxes to explode when a person would try to open it. Though most of the CSF had pulled out from those areas, Captain Theraguin continued to work in the area attempting to help the refugees by disarming the bombs. However, he was outnumbered and unable to keep up with Black Sun's terrorism campaign. A little later, an individual offered their assistance in disarming the bombs and Theraguin gladly accepted. The individual was able to locate and defuse the explosives as well as take out the Black Sun members responsible for the acts.
As Black Sun's power grew, the CSF began operations to infiltrate the organization. Agent Folaris was in charge of a network of spies, infiltrators, and snitches who reported on Black Sun activities. However, Black Sun planned to clean house and was able to obtain a list of the snitches and spies within its ranks. Folaris requested assistance from an individual to retrieve the list. The individual was able to locate the list and hand it over to Folaris. List in hand, Folaris contemplated selling it but was convinced instead to hand it over to her superiors.
While jostling for advantage in the Cold War, the Republic government began secretly building weapons in expectation of an inevitable renewed war with the Empire. One of the weapons included the Planet Prison, a superweapon designed by Doctor Tarnis to trap all occupants of a planet on its surface. However the data files for the Planet Prison along with valuable military hardware were stolen around 3643 BBY. Republic Strategic Information Service Agent Galen was brought in to head the investigation along with members of the CSF. After the investigators found that a Rodian smuggler named Vistis Garn was behind the theft, a Jedi Knight was charged with recovering the plans. They tracked Garn to his hideout in the Migrant Merchants' Guild territory and recovered the data files.

While the Jedi recovered the files, Doctor Tarnis was kidnapped by members of Black Sun. The Jedi Knight and Padawan Kira Carsen were sent with a detachment of CSF agents to the Coruscant Spaceport Docking Bay 84 to rescue Tarnis. Though somewhat outnumbered, the Jedi and CSF agents were able to kill or arrest the Black Sun members. They discovered that the Black Sun members had been a distraction and that Tarnis had really been taken deep into Black Sun territory.
SIS Agent Galen offered the Jedi the assistance of a special tactical unit of CSF and Republic soldiers under the command of CSF Sergeant Nidaljo. The unit had been able to battle their way into the Black Sun territory and set up a barricade. However, the fight had been costly and the unit had lost four men and at least seven were wounded with the remaining forces now surrounded by Black Sun's soldiers. Nidaljo and his men had lost hope for recovering Doctor Tarnis and surviving when the Jedi arrived to assist. Together, the tactical unit and the Jedi were able to break through Black Sun's forces. They found Salarr, leader of Black Sun, talking with Doctor Tarnis via a holocam. Tarnis was in actuality a Sith Lord who had been manipulating the situation from the beginning and was in league with Black Sun. In the ensuing confrontation, Salarr was killed. Though a devastating blow had been struck on Black Sun, it was not enough to hold on to the territory and the CSF forces withdrew. The Jedi meanwhile continued on in their hunt for Lord Tarnis.
Around 3643 BBY, the smuggler known as Voidhound was stopped by the Customs Enforcement Division at the Coruscant Spaceport. The customs droid noticed an error in the smuggler's identification protocols and the cargo logs. The customs droid was about to request assistance from a customs enforcement agent when the smuggler uploaded false data that convinced the droid the smuggler was really named Admiral Numinn. The customs droid approved the smuggler's entry into Coruscant.

In 3640 BBY, SIS Agent Theron Shan dispatched the smuggler Teff'ith to Coruscant. Her mission was to relay crucial mission details to Supreme Commander Jace Malcom and Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan. As Teff'ith's vessel approached Coruscant, she received instructions from Coruscant Flight Control 473 to land at Diplomatic Spaceport 27-B. Upon landing, CSF guards subjected Teff'ith to a search. They found her shoulder wound, acquired before her departure, and her non-Jedi status inconsistent with piloting a Jedi starship. Despite Teff'ith's insistence on speaking with Grand Master Shan, the guards escorted her to the spaceport office. Growing impatient with the guards' slow pace, Teff'ith seized a blaster pistol from one of the guards. When his partner demanded she drop the weapon and release the hostage, she refused. She ordered him to leave the office, then barricaded herself inside with the remaining guard. She demanded he contact Grand Master Shan, which he began to attempt. Meanwhile, the partner summoned reinforcements, and within minutes, over twenty CSF officers established a perimeter around the office. The guard inside successfully contacted Grand Master Shan, who agreed to come to the spaceport. Upon her arrival, Teff'ith surrendered and divulged the vital information.
Shortly following Revan's defeat, Lylos Tannon investigated a cybernetics scheme orchestrated by Doctor Zeke and his aide Bolgm. After weeks of surveillance, unable to catch them red-handed, she sought assistance from SIS agents Theron Shan and Jonas Balkar. During a sting operation at the Dealer's Den, Tannon accused Shan of cheating at Sabacc, attracting Bolgm's attention due to Shan's cybernetic implants. Initially unaware of Tannon's identity, Shan played along until Doctor Zeke revealed himself. Tannon then diverted Bolgm, allowing Shan to charge at him, before Tannon incapacitated the criminal with her blaster's butt. Simultaneously, Shan pursued Doctor Zeke, joined by Balkar. Shan tackled the doctor, enabling Tannon to handcuff him.
Much later, in 76 BBY, Jedi Knight Dooku and his Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn apprehended pirates Lorian Nod, a former Jedi Knight, and Eero Iridian on Von-Alai after they assaulted Senator Blix Annon. The CSF then took the pirates into custody. They were transported to Coruscant for their trial. Nod was imprisoned, but he became an informant, aiding the CSF with internal prison issues. As a reward for his help, Nod was granted an early release.

In 52 BBY, while traveling in an airspeeder with his son, Jedi Knight Ronhar Kim, Senator Vidar Kim of Naboo was assassinated. An assassin on a speeder bike approached from behind and killed the senator. Jedi Kim leaped from the speeder and subdued the assassin. As Kim attempted to interrogate the assassin, the assassin injected himself with a lethal substance and died instantly. The CSF's initial investigation yielded minimal results. Subsequently, the Judicial Department, the Jedi Order, and the Senate Investigative Committee attempted to solve the case, also with little success. Unbeknownst to them, Palpatine had ordered Kim's assassination to secure his own position as Naboo's senator. Three months later, the Senate prepared for a crucial vote on admitting planets under Trade Federation control into the Republic with senatorial representation. The CSF secured a large area around the Senate Building, from Level 55 to Level 106. Snipers, security cam droids, and bomb-detecting droids were also deployed.
Following the vote, two Jedi Knights summoned the CSF to investigate a gruesome scene at the headquarters of the Order of the Canted Circle in the Fobosi District. Upon arrival, they discovered numerous corpses, including two Echani warriors thought to be bodyguards, twelve Muuns from the InterGalactic Banking Clan, and three times that number of Maladian assassins dressed in the Order's robes, all killed by blaster fire and traumatic amputations. The Order's members, whose robes had been used, were bound, unconscious, and scattered throughout the location. The Maladians' remains were so dispersed that the CSF initially suspected an explosion, though no evidence of one was found. The Jedi, who had reported the incident, did not disclose their reasons for being there or their interest in the case.
A second major crime scene at the Malastare embassy also occupied the CSF. Senator Pax Teem of Malastare, along with several guests, had been murdered, and the embassy had been completely burned. The CSF determined that the victims had been killed before the fire, due to the large amount of blood found at the scene. Detectives believed the mass killings and arson were orchestrated by organized crime. The CSF was unaware that Senator Teem had hired the Maladian assassins to kill Hego Damask, the alter ego of Darth Plagueis. Palpatine and Sate Pestage interrupted the assassination and, along with Plagueis, killed the Maladians. Palpatine, enraged, pursued Senator Teem, invaded his residence, massacred the security guards and dinner guests, and set Teem and the building ablaze. The sudden surge in the dark side of the Force alerted the Jedi, who dispatched two Jedi Council members to the scene. However, as before, the Jedi refused to explain their presence or interest. With the Jedi, the Order of the Canted Circle, the InterGalactic Banking Clan, and the Gran Protectorate remaining silent, the investigation stalled despite the Senate Investigative Committee's efforts.

In 42 BBY, Yur T'aug, a Bothan captain in the CSF, was assigned to investigate the murder of Fligh, found in the Lane of All Worlds, near the Senate Building. Fligh was a minor thief and an informant for Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. T'aug noted that Fligh's body had been drained of blood. Didi Oddo, a friend of Jinn, informed the Jedi of the murder. Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, visited the crime scene and requested to see the body, which T'aug allowed. After questioning by the Jedi, T'aug reluctantly shared information about the case.
On Simpla-12, the body of Ren S'orn was discovered, and T'aug was dispatched to investigate. Finding that S'orn's body had also been drained of blood, T'aug closed the case. When Kenobi confronted him, T'aug refused to cooperate. However, he revealed that Senator Uta S'orn, Ren S'orn's mother, had requested the case be dropped. When questioned by Kenobi, the Senator explained that she feared what T'aug might discover and wanted the matter to end. The Jedi later learned that Jenna Zan Arbor, a scientist, had murdered Ren after conducting experiments on him. Fligh had faked his death to escape to Belasco after stealing Senator S'orn's datapad.
In 32 BBY, the CSF encountered Darth Maul, the Dark Lord of the Sith, while he pursued Jedi Padawan Darsha Assant and information broker Lorn Pavan through the Crimson Corridor. They possessed a special holocron containing information about the blockade of Naboo. The Dark Lord hacked Coruscant's security dispatch system to quickly obtain transportation, falsely reporting a droid banking crime. Two CSF officers and a police cruiser backup unit responded. Darth Maul disabled the PCBU by leaping onto it and destroying the droid with his lightsaber. As the officers turned their speeder bikes around, the Sith killed them, slicing through their armor with his weapon. The Sith then commandeered one of the speeders and continued his pursuit of Pavan and Assant.
The CSF investigated the incident but couldn't explain how someone could jump fifteen feet into the air to reach the PCBU without being shot. Kenobi, present during the investigation while searching for Assant, discussed the matter with the two investigators, a Mrlssi and a Sullustan, promising Jedi Order assistance. However, upon returning to the Jedi Temple, he was dispatched to respond to the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo, and the issue was set aside. At the same time, the CSF investigated the deaths of a Hutt nightclub owner and his thugs, all killed by Maul while searching for Pavan. Years later, former Imperial aide Haninum Tyk Rhinann discovered a fragment of the report.

During the Invasion of Naboo, the CSF had several open bounties. One was for Regg Kuuga, a male Draag from Ninzam VI, who stole medical frigates, scrapped them, and converted them to attack tourist ships. Another was on Panza Hondi, a Guineo crime lord residing in the industrial district, who brutally murdered an off-duty officer while working with crime lord Groff Haugg. The Gran Ninopas Orocc was wanted for disrupting a Galactic Senate meeting by smearing Cornesian wax on the base of several hover platforms, injuring three senators. Additionally, there was a bounty on Kiatha, a male Jawa who mishandled his Ronto, causing extensive property damage. All these bounties were claimed by Jango Fett, a Mandalorian bounty hunter.
While on Coruscant, Fett collected bounties issued by various organizations and cartels for the capture or death of CSF officers. Officer Loowil Galt, who arrested a contractor, causing a major deal with the Techno Union to collapse, had a bounty placed on his head by the Techno Union. Fett located and killed him. Captain Max Ryko received a bounty for attempted blackmail of a senator; Captain Lye Rooker for not repaying a loan; Officer Mill Timmer, a corrupt cop who took more than his share, was also killed by Fett. Finally, Fett assassinated Officer Raim Tibekk for his role in a raid in the Entertainment District where Tibekk killed a Hutt Cartel operative.
Around the same time, the sale of death sticks on Coruscant significantly increased as the Dug Sebolto expanded his cartel into the Coruscant system with the help of several Grans—Kram Ayuk, Byhdee Kees, Seed Machees, and [Leek Onees](/article/leek_onees]—who smuggled the drugs into Coruscant. The CSF became aware of Sebolto's smuggling and placed bounties on the Grans' heads, which Fett later collected. While investigating the death stick distribution, the CSF responded to a situation at Senator Connus Trell's apartment. Arriving in a VAAT/e police craft, they found Fett interrogating Trell, holding him over the balcony. Fett had learned from Jervis Gloom, a death stick dealer also wanted by the CSF, that Trell was involved in the scheme and wanted Trell's contacts. The CSF officers demanded Fett release the Senator, but Fett dropped the Senator to his death. The bounty hunter then fired on the VAAT/e, destroying it and escaping.
In 22 BBY, Detective Constable Dherik Rule was on duty in the Taung Heights district when Latika Garboren reported finding a Sith emblem in her [pastebread](/article/pastebread]. Rule investigated but dismissed the call due to lack of evidence of a crime.
Shortly after, CSF investigators responded to an airspeeder collision in the Bindai District. They found the body of Senator Nemrileo irm-Drocubac of Tanjay IV. The senator's airspeeder had collided with a delivery truck. Investigators concluded that an internal guidance error caused the accident. No charges were expected, and the senator was buried.

Later that year, Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo was the target of an attempted assassination. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine requested the Jedi Council assign Obi-Wan Kenobi and his padawan, Anakin Skywalker, to protect her. Skywalker believed that the local security forces should handle the protection and investigate the assassination attempt.
At that time, Officer Wets Tranoj investigated the theft of Senator Simon Greyshade's XJ-6 airspeeder. The speeder was found thirty minutes after being stolen from a Senatorial Quarters parkway. A security system alerted the police after seeing a young Human male jump into the vehicle and speed away. As the CSF examined the recovered speeder, a youth emerged from the Snapping Septoid entertainment facility and ran away, yelling. Tranoj arrested the youth, Reymet Autem, who admitted to being at Greyshade's quarters, and charged him with the theft. This was embarrassing, as Reymet was the son of Senate Guard Sagoro Autem, Greyshade's bodyguard.
The speeder briefly went missing again from the crime scene while the CSF processed Reymet Autem. However, it was found back in its original parking spot at the Senatorial speeder barn. Tranoj attributed this to a rookie officer's paperwork error. This allowed Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi—who borrowed the speeder to chase down the assassin Zam Wesell after another attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala's life—to use it unnoticed.
In 22 BBY, the Clone Wars began between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems with the Battle of Geonosis. As part of increased security measures, shock troopers from the Grand Army of the Republic were stationed on Coruscant as the Coruscant Guard. While their primary duty was to provide a military presence and protect government buildings, the shock troopers soon took on a larger role in providing police services. They participated in operations such as the raid on Ziro the Hutt's Coruscant club and the Senate hostage crisis.

In 22 BBY, the CSF responded to a hostage situation at the Galactic City Spaceport. Korunnai terrorists led by Nuriin-Ar seized the spaceport and took hostages, including Mon Calamari Senator Meena Tills and his aide, Vun Merett Jai. The group demanded the Republic withdraw from Haruun Kal immediately, tired of Republic interference, or they would detonate explosives. Lieutenant Dovel of the CSF commanded the response, but the Senate Guard also arrived, claiming jurisdiction because a senator was a hostage. Omega Squad, a clone commando unit, was dispatched to assist in breaching the spaceport. Jedi Master Kaim attempted to negotiate but was killed, and his body was rigged with explosives. Clone commando RC-8015 "Fi" jumped onto the body before the bombs detonated. His heavy armor saved his life and the lives of nearby CSF officers. The bombs were later discovered to be fake by an explosives disposal officer. Fi's actions were greatly appreciated by the CSF, who frequently shared stories about him.
On one occasion, Jedi Master Tera Sinube, an expert on Coruscant's criminal underworld, called in the CSF to investigate the murder of Trandoshan assassin Nack Movers. They found that one suspect, Cassie Cryar, had escaped, pursued by Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. The other suspect, Ione Marcy, also escaped upon the CSF's arrival, but Sinube placed a tracking device on her. Both suspects were eventually tracked to a train station, where the CSF and the Jedi confronted them. Marcy was apprehended, and Cryar was arrested after a brief hostage attempt. Cryar used Tano's lightsaber to try to escape, dismantling two CSF police droids in the process.

CSF units were on patrol in the depths of Coruscant when Satine Kryze, the Duchess ruling Mandalore, was discovered adjacent to the deceased body of Davu Golec, an operative of the Republic Ministry of Intelligence. A Death Watch assassin was responsible for Golec's demise, yet the police probe that located Kryze observed that she possessed a weapon, marking her as a potential suspect. The Duchess then escaped, triggering a pursuit by the CSF, Coruscant Guard forces, and the Death Watch assassin. Kryze managed to evade capture by deceiving her pursuers into thinking she had escaped in an airspeeder heading in a false direction. While the authorities continued their search, she arranged a meeting with Jedi Master Kenobi in Coruscant Park, providing him with a video pertaining to Republic aid for the Mandalore system. With the vital information secured, she surrendered herself to Senate Guards at the Senate Building. The video was presented to the Senate, leading to the Duchess's vindication and the resolution of the crisis.
In 22 BBY, Lieutenant Tan Divo was assigned to investigate the kidnapping of Chi Eekway and Che Amanwe, the daughters of Notluwiski Papanoida, the Pantoran Chairman. During their inspection of Papanoida's residence, the CSF failed to notice that Papanoida's Icon of the Moon Goddess had been moved, thus missing the trace amounts of blood beneath it. After the CSF departed, Chairman Papanoida found the blood when he was returning the idol to its place. The blood was analyzed and found to belong to Greedo, a Rodian bounty hunter hailing from Tatooine. Papanoida, along with his son Ion, rescued Chi Eekway on Tatooine, while Senator Riyo Chuchi and Jedi Padawan Tano discovered Che Amanwe aboard a Trade Federation battleship. Tano had been instructed by her Master, Anakin Skywalker, to offer unofficial assistance in the inquiry, as the Jedi were barred from direct involvement in matters under the jurisdiction of local law enforcement.
In 21 BBY, during a Senate political debate concerning a Republic military spending bill, multiple Republic senators were subjected to attacks intended to intimidate. Senator Padmé Amidala was targeted by bounty hunters Chata Hyoki and Robonino, who had been contracted by the Separatist Head of State Count Dooku to assassinate her. Two CSF police droids, witnessing the assault on Amidala outside Senator Christo's apartment, intervened, but the assailants shot and destroyed them by smashing their heads against the ground. Amidala fled in a speeder, with the two attackers in pursuit. Amidala managed to evade Robonino and Hyoki as she passed two police droids manning a position in a Coruscant police speeder. They noticed Amidala speeding and gave chase, recognizing her speeder as officially stolen.
More police speeders joined the pursuit, surrounding the senator and stopping her for the theft of the speeder. After the situation was explained, Amidala was released from custody, but the two thugs had already escaped. Later, Hyoki and Robonino ambushed Alderaan Senator Bail Prestor Organa in the Senate Building parking area. Organa called for help, and his Alderaan Guard engaged the attackers in a firefight. The CSF swiftly responded to the scene, and upon arriving in the hangar, one of the police droid–driven speeders collided with Robonino, rendering him unconscious. The CSF droids engaged Hyoki and overwhelmed him, at which point Hyoki was also apprehended.

Subsequently, Lieutenant Divo, along with several police droids, responded to investigate the death of Senator Onaconda Farr of Rodia, who had collapsed after unknowingly consuming poison. Divo ordered a forensic examination of Farr, and the investigation was advanced primarily through the assistance of Senators Amidala and Bail Organa. Following Farr's funeral, Divo interrogated several senators in the Chancellor's Suite, but Amidala and Organa chose to conduct their own investigation into the murder. They followed a lead provided by Senator Mee Deechi to the Coruscant docks, where they were attacked by Lolo Purs, a Representative who had been Farr's assistant and his murderer.
However, the senators were unaware of the attacker's identity and managed to attract the attention of a CSF patrol. While the police droids secured the docks as a crime scene and questioned potential witnesses, Divo lectured Organa and Amidala for their unauthorized involvement. Amidala suspected Deechi of orchestrating the attack, but upon returning to the Senate Building, they discovered that Deechi had been fatally stabbed. With two murders within the Senate, Divo acted swiftly when Purs claimed to have been attacked by Senator Halle Burtoni, a political ally of Deechi. Purs accused Burtoni of being the killer, and the inspector arrested Burtoni, attempting to extract a confession for both murders by presenting evidence from his comprehensive forensic report on Farr. During the ensuing conversation, Purs was revealed as the perpetrator of both Farr's and Deechi's murders, and after a brief attempt to take Amidala hostage, she was apprehended by the CSF.
During the Clone Wars, Captain Jaller Obrim, a former commander in the Senate Guard, led the CSF's Anti-Terrorism Unit. In 21 BBY, Separatists launched a series of terrorist campaign attacks against the Grand Army of the Republic bases on Coruscant, starting with Depot Bravo Five. A transport speeder explosion resulted in the deaths of fifteen clone troopers, prompting the ATU, in conjunction with the Forensics Unit, to begin investigating the crime scene. To aid them, the ATU enlisted the assistance of Jedi Knight Bardan Jusik, along with Sergeant Kal Skirata and Advanced Recon Commando Captain Ordo of the GAR. Following the Depot Bravo Five attack, Director of Special Forces Arligan Zey secretly authorized Skirata to conduct an operation to expose the terrorists. Working with clone commandos from Omega Squad and Delta Squad, they began tracking down the terrorist cells. The CSF's Organized Crime Unit nearly initiated an investigation into the commandos who were caught in the crossfire of underworld thugs. However, Obrim diverted the investigation away from the commandos, allowing them to proceed with their mission. The commandos eventually located the terrorists, and in a joint operation with the CSF's ATU and OCU, they conducted raids that dismantled the terrorist network.

While the Homeworld Security Command had already enhanced coordination between civilian police and the military, the passage of the Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act in 21 BBY led to a significant increase in security on Coruscant. CSF patrols were intensified, along with the presence of the Coruscant Guard and other clone troopers. Even the lower levels of Galactic City, previously lacking a strong police presence, became heavily policed. In an area that had once been a hub for crime and unregulated commerce, illicit goods and services became difficult to find.
In 21 BBY, clone commando Fi sustained injuries and was taken to the neurology unit at the Republic Central Medcenter. However, due to the medical staff's lack of protocols for treating clones, particularly one deemed brain dead, they planned to euthanize him. Republic Treasury agent Besany Wennen, who had been monitoring Fi, threatened the medical droids with a blaster and barricaded herself in the patient's room with Fi, resulting in a standoff. Kal Skirata contacted Jaller Obrim, requesting assistance in extracting Wennen and Fi, and Obrim responded by dispatching half of the CSF shift from the Anti-Terrorism Unit and several CSF paramedics. After Obrim threatened the administrative medical droid, Wennen and an unconscious Fi were escorted out of the medcenter under the watchful protection of the CSF officers Fi had saved from the terrorists a year prior. They were taken to Jaller Obrim's residence, where Obrim hired a medical droid to care for Fi. Over time, Fi recovered.
Around 20 BBY, an explosion occurred at the Jedi Temple docking complex, resulting in the deaths of six Jedi, several clone troopers, and Temple employees. The investigation, conducted by Crime scene investigation droid Russo-ISC, along with Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, revealed that Letta Turmond, the wife of Temple employee Jackar Bowmani, had administered volatile Nano-droids to him, causing his death and the bombing at the Temple. Turmond was arrested and detained at the Republic military base. During Tano's visit, Turmond was killed using a Force-choked making Tano appear to be the murderer. The true killer was rogue Jedi Barriss Offee, though this was unknown to all. Tano was subsequently arrested by the Coruscant Guard and placed in a cell.

Tano then escaped, unknowingly aided by Barriss Offee. During the escape, several Coruscant Guards were killed by a lightsaber, leading the pursuing troopers to believe Tano was responsible. In response, the Jedi Council ordered Tano's arrest. The CSF was informed that she had last been seen fleeing to the lower levels, prompting a high alert for the Underworld Police. Tano temporarily evaded detection by using a cloak to conceal her identity. However, two officers boarded a Coruscant train Tano was on and began checking passengers' IDs. As Tano attempted to exit the train at the next station, she encountered three more officers on the platform. The officers identified Tano and moved to arrest her. Tano pushed the officers away, throwing one back onto the platform. He signaled ahead to other units as the train departed, and the remaining four officers pursued her.
Evading passengers, Tano fled through the train cars. A civilian attempted to restrain her, and the CSF officers briefly subdued her. However, Tano fought them off during the scuffle and opened a door of the train. She then jumped onto the adjacent platform as the train passed. Believing herself safe, Tano began walking away. Three officers standing on the platform noticed her and ordered her to stop. Tano fled from the station towards an open turbolift door. The officers, realizing they were about to lose her, opened fire, but Tano had already entered the lift and escaped their shots. The search continued, and shortly thereafter, two police officers on Level 1315 spotted an explosion at a warehouse. They alerted a search group consisting of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Master Plo Koon, and Coruscant Guard troopers, who responded and captured Tano at the warehouse.
In the final days of the Clone Wars, the CSF possessed numerous files regarding sightings of an armored figure who eluded them and disappeared into the Darkside region of the Coruscant Undercity. This individual was the Dark Jedi Garth Ezzar, who was based in the Darkside region. He was eventually tracked down and defeated by the Heroes of Cularin.
In 19 BBY, the Separatist Droid Army under General Grievous attacked Coruscant. The CSF deployed assault ships to keep civilians away from Galactic City areas where heavy fighting was occurring. Following the Republic's victory, clone units patrolled alongside CSF officers as looting, vandalism, and civil unrest gripped Galactic City.
While the clone trooper units were ostensibly brought in to combat potential Separatist terrorist organizations and restore order, they enabled Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to consolidate his power and plot the destruction of the Jedi. When the Jedi discovered that Palpatine was in fact the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, four Jedi Masters were dispatched to arrest him. However, they were defeated, and the Supreme Chancellor issued Order 66, condemning all Jedi as traitors to the Republic. Anakin Skywalker—now known as Darth Vader—and the 501st Legion marched on the Jedi Temple, and the CSF's longstanding order to assist the Jedi was revoked. Instead, CSF units were tasked with assisting clone troopers in hunting down Jedi and securing the Temple district and surrounding areas.
Captain Obrim, in particular, monitored the operation against the Jedi Order from his police speeder, intending to ensure that Skirata and his crew escaped Coruscant. He helped locate Etain Tur-Mukan as she headed to the rendezvous point to escape to Mandalore, but Tur-Mukan encountered clone troopers confronting a group of Jedi Padawans at the checkpoint on the Shinarcan Bridge Extension. Tur-Mukan rushed to the clones' defense but was struck by a lightsaber wielded by one of the Padawans. Obrim intervened to help and covered Tur-Makan's body, but he had to stun Skirata, who was yelling and screaming, long enough for Ordo to remove him from the scene. Obrim promised to watch out for Darman and RC-1309 "Niner", who had been forced to stay behind after Niner's spine was broken during the skirmish. Obrim also guarded Tur-Mukan's body at the scene and afterward, until Null-12 "A'den" could move it to Mandalore.
Although the CSF as a whole followed orders in tracking down Jedi, such as Tru Veld, many officers disliked Palpatine and turned a blind eye when they saw a Jedi or directly helped them evade the clone troopers. However, many officers still viewed the Jedi as untrustworthy and as traitors for attempting to overthrow the Supreme Chancellor, even if they disliked Palpatine himself.
Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire, the CSF underwent significant transformations, making it unrecognizable to some. While still occasionally used, the name "Coruscant Security Force" was largely abandoned as the Empire officially discontinued the name "Coruscant." Instead, the terms "Imperial Sector Police" or "Constabulary" became prevalent. Major organizational changes occurred as the Anti-Terrorism Unit and the detective division were absorbed into the new Imperial Security Bureau. The ISB also housed its new information and technology center in a former CSF building. The police ranks of Prefect and Centurion were introduced, with Prefects placed in charge of station houses. The CSF's older model police droids were phased out, and their use on the upper levels was discontinued. Instead, officers from the underworld police division were used for patrol on the upper levels.

The gap left by the phased-out police droids was largely filled by Imperial stormtroopers assigned to the CSF, who worked alongside regular officers. The preference for stormtroopers as police, particularly in public areas, was resented by veteran officers who believed policing should be conducted by a civilian force, not the military. Furthermore, while the CSF continued its functions as a police force, including investigating homicides and other street crimes, the Coruscant Guard, then commonly known as the Imperial Guard, was given primary responsibility for planetary security. While most visible in public areas, protecting infrastructure, and at government buildings, the Guard had primacy on major cases and, together with the Imperial Security Bureau, conducted most of the high-profile investigations. This effectively relegated the CSF to a position of non-importance, a status highly resented by the CSF's commanders. Their resentment over the diminished status, as well as over limited resources to properly police Coruscant, brought them into conflict with other Moffs, Darth Vader, and Emperor Palpatine himself.
In addition to the resistance from commanding officers, there was also resistance from the police officers themselves, many of whom were unhappy with the New Order. Although Palpatine had initiated a purge throughout the government of those disloyal to him, many in the CSF escaped notice because they had followed his orders during Order 66 and its aftermath. While many of those who had done so felt no affection for Palpatine, they viewed the Jedi as dangerous traitors, a belief they continued to hold in the years that followed. As the Empire's changes came, many of the officers secretly joined anti-Imperial groups such as Whiplash. Publicly, while the CSF was officially under the Empire's command, police officers would distance themselves from the rest of the Empire, claiming themselves to not be political or interested in political issues. To counter the growing resentment and mood of rebellion, Agent Tian Chyler succeeded in a mission from the ISB to infiltrate the CSF and ferret out police officers who were Rebel spies.
In 19 BBY, a routine traffic stop turned violent when the driver drew a lightsaber and severed an officer's hand. The CSF pursued the suspect from a distance before cornering him in a building and calling in Squad 40 of the Imperial Commando Special Unit attached to the 501st Legion. When Squad 40 breached the door and killed the suspect, they discovered he was merely a thief who had stumbled upon the lightsaber. Officer Anskow was the part-time officer in charge of the police squad that had responded. Anskow reflected the belief that Jedi were dangerous but also expressed frustration with Palpatine over a lack of resources to monitor the lower levels, where most of the crime occurred.

Around 18 BBY, Sector Command dispatched Prefect Pol Haus to investigate the death of Ves Volette. This was unusual, as someone of lower rank would normally handle such investigations. However, the Empire wanted to swiftly resolve the case due to Volette's Caamasi heritage and the desire to avoid further publicity surrounding the Caamas Firestorm. In his investigation, Haus discovered that Volette's girlfriend, Dejah Duare, and private investigator Jax Pavan had found the body. Pavan and his associates determined that an Umber 3PO unit, owned by a wealthy family who collected Volette's art, had committed the murder. The droid believed Volette was having an affair with its owner and threatened the family's marriage. Haus and Pavan confronted the family and the droid, which confessed to the murder before self-destructing. Later, Darth Vader suspected Haus of involvement with the Whiplash underground movement, of which Haus was indeed a founding member. Despite this, Haus aided Pavan, whom he knew to be a former Jedi, in evading Vader and escaping Coruscant. Haus managed to avoid detection by Vader and remained in his position as a police prefect.
Following Pavan's departure from Coruscant, Haus dedicated himself fully to Whiplash. By combining reports from police patrols, information from other prefects and their districts, and his own network of informants within the police force and the Imperial Security Bureau, Haus effectively tracked the movements of security personnel, the Inquisitorius, Darth Vader, and even, to some degree, the Emperor himself. This made him ideally suited to oversee security and intelligence for Whiplash. He provided several warnings of impending Imperial raids, eventually relocating the group's headquarters to a disused maglev train that continued its regular route. When Whiplash leader Thi Xon Yimmon was captured, Pavan returned to Coruscant. Haus met Pavan and his droid I-5YQ at the spaceport and brought them to the maglev headquarters, where the Whiplash Council debated and ultimately rejected a rescue attempt for Yimmon.
Pavan, however, disagreed with this decision. Disguised as an Ubese merchant, Pavan visited Haus in his office, and they proceeded to the Ploughtekal Market under the guise of a meeting. There, Pavan revealed his plan to rescue Yimmon, and Haus agreed to remain silent about it. Haus also provided Pavan with a police lieutenant's uniform, granting him unrestricted access to his offices if needed. Later, Haus learned of the Emperor's impending visit to his villa at the Western Sea. Concerned that fellow Whiplash operative Tuden Sal might attempt to assassinate the Emperor, leading to a severe crackdown on Whiplash, Haus chose to withhold this information. However, Sal discovered the Emperor's plans and confronted Haus, who admitted his silence was to protect Whiplash. Suspecting Haus was now under suspicion himself, Sal expelled him from Whiplash.
Despite being ousted at Sal's insistence, Haus remained convinced that targeting the Emperor would be a disastrous error. To this end, he held several private discussions with poetess Sheel Mafeen, another member of Whiplash. Mafeen shared Sal's plans for attacking the Emperor with Haus. Despite his repeated warnings to Sal and his promise not to interfere, Haus resolved to arrest Sal to prevent the attack. Haus summoned a tactical unit, informing them of a raid on a dangerous criminal hideout. In collaboration with the tactical unit and his lieutenant, Kalibar Droosh, Haus feigned following Mafeen to the platform of Whiplash's maglev train, a plan they had already discussed. However, the maglev train never arrived. Haus deduced that Sal had misled Mafeen and suspected Haus's intentions to intervene. The tactical unit, led by Sergeant Amry and Lieutenant Droosh, discovered an abandoned maglev car. Alarmed, Haus ordered an evacuation of the area, but the train car detonated, injuring several officers. Fearing the worst, Haus rushed to the Emperor's villa, only to find that Whiplash's assassination attempt had already failed. Despite being turned away by ISB security, Haus observed the bodies of Whiplash operatives and realized that most of the Whiplash council and many of their key members were dead.

Haus returned to the site of the destroyed maglev train, where the Forensics Unit was examining the wreckage. He began searching for the remaining Whiplash train, locating it further down the tracks. Upon entering, he found and confronted Sal, who was hiding in his room. As Sal expressed his contempt for Haus and himself, Lieutenant Droosh, who had secretly followed Haus, surprised both men. Droosh revealed his long-held suspicions about Haus's unusual activities and declared his intention to arrest him and hand him over to the ISB. However, Sal fatally shot Droosh before he could do so, but was himself mortally wounded. Sal instructed Haus to conceal the evidence before dying. Together with Mafeen, Haus recovered crucial data from the train and disposed of it in the lower levels before reporting the events to Pavan. Together, they resolved to ensure Whiplash's survival and began the process of rebuilding the resistance network.
By 1 BBY, Moff Kadir assumed command of the CSF. His predecessor had been executed for requesting more personnel, and Kadir faced similar challenges with limited resources and troops. Disgruntled with the Sith, Kadir and other high-ranking Imperial officers conspired to assassinate Emperor Palpatine using specially trained clones and seize control of the Empire; however, the plot failed, resulting in Kadir's death. After the failed plot, a commissioner was appointed to lead the CSF, replacing the Moff position. In 0 ABY, two officers responded to a shootout at Landing Platform DDF453-17 involving stormtroopers and smuggler Han Solo. The officers requested reinforcements but were ordered to stand down, as the incident was deemed an Imperial matter. In 4 ABY, the security forces were attacked by angry mobs, incited by news of Palpatine's death at the Battle of Endor. During the subsequent uprising, many lives were lost as Director of Imperial Intelligence Ysanne Isard took control of the security forces and restored order to the planet.
In 6 ABY, the New Republic captured Coruscant from Imperial forces. During the battle, sixteen of the galaxy's most notorious criminals, freed from the prison colony of Kessel by the New Republic, were released on Coruscant. Their criminal activities and riots diverted CSF stormtroopers and other security forces, aiding the New Republic's capture of the planet. Following the New Republic's victory, the Krytos virus, a biological weapon deployed by Ysanne Isard, was unleashed on Coruscant, targeting the planet's non-human population. The only cure was bacta, and as supplies dwindled, a black market emerged to meet the demand. While most of the Imperial bureaucracy remained intact, the New Republic Provisional Council rejected the use of stormtroopers, leading to the disbandment of the Constabulary stormtroopers and Coruscant Guard. Faced with a crisis and the need for law enforcement, the Provisional Council ordered the creation of the New Republic Security Force, though it would take time to establish the new agency. In the meantime, former Corellian Moff Fliry Vorru offered to provide law enforcement in the Coruscant Underworld. He declined the position of Coruscant Constabulary Commissioner, and instead, with the Provisional Council's reluctant approval, was granted the rank of Colonel in the Coruscant Constabulary and established the Imperial Center People's Militia to "police" the Coruscant underworld. However, Vorru became a pawn of Ysanne Isard and fled the planet with her shortly afterward. Soon after, the name Coruscant Constabulary was replaced with Coruscant Security, which was reinstated as the primary law enforcement agency on Coruscant.
Prior to the wedding of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Jedi Mara Jade in 20 ABY, Princess Leia Organa Solo, Jade, and several friends were traveling in an airspeeder through Galactic City for shopping, escorted by two Coruscant Security units on speeder bikes. A group led by ex-Moff Derran Takkar, seeking to disrupt the wedding, noted the loose security and the officers' ability to intercept any approach. Takkar later infiltrated the wedding through Coruscant's sewers, where he killed two patrolling Coruscant Security officers who spotted him but were unable to react quickly enough.

In 23 ABY, the CSF was involved in a military incident between the New Republic Defense Fleet and the Second Imperium—a splinter faction of the Imperial Remnant led by the Dark Jedi Brakiss and the Nightsisters Tamith Kai. Seeking to reclaim the galaxy, they learned of the bulk cruiser Adamant, which was transporting turbolasers and hyperdrive cores to Coruscant. Commanded by Admiral Gial Ackbar, the Adamant was guarded by fourteen corvettes and numerous X-wings and E-wings, which escorted the cruiser to Coruscant before transferring it to the CSF. During the brief handover, a Second Imperium Imperial Assault Shuttle, cloaked by the Shadow Academy's technology, attacked the Adamant, with the shuttle's crew boarding the cruiser. Despite calling for CSF assistance, the crew was forced to abandon ship in escape pods. New Republic and CSF forces attempted to intercept the hijacked Adamant, but the cruiser successfully escaped.
The Yuuzhan Vong War began in 25 ABY with the invasion of the galaxy by the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong. Viewing the Jedi as their greatest threat, the Yuuzhan Vong offered peace in exchange for the New Republic handing over the Jedi, leading to increased public anti-Jedi sentiment. By 26 ABY, this sentiment had grown so strong that Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya ordered the arrest of Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker. As they attempted to flee Coruscant aboard the Jade Shadow, a CSF captain ordered them to halt. Luke refused, and they were pursued by four CSF interceptors. No one was killed, and the Jedi escaped due to the intervention of Rogue Squadron, who forced the CSF interceptors to withdraw.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the New Republic established the Coruscant Planetary Defense Force (PDF) as a sister agency to the CSF, primarily focused on the military defense of Coruscant. During the Battle of Coruscant, the New Republic fleet was separated from Coruscant, leaving the planet's defense to the PDF and CSF, along with a few New Republic fighters. Coruscant's defenses quickly collapsed—the planetary shield, orbital defense platforms, and the Orbital Defense Headquarters were soon destroyed, and the fighting reached the planet's surface. Although the PDF and CSF continued to fight from rooftops and airspeeders, most were overwhelmed. Survivors evacuated the planet or retreated into the substructures until Coruscant was recaptured by the Galactic Alliance in 29 ABY.
Following the Yuuzhan Vong War, the CSF was re-established under the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. The CSF was later drawn into the conflict between the Galactic Alliance and Corellia, which arose from Corellia's demands for greater independence, refusal to pay Galactic Alliance taxes or provide military recruits, and simultaneous exploitation of Galactic Alliance infrastructure and trade benefits. CSF officers were present at the Senate Building during a demonstration by Corellian supporters, but the protest remained peaceful. After a bomb exploded in The Elite Hotel, the CSF, under the command of Captain Lon Shevu, responded and launched an immediate investigation into the incident, which claimed the lives of 634 civilians. Shevu coordinated the response to the bombing at the Strategic Center, the emergency response center for Galactic City located beneath the Senate Building, along with members of Coruscant Fire and Rescue, Coruscant Air Traffic Control, medcenter managers, and members of the Galactic City Authority.
Later, Corellian militants attacked Coruscant's water supply, contaminating half of central Coruscant's water. Despite CSF warnings against using the water, the attack caused 456 deaths and left over 5,000 beings with nerve damage. In response, a riot broke out at the Corellian Embassy. The CSF mobilized by establishing a police line to protect the embassy, redirecting traffic, and deploying an assault ship. However, the riot intensified with the CSF's efforts to suppress it, eventually leading to the use of tear gas to disperse the crowds. During the incident, Jedi apprentice Ben Skywalker, curious about the Corellians' condition, visited the Corellian Quarter, where he witnessed a friend drawing a blaster and aiming it at one of the police officers. His eyes burning from the tear gas, Skywalker deflected the blaster bolt with his lightsaber, saving the officer's life and preventing further escalation. The police officer pulled the young Jedi to safety, as he was disoriented from the tear gas. Following the contamination attack and riot, the CSF doubled its police patrols in Galactic City.
Following the riot, Galactic Alliance Chief of State Cal Omas offered Jedi Knight Jacen Solo a commission as a colonel and command of the CSF's Anti-Terrorist Unit. However, Solo believed that using civilian police for secret police duties would hinder regular police work. It was decided that an agency politically separate from the CSF would be best suited to round up and intern Corellian suspects and combat terrorist threats by Corellians on Coruscant. Consequently, the Galactic Alliance Guard was formed, with Jacen Solo as its commander. The CSF's first operation with the GAG was in Jabi Town in the Corellian district of Galactic City. They blocked off several skylane intersections with CSF traffic division repulsorlift ships before beginning the operation. The CSF nicknamed the GAG troopers "stormies" after their actions during the raid, drawing a comparison to the stormtroopers of the Empire.

Three days into the Galactic Alliance's Blockade of Corellia, another large protest occurred outside the Senate Building. The CSF positioned its police line to protect the Senate Building and separate the pro-Corellian and Coruscanti protesters. The scene escalated into violence as the groups clashed, turning the protest into a riot. The riot was eventually dispersed with tear gas and other police actions. However, more rioting broke out in a commercial zone of Galactic City, requiring the CSF to redeploy. As the conflict with Corellia intensified into the Second Galactic Civil War, the CSF took less direct action against Corellian terrorist activities, as the GAG took over those operations. Instead, the CSF focused on regular police duties, including breaking up demonstrations and providing the GAG with intelligence and other support.
During the war, Grand Master Luke Skywalker asked Jedi Master Tresina Lobi to monitor his son, Ben Skywalker, who was apprenticed to Jacen Solo. Master Skywalker was concerned about Solo's methods and actions as the leader of the GAG, as well as Ben's involvement. However, while following Ben one night, Master Lobi was ambushed and killed by the Dark Lady of the Sith Lumiya and Dark Jedi Alema Rar. The CSF notified Luke Skywalker and his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker, of the Jedi's death and requested their presence at the crime scene. They found two detectives, Gwad Raatu and Chal Tozr, and several crime scene investigation droids. The Jedi and CSF detectives agreed to collaborate on finding the killer. They tracked Lumiya to an apartment, successfully entered, but found it empty and rigged with traps. Using the Law Enforcement Tools Provision, Detective Raatu sliced into the apartment's central comm port.
Meanwhile, the CSF Chief of Detectives had dispatched detectives to investigate the murders of several Bothans, including a Bothan ambassador. When Detectives Raatu and Tozr sliced into Lumiya's comm port, they discovered her responsibility for the Bothans' murders. The detectives also found that the apartment was a GAG safe house. The fact that the GAG was behind the murders of the Bothans alarmed the detectives, especially when the comm port announced that their inquiries were being recorded by the GAG. Realizing the situation was beyond their control, the detectives formally closed the case on the murdered Jedi, leaving the Skywalkers to deal with the GAG.
The CSF was responsible for protecting the Chief of State, serving as bodyguards both on and off-planet. When Jacen Solo grew suspicious of Chief of State Cal Omas, he had the GAG relieve the CSF of this responsibility, allowing the GAG to better monitor Omas. Over the course of the war, Jacen Solo had turned to the dark side of the Force and became the Sith Lord Darth Caedus. Through a bloodless coup during which Omas was arrested by the GAG for treason, Caedus and Admiral Cha Niathal became Co-Chiefs of State of the Galactic Alliance, although Caedus retained direct control of the GAG. Shortly after the coup, the CSF received an alert about an intruder in Cal Omas's apartment, where he was under house arrest. Caedus had suggested to Ben Skywalker that Omas was responsible for the recent murder of his mother, Mara Jade, leading Skywalker to break into Omas's apartment to kill him. While Omas and Skywalker spoke, the CSF attempted to enter the locked-down apartment without success. During their conversation, Skywalker realized that Omas was not to blame, but Omas knew that a fake death would not deceive Darth Caedus and impaled himself on Skywalker's lightsaber. When the CSF officers finally breached the door, they threw two stun grenades into the room, but Skywalker used the Force to send them back out, stunning the officers and allowing him to escape. Omas, meanwhile, had rigged himself to a bomb that would detonate upon his death. The CSF officers in the lobby saw Skywalker running toward them and attempted to stop him, but he convinced them to leave before the bomb exploded.

Following the death of Caedus, the Galactic Alliance Guard (GAG) was dissolved once the war concluded. A couple of years later, specifically two years later, Grand Master Luke Skywalker was accused of failing to prevent Caedus' actions and, as a consequence, was subjected to banishment. Simultaneously, several Jedi within the New Jedi Order began to experience a mental disorder known as Force psychosis, which caused them to have the false belief that everyone, except those afflicted by the same psychosis, had been replaced by imposters. Consequently, they launched unprovoked attacks on their families, friends, and even strangers, resulting in damage to the surrounding environment. In 43.5 ABY, Jedi Knight Sothais Saar succumbed to the psychosis and was subsequently apprehended by Jedi Master Cilghal. Natasi Daala, the Chief of State, promptly dispatched Coruscant Security Force (CSF) officers to the Jedi Temple. Upon arrival, the officers were met by a group of Jedi at the Temple's entrance, who denied them entry and refused to surrender Saar. Due to this refusal, Daala gave the order for a raid on the Jedi Temple carried out by Mandalorian commandos.
Subsequently, an individual fraudulently used the identity of CSF "Captain Koltstan" to authorize the funeral procession for Admiral Cha Niathal. Niathal had taken her own life after Daala ordered her arrest and trial for actions committed during the recent war. An expedited investigation revealed that no officer by the name of "Captain Koltstan" existed within the CSF. As a result, Daala instructed the CSF to uncover the true identity of the person who had financed the procession. Despite their failure to prevent the death of Cal Omas, the CSF continued to provide protection to the Chief of State through bodyguards and intelligence. Niathal's suicide led to a significant decline in Daala's public approval ratings. Consequently, the CSF's protection division assessed that Daala might become a target for attack and recommended that she abstain from attending the funeral. Daala initially hesitated, but Wynn Dorvan, her Chief of Staff, persuaded her to heed the CSF's advice. The CSF reported a substantial increase in the threat level directed at the Chief of State during the procession. Shortly thereafter, the responsibility for protecting the Chief of State was transferred to Galactic Alliance Security.
While in exile, Skywalker, accompanied by his son Ben, encountered a clandestine Sith order called the Lost Tribe of Sith, as well as a dark side entity referred to as Abeloth. In their pursuit of both, they discovered a scheme to seize control of the Galactic Alliance. Following Daala's removal from her position and Skywalker's return from exile, the Jedi Order formally relocated from Coruscant with the intention of drawing the Sith to the planet. Simultaneously, Abeloth had taken control of the Lost Tribe and continued the Sith infiltration of the Galactic Alliance Senate and other vital positions, including a Superintendent of the GAS and the Grand Justice of the High Court. The Sith had previously established BAMR News to bolster their activities and discredit the Jedi, a strategy they continued by falsely accusing the Jedi of involvement in a major spice trafficking ring. Disguised as the newly appointed Senator Rokari Kem, Abeloth successfully secured election as Chief of State and assumed control of the GA government. The Jedi Order and several GA government officials who were aware of the situation, who called themselves Club Bwua'tu, initiated plans to reclaim Coruscant from the Sith.

Exercising caution, the Jedi discreetly returned to Coruscant, employing disguises to avoid detection by Sith operatives who had infiltrated the Coruscanti Immigration Service. Having previously identified their targets, the Jedi neutralized several Sith who held influential positions within the government. Abeloth, enraged by the attacks and acting on the advice of Wynn Dorvan, whom she held captive, ordered the remaining Sith to fortify themselves within the Jedi Temple. As this plan had been previously discussed by Wynn Dorvan and members of Club Bwua'tu, the Jedi proceeded to assault the Temple, accompanied by the Galactic Alliance Marines. During the assault, several hundred Sith managed to escape into the city. Amidst the confusion generated by BMAR news reports alleging that the attacks on the Sith were a consequence of the Jedi's involvement in the spice ring, the CSF's initial response was limited. As the Sith began to perpetrate acts of terror on Coruscant, including the destruction of seven hundred buildings and causing over three million deaths, the CSF began to assist the Jedi. CSF officers provided the Jedi with information regarding suspicious activities and, in some instances, actively engaged the Sith in combat. However, despite the support of Special Weapons Teams, only twenty-two Sith were killed, while the Jedi suffered fifteen casualties and the CSF suffered casualties in the thousands. With the death of Abeloth at the hands of Luke Skywalker, the Sith were defeated, and Coruscant was liberated. In the aftermath, as the planet had sustained extensive damage, particularly in the lower levels, Galactic Alliance and Coruscanti emergency services and government agencies commenced efforts to stabilize the planet and provide care for the casualties.
Later in the same year, security personnel were dispatched to a pedestrian market in response to a reported altercation. Upon arrival, the first officer discovered two bodies that witnesses claimed had been killed by a Jedi. Shortly thereafter, a speeder detonated as it attempted to exit the parking area. Unbeknownst to the security officers and witnesses, the individual posing as a Jedi was actually Wraith Squadron commander Garik "Face" Loran in disguise. The assassins had been tailing him with the intention of eliminating him, but Loran, utilizing the Jedi disguise, preemptively killed them. The speeder also belonged to Loran, who had entered it after discarding his Jedi disguise. Although another assassin had observed Loran entering the speeder and security personnel later discovered trace evidence of Loran in the speeder's wreckage, Loran managed to escape before the explosion occurred.
The nature of police work on Coruscant was inherently dangerous, especially in the lower levels, resulting in numerous officers being injured or killed while performing their duties. CSF police officers were typically known as tough and uncompromising. While the majority of officers faithfully executed their responsibilities, a select few had bounties placed on their heads by criminals seeking retribution. Conversely, other officers had bounties placed on them for failing to meet their financial obligations or uphold agreements made with criminal organizations or other businesses.

During the Cold War era, Winborn held the rank of captain within the CSF. By 3643 BBY, he also served as the Chief of the CSF, reporting to Senator Vanara Kayl, who headed Coruscant's government. However, the captain preferred to distance himself from the political infighting on Coruscant, focusing instead on the practical aspects of police work. Nevertheless, he felt discouraged by the CSF's ongoing struggles with gangs on Coruscant. His belief was that the CSF's primary focus should be maintaining peace, rather than engaging in open warfare with crime syndicates that had taken control of several sectors of Galactic City. Despite this, Winborn was not averse to personally leading his men during confrontations. He commanded an assault on the Migrant Merchants' Guild's base of operations in the Old Galactic Market. During the engagement, an individual assisted him in preventing a terrorist attack aimed at destroying the skylanes surrounding the Senate Building. Following the confrontation, a recording of Senator Kayl was discovered, revealing an argument with the leader of the Merchant Guild. The Guild was blackmailing Kayl for accepting funds and using them to secure her election. In response, Kayl dispatched the CSF to expel the Merchant Guild, demonstrating that she would not succumb to blackmail. Winborn deemed the issue too politically sensitive for him to address and instead requested that the individual who had aided him in the skirmish confront the senator.

Denal-zon, a Zabrak, held the rank of captain during the Cold War. He was tasked with investigating the theft of several valuable chips belonging to Senator Doli-bur Barc. His investigation revealed that the chips were designed to power slaving collars. He also discovered that members of the Migrant Merchants' Guild criminal gang had stolen the chips. With the CSF engaged in a conflict with the Guild in an effort to remove them from Coruscant's Old Galactic Market sector, Denal-zon was unable to recover the collars, and the investigation subsequently stalled. However, given that slave collars and the chips that powered them were illegal in the Republic under Republic Law 44-12, Denal-zon felt little sympathy for the Senator's predicament. He firmly believed in the importance of regulations and the rule of law, which he frequently cited. His adherence to the law also contributed to his strong sense of right and wrong, which he refused to compromise.

Theraguin, a Human, held the rank of captain during the Cold War. Following the Sacking of Coruscant, the CSF struggled to maintain order and eventually requested support from the Republic Military. However, significant portions of the planet were lost to gangs, which consolidated into the Black Sun criminal syndicate. The CSF, having suffered casualties both during the sacking and in the years that followed, largely abandoned the area, retreating to police vital government and commercial districts. Theraguin, a veteran police officer, was one of the few, if not the only, officer who continued to operate in the Black Sun Territory, as most officers, including his superior, had abandoned it. Driven to alleviate the suffering of the locals, Theraguin defied Black Sun's thugs and ventured beyond the CSF's barricades into the territory. He even risked his life to defuse explosive devices planted by Black Sun to kill refugees. However, the violence and despair within the Black Sun Territory left Theraguin frustrated. He sarcastically referred to himself as the "last officer on the job" in that sector. Like many of his fellow veteran officers, Theraguin had joined the CSF to maintain peace. However, the years following the Sacking of Coruscant brought with them a brutal form of urban warfare, for which Theraguin and the CSF were not trained. Despite recognizing his limitations, Theraguin continued to operate in the Black Sun Territory, undeterred by the challenges.

Doorn, a Human, achieved the rank of lieutenant prior to the Great Galactic War. During the Cold War period that followed the war, Doorn was stationed in the Black Sun Territory. The assignment was challenging, characterized by constant street warfare against the Black Sun crime syndicate. At one point, he was tasked with securing plans for Coruscant's secret tunnels. Collaborating with Agent Fieler Dan of the Strategic Information Service, Doorn traced the plans to Coruscant's Justicars' Sector. When Dan failed to contact Doorn, he dispatched a Republic individual after her, who successfully located the plans. Although he had once taken pride in both his job and his rank, he no longer felt the same way by the time of the Cold War. Like his fellow veteran officers, Doorn felt burned out and disillusioned. The constant street warfare had negatively impacted living conditions, affecting officers as much as civilians. In Doorn's view, police work no longer served to maintain peace but had instead become a difficult job with inadequate compensation.

Nidaljo was a Human sergeant within the CSF during the Cold War. In the wake of the Sacking of Coruscant and Black Sun's ascent to power, the Special Tactical Unit, comprising CSF officers and Republic soldiers, was established with Nidaljo as its commanding officer. The Unit's objective was to enhance the CSF's capabilities in combating Black Sun. However, a decade after the Sacking of Coruscant, the CSF had made minimal progress, frustrating both Nidaljo and his men. Nidaljo and his unit were deployed into Black Sun's territory to aid in the retrieval of Republic scientist Doctor Tarnis and the Planet Prison superweapon. During the fighting, Nidaljo lost four of his men, and seven others were killed. With his remaining forces surrounded, Nidaljo saw little chance of escape and felt embittered by the apparent futility of the conflict with Black Sun. When the Jedi arrived to provide assistance, they were able to rally Nidaljo and his men to break through Black Sun's forces. The skirmish resulted in the death of Black Sun's leader, Salarr. This blow to Black Sun instilled in Nidaljo a renewed sense of purpose, and although unable to retain possession of the territory, he and his men set about the task of setting up booby traps for Black Sun.

Stansun, a Human, served as a police officer with the Coruscant Security Force. During the Cold War, Stansun was stationed in the Black Sun Territory. Despite maintaining a positive outlook, Stansun was frustrated by the lack of progress in combating the Black Sun criminal syndicate. He had made several unsuccessful attempts to shut down an illegal surgery clinic before enlisting the assistance of a Republic individual. The individual was able to infiltrate the clinic, defeat Black Sun's thugs and several droids, and download a list of criminals on whom the clinic's droids had performed operations. The list was then provided to Stansun, enabling the CSF to identify the criminals' faces and track them down. While he maintained a positive attitude, Stansun was realistic about the conflict between the police and Black Sun. Despite the CSF seemingly losing the battle, Stansun remained determined to persevere. He was confident that with Black Sun's demise, peace could be restored to Coruscant.

Officer Mal, a Human, was stationed in the Old Galactic Market commercial district of Galactic City. Following a series of riots, the Old Galactic Market had been overrun by refugees and a criminal organization known as the Migrant Merchants' Guild. While the Guild claimed to protect the interests of the refugees, it was in reality engaged in demanding protection money and participating in illegal activities such as money laundering and smuggling. Although the CSF had managed to reclaim a portion of the Galactic Market, the majority remained under the Guild's control. On one occasion, a Nautolan named Nik Deleru reported to Mal that his mate, Ria Deleru, had been abducted by the Guild. Nik requested Mal's assistance in rescuing her; however, Mal lacked sufficient manpower to enter the Guild-controlled area and retrieve Ria. Mal was dedicated to his job and believed it was his duty to provide protection. Faced with the struggles of the refugees, Mal reasoned that since they had no legitimate reason to reside in the Old Galactic Market, any situation in which they became involved was partially of their own making. The refugees, in turn, blamed the CSF for failing to stop the Guild. Despite being blamed for their problems by the refugees, Mal nevertheless cared for their plight. However, due to the CSF's lack of manpower and resources, he was unable to intervene and assist the refugees with issues involving the Guild. This led Mal to become frustrated with the Guild, the refugees, and his inability to take action.

Anstiss was a Zabrak officer. She was assigned the task of apprehending a Houk criminal named Gambo. However, Gambo was known to be a brutal Black Sun enforcer and murderer, and Anstiss was to arrest him by herself. She made several attempts to arrest Gambo inside the Dealer's Den Cantina in the Old Galactic Market sector but was unable to subdue Gambo. On her final attempt Gambo beat her severely, nearly killing her. With that, Anstiss retreated to outside the cantina and called for backup. Despite her pleasant attitude, Anstiss believed she had made some enemies at CSF Headquarters as she had been assigned the task of arresting Gambo by herself. She was also a courageous person, as she went ahead to try to arrest Gambo knowing that he would probably be too much for her. Yet her somewhat stubborn will did not let her give up, and she was determined to not let him out of her sight while she waited for backup.

Folaris was a Human police officer working as an undercover agent in the Black Sun Territory. Around 3643 BBY, Folaris discovered that the Black Sun criminal syndicate was planning to purge several members—informants and rival gang leaders—it suspected of undermining its operations. Folaris wanted access to that list so that the persons targeted could be warned. However, she also saw an opportunity in selling the list: if the names went public, the targeted persons would possibly be warned and Folaris would be able to supplement her income. A Republic individual whom Folaris had recruited to help her convinced her not to sell the list but turn it over to her superiors. She served with determination, if also frustration. Folaris felt that for the risks she was asked to take, she was not compensated financially enough to make the effort worth it. Though Folaris claimed loyalty to the people of Coruscant, she also had a certain amount of personal greed. When the opportunity came to sell the list of Black Sun targets, Folaris jumped at the chance, despite her duty as a cop. However, Folaris was not so consumed by her resentment and greed that it took much convincing for her to abandon her scheme.

A young Human, Jaffkee became a police officer with the Coruscant Security Force, which, at the time, had undergone severe hardships. The Sith Empire's Sacking of Coruscant and the immediate aftermath of rioting and looting had drained the CSF in lives lost and in resources. He eventually attained the rank of Agent and was sent as an undercover operative to the Justicars' Sector to try to plant listening devices and monitor Justicar communications. However, the Justicars had set up several jamming devices that prevented Jaffkee from monitoring them. It was then that Jaffkee met a Republic individual who offered to assist Jaffkee in disabling the jamming devices. Dedicated to his job and displaying enthusiasm for it, Jaffkee remained at his post in the Justicar sector despite the constant threat of discovery and ultimately death. Despite his young age and enthusiasm, Jaffkee displayed the characteristic bitterness of many of the CSF's younger officers and recruits. The resentment came about as the Republic put greater emphasis on allocating money and manpower for the military and not the CSF.
Yur T'aug was a Bothan captain and a police officer in the CSF around ten years before the Trade Federation's 32 BBY blockade of Naboo. He was very dedicated to the CSF, and was reluctant to share information with outsiders, including the Jedi. Quick to establish the CSF's authority in an investigation, T'aug was also realistic in agreeing, albeit reluctantly, to outside help when dealing with a situation beyond his abilities. T'aug held strong principles of loyalty, honor, and responsibility, and stood by his actions even if it meant defying the law to a certain extent. When confronted by Obi-Wan Kenobi as to why he had dropped the investigation of Ren S'orn, the Captain openly refused to answer, even though the CSF was required to cooperate with the Jedi. However, T'aug also had a keen sense of justice, and when Kenobi pointed that out, the Captain agreed to answer the Jedi's questions. T'aug sometimes came across as tough and mean, but he had a sense of empathy for the victims of crimes; he dropped the Ren investigation in order to spare Ren's mother from further pain.

Jaller Obrim began as a Senate Guard, and during the Clone Wars, he was transferred to and placed in command of the CSF's Anti-Terrorism Unit. While there, he formed a close relationship with Kal Skirata and several of the clone commandos. Together, they were able to arrest and destroy a terror network on Coruscant. Although Obrim was a dedicated police officer, he was not above bending or breaking the rules if he felt that it was the right thing to do. Due to his high position in law enforcement, he was capable of helping Skirata's black ops mishaps disappear from official records. On one occasion, he used his authority to escort an injured Fi out of a hospital as a favor for Skirata. Obrim was one of the few non-clones trusted with Skirata's plans to help clone troopers desert from the Grand Army of the Republic. Although he refused to hear specifics for reasons of deniability, he helped Skirata and his clan escape when Palpatine issued a warrant for the arrest of Skirata. Obrim was also well aware of the dangers of being a police officer on Coruscant, and he had a security system in his house to protect his family from the many enemies he had made during his tenure.

Tan Divo served as an inspector for the CSF during the Clone Wars, holding the rank of lieutenant. A dedicated law officer, Divo believed that without rules, order could not exist. Throughout his investigation of the murder of Senator Onaconda Farr, Divo went by the book. He was very annoyed when Senator Padmé Amidala did not inform him that she was conducting her own private investigation, and felt that her actions were thus out of line since he was the investigator and she was not. Divo had a dry sense of humor, and was very logical and analytical. When he believed that he had the right answer based on the evidence, he would pursue it with enthusiasm, sometimes to the point of blindness for other theories. As with most police officers, he showed a dislike for paperwork.

By 1 BBY, Kadir held the Imperial rank of Moff, overseeing the Coruscant Security Force (CSF) and its associated stormtrooper legions. This ambitious Imperial official harbored resentment towards anyone who dared to question his decisions. An incident arose when Darth Vader, impressed by their marksmanship, commanded an entire stormtrooper battalion to accompany Grand Moff Tarkin to the Death Star. Kadir vehemently protested, arguing that these troops were integral to the CSF's operations. However, Vader's threat of execution swiftly silenced Kadir, who reluctantly conceded, though his animosity towards the Sith festered. He then became involved in a clandestine plot with Grand Moffs Trachta and Bartam, General Skosef, and an assassin named Gauer, their collective goal being the assassination of both the Emperor and Darth Vader. Kadir's skill in manipulating individuals and political situations was on display as he remained in the shadows during the power struggle between Trachta and Bartam. Gauer eventually murdered Trachta, and Skosef eliminated Bartam, only to be killed himself by a stormtrooper guard. Kadir then assumed command of the conspiracy, a scheme that aimed to use clone stormtroopers who were not loyal to the Emperor to overthrow Palpatine and Vader. However, the Royal Guard and Palpatine himself killed most of the stormtroopers, causing the plot to fail. Consumed by the desire to kill Palpatine, Kadir fired a blaster at him, but the shot missed, and the Emperor retaliated by executing the Moff with Force lightning.
Captain Lon Shevu was in charge of Galactic City's emergency response center before his transfer to the Galactic Alliance Guard (GAG). Known for his dedication, Shevu never hesitated when facing difficult situations. He possessed strong beliefs regarding the treatment of suspects and the proper functioning of a police force. Shevu disapproved of Jacen Solo's methods, which included treating the fourteen-year-old Ben Skywalker as an adult and employing brutal interrogation tactics, leading to constant clashes between them. This eventually led him to become a double agent, using his high-ranking position within the GAG to gather intelligence on Solo for Cha Niathal and the Jedi. Shevu longed to return to his former position with the CSF. However, Sith apprentice Tahiri Veila accidentally killed him by unleashing Force lightning in an attempt to coerce Ben Skywalker into revealing information.
Chal Tozr, a male Bith detective, served with the CSF during the Galactic Alliance era. While he worked well with his partner, Gwad Raatu, Tozr often grew irritated and lost patience with Raatu, particularly due to Raatu's arrogance and excessive suspicion of others. Tozr and Raatu investigated the murder of Jedi Master Tresina Lobi. When Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker offered assistance, Tozr readily accepted, recognizing the need for all available help to confront whoever had managed to kill a Jedi Master. Both Tozr and his partner were acutely aware of the GAG's influence. When the investigation led them to a building registered to the GAG, the detectives grew apprehensive, feeling the situation was beyond their capabilities.
Gwad Raatu, a Rodian, worked as a detective for the CSF during the Galactic Alliance's rule. He was known for frequently suspecting everyone around him and for his pride in both his detective skills and the CSF's authority on Coruscant. These traits made him naturally wary of Jedi. Raatu also possessed a cynical outlook on life, which manifested as a dry sense of humor. His partner often grew annoyed by these characteristics and attitudes, serving as a moderating influence on Raatu. As a Rodian, Raatu's hunting instincts proved valuable in his detective work, and he enjoyed pursuing leads and suspects.
The Coruscant Security Force initially appeared in three novels from the X-Wing series, penned by Michael A. Stackpole. Initially referred to as the "Coruscant Constabulary," they featured in X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble, X-Wing: The Krytos Trap, and X-Wing: The Bacta War, released on May 2, 1996, October 2, 1996, and February 6, 1997, respectively. Wedge's Gamble specifically noted the Coruscant Constabulary's collaboration with stormtroopers to maintain security on the capital. However, the "civilian" constabulary seemed intended as a relatively small force, unable to independently handle policing duties. The loss of stormtroopers augmenting security became a critical plot element in The Krytos Trap. This was retconned by the 1997 special edition of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, which presented the CSF's first visual depiction through brief shots of a stormtrooper under attack by rebelling Coruscanti citizens. This storyline continued in the comic series Star Wars: Mara Jade – By the Emperor's Hand, which began publication in 1998. It explained that Ysanne Isard seized control of Coruscant's security forces and violently suppressed the revolt using Coruscant security stormtroopers.

The CSF reappeared and were first identified as the "Coruscant security force(s)" within the Shadows of Coruscant section of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, published in November of 2000. The Jedi Apprentice books The Deadly Hunter (December 2000) and The Evil Experiment (February 2001) were the first novels to expand the CSF beyond a brief mention and included police officers as part of the main storyline. They also referred to the CSF as "Coruscant security force" or "Coruscant security" using lowercase letters. These books were closely followed by Edge of Victory II: Rebirth (July 2001), which established the continued existence of the CSF (named as "Coruscant Security", uppercase) during the New Jedi Order era, after the capture of Coruscant by the New Republic. Though not mentioned by name, in the film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones which was released on May 16, 2002, Anakin Skywalker states that protection is supposed to be the job of the "local security."
In the December 2002 Star Wars: Bounty Hunter video game, the CSF became a major character in the overall story. In the Star Wars: Bounty Hunter: Prima's Official Strategy Guide (published in November prior to the game's release), they were identified as the "Coruscant Security Police Force". However, during the game they were simply referred to as the "Coruscant Police Force" or "Coruscant Police". The comic series Star Wars: Empire: Betrayal, published from September 2002 to January 2003, continued building on the story of stormtroopers on Coruscant who were assigned to the CSF (referred to as "Coruscant Security") along with the civilian police officers versus the palace guard stormtroopers and other military detachments. The series also added an extra dimension to the relationship of Coruscant Security with the rest of the military and the Empire. It established a history of rebellion by the Coruscant Security leadership. This theme also was later expanded in the Databank entry for Tian Chyler and other later published material.
The CSF was mentioned in three novels (as "Coruscant Security") by Jude Watson: Legacy of the Jedi (August 1, 2003), Jedi Quest: The School of Fear (February 1, 2003), and Jedi Quest: The False Peace (July 2004); however, they did not play another major role in a work until 2006. That year, publication began on the Republic Commando series and the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series. The Republic Commando series was written by Karen Traviss, and beginning with the first novel, Triple Zero, it first used "Coruscant Security Force" as the full official name as well as establishing the "CSF" abbreviation. The Republic Commando series delved deeper into the CSF's ranks, presenting new characters and revealing the loyalties that many CSF police officers had for the clone troopers during the last days of the Old Republic, as well as their resentment of Palpatine. The CSF was written as a dedicated and hardworking police force that was nevertheless barely able to deal with the threats that a war on the home front presented. This explanation necessitated the intervention of clone troopers and provided the backdrop for much of the clone commandos' activities on Coruscant.
As the Republic Commando series continued, the CSF's strained relationship with the Jedi and Palpatine was further explored. The last novel in the series, Imperial Commando: 501st, published in October 2009, explored the CSF in the early Imperial era. Stripped of much of its power and resources to fight everyday crime, CSF officers' resentment of Palpatine is a recurring theme. The Legacy of the Force series cast the CSF in a similar light as the Republic Commando series. Again facing threats to the home front, the CSF was portrayed as capable of taking action but removed from that responsibility for political reasons. The theme of CSF officers being resentful and at the same time grateful for Jedi assistance was carried over into the series, and a view into the power structure and power struggles on Coruscant was given as well. The second novel in the series, Bloodlines, where much of this played out, was also written by Karen Traviss.
An entry for the CSF appeared in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, released on December 9, 2008. Although brief, it identified them as "Coruscant Security Force (CSF)," confirming both the full name and its abbreviation. However, subsequent novels featuring the CSF diverged significantly from established canon. The Coruscant Nights trilogy, authored by Michael Reaves, which began publication in June 2008 and concluded in January 2009, renamed the CSF as the "Imperial Sector Police," with characters referring to them as "planetary police" or "sector police." Reaves also employed the term "constabulary," a nod to the X-Wing series. Yet, Reaves' sequel novel, The Last Jedi, published on February 26, 2013, reduced the use of "Imperial Sector Police," favoring the term "Coruscant Police" more frequently. Reaves also focused more fully on his police character he had introduced in the triology, Pol Haus, and his efforts to help the underground resistance against Palpatine.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series marked the CSF's first on-screen appearance since the retcon in the special edition of Return of the Jedi. The episode "Lightsaber Lost," which aired in 2010, introduced the police droids. These droids were inspired by the Keystone Kops, a series of silent comedies featuring an inept group of policemen. The droids also played a significant part in the episode "Senate Murders," and the episode's commentary stated that the CSF had used these police droids for a long time before phasing them out by the time of the events of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
"Senate Murders" also introduced Tan Divo, a detective characterized as an "old school," "by the book" officer, albeit with a slightly comical edge. The online Star Wars Encyclopedia entry for Tan Divo identified him as an officer of the "Coruscant Security Force." However, other entries for CSF-related entities, including the Coruscant Underworld Police, the police droids, and the Republic police gunship, referred to the CSF as the "Coruscant Police." The entry for the Republic police gunship, in particular, named it as belonging to the "Coruscant police force" and detailed the relationship between mechanical and organic CSF officers and their Coruscant Guard (clone trooper) counterparts. "Pursuit of Peace" revealed that the CSF's emergency call number was 9–1–1, which is also the emergency number for North America. "Pursuit of Peace" also features a police droid consuming an unidentified liquid. Whether this scene was intended to be taken seriously or as comic relief remains uncertain.

The launch of the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic on December 20, 2011, allowed for exploration of new aspects of the CSF's history. The in-game codex entry for the CSF revealed that they were among the oldest planetary police forces in the Republic and explored their relationship with the Coruscanti citizens. The game was the first time in Star Wars media where the CSF made an extensive and detailed appearance with numerous storylines that explored CSF characters, the opinions, histories, and personalities of those officers, their relationships with citizens and criminals, the history of the CSF as a whole, and their activities and relationship with the government during and after the war. Other details included a new Old Republic era symbol, the title of Chief of Security, a different uniform design, and more. The game also interchangeably referenced the CSF as "Republic Security" and "Coruscant Security" though it never used the actual "CSF" abbreviation. As Coruscant is a Republic "light side" affiliated world, this article assumes that all storylines referenced under the game mechanics section of this article end with the "light side" choice.

While the CSF appeared in the Fate of the Jedi series, notably in Backlash by Aaron Allston and published on March 9, 2010 and Apocalypse by Troy Denning published on March 13, 2012, the usage of its full name as well as the "CSF" abbreviation was not used and the novels returned to referring to the CSF simply as "Coruscant Security" or "Security" as was done prior to the Republic Commando and Legacy of the Force series.